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Отбасындағы өзара қарым-қатынас

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«Отбасындағы өзара қарым-қатынас»

Есенова Мадинаның шет тілі практикумы пәнінен

қысқа мерзімдік жоспары


2МДТ 15 б\б тобы

3 күн

Сабақтың тақырыбы

Отбасындағы өзара қарым-қатынас


Студенттерге отбасы мушелерін қалай аталатынын, ағылшын тілінде айтып үйрету, to have грамматикалық құрлымын пайдалана отырып отбасы мүшелерін таныстыру.


1. Студенттердіің танымдық қабілеттерін, оқу, тыңдау, сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту, сөздік қорларын молайту.

2. Отбасында үйлесімді қарым - қатынас жасауға үйрету, отбасы мүшелеріне қамқорлық, жанашыр сезімдерін дамыту;отбасындағы өзара сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу.


Интерактив тақта, Суреттер, Students book Слайд Үнтаспа Интернет желісі, веб камера

Әдіс- тәсілдер

түсіндіру, сұрақ жауап пікірталас,әнгімелеу,суреттеу тест алу, ребус, кері байланыс әдісі, постер қорғау ,диологтық тәсіл Kahoot it онлайн тесті кластер әдісі

Оқу нәтижесі:

Студенттер отбасы туралы айта алады,АКТ ны пайдалануға үйренеді,сөздік қорын молайтады



2 минут

Амандасу Good morning?How are you? Оқытушы бүгінгі сабаққа студенттерді түгендеп алады Who is absent today? кабинеттің, тақта тазалығын қадағалау Who is on duty today?

Үй жұмысы бойынша

8 минут

Мұғалімнің әрекеті

Оқушының әрекеті

1.What was your home task?

2.Teacher give different tasks for each group оn revision verb to have (4 топқа to have етістігі бойынша төрт түрлі тапсырма береді)

1.Test (тест алу)

2.Answer the question(студенттер бір бірінде небар екенін сұрайды)

3.To make up dialogs(to have етістігің қатыстырып қысқаша диологтар қурастыру)

4.Work with text(текстті оқып сұрақтарға жауап беру)

1.First group do the test and read it to the class and teacher will check it

(бірінші топ тест орындайды,оқиды )

2.Second group must to ask answers to the group members and answer them(екінші топ өз тобындағы студенттерге сенде нелер бар,сөмкеде,қонақ уйде,ас үйде дегендей сұрақтар қояды)

3.Third group must make up dialog with partners(3 топ жұбымен диолог құрайды)

4.Fourth group read the text and answer the questions (4 топ тексті оқып,сұрақтарға жауап береді)

Үй жұмысын қорыту

2 минут

1.Students must listen and choose right variant(студенттер диялогты тыңдап дұрыс вариянтты таңдайды)

Жаңа тақырып

Негізгі кезең

8 минут

Дұрыс орындаған топ смайлік алады

1.Students look at the board please here is hidden the new theme in the rebus


4.I give the text obout Simpsons Family and give you exercise to complete with suitable verbs and say who is this ?

1.Students must to guess the rebus to find the new theme(ребусты шешу арқылы жаңа тақырыпты ашады)

2.Students listen and divide the members of the family into the groups(отбасы мүшелерің топқа бөледі,оқып айтады)

3. Students read and do the exercise(тексті оқиды,үйлесімді етістікпен жаттығудағы сөйлемді толықтырады және ол кім туралы екендігін айтады)

Сергіту сәті

2 минут

Вконтакте желісінде тапсырма орындау

3 мин

2.Let’s do training.

Clap, clap, clap your hands.

Clap your hands together.

Nod, nod, nod your hands.

Nod your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet.

Stamp your feet together.

Teacher counts the words and mark the groups(әр топтаң келген сөзді санап мұғалім топты бағалайды)

2.Students repeat after the teacher

(мұғаліммен бірге қайталайды)

3.Students must find the words

(отбасы мүшелерін табу керек оларды мұғалімнің вк парақшасына жазып жібереді)

Онлайн ойыны Kahoot it


Постер қорғау


2.Now students take your mobile phones and check in to online game write Kahoot.it and write your groups name,and write the password

2.Work on poster write the duties of your family members

1.Online game Kahoot it

Students check in to the site and write their name or the groups and the must choose the right answer and push it the time is limited(студенттер сайтқа тіркеледі,өз есімдерің жазады мұғалім айтқан жасырын сөзді енгізеді,дұрыс жауапты таңдап үстінең басып отырады.уақыттары шектеулі )

2.Students write the poster with duties of Family members(отбасы мүшелерінін міндеттерін жазып корғайды)


