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Методическая разработка по теме: "Basic Computer"

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Методическая разработка предназначена для студентов специальности "Информационные системы (по отрослям)", охватывает блок профессионального технического английского языка.

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«Методическая разработка по теме: "Basic Computer"»



«Подмосковный колледж «Энергия»

Методическая разработка

Basic computer

для специальности:

09.02.04 «Информационные системы (по отраслям)»

(элективный курс Английский язык для специальности 09.02.04 «Информационные системы (по отраслям)»



Преподаватель 1 квалификационной категории Архитекторова А.А.


Преподаватель Высшей квалификационной категории

Игнатова И.Н.

Рекомендована предметно-цикловой комиссией: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Протокол № ____ от « » 20 г.

Председатель ПЦК: Строкина Ю.Е._______________________

Календарно-тематический план для курсов по специальности: Информационные системы.

Вводный курс: Basic computer course: 3 месяца по 4 часа в неделю.


Что проходим

Количество часов

  1. Computers

1.1 Storage

1.2 Software


  1. Microsoft Windows

    1. Versions and editions

    2. Regional and language settings

    3. File system


  1. Computer networks

3.1 Technical aspects

3.2 Communication

3.3 Internet Connections


  1. Computer Security

    1. Encryption

    2. Passwords

    3. Viruses

    4. Emails

    5. Navigation

    6. Attacks

    7. Backup



48 часов:

16+16+13(+3 обобщение, проверка знаний - тест)

Работа с текстом по каждой теме:

  • Чтение

  • Перевод

  • Активные слова

  • Вопрос-ответ по тексту

  • Учить слова, текст.

Контроль по каждому тексту и слушаем каждого студента.

На общем контроле: тест, устный опрос.

Objectives of the course:

At the end of this course the student will be introduced to the topic “Computer” in the language, prepared to the further practical work.

  1. He will know updated information about Microsoft Windows, computer networks, computer dangers and security.

  2. He will be able to use the vocabulary correctly, know the professional terminology.

  3. He will explain the main information in the language.

Introduction of the course

This book contains the basic necessary information for the students of IT faculty. It gives the whole understanding of topics which must be learnt.

Reading, translating and learning are the actions of initial work with the book. The second step is to summarize the knowledge and explain it in English orally.

The role of a teacher is to guide, motivating and controlling the work.

Section 1. Computers

Do the following:

  1. Read and translate the text

  2. Mark the words, give the explanation to them

  3. Answer the questions:

  • How does the computer store the data?

  • What does KB (MB, GB, TB) mean?

  • What does Moore’s law say?

  • What devices are used in storage of information?

  • How can software be divided?

  • Explain the following: data, operating system, programs.

  • What is software naming?

  • What are data formats?

  1. Learn the terminology

Section 2. Microsoft windows

Do the following:

  1. Read and translate the text

  2. Mark the words, give the explanation to them

  3. Answer the questions:

  • What versions and editions do you know?

  • What is a computer locking problem?

  • What are the options of installations?

  • What does file mean?

  • How does the folder look like?

  • Tell about file’s operations.

  • What are file’s types?

  • What is UNIBZ?

  1. Learn the terminology

Section 3. Computer networks

Do the following:

  1. Read and translate the text

  2. Mark the words, give the explanation to them

  3. Answer the questions:

  • What is a computer network?

  • Explain the interaction: server and client?

  • How are computer networks divided?

  • What is bps?

  • What does a web browser mean?

  • What is a mail reader?

  • How does What’s up work?

  • What does a search engine do?

  • How to speed up the web search?

  • How to connect to the Internet?

  1. Learn the terminology

Section 4. Computer security

Do the following:

  1. Read and translate the text

  2. Mark the words, give the explanation to them

  3. Answer the questions:

  • Why is security important?

  • What does Encryption mean?

  • What is a digital signature?

  • What do you know about keys?

  • What are the actions of passwords’ thief?

  • How to create a password?

  • What alternative password devices do you know?

  • Tell about the life of viruses.

  • What are the symptoms of an infected computer?

  • What are the actions of an antivirus?

  • What are 4 purposes of spam?

  • What is the second dangerous Internet activity?

  • How to defense from attacks?

  • What does backup mean?

  • What is RAID?

  1. Learn the terminology

Final review

Do the following:

  • Oral questioning of terminology (1-4)

  • Retell the text (1-4)

  • Online tests: BusinessEnglishSite.com

topic: English for computer programmers (1-4)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Методическая разработка по теме: "Basic Computer"

Автор: Архитекторова Анна Алексеевна

Дата: 09.08.2016

Номер свидетельства: 338886

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