IV.Жаңа материалды белсенді және саналы қабылдауға, меңгеруге студенттерді әзірлеу
Кезеңі. ( 5 мин )
. Ok! Thank you. It is time to start our lesson. Today we will speak about different hobbies that people enjoy in their free time. I’d like you to tell our guests and your classmates about your hobbies and what you prefer doing in your leisure time. Also we’ll find out what activities British and Kazakh people enjoy in their free time.
Listen to me and repeat after me all together. I want you to be attentive and active now.
I like running. Look at me.
I like jumping. Do it with me.
I like dancing. Look at me.
I like swimming in the sea.
V. Жаңа білімді меңгеру кезеңі. The main part. ( 20 мин )
1.Expalaining the new lesson
First let’s revision numerals. Count from ( 1-10, 10-100)
Very good.
First task " Answer the questions”
How old are you? - I’m .....
What’s your adress? – Flat..., Baker Street.
And your telephone number? – It’s .....
1.Ағылшын тіліндегі есептік сан есімдер ( cordinal numerals) қазақ тіліндегідей заттың санын, есебін білдіреді. «Қанша? Неше?» ағылшын тілінде « how many?» деген сұраққа жауап береді. Ең алдымен 1 ден 12 ге дейінгі сан есімдер қарапайым түрінде қала береді. Ал 13 -19 аралығындағы сан есімдерге «teen» суффиксі жалғанады. Ал ондықтар 20,30,40….90 «ty» cуффиксінің жалғануы арқылы жасалады. Ал курделі сан есім ондықтарға есептік сан есім қосылуы арқылы жасалады.
2. Сан есімнің екінші тобы реттік сан есім деп аталады «ordinal numerals» «нешінші? Қайсысы?» «which?» деген сұраққа жауап береді. Жасалуы екі тұрғыда жүзеге асырылады. 1. Алдына «The» артикльін қоямыз, 2 –ші түбірге «th» суффиксі жалғанады. Ал ондықтарда «y» әрпі түсіп қалып «ie» болып өзгеріп кетеді.
Есептік | Реттік |
1 ден 12 дейін |
one [wʌn] | the first [fə:st] |
two [tu:] | the second [`sekənd] |
three [θri:] | the third [θə:d] |
four [fɔ:] | the fourth [fɔ:θ] |
five [faiv] | the fifth [fifθ] |
six [siks] | the sixth [siksθ] |
seven [sevn] | the seventh [sevnθ] |
eight [eit] | the eighth [eitθ] |
nine [nain] | the ninth [nainθ] |
ten [ten] | the tenth [tenθ] |
eleven [i`levn] | the eleventh [i`levnθ] |
twelve [twelv] | the twelfth [twelvθ] |
13 тен 19 дейін |
thirteen [`θə:`ti:n] | the thirteenth [`θə:`ti:nθ] |
fourteen [`fɔ:`ti:n] | the fourteenth [`fɔ:`ti:nθ] |
fifteen [`fif`ti:n] | the fifteenth [`fif`ti:nθ] |
sixteen [siks`ti:n] | the sixteenth [siks`ti:nθ] |
seventeen [`sevn`ti:n] | the seventeenth [`sevn`ti:nθ] |
eighteen [`ei`ti:n] | the eighteenth [`ei`ti:nθ] |
nineteen [`nain`ti:n] | the nineteenth [`nain`ti:nθ] |
20 дан 90 (ондықтар) |
twenty [`twenti] | the twentieth [`twentiəθ] |
thirty [θə:`ti] | the thirtieth [θə:`tiəθ] |
forty[`fɔ:`ti:n] | the fortieth [`fɔ:`ti:nəθ] |
fifty [`fif`ti:n] | the fiftieth [`fif`ti:nθ] |
sixty [siks`ti:n] | the sixtieth [siks`ti:nəθ] |
seventy[`sevn`ti:n] | the seventieth [`sevn`ti:nəθ] |
eighty[`ei`ti:n] | the eightieth [`ei`ti:nəθ] |
ninety [`nain`ti:] | the ninetieth [`nain`ti:nəθ] |
21 ден 99 (арнайы мысалдар) |
twenty-one | the twenty-first |
thirty-two | the thirty-second |
forty-three | the forty-third |
fifty-four | the fifty-fourth |
sixty-five | the sixty-fifth |
seventy-six | the seventy-sixth |
eighty-seven | the eighty-seventh |
ninety-eight | the ninety-eighth |
ninety-nine | the ninety-ninth |
First Task: «Write numerals by the words»
5, 9th, 15, 40, 13, 20, 12th, 8th, 19th, 55, 89, 4th, 7th, 2th, 1th, 17th, 20th, 32th, 75, 123, 257, 1020.