2 минут

Мұғалім бағалау бетшесіне қарап топтық ұпаймен бағалайды Топ «Смайлик» алады

Топ бірін бірі қошеметтейді смайлик алады

Қорыту кезеңі

Кластерь қорғау

5 минут

1. 4.Now students write obout How you image your ideal family

4. Students talk about their family shortly(Студентер отбасын сипаттайды)

Үйге тапсырма

1 минут

The Hometask is to write obout your Family and learn new words

Students write this on their copybooks

Кері байланыс

2 минут

Kwl questions аяқталмаған сөйлем

Әр бір студентке карточка таратылып береді

Студентер толтырады оқиды тақтаға іледі

1.Мен сабақта...........үйрендім

2.Маған сабақ …………….

3.Мен үшін ………………….

V. Reflexive:

- Was it interesting?

- What new material did you know today?

VI. Giving marks and home tasks:

- Today you worked very well. I put you marks.

- Homework to learn new words and repeat Present Simple tense.

- Thank you for the lesson.

- Good bye!

Family Relationships    

How could you describe the word "family"? First of all "family" means a close unit of parents and their children living together. But we shouldn't forget that it is a most complex system of relationships. Family relationships are rarely as easy as we would like, and very often we have to work hard at keeping them peaceful.

When do people usually start a family? This question doesn't have a definite answer. In the 18th, 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century people used to get married at the age of 18 or even 16. If a girl about 23 or more wasn't married, she was said to be an old maid or a spinster. That might have turned out a real tragedy for her family which usually brought up more than three children, because in some cases a successful marriage was the only chance to provide a good life for the daughter and to help her family. Despite the fact that the girl was so young, she was already able to keep the house, take care of her husband and raise children. To feel the time, its culture and customs I advise you to read a wonderful novel or see a breathtaking film "Pride and Prejudice". Though the story takes place at the turn of the 19th century, it retains fascination for modern readers, revealing some problems which may be urgent in the 21st century.

But life's changing as well as people's style of life. Nowadays we have got much more freedom in questions concerning family. It is natural to get married at the age of 20 up to 30; however, some people prefer to make a career first and only after that start a family when they are already in their forties. Moreover, there are many cases when people prefer to live together without being married. There are some reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, it is difficult to juggle a family life with studies at school or university. But without good education it is practically impossible to find a suitable well-paid steady job. It's a must to get a higher education, but by this moment you are already 22—24 years old. After that you seek for a well-paid job to live independently, which takes about 3—5 years. Now you see why people in the 21st century do not hurry to get married.

There is also another difference between old and modern families. Nowadays it is very unusual to find three generations living under one roof as they used to do in the past. Relatives, as a rule, live separately and don't often meet one another. This fact sharply hurts an older generation. Our parents and grandparents usually suffer from lack of attention and respect from their children and grandchildren, although they try not to show it. They really don't need much, just a telephone call or a visit once a week will make them happy.

There are two basic types of families. A nuclear family — a typical family consisting of parents and children. A single-parent family consists of one parent and children. Nowadays there are very few people who have never divorced. Today the highest divorce rate in the world has the Maldive Republic. The United States of America take the third place. Russia is at the ninth place. What are the reasons of great numbers of divorce? Let us name some of the most common and serious ones.

Occurrence of adultery once or throughout the marriage. The unfaithful attitude towards a spouse destroys the relationship and leads to a final separation.

Communication breakdown. After some time of living under one roof spouses find out that they are absolutely incompatible. Constant clashes, brawls and squabbles cause serious problems. The differences grow as a snowball and can't be already settled by kisses or hugs.

Physical, psychological or emotional abuses. When a person taunts, humiliates, hits the children or his spouse, it can't but end with a divorce.

Financial problems. It sounds lamentably, but sometimes love alone can't guarantee well-being, whereas money can solve many of your problems. So when a couple lacks it, their relations become more and more complicated, their priorities change and the relationships end.

Boredom. A lot of couples get bored of each other after 7 or more years of marriage. Boredom may become the reason of constant quarrels and adultery which inevitably leads to a divorce.

However, it goes without saying, in most cases married couples succeed in solving all the problems and keep living in peace and happiness.




1. How many members are there in your family?
2. At what age did your parents get married?
3. Give your opinion of marriages of the previous centuries.
4. Do you think it is possible for a modern girl of eighteen to start a family?
5. People should not get married unless they are deeply in love, should they?
6. What can be done by both spouses to prevent a divorce?
7 What are the family roles distributed within a family? What is a "woman's place" and what is a "man's place" in the family?
8. Can the birth of children strengthen the family?
9. There is a good phrase in the English language about marriages — "to go on the rocks". It means to break down, to crumble. Think of the similar ones in Russian.
10. Do you agree with the statement that unhappy couples with children should stay together until the children are grown?

relationship — родство, отношение
unit — единство
a most — очень, чрезвычайно
complex — сложный
rarely — редко
peaceful — мирный
definite — определённый, точный
old maid — старая дева
spinster — старая дева
to turn out — оказываться
to bring up — воспитывать, растить
to provide — обеспечивать
despite — несмотря на
to keep the house — вести домашнее хозяйство
to raise children — растить детей
custom — обычай
breathtaking — захватывающий
"Pride and Prejudice" — «Гордость и предубеждение» (роман Джейн Остин)
to take place — происходить
at the turn of the 19th century — в конце XIX века
to retain — сохранять, удерживать
fascination — очарование, обаяние, привлекательность
modern — современный
to reveal — открывать, раскрывать, обнажать
urgent — насущный, актуальный
to concern — касаться, иметь отношение к
to start a family — заводить семью
to be in one's forties — быть в возрасте от 40 до 50 лет
moreover — более того
to juggle — совмещать
suitable — подходящий
well-paid — хорошо оплачиваемый
steady — постоянный
higher education — высшее образование
to seek — искать
independently — независимо
generation — поколение
separately — раздельно
to suffer from — страдать от
lack of attention — недостаток внимания
nuclear family — полная семья
typical — типичный
single-parent family — неполная семья
to consist of — состоять из
to divorce — разводиться
divorce rate — уровень разводов
occurrence — возникновение, случай
adultery — измена
throughout — на протяжении, в течение
unfaithful attitude — предательское отношение
spouse — супруг, супруга
separation — расставание
communication breakdown — невозможность общения
to be incompatible — быть несовместимыми
clash — конфликт
brawl — перебранка, скандал
squabble — спор, мелкая ссора
difference — разногласие
to resolve — улаживать, решать
hug — крепкое объятие
abuse — оскорбление, надругательство
to taunt — насмехаться, говорить колкости
to humiliate — унижать
to hit — бить, ударять
lamentably — печально, грустно
wellbeing — благополучие
priority — приоритет
to solve — решать
boredom — скука
inevitably — неизбежно

Now I’d like one person to work with the computer. You shall answer two questions about a political system. Then we’ll check the answers. If everything is correct, your answers will become green (I mean the colour), if something is wrong, it will be red.


1. Who elects the members of the Federal Assembly?

a) the Federal Government                b) the people

2. Who guarantees the basic rights of the people?

a) the President                b) the Prime Minister

3) – And while one person is working with the computer the others are to work in groups. You have the cards with the roles. Try to compose and act a situation according to your roles. The main rule is using of the verb should. Look through the cards. Have you got any questions to me? Then start doing the task.

Card 1.

The Duma: you are to prepare a new bill and give it to the President for examining with the arguments for its advantages. (For example: It is necessary to pass the law because we should do more for …).

The President: you are to approve or to challenge a new bill and explain your decision. (For example: I can’t approve the bill because … The Duma should have …).

Card 2.

The Parliament: you are to prepare a new bill and give it to the Queen to get the royal assent with the arguments for its advantages. (For example: It is necessary to pass the law because we should do more for …).

The Queen: you are to sign a new bill or to give it back to the Parliament for amendments. (For example: I will sign the bill because … But the Parliament should …).

Card 3.

Congress: you are to prepare a new bill and give it to the President for examining with the arguments for its advantages. (For example: It is necessary to pass the law because we should do more for …).

The President: you are to approve a new bill or to give it back for amendments. (For example: I can’t approve the bill because … Congress should have …).

- Well, I’d like to listen to the results of your work. And we shall start with the individual work. Thank you.

4) – So, we have discussed the political systems of Great Britain and Russia and have started to speak about the USA. Now we are going to work with the text. Of course it’s connected with the topic of our lesson. But firstly pay attention to the vocabulary notes. Let’s pronounce the words. Do you know all of them?

VI.Жаңа білімді бекіту кезеңі: ( 20 мин )


amendment (correction)                to be located (to be situated)               to assist (to help)                 to enforce (to make somebody do something)

to overrule (to refuse)                to vest (to give rights)                      to allow (to let)

- Take the card with the table and complete the sentences according to the text. You can see two columns, so I’d like you to work in pairs. One of you shall work with the sentences in the first column and another student shall work with the second column.

Political System of the USA

The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of 50 states. Each state has its own government («state government»). In some ways the United States is like 50 small countries.

