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Поурочные планы по английскому языку. 2 - класс

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Л.Б. Ас?арова, С. ДРахимжанова, А.С.Волкова.


     Т?сінік  хат

   ?рпа?ы білімді халы?ты? болаша?ы б?лы??ыр болмайды дегендей, жас ?рпа??а саналы, м?н ма?ыналы, ?негелі т?рбие мен білім беру б?гінгі к?нні? талабы. ?аза?стан Республикасыны? т?уелсіз елге айналып, ?лемдік ?ркениетті? даму жолына т?су жолында, мектептерде а?ылшын тілін ерте жастан о?ыту жол?а ?ойылды. Осы?ан байланысты ?лтты? білім ж?йесіндегі ?згерістер мен талаптар?а арнал?ан “А?ылшын тілін ерте жастан о?ыту ” ?йірмесі 2 – 4 сыныптарда саба?тан тыс, аптасына 1 са?ат, барлы?ы 34 са?ат ж?ргізіледі. 1- 4 сыныптарда а?ылшын тілін о?ытуды? ма?ызы мен ерекшелігі – о?ушыда о?у мен жазу да?дысыны? негізін ?алау, о?ушыларда с?здік,  дыбысты? ??рылымы туралы т?сінік ?алыптастыру, ?ріп таныту, буындап, с?зі т?тас, с?йлемді т?сінікті, м?тінді м?нерлі о?у?а ?йрету, салауатты, к?ркем жазу негізін ?алыптастыру, с?йлеу тілін дамыту. Білім беруді? мазм?ны мен ??рылымын жа?арту кезе?інде баланы мектеп ?абыр?асына 6 жастан ?абылдауды? ?зіндік жолы ай?ындалуда. Сонды?тан а?ылшын тілін о?ыту бастауыш сыныпта ауызша  с?йлеу да?дысымен есепке алынады. Бастап?ы этапта а?ылшын тілін о?ытуда?ы бір негізгі аспект ол ойын элеметтерін тиімді пайдалану болып табылады. Мектепте бастауыш сыныптарда  а?ылшын тілін о?ытуда?ы ма?саты – жа?а технологиялар ?рдісі, тілдік ?арым-?атынасты игеру болып табылады.Ерте жастан а?ылшын тілін о?ыту о?ушыларды? коммуникативті даму біліктілігін, о?ушыларды? ?ызы?ушылы?ын ?йымдастыру?а м?мкіндік береді. «Шетел тілі» п?ніні? мектептегі бас?а п?ндерге ерекшелігі сол, ол тек тілдік білім ж?йесін (фонетикалы?, лексикалы?, грамматикалы?) о?ытумен шектелмейді, е? бастысы шетел тіліндегі с?з ?рекетін м?диниетаралы? ?арым-?атынас ??ралы ретінде ме?гертіп, н?тижесінде к?птілдік ж?не к?пт?рлі м?дениетті т?сінетін т?л?аны ?алыптастыруда?ы р?лімен ерекшеленеді. Бастауышта а?ылшын тілі ба?дарламасы с?йлеу ?рекетіні? барлы? т?рін (ты?дап-т?сіну, о?у, с?йлеу мен жазу), сондай-а? а?ылшын графикасымен танысу?а, о?ушыны? жас ерекшелігіне сай келетін м?тіндерді жазу ж?не ?арапайым о?у ?дісімен таныстыру?а ба?ыттал?ын. М?тінді мазм?ндау?а, жазбаша с?ра?тар?а жауап беруге, жоспар ??ру?а, белгілі бір суретке та?ырып ?оя білуге, сол суретке ?арап с?йлем ??рау?а ?йрету.

Б?л ба?дармала бойынша ба?асыз о?у т?сілі ?олданылады да, жарты жылды? сайын сына? алынады. Ерте жастан а?ылшын тілін о?ыту о?ушыларды? коммуникативті даму біліктілігін, о?ушыларды? ?ызы?ушылы?ын ?йымдастыру?а м?мкіндік береді.

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«Поурочные планы по английскому языку. 2 - класс»

2 The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:My family

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about family,

-to enter new lexical words as he,she

-to bring up pupils to love their family

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Please, look at the picture on the blackboard. You are right.

Today we have a new guest. His name is Mr. Crow. Let’s repeat after him: [th],[th]Say: mother, father, brother, this, these, they

Now repeat after me:

-who is she?

-who is he?

-this is my mother

-these are my father and mother

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “My family”

Ex.1. listen and learn


Answer the question:

-who is she?