five, ninth, fifteen, forty, thirteen, twenty, the twelfth, the eighth, the nineteenth, fifty-five, eighty-nine, the fourth, the seventh, the second, the first, the seventeenth, the twentieth, the thirty-second, seventy-five, one (a) hundred and twenty-three, two hundred and fifty-seven, one (a) thousand and twenty
Second task " Write the next number” ( at the blackboard)
44, 54, 64, 74, 26, 52, 80, 100, 60, 15, 34, 66, 91.
44- forty-four
54- fifty- four .....
Very good.
A hobby is an activity that you like to do.
Yes, you are very clever. A hobby is that you enjoy or like to do in your free time on a regular basis or every time.
The most popular hobbies are

Жаңа сөздер:
travelling – путешествие, саяхаттау
collecting – сбор, жинау
fishing – рыбалка, балық аулау
photographs – фотографии
Reading-чтение, оқу
Dancing-танцы, билеу
taking pictures-фотографирование, суретке түсіру
doing crosswords- решение кроссвордов, кроссворд шешу
horse riding - езда на лошади, атпен жүру
walking – прогулка, жаяу серуендеу
to be interested in smth – интересоваться в чем – нибудь, бір нәрсеге қызығушылық таныту
to be fond of smth – любить что- то, бір нәрсені ұнату
to like to do smth – нравиться что-то делать, бір нәрсе істеуді ұнату
Good morning. Children! Good morning dear guests!
I’m glad to see you! Today we shall talk about hobbies and compare hobbies of English children and children from Kazakhstan. At the end of the lesson you are to tell me why is it necessary to have any hobby?
1. First of all let’s revise the names of hobbies. So let’s play the game “Guess the hobby” So I describe it for you and you are to give it a name.
- Some people like to visit different cities, towns, historical laces, some visit other countries. They can travel by car, by train or by bus. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography, traditions of different people and countries.(travelling)
- Some people play football, swim, run very well. They often go to the stadium or to the sports ground. (sport)
- I know some people who like to watch different kinds of programs, feature and documentary films on TV. (watching TV)
- Some people like to sing songs. They sing them at home, at the parties, listen to songs with great pleasure. (singing)
- My friend likes to plant beautiful flowers and grows many plants in her garden. (gardening)
- My cousin is fond of travelling and two weeks ago he bought a new camera. He is proud of his collection of photos.(taking photos)
- When I come to visit my brother He shows me new coins, badges and stamps on the theme he specializes in. (collecting )
- Jane has got a puppy, she feeds it , takes her puppy for a walk, teaches to do tricks, Jane wants to have a parrot as well.(keeping pets)
- Bob’s mother and father spend much time in the nature. They go to the river to catch fish.(fishing)
- Mary Watson goes to Music school where her teachers teach her to play the piano. So she is fond of playing …(playing musical instrument)
- My grandmother has got a big collection of books..I often buy new detective stories for her(reading)
- Last Sunday my mother enjoyed the performance greatly. There was a storm of applause, she saw the stage and the scenery very well. So she promised to take me to the opera next time. (going to the theatre)
OK, very good. The next task for you. You must read short texts and guess what hobby is it? Is it clear
Such people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people and countries.-Pupil : Travelling
People like to spend their free time near the rivers or lakes . They often go there with their friends or relatives . They can have a picnic there. They go usually there in summer but some people like to go there in winter too . Also they can boil fish broth ( soup ) after going there. -Pupil 1:Fishing
This hobby is interesting and useful. People try to find or buy different things such as stamps, badges, coins, pictures and dolls. Their collection can be thematic. This hobby helps people to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events. -Pupil 3: Collecting
This hobby is popular with the people of all ages. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and healthy. Their hobby helps to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time.-Pupil 2: Sports
People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: fiction, historical novels, books about animals and birds, books about different countries. Their hobby helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand people better. -Pupil 4 : Reading
-The next task. Make up stories about your hobbies using the information from these texts and the plan.
The plan: