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Внеклассное мероприятие на иностранных языках "Конкурс инсценированной песни"

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Цели: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, обогащение культурологических знаний, знакомство с иноязычной культурой и музыкой XX и XXI  в.в., эстетическое воспитание.


1) развитие умения воспроизводить наизусть тексты рифмовок, стихов и песен;

2) развитие умения чтения;

3)развитие памяти;

4) совершенствование фонетических навыков;

5) развитие чувства ритма и интонации. 

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«Внеклассное мероприятие на иностранных языках "Конкурс инсценированной песни" »

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение “Гимназия имени А.С. Пушкина” г. Сыктывкара

Конкурс инсценированной песни на иностранных языках

Цели: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, обогащение культурологических знаний, знакомство с иноязычной культурой и музыкой XX и XXI в.в., эстетическое воспитание.


1) развитие умения воспроизводить наизусть тексты рифмовок, стихов и песен;

2) развитие умения чтения;

3)развитие памяти;

4) совершенствование фонетических навыков;

5) развитие чувства ритма и интонации.

Составитель Иванова А.А.

Сыктывкар 2013


SP.1- Hello, dear pupils, teachers and guests! We are happy to greet you at our traditional song contest devoted to love and spring.

SP.2- Today we will speak and sing about love and this beautiful world.

SP.1- Do you know any famous characters who loved someone or were loved by someone? (the audience answers: Romeo @ Juliet, Cinderella @ the Prince, Tom Sawyer @ Becky)

SP.2- And today we will be characters who are in love, we will sing and perform. And now it’s time to meet the jury: Вероника Ивановна, Татьяна Валерьевна, Оксана Николаевна.

SP.1: At the end of our contest the jury will choose the best performance. They will take into account your singing, acting, originality @ of course your artistic abilities.

SP.2: And now let’s meet the first team of the 7th-a form with the song “Everything at once” by Lenka.

7-A is singing (1)

SP.1: Thank you for your song! We enjoyed it so much. Now it’s time to greet the 8th-a form, who will sing a famous song “Call me maybe”.

8-A is singing (2)

SP.2: Thank you. It was fantastic. I see that you can sing @ act very well. Our concert is continuing @ becoming more and more exciting. Now we are ready to watch the next performance prepared by the pupils of the 8th-b form “Everybody wants to love”!

8-B is singing (3)

SP.1: Thank you. It was unforgettable! We were watching your love story with great interest!

While the next team of the 7th a@b forms is getting ready we’ll play a bit. I need 2 teams. This is the first team (on the left) and that is the second team(on the right). When we love each other we usually say nice words or compliments. So, your task is to say as many adjective as possible to a person you love.

the audience is answering

SP.1: And we are ready to meet the 7th a@b forms with their song “Mama Mia”.

7- A-B is singing (4)

SP.2: Thank you! It was a great performance! Pupils of our school can speak not only English but also German and French. And it’s impossible to imagine our contest without a French song.

SP.1: Let’s meet wonderful singers of the 8th-a form with their French song “Toi et moi”. You are welcome!

8-A is singing a French song (5)

SP.2: Thank you for your beautiful song! Our concert is slowly finishing. And the next performance will be shown by the pupils of the 7th-b form “It’s a beautiful life” by Ace-of-Bace.

7-B is singing (6)

SP.1: Thank you! What a beautiful song we have just heard!

SP.2: Our contest is over now, the jury are counting the score, discussing the results and soon they will decide which song they loved most of all.

SP.1: Before the participants learn the results you may enjoy one more French song prepared by the pupils of the 7th form.

7th form is singing a French song

SP.2: Thank you. Are the results ready? We are burning with a desire to know who the winner is! And we pass the word to the jury.

the jury announce the results

Teacher: So, we have had wonderful time singing and dancing. And we invite the winners of today’s song contest to show their performance again at the concert for parents and teachers which will take place on Saturday on the 16th of March. Good bye!

Результаты конкурса




Самая сплоченная команда


Лучший хор


Оригинальная постановка

8-А вокальная группа

Лучший вокал

7-А, 7-Б сборная

Оригинальная постановка

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Внеклассное мероприятие на иностранных языках "Конкурс инсценированной песни"

Автор: Иванова Анна Александровна

Дата: 22.07.2015

Номер свидетельства: 223356

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