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Внеклассное мероприятие "The Wood House".

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Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 2-6 классов.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "The Wood House".»


Form 9. Song «Come To The Party».

Come to the party, come to the party, You can eat a cake on your own,

Come to the party, come right now, You can eat a cake with a friend.

Think of something you want to do You can eat a cake with everybody

And you can do it right now. And you can do it right now.

Come to the party ..

You can have a dance on your own,

You can have a dance with a friend,

You can have a dance with everybody

And you can do it right now.

Come to the party …

Forest. Birds are singing (a tape recording). The wood house.

The author. This is a wood house. It is very nice. The frog is coming. She looks into the house.

Frog. Croak-croak. What a nice house! Croak-croak! I like it! Croak-croak! Who lives here? Nobody. Croak-croak! I want to live in the house.

Mouse. What a nice house! Pe-pe-pe. Who lives here? Pe-pe-pe.

Frog. I live in the house. My name is Green. And what is your name?

Mouse. My name is Mighty-mouse.

Frog. And what can you do?

Mouse. I know a poem «Twenty Froggies».

Twenty froggies went to school «We must be in time», said they,

Down beside a little pool; «First we study, then we play;

Twenty little coats of green, That is how we keep the rule,

Twenty shirts of white and clean. When we froggies went to school.

Many, many years have passed;

Big frogs they became at last.

They had learned at school a lot,

Not one lesson they forgot.

Now they sit on other logs

Teaching other little frogs.

Form3. Poem «Dame Trot and Her Cat».

Dame Trot and her cat Тётя Трот и кошка

Sat down for a chat; Сели у окошка,

The dame sat on this side, Сели рядом вечерком

And puss sat on that. Поболтать немножко.

«Puss, » says the Dame, Трот спросила: «Кис-кис-кис

«Can you catch a rat, Ты ловить умеешь крыс? »

Or a mouse in the dark? » «Мурр », - сказала кошка,

«Purr, » says the cat. Помолчав немножко.

(Перевод С.Я.Маршака)

Form 3. Poem.

Goosey, goosey gander Гуси, гуси, га, га, га.

Where shall I wonder? Есть хотите? Да, да, да.

May I come in?

Frog. Yes, please come in.

Cock. Cock-a-doudle-doo! What a nice house! Cock-a-doudle-doo! Who lives here?

Frog. I am a frog.

Mouse. I am a mouse. And who are you?

Cock. I am a cock.

Frog. And what can you do?

Cock. I like to sing. Cock-a-doudle-doo! I can dance.

Form 6. Dance «A Hen And Three Chickens».

Form 7. Song «I Bought Me A Cat».

  1. I bought me a cat and the cat pleased me,

I fed my cat under yonder tree.

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

  1. I bought me a hen …

Hen goes chimmy chuck, chimmy chuck …

  1. I bought me a duck …

Duck goes quack, quack …

  1. I bought me a goose …

Goose goes hissy, hissy …

  1. I bought me a sheep …

Sheep goes baa, baa …

  1. I bought me a pig …

Pig goes griffy, griffy …

  1. I bought me a cow …

Cow goes moo, moo …

  1. I bought me a horse …

Horse goes neigh, neigh ..

  1. I bought me a dog …

Dog goes bow-wow, bow-wow …

May I come in?

Mouse. Please come in.

Hedgehog. What a nice house! Fr-fr-fr. Who lives here?

Frog. I am a frog.

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Cock. I am a cock. And who are you?

Hedgehog. I am a hedgehog.

Frog. And what can you do?

Hedgehog. I can be on guard. Fr-fr-fr. I can count.

Form 5. Song «Ten Little Indian Boys».

One little, two little, three little Indians,

Four little, five little, six little Indians,

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

Ten little Indian boys.

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians,

Seven little, six little, five little Indians,

Four little, three little, two little Indians,

One little Indian boy.

Form 5. Poem «Five Little Monkeys».

Five little monkeys walked along the shore;

One went a-sailing,

Then there were four.

Four little monkeys climbed up a tree;

One of them tumbled down,

Then there were three.

Three little monkeys found a pot of glue;

One got stuck on it,

Then there were two.

Two little monkeys found a current bun;

One ran away with it,

Then there was one.

One little monkey cried all afternoon;

So they put him in an airplane

And sent him to the moon.

May I come in?

Mouse. Please come in.

Hedgehog. Thank you.