-who is he?

Ex2, ask and answer the questions


-who is she?

-who is he?

-she is my mother

-he is my father

III. Warming-up

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

Ex3. Listen and song.

Track .Listen and sing


Please, now you should tell me about your family.So, today, we knew how we can to answer the question “What’s your name?”, “How are you?”, “How old are you?” and we can count from 1 till 10.Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!



Theplan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:Greetings

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about numbers

-to enter new lexical words as old, new

-to bring up pupils to be careful for their books and things

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Please, look at the picture on the blackboard. You are right.

Today we have a new guest. His name is Mr. Crow. Let’s repeat after him: [h],[h]Say: hi, hello, him, how, hide, his

Now repeat after me [ei], [ei]. Let’s say together: name, eight, say,great.

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Greetings”

Ex.1. listen and read after the teacher.


Answer the question:How oil is Alibek? Is Anar 8? How old is Masha? Is Bota 5? Is Olga 8?

Ex2, Listen and repeat.

Track2. Listen and repeat.

III. Warming-up

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

Ex3. Listen and song.



Please, now you will tell me about yourself. Then you should count from 1 till 10.

So, today, we knew how we can to answer the question “What’s your name?”, “How are you?”, “How old are you?” and we can count from 1 till 10.Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


3 Theplan of the lesson

Grade:2 «Ә»


The theme of the lesson:Happy birthday

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about their olds and to learn to thanks themselves

-to enter new lexical words as old, a cake, a present, a hat, a balloon, a candle

-to bring up pupils to thanks themselves

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Please, look at the picture on the blackboard. What can we see?You are right.

Today we have a new guest. His name is Mr. Crow. Let’s repeat after him: [ð],[ð]Say: birthday, three, thank you, school things

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Happy birthday”

Ex.1. listen and learn.

-It’s my birthday today!

-How old are you?

-I’m 8 years old.

-Happy birthday!

-This present for you

-Thank you!

Track6.Listen and learn

Ex2. I have some pictures. Let’slook it.( a cake, a present, a hat, a balloon, a candle)

Track2. Listen and learn the new words

III. Warming-up

1,2,3- Clap your hands.

Up!-Strech arms up

4,5,6- Clap your hands

Down! Strech arms down

Ex3. Listen and song.



Please, now you will tell me about your birthday. Then you should count from 1 till 10.

So, today, we knew how we can to answer the question “How old are you?”and we can count from 1 till 10.Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


4 Theplan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:Holidays in Kazakhstan

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about our country and holidays

-to enter new lexical words as holiday, to sing, dance, present, capital

-to bring up pupils to love their country

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. In the last lesson we knew to congratulate themselves with birthday. Today we will learn about holiday.What kind of holidays you know? (New year, Astana’s day, Victory day)

Phonetic ex.

Today we have a new guest. His name is Ben. He helps us to use [ŋ],[ŋ] Let’s repeat after him. Say after him: bring, sing, ring, king, morning

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Happy birthday”

Ex.1. listen and learn.

We have many holidays in Kazakhstan

We have New Year. We sing, dance and give presents

We have Nauryz. We have plov and nauryz-kozhe

We have Victory Day.We go to the park and bring flowers

We have the Day of Astana. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It is a very beautiful city.

Track9.Listen and learn

Ex2. Say what holiday it is.

I have some pictures. You should say what holiday it is.

III. Warming-up

1,2,3- Clap your hands.

Up!-Strech arms up

4,5,6- Clap your hands

Down! Strech arms down

Ex3. Name the action

You should look at these pictures and name these actions. What are they do?


Please, now you should tell me about holidays in Kazakhstan.

So, today, we knew about holidays in Kazakhstan. Pupils, let’s love our country. Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


5 Theplan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:Holidays in England

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about England and their holidays

-to enter new lexical words as holiday, to sing, dance, present, capital

-to bring up pupils to love their country

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. In the last lesson we knew to congratulate themselves with holidays. Today we will learn about holidays of England.What kind of holidays you know? (Christmas, Mother’s day, Easter, Queen’s birthday)

Phonetic ex.

Today we have a new guest. His name is Ben. He helps us to use [ө], [ө]Let’s repeat after him. Say after him: think, three, thirty, nothing, birthday, math

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Holidays in England”

Ex.1. listen and learn.

Track 10

We have many holidays in England too

We have Christmas with a Christmas tree and Santa Clause

We have Mother’s day. We give presents to our mothers

We have Easter in spring. We colour eggs at Easter

We have Queen’s Birthday in summer. We watch parade and sing Happy birthday for the Queen.

Holidays are great

Ex2.Answer the questions: yes, it is./ no, it isn’t

III. Warming-up

Roses are red

Violets are blue

You’re my mom

And I love you

IV. Conclusion.

Please, now you should tell me about holidays in England

So, today, we knew about holidays in England. Pupils, let’s love our country and other countries too. Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


6 Theplan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:Professions

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about professions

-to enter new lexical words as a driver, a pilot, a cook, a doctor,

-to bring up pupils to love work

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Now look at the board. What can you see? Very good!

This is Mr. Wise Crow

Phonetic ex.

Sounds [u:] [u].

[u]-hook, cook, look, took, brook

[u:]-broom, room, ruler

Great! Say Good-bye to Mr. Wise Crow

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Professions”

Ex.1. listen and learn the new words

Track 12

A driver

A pilot

A cook

A doctor

Ex2. Guess the profession

III. Warming-up

Look at the cook

He makes food

He has a spoon and

A cook book

IV. Conclusion.

Ex4 read, then say about yourself

Nowyou should tell me about professions. What kind of professions you know?

So, today, we knew about professions. Pupils, let’s love work

Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


7 Theplan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:Professions

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about professions

-to enter new lexical words as a taxi-driver, a teacher, a clown, a pianist, a vet, a policeman, a seller

-to bring up pupils to love work

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Now look at the board. What can you see? Very good!

This is Mr. Wise Crow

Phonetic ex.

Sounds [ow] [er].

[er]-driver, seller, teacher

[ow]-clown, cow, flower, how

Great! Say Good-bye to Mr. Wise Crow

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Professions”

Ex.1. listen and learn the new words

Track 14

This is my father. He is a pilot.

This is my mother. She is a cook

This is my father. He is a taxi-driver

This is my mother. She is a doctor

This is my father. He is a teacher.

This is my mother. She is a teacher too

Ex2. Finish the sentences

III. Warming-up

How are you? How are you?

How are you today?

I’m fine. I’m fine.

Thank you. Hooray!

IV. Conclusion.

Ex3. Say about your parents

My mother is a_________

My father is a__________

So, today, we knew about professions. Pupils, let’s love work

Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


8 Theplan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:Professions

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about professions

-to enter new lexical words as a cleaner, hard, big, rubbish, to throw

-to bring up pupils to love work

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Now look at the board. What can you see? Very good!

This is Mr. Wise Crow

Phonetic ex.

Sounds [sh]

[sh]-rubbish, shoes, shelf, T-shirt, sheep

Great! Say Good-bye to Mr. Wise Crow

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Professions”

Ex.1. listen and read

Track 15

This is Aigerimapa. She is a cleaner.

She works at school.She works hard.

The school is big.Look! What is this? It’s rubbishChildren,don’t throw rubbish

Ex2. Finish the sentences

  1. I ____at school. I am a teacher.

  2. He____ planes. He is a pilot

  3. She______ children. She is a doctor

  4. They______ the piano. They’re pianist

  5. We______ animals. We’re vet’s

III. Warming-up

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together

Nod, nod, nod your heads

Nod your heads together

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet together

IV. Conclusion.

So, today, we knew about professions. Pupils, let’s not to throw rubbish

Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


The plan of the lesson.



The theme of the lesson:Revision. Let’s play

The aims of the lesson:

  1. To concluse their knowledge and comprehensions.

  2. To develop their memory.

  3. To bring up pupils to respect people and their friends.

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:Introduction of the new material

Visual aids of the lesson: CD disk, smiles,workbook, ,

The procedure of the lesson.

I.Organization moment.

Greeting: - Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Listen to me and say:

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you!, - Please, take your sits!

Work with book.

  • Ok, everybody let’s play a game. Now you should divide in 2 groups. Then we should do all these exercises. Let’s go!

  1. Answer the question: What’s your name?

  2. What holiday is it?

  3. What is this?

  4. Finish the sentence. At Easter we colour___________

  5. Translate; my father is a taxi-driver

  6. Say. It is a _______

  7. Complete: he________ at school(work)

  8. Find a mistake: He are a cook.

  9. Say it in Enlish.

  10. Comlate: I want to be a _______.

Work with activity book.

Ex1. Listen, Put the sentences in order you hear them

Ex2. Match the phrases

Circle the right answer.

Find the right picture.

Unscramble the words.


  • Today we review all what we learnt in our last lessons. Thank you for your attention! Our lesson is over! Good-bye!

