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Орынбекова Айдана Кайратовна учительница английского языка СШ № 23 г.Тараз Жамбылская область

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What do you want to be?

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

- Good afternoon, my dear pupils. I’m glad to see you!

- Good afternoon, teacher!

- Sit down, please. How are you today?

- We are fine, thanks.

- Ok, very well. What day is it today?

- Today is Friday.

- And what date is it today?

- Today is  23th of November.

- Thanks a lot, my dears.  Who is absent today?

II. Warm - up.

- Now, let’s start our lesson.

Stand up please and get ready to do the exercises and sing together.

- Ok, It was very good. You sang the song and did the exercises very well. Sit down please.

III. Checking the homework.

- And who can tell me what was your home task for today?

- Our home task is to make the posters about professions of our parents and to learn by heart new words.

- Ok, thank you. Sit down.

- Now, pupils I want to check how well you did your home task and learnt the new words. Who is ready?

- Great, your posters was perfect, my dears. You did your home task very well.

- Now let’s repeat the new words of the last and today`s lesson. Please, look at the screen and repeat after me, all together.

- Then, I would like you to solve the crossword, let`s guess the crossword. Then you will know the theme of the lesson.

IV. Introduction of the new theme.

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«Орынбекова Айдана Кайратовна учительница английского языка СШ № 23 г.Тараз Жамбылская область»

What do you want to be?

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

- Good afternoon, my dear pupils. I’m glad to see you!

- Good afternoon, teacher!

- Sit down, please. How are you today?

- We are fine, thanks.

- Ok, very well. What day is it today?

- Today is Friday.

- And what date is it today?

- Today is 23th of November.

- Thanks a lot, my dears. Who is absent today?

II. Warm - up.

- Now, let’s start our lesson.

Stand up please and get ready to do the exercises and sing together.

- Ok, It was very good. You sang the song and did the exercises very well. Sit down please.

III. Checking the homework.

- And who can tell me what was your home task for today?

- Our home task is to make the posters about professions of our parents and to learn by heart new words.

- Ok, thank you. Sit down.

- Now, pupils I want to check how well you did your home task and learnt the new words. Who is ready?

- Great, your posters was perfect, my dears. You did your home task very well.

- Now let’s repeat the new words of the last and today`s lesson. Please, look at the screen and repeat after me, all together.

- Then, I would like you to solve the crossword, let`s guess the crossword. Then you will know the theme of the lesson.

IV. Introduction of the new theme.

- Today`s our lesson is called “What do you want to be?”

- Today we are going to talk about you and future profession. Our work will be very interesting and useful. Today we`ll sing a song, read interesting dialogues and play games. And I want to start our lesson with the words of John Galsworthy: “If you don`t think about your future you can’t have one”.

Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start.

The main part

T: I’ll divide you in to 3 groups, please, choose the pictures from the blackboard.

The 1st group “teachers”

The 2nd group “doctors”

The 3rd group “pilots”. I’ll mark you with smiles, yellow smile - 3, green smile - 4, red smile - 5

Look at the blackboard and listen the poem

I want to win an Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Katmandu

I want to be rich and famous too.

T: What is the poem about?

P: It’s about choosing the future career.

T: So, today we’ll speak about what do you want to be in the future.

Phonetic drill:

[ i:]- teacher, seaman, speaker

[ o:]- cosmonaut, astronaut, lawyer

[ei]- sailor, tailor, baker, spaceman

[ai]- pilot, designer, driver, scientist

[әe]- ambassador, actor, actress

Speaking drill:

Answer the questions: Yes or No.

Is he a teacher?

Is he a doctor?

Is he a sportsman?

Is he an engineer?

Is he a manager?

Is she a secretary?

New words:

T: read and repeat the words

An operator - оператор

A doctor - дәрігер

A dentist - тіс дәрігері

A secretary - хатшы

A musician - музыкант

A lawyer - заңгер

A teacher - мұғалім

A driver - жүргізуші

A housewife – үй шаруасындағы әйел

A bank manager - банк менеджері

Task 1. Now, pupils, guess the jobs.

Who works in a hospital and helps sick people?

Who works in a school?

Who flies a plane?

Who sings and plays music?


Ex: 2 on p. 52

Colin: I want to be an astronaut.

Mrs. Evans: What about you Liz? What do you want to be?

Liz: I’m a student.

Mrs. Evans: What do you want to be?

Carol: I want to be a secretary.

Physical training

T: Are you tired? Let’s do the physical training.

Task 2. Correct the sentences True or False

Doctors teach children –

A nurse helps doctors –

A pilot drives a car –

A farmer works on a farm –

Teachers work at school –

A fireman brings letters –

Workers bake bread –

Dancers work in the hospital –

Clowns work in the circus –

“to be” verbs:

Singular ----------- Plural

I am --------------- We are

You are ----------- You are

He is -------------- They are

She is

It is

Task 3. Fill in the blanks. Revise the verb “to be”.

1. My sister … a nurse.

2. They … engineers.

3. I … a fisherman.

4. My parents … doctors.

5. Tom and John … pilots.

6. You are a baker.

7. He … a good farmer.

8. We … students.

9. His father … a policeman.

10. I … a clown.

- Well done. Ok, pupils and how well do you know what your classmates want to be?

Let’s play the game “My future job”. Can you guess what other pupils want to be? All of you stand up and I`ll give you a card with picture of any profession. It’s your future profession. Then ask the question “Do you want to be a...?” If he guesses it right, you should say, “Yes, I do” but if he doesn’t you should say: “No, I don’t”. Do you remember? So, let`s begin.

- Ok, we finish it. I’ m very pleased with the game. Sit down, please.

V. Conclusion.

- ok, thank you very much. Pupils look at the screen. Do you know?

- Now it s time to sum up everything we have done during the lesson. What have we done today?

- Thank you very much. Pupils look at the blackboard. There are smiles of any characters. If you like today lesson, you must give the mark putting the card to the smile of excellent, good and not bad.

Giving homework.

- thank you very much for your work. Please write down your home task ex: 6, at p. 56 write what you want to be and what your friends wants to be.


- And now I want to give you some marks for your work.

- Ok, pupils today our lesson is over. Good - bye my dears.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Орынбекова Айдана Кайратовна

Дата: 01.12.2017

Номер свидетельства: 441628

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