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Внеклассное мероприятие "Focus on English literature"

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внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку об английских писателях-юбилярах 2022 года.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "Focus on English literature"»

МКОУ «Советская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2

имени Героя Советского Союза Ивана Дмитриевича Занина»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

в 8 классе

«Focus on English literature»

Подготовила: учитель английского

языка Иванцова Т.В.

2021-2022 уч. год

Ход мероприятия

Dear guests, dear girls and boys! Today we'll have an unusual lesson. We'll speak English and Russian as well. We'll speak about English and American writers, whose jubilees are in this year -2022.

American writer Cassandra Clair said: “Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry”

Today we’re going to remember the most famous English and American writers with anniversaries in 2022. And the first one is Charles Dickens.

One of the most widely read English authors of all times C. Dickens is famous for his novels that touch upon the sensitive issues of poverty, child labour and slavery. He was born on 7 February 1812.

Gathering inspiration from his childhood experiences of poverty and insecurity, his novels are usually semi-autobiographical. This author was gifted with a powerful memory, and most of the characters in his novels are based on people he met and got acquainted with. This includes his own parents. His masterpieces are “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield”, “Little Dorrit”, “Great Expectations”. All his writings, whether sad or happy, serious or gay are about ordinary people whose life he knew very well.

John Tolkien was born on 3rd January, 1892. His famous books are “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. Born in South Africa, he spent a happy childhood growing up in the English countryside. His deep love of the rural landscape can clearly be seen in his writings.

Alan Alexander Milne (18th January 1882) was an English author, best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh and for various children’s poems. Milne was a noted writer, primarily as a playwright, before the huge success of Pooh books overshadowed all his previous work.

Milne was born in London. He grew up at Henley House School, a small public school run by his father. One of his teachers was the famous writer Gerbert Wells. Milne joined the British army in World War I and served as an officer.

He married Dorothy in 1913 and their only son Christopher Robin Milne was born in 1920 and became an inspiration for his father. When Christopher Robin was a year old, he was given a stuffed bear. Christopher first named this bear Edward bear. And later Christopher got a tiger, a pig and a donkey. Soon they became the heroes of Milne’s books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh.

In 1925 Milne bought a country house in East Sussex. During World War II Milne was the Captain. He retired to the farm after a stroke and brain surgery left him an invalid.

One of the famous American writers, O.Henry, was one of the representatives of the American short story genre. He was one of the famous American writers, master of short stories. You will know about his real name, his hard life, about why and where he began to write his stories, funny, sad and moving. Besides you will learn what caused him to write them, about his manner of writing. You will read to a story and answer my questions.

Кто он, этот человек, неистощимый на выдумки рассказчик, почему до конца своих дней он сторонился людей и не любил пристального к себе внимания? Почему писателю приходилось скрывать свое прошлое? Об этом мы узнаем из его биографии.

Аmоng famous American writers we саn name O'Henry He is a prominent author of short stories. Most of them are sad and moving. O'Henry's real name was William Sydney Porter.  He had to earn his living from the age of fifteen and he educated himself with the help of friends.

O. Henry knew people very well, especially the ordinary people of New York. In his stories you can feel satirical criticism of the American way of life. Most of his short stories are full of warm sympathy for ordinary American people.

He was born in 1862 a poor family in the town of GreenezboroHe spent his youth here. His mother died and his aunand uncle brought him up. His uncle was a doctor and a druggist. William always helped him. After finishing school William became his uncle's pupil. Then he fell ill and spent two years in Texas. William changed many occupations.

Он родился в бедной семье в маленьком городке Гринзборо, где прошли его детство и юность. Мать его умерла очень рано, и воспитанием Вильяма занялись тетя и дядя, который работал аптекарем. По окончании школы Вильям стал помогать своему дяде .Вскоре он заболел и ему пришлось уехать в Техас, где он провел два года. Там он наслаждался своеобразностью американского Запада: ковбоями, кольтами, мустангами.

He was by turns a druggist, a copyist and even a cowboy, At last he became a clerk in a bank. By that time he got married. He had a daughter. He was really happy. Well, then he was falsely accused of embezziement and put into a prison. His wife died.

Он поменял много профессий: был аптекарем, копировальщиком и даже ковбоем. Последним местом его работы был маленький банк, где Уильям работал бухгалтером. В этот период жизни с ним произошло событие, озарившее его жизнь лучом света - встреча с любимой женщиной и рождение прелестной дочурки.

Но счастье длилось недолго. Накануне предстоящей ревизии обна ружилось, что в кассе не хватает крупной суммы. Искать виновника было некогда, на милость суда рассчитывать не приходилось, и он. оставив жену, отправился в скитания по Центральной и Южной Америке. Когда до него дошло известие, что тяжело заболела его жена, Вильям вернулся домой и здесь был арестован, и заключен с тюрьму в штате Огайо.

It was in prison that he started to write short stories. He began to write due to his little daughter. Christmas was coming and 0'Henry knew that there was no present for his little daughter. And being in a prison he wrote a story. It was published. He got money for it. And his little daughter found a nice present in her stocking from Santa Clause. Being in a prison and working as a druggist 0'Henry went on writing stories. He spent 3 years in a prison. His stories brought him world flame.

Первый рассказ Вильям Портер написал, чтобы заработать деньги

на подарок .любимой дочурке к Рождеству. Надежды его оправдались, erо дочь нашла в чулке подарок от Сайта-Клауса к празднику. Находясь в тюрьме, он продолжал писать, чтобы изредка радовать малышку подарками. 'Гак продолжалось три года.

And now listen please to some moге information about 0'Henry. We know that when he wrote his story being in a prison he signed it by the pen-name O'Henry.  It's interesting to know how he chose this pen-name.

While working as a druggist he often used a pharmaceutics refrence-book by Этьен  Оссиан Генри.

So he decided to use for his pen- name the first name "Henry" and the first letter of his name "0".

No editor knew him persona11у because he sent his stories to editors through his friends. Only in two years when he саше to New York one of the editors got acquanted with him. He offered O'Henry to write his stories weekly. O'Henry agreed. His stories were published and brought him world fame.


Арестант, написавший рассказ, подписал его именем О.Генри. Он не заботился о выборе псевдонима, ибо не рассчитывал не только на бессмертие, но даже на прижизненную славу. Что означает псевдоним О.Генри? Работая в аптеке дяди, а затем, исполняя роль тюремного Гиппократа, он постоянно обращался к справочнику по фармацевтике под редакцией Этьена Оссиана Генри. Вероятно, это имя и определило его выбор.

Но в карманах судьбы много сюрпризов. Читатели заметили автора со скромным именем, издатели заинтересовались им, но автор не показывался, а рассказы присылал через третьих лир. Лишь через два года он приехал в Нью-йорк, и один из журналов предложил ему договор: писать каждую неделю.

Кажется, что жизнь писателя похожа на его новеллы: в нем есть необыкновенные приключения, и почти трагические обстоятельства, тот пресловутый "счастливый конец", который так часто встречается в его рассказах. Впрочем. благополучие, которое наступило, было относительным, ибо все пережитое оставило глубокий след в его душе.

0'Henry wrote a lot, but he never wanted to be famous. He never told about himself. He prefered to live in seclusion. He Liked to sit at his big window and watch the passers-by. He often went for a walk about the town, he met different common people in cafe, in the park, in the doss-house. He seached plots for his stories.

0. Генри написал много новел, по никогда не стремился к славе, предпочитая вести уединенный образ жизни. Он любил сидеть у большого окна и наблюдать за прохожими. Писатель часто бродил по городу, встречался с простыми людьми в кафе, парках, не обходил своим вниманием и ночлежки. Везде он искал сюжеты для своих рассказов.