The government of the USA acts according to the Constitution which was signed by the first thirteen representatives of thirteen original American states in 1787. The document was written in 1787 and since that time twenty six Amendments have been added. The first ten Amendments were simply rights or the Bill of rights. According to the Constitution the USA is a republic. So, the officials of any rank are elected by the US citizens. Every citizen has rights which can not be violated.

The Constitution proclaims a federal system of government which keeps both the states and the federal power from getting too much power. It means that the federal government is given certain powers, for example, to make peace or war, to issue money and to regulate the trade and so on.

The federal power is located in Washington, D.C. It is based on legislative, executive and juridical branches of power.

The legislative power is vested in Congress, which consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives, There are 435 members in the House of Representatives and 100 senators in Congress. Each state elects two members for the Senate.

The executive branch is headed by the President who is assisted by the Vice President. The

President enforces federal laws, serves as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The President can veto a bill unless Congress by a two-thirds vote shall overrule him. The Vice President, elected from the same political party as the President, acts as chairman of the Senate, and in the event of the death of the President, assumes the Presidency. The President of the USA is chosen in nationwide elections every 4 years together with the Vice.-President. The President can not be elected for more than two terms. The Cabinet is made up of Department Secretaries. The most important of them is the Secretary of State, who deals with foreign affairs.

The judicial branch is made up of Federal District Courts, 11 Federal Courts and the Supreme Court. Federal judges are appointed by the President for life.

Federal courts decide cases involving federal law, conflicts between citizens of different states.

Constitution has been amended twenty six times. The Bill of Rights guarantees individual liberties: freedom of word, religion and so on. Later amendments abolished slavery, granted the vote to women and colour people and allowed citizens to vote at the age of 18.

1). The main document of the USA is _______________________.

2). The Constitution of the USA was signed _______________________.

3). Since 1787 __________ Amendments have been added to the Constitution.

4). The Constitution proclaims _____________.

5). The federal government is given the powers to ________________________.

6). The federal government is located in _______________________.

7). The legislative power is vested _________________________.

8). There are ____________ members in the House of representatives.

9). The head of the executive power in the USA is ___________________________.

10). The President’s elections take place ____________________.

11). ____________________ deals with foreign affairs.

12). The Bill of Rights guarantees ____________________________________________.

- And now tell each other the information that you have found in the text.

- Well, that’ll do. You have enough information to characterize the political system of the USA. Who would like to try? You may use the cards.

IV. – So, you have done all the tasks and I’m very pleased with your work today. What was the most difficult task for you? Have you got any questions? Then write down your home task: you are to draft a bill for our college: for students or for teachers. Tell about its necessity (the reasons to pass it). Is the task clear?

You may have a break.

The United states of America is the fourth largest country in the world in both area and population. The total area of the USA is 3.6 million square miles which is equal to about 9.6 million square kilometres. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The United States covers the entire midsection of North America, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the East to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It is also bordered by Canada And Mexico. It also includes Alaska, in the northwest corner of North America; and Hawaii, far out in the Pacific. The country, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, has three major mountain ranges which traverse it from north to south. Looking at the eastern United States we find the Appalachian Mountains. As geologically old mountains, the Appalachians generally are no higher than about 3500 feet. The Appalachian Mountains extend from the northern trip of Maine southwestward to Alabama. This region has many mountain ranges, such as the White Mountains and the Green Mountains of northern New England. Travelling west, the next great range mountains is the Rockies. The Rockies are geologically younger than the Appalachians and therefore they are higher and more rugged. Finally, near the west coast, you will see both the sierras and the Cascades. The Sierras and the Cascades make up the western coastal range. It is in the Sierras that the highest peak in the US is located. This is Mount Whitney with an elevation of some 14500 feet. As I have known for many years it was thought that Mount Shasta was the highest mountain. But in 1864 the Whitney Geological Survey discovered Mount Whitney to be higher than Shasta. And as you have already guessed probably it was named in honor of Josiah Dwight Whitney, the state geologist and leader of the Geological Survey. 
Now, let’s discuss the geography of the land areas that these great mountain ranges divide. We begin with the western coastal range and move toward the east. This huge area basically consists of plateaus and plains. The area between the Coastal Range and the Rockies is most often called the Intermontane Plateau and makes up 1/3 of the area of the country. The area is generally higher and drier than the areas that lie to the east. Further to the east we enter the vast interior lowland. The interior lowland comprises one half of the area of the US. Geographically, this lowland contains three distinct regions. Starting at the Rockies and moving eastward is the great plains, the highest and the driest of the three regions. East of the Great Plains and continuing to the Appalachian Mountains is the Central Lowland. The third region is the Coastal Plain which extends from Texas in the south-west through the Florida peninsula and all the way to New York in the north-east. 
The US is a land of rivers and lakes. Mississippi River is the major river the United States (2,339 miles) (3,765 km). It flows from northwestern Minnesota south to the Gulf of Mexico, just below the city of New Orleans. It is a significant transportation artery and when combined with its major tributaries (the Missouri and Ohio rivers) it becomes the third largest river system in the world.
Missouri River 
It begins in southern Montana in the Rocky Mountains, first flowing north then generally southeast across the heart of the United States, ending at the Mississippi River, just to the north of St. Louis, Missouri. It is the longest river in the United States (2,500 miles) (4,023 km).
Ohio River 
Beginning at the junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers nesr Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it runs southwest, ending at the Mississippi River on the Illinois and Missouri borders. It is (980 miles) (1,557 km) in length. 