10 Theplan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:My body

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about parts of bodies

-to enter new lexical words as a head, hand, knee, leg, toe, shoulder

-to bring up pupils to love sport

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Now look at the board. What can you see? Very good!

This is Mr. Wise Crow

Phonetic ex.

Revise Sounds [sh],

[sh]-rubbish, shoes, shelf, T-shirt, sheep

Great! Say Good-bye to Mr. Wise Crow

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “My body”

Ex.1. listen and learn the new words

Track 16

A head- бас

A shoulder- иық

A hand-қол

A knee- тізе

A toe-табан

III. Warming-up

Let’s sing a song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes…

IV. Production


This is a toe

These are toes

This is a shoulder

These are shoulders

This is a knee

These are knees

Ex2. Say. This is a _____. These are ______.

V. Conclusion.

So, today, we knew about parts of body.

Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!



The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:My face

The aims of the lesson:

-to develop their knowledge about parts of face

-to enter new lexical words as a nose, an eye, an ear, a mouth, hair

-to bring up pupils to love sport

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Visual aids of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Now look at the board. What can you see? Very good!

This is Mr. Wise Crow

Phonetic ex.

Revise Sounds [sh],

[sh]-rubbish, shoes, shelf, T-shirt, sheep

Great! Say Good-bye to Mr. Wise Crow

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “My face”

Ex.1. listen and learn the new words

Track 17

Hair- шаш

A nose- мұрын

An ear-құлақ

An eye- көз

A mouth-ауыз

III. Warming-up

Ex2. Let’s sing a song

Track 18

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

IV. Production


This is a mouth. These are eyes.

This is a nose These are ears.

This is hair.

Ex3. Say. This is a _____. These are ______.

V. Conclusion.

So, today, we knew about parts of face.

Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


12 The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson:Look at me.

The aims of the lesson:

-to introduce them with verbs hsve and has.

-to enter new lexical words as blonde, brown, black, long, short.

-to bring up pupils to thanks themselves

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Visual aids of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Please, look at the picture on the blackboard. What can we see?You are right.

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Look at me.”

Ex.1. listen and learn the new words. Track 20

Green eyes – жасыл көздер

Blue eyes – көк көздер

Brown eyes – қоңыр көздер

Blonde hair – сары шаш

Red hair – сарғылт шаш

Black hair – қара шаш

Long hair – ұзын шаш

Short hair – қысқа шаш

Ex2. Describe yourself and your classmates


I have red hair. She has long hair. He has long hair.

III. Warming-up

1,2,3- Clap your hands.

Up!-Strech arms up

4,5,6- Clap your hands

Down! Strech arms down

Ex3. Listen, read and guess


Ex4. Describe the characters.

Ex5. Let’s play. Guess your classmate.


Today, we knew how we can to use the verbs “Have and has” and we can complete the sentences.Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


13 The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson: My cousins.

The aims of the lesson:

-to introduce them with numbers from 10 to 20 and with the Present Simple Tense

-to develop their listening and speaking skills..

-to bring up pupils to thanks themselves

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Visual aids of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Please, take your sits!

So, let’ start our lesson. Please, look at the picture on the blackboard. What can we see?You are right.

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “My cousins”.

Ex1. Listen and learn the new words.


Ex2. Listen and read about Ben’s family.

Hello, again! Look at this picture! These are my cousins. David is 18 and he’s a student. Joe is 15 and he’s a pupil. They live in London. They’re singers. I love my cousins. They have a song for you! Let’s listen to it.

III. Warming-up

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky!

Ex.2. Listen and sing.

Come on everybody,

Let’s count to twenty.

Eleven is 1 and 1.

Twelve is 1 and 2.

Thirteeen is 1 and 3.

Fourteen is 1 and 4.

Fifteen is 1 and 5.

Sixteen is 1 and 6.

Seventeen is 1 and 7.

Eighteen is 1 and 8.

Nineteen is 1 and 9.

Twenty is 2 and 0.


Today, we introduced with the numbers and we can count from 1 to 20.Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


14 The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson: Ben’s family.

The aims of the lesson:

- the introduction of new vocabulary on the theme «Ben's family», activate the use of cardinal numbers up to 20, the possessive case of a noun;

- the development of speech of pupils by means of enriching vocabulary; develop the ability to analyze and compare;

- the use of the studied language material to build a dialogue with someone, respect spelling rules in the interpretation and use of new words.

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Visual aids of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


- Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you! How are you? Sit down, please!

