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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: "День матери"

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День матери - особый день, особый праздник, который набирает популярность в нашей стране. День матери - праздник, популярный в англоговорящих странах. Данное мероприятие проводилось в рамках недели иностранных языков в многопрофильной гимназии, где я проходила пед.практику. Для урока (или можно провести мероприятие внеклассно) понадобятся карандаши/фломастеры, бумага для открытки, а также фонограмма/запись песни группы Rugrats "I want a mom, who will live forever". Слова песни также необходимы.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: "День матери" »

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку, проводимого в 7 классе на тему “Mothers Day

Hello, Boys and Girls! We are pleased to see you! Today’s meeting is devoted to a very famous holiday. We shall not tell you the name of it. So the first very task will help you to find out the name of this holiday. There are some numbers, written on the blackboard. Your task is correlate (соотнести) the number and the letter of the English Alphabet. We shall give you a minute.

Now tell us, please, what holiday is spoken about?

Yes, you are absolutely right. It is Mother’s Day – one of the most favourite and important holidays in Great Britain and the USA.

In fact, Mother’s Day has a rich, interesting history. We suggest that you should look at the screen and learn about this wonderful day.

Actually, our meeting is full of different interesting tasks, that is why you will be divided into four teams. Please, one by one, take the cards with the numbers. Those, who belong to the first group, occupy these chairs. Those, who belong to the second group, sit here. The third group occupies those seats, and the fourth one – these ones.

Look at the screen. We have an interesting presentation for you.

(проигрывается презентация)

Now we have some questions to you.

  1. When is Mother's Day celebrated?

  2. How many countries is Mother's Day celebrated in?

  3. When did Mother's Day appeared in the USA?

  4. Who was Mother's Day suggested by?

  5. Who agreed to recognize Mother's Day as a national holiday?

Thank you for that! And now another contest. You should draw a card and put down congratulations. We give you pencils, pens and sheets of paper/ The time is limited – you have only 5 minutes.

Команды рисуют открытки

Now, please, hand in your cards. Our jury will check them up and at the end of the meeting we shall tell you the results.

That goes without saying that there are a lot of poems, devoted to our mothers. Some of them are devoted to Mother’s Day, some are devoted to International Women’s Day. We’ve taken one of them for our next contest – you should try to read it as well as possible.

  1. My dear, dear Mummy,
    I love you very much.
    I want you to be happy
    On the 8th of March.

  2. Who Loves Mummy Best?
    “I”, says Fred
    “I give her flowers,
    White, yellow and red”.

  1. Who Loves Mummy Best?
    “I”, says May.
    “With my dear Mummy
    I always play”.

  2. Who Loves Mummy Best?
    “I” says Joe.
    “She asks me to help her
    And I always do so”

  1. I am mother’s little pet.
    Yes, that’s me;
    And my hair is very black
    As you can see.
    I try to be
    As good as gold,
    And I nearly always do
    What I am told.
    I”ve two dolls, lots of toys
    And a brother;
    And I am very, very, very
    Fond of me mother.

(первые 2 строфы читают представители I и IV групп; 3,4 строфы – II группы, 5 фрагмент – III группы)

Учащимся даются 2-3 минуты на подготовку, после чего один человек из каждой команды читает фрагмент.

Thank you very much for your wonderful reading. Now we shall listen to a beautiful song, called “Rugrats”. The singer is Cyndi Lauper. Listen to the song and fill in the missing words.

Звучит песня, учащиеся заполняют пропуски.

And now hand in your papers. Our judges will check them up and at the end of the meeting we shall tell you the results.

Now we have a surprise to you: we suggest your playing a very famous game, called “Taboo”. The rules are very simple. You should sit in a round. The members of Groups 1 and 2 should take turns. Each person, whose turn is now, should try to explain a word on the card, which is underlined. There are 4 words which are written on each card after the main word. But their usage is forbidden. If you pronounce any of the forbidden words, your neighbour from the other group will take turns. Each group should try to guess as many words as possible. The group, with the highest score wins.

Unfortunately, we have only several minutes to sum up your results. We ask the jury to do it.

Жюри оглашает победителей.

Our meeting is over, but we think we all together should sing the song! (“Rugrats”)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: "День матери"

Автор: Кудряшова Ольга Игоревна

Дата: 11.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 224955

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