The Great Lakes region of the United States is located in the east central part of North America and constitutes a large section of the border with Canada. The five Great Lakes - Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior - are the world’s largest group of freshwater lakes. The Great Lakes region is characterised by large industrial cities, great expanses of rural farm land, and immense areas of environmentally protected natural beauty. The major cities in the region include Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Minneapolis. The Great Lakes serve as the boundary between the United States and Canada. The Great Lakes region is the home for large research universities with student populations of more than thirty thousand students that offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs in every imaginable area of study.

In the drier west only three major river system reach the Pacific Ocean. These are the Colorado, the Colombia and the San Joaquin-Sacramento rivers.
Colorado River 
Beginning in the Rocky Mountains of northern Colorado, it moves southwest ending in the Gulf of California. It is (1,450 miles) (2,333 km) in length, and has formed numerous canyons along its winding path. The most famous of these is the Grand Canyon in northern Arizona. 
Columbia River 
This wide, fast-flowing river begins in the Canadian Rockies of southeast British Columbia, Canada, flowing south through the State of Washington, then forming the natural border between Washington and Oregon. It ends in the Pacific Ocean and it is (1,152 miles) (1,857 km) in length.
Sacramento & San Joaquin Rivers 
The Sacramento (380 miles) (610 km) in length, begins in the Klamath Mountains of northern California, flowing southwest, then south to join the San Joaquin River, before entering San Francisco Bay. The San Joaquin comes out of the Sierra Nevada near Yosemite National Park. It flows north to meet the Sacramento River, east of San Francisco. It's namesake valley is one of the most fertile agricultural regions in the USA. (350 miles) (563 km) in length.

The climate in USA varies across different parts of the country. Generally, the western and southern parts of US have warmer weather as compared to the eastern and northern parts. The eastern/northern parts of US experience harsh winters with heavy snowfall but the summers are pleasant. The western/southern part has extremely hot summers and comparatively tolerable winters.
USA can be divided into six climate regions, excluding Alaska, Hawaii and outlying territories. The climate varies considerably between different regions. 
• Northwest Pacific
• Mid/South Pacific
• Midwest
• Northeast
• Southeast 
• Southwest
Northwest Pacific:
(Includes states like Oregon and Washington to the crest of the Cascade Mountains) 
This is the perhaps the wettest part of the country. There are scattered rain showers all year round. Temperatures are mild averaging around 40 degree F. (32.2 degree C). The summer months are pleasantly warmer but never too hot. You can see fogs along the coast during the warmer weather but the fog is less dense during mid-day. 
Warm clothes: You will need extra warm clothes for winters like leather jackets, thermal jackets, warm inners, leather gloves etc.
Mid/South Pacific Rockies:
(Includes states like California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nevada) 
These states have generally dry and delightful summers. 
California has excellent weather all the year round, with the northern part of the state somewhat cooler (quiet chilly in the winter but seldom freezing). There are very few places in California that experience snow, and the state is known for its nice weather. Mostly all the cities have tolerable winters.
The winter months in the other states like Montana, Idaho and Wyoming can be very cold, with temperatures dropping well below 0 degree F. Colorado, Utah and Nevada are known for their excellent skiing.
Warm clothes: For California you will need warm clothes for winters. For the rest of the Mid-South Pacific region you will need warmer apparel.
(Includes states like Dakotas, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana)
This region is moderately dry. Precipitation occurs mainly in late spring and early summer. Summers are pleasant but winter time can be harsh, with lots of snow and heavy chilly winds. Extremes within the Midwest can drop down to -50 degree F. 
Warm clothes: You will need extra warm clothes for winters like leather jackets, thermal jackets, warm inners, leather gloves etc.
(Includes states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Maryland). 
This entire area is moderately rainy. In winter, the region experiences heavy snow and freezing rain. Summers are usually pleasant, sunny and warm. The fall is especially beautiful in wooded areas. 
Warm clothes: You will need extra warm clothes for leather jackets, thermal jackets, warm inners, leather gloves etc.
(Includes states like portions of Arkansas and Louisiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia)
Like the Northeast, this entire area experiences moderate rains fairly evenly throughout the year. The Spring, Summer and Fall seasons are all very pleasant. Some snow and freezing rain falls in winter but for the most part, the winters are quite mild and short lived. 
Southern Florida, like California, usually has excellent weather all the year round.
Warm clothes: You will need moderate warm clothes for winters, but may need the extra warm ones for the cold weather that lasts for a very short duration of time.
(Includes states like Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and western portions of Arkansas and Louisiana) 
This is the hottest and high rainfall region of the US. You must be prepared to face heavy rains accompanied with thunder storms, dangerous lightening and occasional tornadoes. The winters are generally short but some freezing rains do occur. The spring and fall seasons are quite long and temperatures are generally excellent. The summers are very hot with temperatures approaching and exceeding 100 degree F on many days.
Warm clothes: You will need moderate warm clothes for winters. Raincoats are a must.

