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Новогодняя сказка "Волк, Красная Шапочка и другие животные в канун Нового года"

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Внеклассное  мероприятие  на  английском  языке " The Wolf, Red-Riding-Hood and other animals on New Year's Eve" для учащихся 5-7 классов.  Новогодняя сказка "We'll be happy  this  year". Весёлое представление, нетрудный текст и интересный сюжет сказки понравится ребятам. В сценарии участвуют 12 персонажей.

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«Новогодняя сказка "Волк, Красная Шапочка и другие животные в канун Нового года" »

Сценарий новогодней сказки

«Волк, Красная Шапочка и

другие животные в канун Нового года».

«We Shall Be Happy This Year»

Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке.

Автор - учитель английского языка

«Средней общеобразовательной школы» с. Усть-Вымь,

Республики Коми

Чайкина Евгения Викторовна

A Fairy Tale “The Wolf, Little Red-Riding-Hood and other animals on New Year’s Eve.”

We Shall Be Happy This Year”

The characters: The Wolf, Little Red-Riding-Hood, 3 piglets, 7 little goats

The action takes place in the forest.

The Wolf appears on the stage.

The Wolf: - I’m a wolf. I’m a grey terrible wolf. I’m a horrible wolf. I’m very hungry. I want to eat somebody!

(He sees Red-Riding-Hood and hides behind the trees)

Little Red-Riding-Hood appears on the stage singing a song:

I’ll be happy this year,

I’ll be happy this year,

I’ll be happy, I’ll be happy

I’ll be happy this year! (the melody “Happy birthday to you”)

She sees the Wolf.

Red-Riding-Hood: - Oh, there’s a Wolf! (trembling)

The Wolf: - Oh, is that you, little Red-Riding-Hood? Why will you be happy? What makes you happy? Tell me or I’ll eat you!

Little Red-Riding-Hood: - Oh, don’t eat me, please! I’ll be happy because my mother loves me, my grandmother loves me and I love them very much and I want them to be happy.

The Wolf: - All right, all right. You may go. I won’t eat you. Don’t worry, be happy! (the Wolf hides again)

Three piglets appear on the stage. They are singing a song:

We’ll be happy every day, every day, every day.

Every day we sing and play, every day!

(на мотив песни «Нам не страшен серый волк»)

(They see the Wolf)

- Oh, there is a Wolf, a grey terrible Wolf! We are afraid of him! (trembling)

The Wolf: - Oh, there are three piglets coming here! Hi, guys! You are so fat and delicious! I’ll eat you! But I want to know why you will be happy every day. Tell me!

Three piglets: - Don’t eat us please! We want to be happy every day and we’ll be happy this year because we are going to build a big house, we are going to build a tall house, we are going to build a big tall house on the coast of California. The coast of California is a beautiful sight with big trees and tall trees, big trees and tall trees, big tall trees!

The Wolf: - Oh, California! Such a lovely place, such a lovely place! You may go then! I won’t eat you. Be happy!

Three piglets: - Thank you, dear Wolf! ( to the spectators) -

  • He is not terrible at all! - (to the Wolf) - You are so kind. Be happy too!

Seven little goats appear on the stage:

  • Bea, bea, bea a a… We’ll be happy this year, we’ll be happy this year, we are happy, we are happy, we are happy this year! ( мелодия песни “Happy birthday to you”)

The Wolf: - Oh, dear friends! Here you are! I’ll eat you by all means, I’m very hungry and thirsty. But tell me why you are so happy?

Seven little goats: - Don’t eat us please! We are happy because the sky is so blue, the sun is so bright, spring is very green and summer is very nice, autumn is yellow and winter is really white! We’ll sing a song to you, don’t eat us! (They sing):

The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!

For your friends are my friends and my friends are you friends

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!

- Join our company, be our friend! Let’s be friends! Enjoy life as it is and you’ll be happy too!

The Wolf: - All right, I won’t eat you. (He sings):

I don’t live to eat but I eat to live

I don’t live to eat but I eat to live

I don’t live to eat but I eat to live

I don’t live to eat but I eat to live!

(Мелодия песни «Очи чёрные»)


They sing:

Eat at please, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is

Eat at please, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is!

(Мелодия песни «Свети месяц, светит ясный»)

Little Red-Riding-Hood: - Be happy, dear Wolf! Everything is more beautiful when it is shared with love.

The Wolf: - Thank you, friends! Now I understand that friendship works wonders! (He sings):

- If it takes forever, I will wait for you,

For a thousand summers I will wait for you

Till your back beside me, till I’m holding you

And forever more sharing my love!

(Мелодия песни « Love story»)


We’ll be happy this year,

We’ll be happy this year,

We’ll be happy, we’ll be happy

We’ll be happy this year!

( the melody “Happy birthday to you!”)

To the spectators -


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Новогодняя сказка "Волк, Красная Шапочка и другие животные в канун Нового года"

Автор: Чайкина Евгения Викторовна

Дата: 19.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 132764

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