II. Presentation. Phonetic exercise with Ben.

- Good morning, children! Listen and repeat after me. Sound [a:] - far, star, aunt, bar, park, shark. Sound [ ] - but, nut, uncle, cousin, mother, brother, colour. Well done!

Work with books.

Ex1. Look at ben’s family tree. Listen and read. Track26.

Hello, kids! Look at Ben’s family tree.

  1. This is Ben’s grandfather.

  2. This is Ben’s grandmother.

  3. This is Ben’s uncle.

  4. This is Ben’s aunt.

  5. This is Ben’s father.

  6. This is Ben’s mother.

7-8. These are Ben’s cousins.

9. This is Ben’s sister.

Ex2. Listen and check. Describe Anar’s family. Track26.

III. Warming-up

Listen and learn the rhyme.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses,
And all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Ex3. Complete the sentences.


Your home work is ex2 at the page 35.

Guys, today we introduced with Ben’s family. Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


15 The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson: Christmas with Ben.

The aims of the lesson:

  • organize and synthesize the knowledge of students on the theme " Christmas with Ben "

  • develop the skills of listening , reading, speaking on the theme ;

  • creating an atmosphere of creative interaction between students ;

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Visual aids of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


T:   Hello, boys and girls!

      I’m very glad to see you now!

Ps: Hello, glad to see you too.

T:   Today we are having lots of guests. They are teachers of our school.

      Greet them, please.

Ps: Good morning, dear teachers.

T:   Thank you. Sit down, please. You are all very polite.

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Holidays in England”

Ex1. Listen and read. Track 28.

Christmas in England.

This is Ben’s family at Christmas. You can see Ben, his father and his sister. Ben’s father is Santa Clause. You can see presents under the Christmas tree. Chrismas is a family holiday. Look at the stockings! They are for all the family.

III. Warming-up

Let’s sing a song.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.

Ex2. Listen and read. Track 29.

New Year in Kazakhstan.

This is Alibek’s family at New Year. New Year in Kazakhstan is a family holiday too. Alibek’s family is at the table. Look at Father Frost and Snow Maiden! They give presents to children.


Thank you, Children. You have got only excellent marks. Please, listen to Christmas carols. It will be your homework.

The bell has gone Stand up! Good buy. See you soon.


17 The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson: Sport

The aims of the lesson:

- To introduce pupils with new words connected with the theme «Sport»

- To develop the pupils’ skills in using the new words on the theme.

- To bring up to help each other, be interested in sport.

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Visual aids of the lesson: :CD disk, smiles, workbook, flashcards

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment

- Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

- Hello, teacher! We are glad to see you. We are fine, thanks.

Phonetic ex.

Listen and repeat after me: Chess,chalk,chair,chat,champion. Join, jelly,John,jam,jeans. (Pupils will repeat after the teacher).

II. Work with books.

Our theme in our lesson is “Sport”.

Ex1. Listen and learn the new words.

Football – футбол

Basketball – баскетбол

Hockey – хоккей

Skating – сырғанау

Ex2. Let’s sing a song “Football” Track 31. Remember some words connected with sport.

Ex3. Listen and read.

III. Warming-up

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is white.

Spring is green.

Summer is  bright..

Ex4. Read and tell your classmates about yourself.


ck hockey duck black sock


So, today, we knew about parts of body.

Thank you for your attention! Good-bye!


16 The plan of the lesson



The theme of the lesson: Let’s play!

The aims of the lesson:

  1. To concluse their knowledge and comprehensions.

  2. To develop their memory.

  3. To bring up pupils to respect people and their friends.

Method of the lesson:Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:Introduction of the new material

Visual aids of the lesson: CD disk, smiles,workbook, ,

The procedure of the lesson.

I.Organization moment.

Greeting: - Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you! Listen to me and say:

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you!, - Please, take your sits!

Work with book.

Let’s play the game.

  1. What’s this?

  2. Complete: My aunt’s children are ____

  3. Name the numbers: 11, 13, 15, 17, 19.

  4. Spell the word and translate it: student

  5. Say:

  6. Translate: Ben’s cousins live in London.

  7. How old is he: 16

  8. Choose: This is/ These are my brothers.

  9. Put in the letters: famil_, fr_end

  10. Describe the boy:


  • Today we review all what we learnt in our last lessons. Thank you for your attention! Our lesson is over! Good-bye!


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Поурочные планы по английскому языку. 2 - класс

Автор: Кенжебаева Назгуль Бекетбаевна

Дата: 10.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 291096

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