The Outline of the lesson

  1. Organization moment:

  2. Introduction of the grammar theme

to write the example on the blackboard

to explain the formation and the usage of the sentences

1) sea+man seaman
milk+man milkman
police+man policeman
post+man postman
fisher+man fisherman

2) seaman seamen
milkman milkmen
policeman policemen
postman postmen
fisherman fishermen

3) bed+room bedroom
time+table timetable
black+board blackboard
foot+ball football
basket+ball basketball
air+port airport
shop+girl shopgirl

  1. Consolidation of the grammar theme

a)sea ball
time board
police ever
milk mate
cup men
foot port
what girl
air side
class table
black man
shop board

b)Give examples with this words

  1. Doing exercises from the textbook

Ex 4 on page 310

5. Consolidation of the active words

to translate the words

to make up sentences with the words

to complete sentences with the words

to reach 
We reached the city at 5 o clock 
to discover -to discover a land 
Columbus discovered America in 1492

A discoverer-one who discovers a land
Columbus was a great discoverer.
A discovery

Television is a very important discovery of the 20 th century
Computer is a very important discovery of the 21 st century

a sail 
There was a beautiful white sail on the boat
to sail 
The ship will sail for America in two weeks
A sailor 
He is a sailor

6. Working with the text “The Discovery of America”

a)to read the text

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy but lived in Spain for a long time. He was a seaman and made many sea voyages. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. And after sailing 4000 miles (6400 kilometres ), he reached some land. Columbus thought that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land-a new continent. It was America-Central America in fact. People called this land “the New World”.

Then Columbus made some more voyages to the New World. He discovered some more islands in Central America.

The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus began in September in 1493. He had seventeen ships with him. On this voyage he reached Cuba but didn’t know it was an island. Columbus made four trips to the New World but he never landed on the mainland of North America.

England became interested in the New World too. The first English settlements appeared in America at the beginning of the seventeenth century. On the 6th of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. They sailed from the English city on board the ship “Mayflower”. They wanted to start a new life.

After three months’ voyage these people landed in the Northeast of America. There were 74 men and 28 women on “Mayflower”. They set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.

b)to translate unknown words

- journey

- voyage

- to be sure

- land

- settlement

- island

- mainland

- appear

- on board the ship

c)to complete the text

The Discovery of America

Christopher Columbus ________________ America in 1492.

He was born in ________ but lived in _______ for a long time. He was _________and made many _________. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to _______. He decided ________ west as he was sure that our planet was round. And after sailing 4000 miles ( 6400 kilometres ), he _________ some land. Columbus _________ that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land-a new ___________. It was America-Central America in fact. People called ____________ “the New World”.

Then Columbus _______ some more voyages to the New World. He discovered some more ________ in Central America.

The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus _______ in September in 1493. He had seventeen ______ with him. On this voyage he reached Cuba but didn’t _______ it was an island. Columbus made four ______ to the New World but he never _______ on the mainland of North America.

England became _________in the New World too. The first English settlements __________ in America at the beginning of the seventeenth century. On the 6th of September in 1620 a group of people ______ England for the New World. They ______ from the English city on board the ship “Mayflower”. They wanted _______ a new life.