Dog. Bow-wow. What a nice house! Bow-wow. Who lives here?

Frog. I am a frog.

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Cock. I am a cock.

Hedgehog. I am a hedgehog. And who are you?

Dog. I am a dog.

Frog. And what can you do?

Dog. I can run, I am very strong, I am clever. I am not ugly. I am not big, I am small. I can sing.

Frog. What is your name?

Dog. My name is Bingo.

Form 8. Song «BINGO».

There was a farmer and a dog

And Bingo was his name-o.

B-i-n-g-o, B-i-n-g-o, B-i-n-g-o,

And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer and a dog

And Bingo was his name-o.

-i-n-g-o, -i-n-g-o, -i-n-g-o,

And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer and a dog

And Bingo was his name-o.

--n-g-o, --n-g-o, --n-g-o,

And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer and a dog

And Bingo was his name-o.

----o, ----o, ----o,

And Bingo was his name-o.

May I come in?

Mouse. Please come in.

Dog. Thank you.

Fox. I am a fox. I am pretty and clever. What a nice house! Tock, tock, tock! Who lives here?

Frog. I am a frog.

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Cock. I am a cock.

Hedgehog. I am a hedgehog.

Dog. I am a dog. Who are you?

Fox. I am a fox.

Frog. And what can you do?

Fox. I know riddles.

A little old man sits Сидит дед

Dressed in hundred coats Во сто шуб одет,

Take them off, just try! Кто его раздевает,

You’re sure to cry. Тот слёзы проливает.

What is it?

My wire goes everywhere and Протянули струну на всю страну,

My word reaches far and wide. Далеко-далечко плывёт моё словечко.

What is it?

The first pours, the second drinks Один льёт, другой пьёт,

And the third grows. Третий растёт.

What are the three things?

I have leaves, but I’m not a bust. Не куст, а с листочками,

I’m stitched, but I’m not a shirt. Не рубашка, а сшита,

I’m not a person, but I tell all. Не человек, а разговаривает.

What am I?

A dazzling maiden makes her way Красная девушка

Through the heavens. По небу ходит.

What is it?

On a spoon it sits Сидит на ложке,

Legs dangling. Свесив ножки.

What is it?

Who is it that carries Кто на себе дом возит,

His home on his back?

May I come in?

Dog. Please come in.

Hare. Oh, help me! The wolf is chasing me!

Fox. Who are you?

Hare. I am a hare. May I come in?

Mouse. Please come in.

Hare. Thank you.

Wolf. What a nice house! Who lives here?

Frog. I am a frog.

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Cock. I am a cock.

Hedgehog. I am a hedgehog.

Dog. I am a dog.

Fox. I am a fox. Who are you?

Wolf. I am a wolf. Where is the hare?

The animals. Go away! Go away!

Wolf. I can open the door!(стучит) Oh, I’ve hurt myself. I shall find the bear.

Bear. Hallo! What’s the matter?

Wolf. Help me!

Bear. All right. Let’s pull the door.

Wolf and Bear. One, two, three!

Wolf. My poor legs! My poor legs!

Bear. I can open the door! (подсунул лапу под дверь, ёж уколол её своими иголками) Oh my paw, my paw! (убегает)

The Author. All the animals are happy.

Song. «The More We Are Together»

The more we are together, For my friend is your friend

Together, together, And your friend is my friend.

The more we are together, The more we are together,

The happier we are. The happier we are.

Form 6. Song «Hello, Friend (How are you?)»

One, two, three, four.

Hello, friend. Hello. How are you? Good-bye, friend, good-bye to you.

Hello, friend. Hello. How are you? Good-bye, friend, good-bye to you.

Fine, thanks. It’s good to see you. Sing with me, it’s good to see you.

Fine, thanks. It’s good to see you. Sing with me, it’s a beautiful day.

Hello, friend. Hello. How are you? Do-da-do, do-da, do-da,

Hello, friend. Hello. How are you? Do-da-do, do-da, do-da,

Not too bad. It’s a beautiful day. Sing with me, it’s good to see you.

Not too bad. It’s a beautiful day. Sing with me, it’s a beautiful day.

Do-da-do, do-da, do-da,

Do-da-do, do-da, do-da,

Good-bye, friends!


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Внеклассное мероприятие "The Wood House".

Автор: Шафикова Елена Салиховна

Дата: 15.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 400360

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