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Золотая осень "Golden Autumn"

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этот материал содержит мераприятия для празднования золотого осеня.

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«Золотая осень "Golden Autumn"»

The plan of the show

Date: the 10th of October

The theme: Golden Autumn

The type: show

The goals: to check knowledge of students on English language.

To develop the abilities to speak English, creative abilities of pupils.

To bring up love to the subject.

The aids: pictures, fruits,vegetables,leaves,clothes.

The structure of the show

Leader 1:Good afternoon everybody! Today we are going to have a great celebration dedicated to the one season of the year and also to the holidays which are celebrated in this season. I’m glad to see you in our party.Today we have an unusual party. We’ll go to Golden Autumn! Do you like autumn?

Leader2. We like autumn. I think that forests are more beautiful in autumn.The leaves in the trees are of different colours- green,red and brown. They look beautiful. Autumn is a tasty season. There are lot’s of vegetables and fruit in autumn.

Autumn: I am Autumn

I am beautiful and sad

I have three daughters: September,October,November. They have many


September:Autumn is the season

When apples are sweet,

It is the season

When school friends meet.

October:Golden in the tree tops,

Golden, golden, golden

Golden in the sky ,

Golden, golden, golden

October’s passing by.

November:Then November brings us joy

Fun for every girl and boy.

Leader1.Осень,осень к нам пришла

Осень,осень принесла


Морковь и горох

Петрушку и свеклу

Leader2.Булки батоны

Сочные дыни

Баклажаны синие

Груши золотые

Яблоки налитые

Leader1. Listen to the song “ Hello, Hello’’. Pupils 1a forms

Leader2. Listen to the poems and guess the season. Pupils 6 forms.


Beautiful and sad

Many,many leaves,

Yellow and red.

P2.Balzhan.Наступила осень

Пожелтел наш сад

Листья на березе,

Золотом горят.

P3. Akerke. Put on your dress

Of red and gold.

Fun summer is gone,

And the days are cold.

P4.Meirzhan.Утром мы во двор идем

Листья сыплются дождем

Под ногами шелестят

И летят,летят,летят

P5.Zaure. Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

P6.Akerke: The summer is over,

The trees are bare

There is mist in the garden

And frost in the air.

Leader1. Dance:’’Autumn leaves”.

Leader2.Буырқанды күзгі дем

Бұтағынан үзілген

Ай жапырақ сары алтын

Айналаның бәрі алтын

Бәрекелді күз келді

Мерекелік күз келді!

Leader1. Listen to the song Asem’s sing.

Leader2.Күз де келді, күз келді

Күдерін жаз үзгенді

Күз де келді, күз келді,

Құстар мекен ізденді

Күз де келді, күз келді

Қондырмайды түзге елді,

Күз де келді, күз келді

Leader1: Dance ‘’Birds”

Leader2.Қош бол ,өскен жеріміз,

Айдын-шалқар көліміз

Қайтып келем көктемде

Күн шуағын төккенде,

Leader1.The end of the show. Our party comes to the end now. Thank you! Good bye! Good job!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Золотая осень "Golden Autumn"

Автор: Баймаханова Айгерим Есеналиевна

Дата: 25.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 459400

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