After three months’ voyage these _______ landed in the Northeast of America. There were 74 ____and 28 ______ on “Mayflower”. They set up ______ and called that part of the ______ “New England”.

d)to complete sentences

Christopher Columbus was born… …to go to India
He lived… …a seaman
He was… …the new continent-America 
He made… …he reached some land
In 1492 he decided… …it was India
He wanted… …many sea voyages
After sailing 6400 kilometres… …to sail west 
Christopher Columbus thought… …in Spain for a long time
But it was… …in Italy

  1. Speaking on the theme “The Discovery of America”

To retell the first passage of the text

7. Working on the text

a) Give the past tense of the verbs

to make

to discover

to begin

to have

to reach

to know

to land

to become

to appear

to leave for

to sail from

to want

to be

to set up

to call

b) to complete the text using the verbs in the past tense


Then Columbus made some more voyages to the New World. He discovered some more islands in Central America.

The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus began in September in 1493. He had seventeen ships with him. On this voyage he reached Cuba but didn’t know it was an island. Columbus made four trips to the New World but he never landed on the mainland of North America.

England became interested in the New World too. The first English settlements appeared in America at the beginning of the seventeenth century. On the 6th of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. They sailed from the English city on board the ship “Mayflower”. They wanted to start a new life.

After three months’ voyage these people landed in the Northeast of America. There were 74 men and 28 women on “Mayflower”. They set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.

c)to make up sentences using the word-expressions

1. to make some more voyages

2. to discover some more islands

3. the second great voyage

4. seventeen ships

5. to know

6. four trips

7. to land

8. to become interested in

9. to appear

10. to leave England for

11. to sail from

12. to start a new life

13. After three months’ voyages

14. 74 men and 28 women

15. to set up a colony

16. to call that part of the country

d)The game “Magic Numbers”

There are 7 numbers on the blackboard. Using there number you must make up sentences, if you make up a right sentence the card will be opened. And if you give right examples for each number we can find out our main theme.

1493 17 4 1620 74 28 3








1) The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus began in September in 1493

2) He had 17 ships with him

3) Columbus made 4 trips to the New World but he never landed on the mainland

of North America

4) On the 6th of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New


5) There were 74 men on “Mayflower”.

6) There were 28 women on “Mayflower”.

7) After 3 months’ voyage these people landed in the Northeast of America.

8. Retelling the text using words and expressions

1. in Italy

2. in Spain

3. a seaman

4. many sea voyages

5. to sail west

6. to go to India

7. to reach some land

8. it was India

9. a new continent tally

10. to make some more voyages

11. to discover some more islands

12. the second great voyage

13. seventeen ships

14. to know

15. four trips

16. to land

17. to become interested in

18. to appear

19. to leave England for

20. to sail from

21. to start a new life

22. After three months’ voyages

23. 74 men and 28 women

24. to set up a colony

25. to call that part of the country

9. Drill exercises

a) to translate the sentences from Kazakh into English

b) to make up sentences using the grammar theme

c) to change the tense of the sentences

  1. Conclusion

Giving marks and the home task

To speak on the theme “The Discovery of America” and “Christopher Columbus’s voyages”

The Discovery of America

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy. His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.

Most people in Columbus's days thought that the earth was flat and they did not believe that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. There were 3 caravels: the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4000 miles he reached some land. The crew saw something like a white cliff and cried out: "Tierra! Tierra!". Columbus thought 'that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land - a new continent. It was America. Columbus named the land they had reached San Salvador ("Holy Saviour"). People began to speak about the land as "The New World".

European people came to the New World for many reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the Indians. Among those who came for freedom was a small group of English people called Pilgrims. They wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in England. In 1620 on the ship "Mayflower" they landed in the north-east of America. They set up a colony and called that part of the country "New England".

Identify these sentences by choosing (a) Simple, (b) Compound or (c) Complex


The training rooms of these college athletes smell of grease and gasoline.








Their practice field is a stretch of asphalt, and their heroes make a living driving cars.








Their tools are screwdrivers and spanners rather than basketballs and footballs.








This new brand of college athlete is involved in the sport of auto racing.








Most of the students are engineering majors, and they devote every minute of their spare time to their sport.








Although the sport is new, it has already attracted six collegiate teams in the Southeast.








The students work on special cars designed for their sport.








The cars are called Legends cars, models of Fords and Chevys from 1932 to 1934, and they are refitted by the students with 1200 cc motorcycle engines.








Although their usual speed ranges from 50 to 90 miles an hour, Legends cars can move up to 100 miles an hour on a straightaway.








The Saturday morning races of the competing teams have attracted as many as 3,500 fans, but the students concede they are no threat to the nation's fastest growing sport of stock car racing.