0.Henry had a broad knowledge of the life of common people. They are the main characters of his stories. What people admire in his stories is his sympathy to the poor, truthful discription of life, true to life characters, criticism of the existing order of things, very interesting plots.

His unusual and unexpected plots always surprise readers. O'Henry was a master of surprising endings.

О.Генри хорошо знал жизнь простых американцев, он мечтал о том чтобы сказать хоть крупицу правды о жизни этого общества. С этой целыю он нe останавливается на разработке какой-либо одной темы. Его герои не похожи друг на друга, социальная принадлежность их различна, но какова бы ни была их роль, писатель им всем сочувствует.

О'Henrу wrote two hundred and seventy three short stories. Most of them are filled with the writer's warm human sympathy to common American people.

О.Генри написал 273 новеллы, большинство из которых наполнены большим сочувствием к простым людям.

О.Генри ведет повествование oт имени выдуманного рассказчика. В каждом сборнике он свой. Этот рассказчик то наивен и простоват, то хитер и плутоват, у него своеобразная манера речи: он любит поразить неожиданным сравнением, забавным сочетанием несоединимого. Его эрудиция основана па обрывках школьных знаний, сведений, почерпнутых из газет и журналов, случайно услышанных фактах, но он любит поразить своими познаниями, щегольнуть фразой. Он забавен в своей самоуверенности в смелости суждений, категоричности преподносимого. Иногда он привирает, но делает это со вкусом. В каждом сборнике свой рассказчик, но неизменным остается одно: неожиданность развития сюжета, оригинальный финал и все тот же стиль писателя, в котором О.Генри узнается всегда.

Johnsy and Sue live together in Greenwich Village. They are both young painters. But as winter comes, Johnsy gets pneumonia. She thinks that she is dying. Every day she looks out her window and counts the leaves falling from the vine growing. Johnsy is sure that she will die with the last leaf.

There is another painter named Behrman, who lives next to Johnsy and Sue. When he learns about Johnsy’s condition, he makes up his mind to help. He is a rude man and nobody cares for him. Although he hasn’t worked on his paintings for more than 40 years, he paints a vine with a leaf on it. Behrman puts it outside of Johnsy’s window so that she can see the leaf is still there. That night because of cold weather the old painter catches pneumonia and dies. But the leaf that he has painted becomes the reason of Johnsy’s recovery.

The main idea of the whole story is how we treat other people. We often judge people who we don’t know. So we must try to notice the ones who are lonely and need our attention.

the text "The Last Leaf".

   Two young girls Sue and Jonsy were poor artists. They lived in Nеw York. They painted pictures and sold them. They lived in their studio in an old brick house. Their window faced the other brick house.

   It was autumn. The weather was cold and damp, and Jonsy fell ill. She was seriously ill. The doctor said she could die.

   Jonsy lay in bed and looked at the wall of the brick house. An old ivy-vine was growing on the brick wall. There were only several leaves on it. Jonsy saw nothing exept those  leaves. She counted them every day. She was sure that when the last leaf fell down she would die.

   And leaves fell down and fell down.

   An old artist whose name was Behrman lived on the ground floor of the same house. He was failure in art but he hoped to paint a masterpiece.

   Sue told him that Jonsy was ill and told him about the leaves.

   The wind was very strong and cold that night and it was raining cats and dogs.

   But when Jonsy got up the next morning she saw to her great surprise the last yellow leaf on the vine. The last leaf was on the vine in the evening.

   And again the wind was very strong but in the morning the last leaf was still on the vine. And Jonsy understood that she had to hope for the best.

   And the girl was getting well.

   In two days Sue told Jonsy that Behrman was dead. He was found helpless in his room. There was also a ladder, a lamp, some brushes and some yellow and green paints.

   And Sue said to Jonsy: "Now look out of the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Do you know why it never moved when the wind blew? Oh, dear, it's Behrman's masterpiece- he painted it there the night when the last leaf fell.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие "Focus on English literature"

Автор: Иванцова Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 09.06.2022

Номер свидетельства: 609335

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