Шетел  тілін  жаңаща  оқыту  соңғы  жылдары  жоғары  қарқынға  ие болды. Үстаздардардың сабақты  жобалаудағы   жауапкершілігі   студенттердің  шетел  тілінде  нәтижелі  тілдік  қарым-қатынас  жасауына  мүмкіншіліктер  туғызады .  Олар  аз  уақытта  жаңа технология  жәрдемінде үлкен  жетістіктерге  жете  алады .  Оқудың  дәстүрлі   үрдісіне  инновациялық технологияны  ендіру, оқытушылар  мен  студенттерге дәстүрлі  формаларды  және әдістерді жетілдіруге  мүмкіндік береді, сонымен  қатар  жаңаларды  да, атап  айтқанда : тренингтер, дөңгелек үстелдер, пресс-конференциялар  және  т б .  Оқытушылардың  біліктілігі  олардың  педогогикалық  қарым- қатынаста  жағдаят  жасауда  көрінеді, онда оқытушылар  да, студенттер  де таңдау және  бақлау мүмкіншілігіне  ие  болады.   Инновация  дегеніміз тек ғана жаңалық енгізу емес, сонымен  қатар жаңаны дәстүрлі  оқу- тәрбие  үрдісіне  қолдана  білу.

Білім  беру үрдісінде жаңа ақпараттық технологияларды қолдану мәселесі өзектімәселелердің қатарынан орын алуда. Шетел тілін оқытудың мақсаты субьектінің мәдениетаралық  қарым-қатынас  біліктілігін қалыптастыру  десек, онда  сол шетел  тілін оқытуда жаңа ақпараттық технологияларды қолдану шетел тілін оқытудың мақсатынан туындап отырған қажеттілік болмақ.

Білім беру үрдісін ақпараттандыруда  төмендегідей әдістемелік, педагогикалық міндеттерді шешуге болады:

білім беруде көлемді ақпаратқа қол жеткізе алу; білім алуға мотивацияның жоғарылауы; өз бетінше жұмыс істеу; өзін-өзі бақылау және  т. б.

жеке тұлғаны жетілдіру ( түлғаның ой-өрісі, эстетикалық тәрбие, зерттеу жұмысымен  шұғылдану іскерлігін дамыту, ақпараттық  мәдениетін қалыптастыру және  т. б.

әлеуметтік тапсырысты жүзеге асыру (компьютерлік біліктілікті қалыптастыру, белгілі бір сала бойынша маман дайындау және  т. б.)

оқу-тәрбие жүмысын жетілдіру (білім берудің сапасы мен тиімділігін арттыру, танымдық әрекеттің мотивін қамтамасыз ету, пәнаралық байланыстарды тереңдету  және т. б.

Сөз арқауы компьютерлік технологияны  пайдалана отырып, шетел тілі сабағында интернет жүйесін қолдану мәселесі болмақ. Жаһанданған  интернет жүйесін қолдану негізінде,тіл үйренушілердің сөз әрекетінің төрт түрінде де біліктілігін қалыптастыруға болады,жүйе  материалдарын қолдану арқылы олардың оқу, жазу іскерлігі мен дағдыларын қалыптастыруға , сөздік қорын байытуға мүмкіндік туады .  Интернет жүйесін пайдалана отырып, тілін үйренуші елдің өкілдерімен байланысқа түсе алады.

Студенттердің шетел тілін үйренуге  деген  ынтасын  арттыру олардың төмендегі шараларға қатысуы негізінде жасалынады: диспуттар, байқаулар, олимпиядалар және т. б.

«Интернет» деген термин ағылшынның «international net» деген сөзінен, аудармасында «халықаралық байланыс» деген ұғымды береді.  Интернет жүйесі арқылы тіл үйренуші тіл өкілімен тура, тікелей байланысқа түсе алады, шетел тілі сабағында Интернетке қосылу арқылы шынайы қарым-қатынас үлгісін жасауға болады. Табиғи тілдік ортада тілді қарым-қатынас құралы ретінде қолдана отырып, тіл үйренушілер айтылымдарға спонтанды  түрде, түрлі тілдік формулаларды қолдана отырып, жылдам жауап беруге дағдыланады.

Интернет жүйесінің келесі ақпараттық қоры мен ресурстарын шетел тілі сабағында пайдалану бірден-бір тиімді болмақ:

электрондық пошта( e-mail), телеконфереция, видеоконференция;

жеке ақпараттарды жарыққа шығару мүмкіндігі немесе басқаша айтқанда Web

серверге  жеке шығару;

ақпараттық каталогтар ( Yahoo,  InfoSeek/ UltraSmart, Galaxy) іздеу жүйесі (Altta, Vista, HotBob, Open Text), жүйе ішіндегі әңгіме( Chat).

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Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Отбасындағы өзара қарым-қатынас

Автор: Есенова Мадина Қожабергеновна

Дата: 09.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 389691

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