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Урок английского языка по теме "Экологические проблемы"

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I. Приветствие (Greeting). Introduction to the theme of the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I hope you are Ok and ready to work hard and enthusiastically. This lesson is the last one on the topic "The Earth is in danger. Eco problems." <рисунок 1>

Look at the apple. Imagine it`s our Earth. I`m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places where people cannot live in. And now I`m cutting this half into 4 parts. It`s impossible to believe but only 1/32 gives us food and shelter. And it will be a catastrophe if we destroy it. I`d like you to think over this problem much more seriously and find out the ways to save our fragile planet.

First, I`d like you to ask what ecological problems do you know?

PP.: deforestation, polluted water, polluted air, acids rain, fires. Litter is left. Trees cut down. Flowers are picked up.

II. TeacherYou are right. All these problems are very serious and important. Please look at the map. As these problems are global, I want you to discuss them.

(Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по теме, используя карту.)

P1: I want to be first. Paper comes from trees. If we don`t recycle paper, a lot of trees are destroyed. The countryside is spoiled. People cut down trees. Fires are started. We like flowers very much, but people shouldn`t pick wild flowers. If trees are destroyed and people pick flowers and grass, birds and animals may become extinct. People, don`t harm plants!v

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«Урок английского языка по теме "Экологические проблемы" »

Урок английского языка по теме "Экологические проблемы"

Цели: формирование обобщенных знаний по теме и оперирование ими.

  • Учебный аспект: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала по теме. Закрепление грамматических навыков говорения .

  • Развивающий аспект: развитие личностной активности учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению и формированию собственных выводов.

  • Психологический аспект: радость совместного труда, создание ситуаций успеха.

  • Воспитательный аспект: учить учащихся бережно относиться к окружающей среде, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи.

Оборудование: наглядный материал по теме (карта города, дерево без листьев, желтые и зеленые листья дерева, кроссворд, экологические знаки), карточки с вопросами, мультимедийный проектор, магнитофон, аудиокассета.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие (Greeting). Introduction to the theme of the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I hope you are Ok and ready to work hard and enthusiastically. This lesson is the last one on the topic "The Earth is in danger. Eco problems." рисунок 1

Look at the apple. Imagine it`s our Earth. I`m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places where people cannot live in. And now I`m cutting this half into 4 parts. It`s impossible to believe but only 1/32 gives us food and shelter. And it will be a catastrophe if we destroy it. I`d like you to think over this problem much more seriously and find out the ways to save our fragile planet.

First, I`d like you to ask what ecological problems do you know?

PP.: deforestation, polluted water, polluted air, acids rain, fires. Litter is left. Trees cut down. Flowers are picked up.

II. TeacherYou are right. All these problems are very serious and important. Please look at the map. As these problems are global, I want you to discuss them.

(Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по теме, используя карту.)

P1: I want to be first. Paper comes from trees. If we don`t recycle paper, a lot of trees are destroyed. The countryside is spoiled. People cut down trees. Fires are started. We like flowers very much, but people shouldn`t pick wild flowers. If trees are destroyed and people pick flowers and grass, birds and animals may become extinct. People, don`t harm plants!

P2: We throw away too much and in the wrong place. We leave litter near the river. The water is polluted and the fish in the river die. Local industry pours its waste into the river Belaya. The cleaning structure don`t work well. People, help to keep all water clean!

P3: Many years ago the Belaya was deep and wide. Father and I sailed on the river. People used to fish a lot. Today people like fishing too, but some things that they use for fishing kill animals. People, protect animals and fish!

P4: We should keep Sterlitamak and Sterlitamakski district tidy. It is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves. There are many springs near our town. It`s wonderful to drink some spring water on a hot summer day. Children, clean springs!

P5: You can see different kinds of trees and flowers in the meadows near our town. But today they are disappearing. Each of us must do everything possible to protect nature. Children, plant trees and flowers!

P6: There are many animals and birds in our district. We shouldn`t make unnecessary noise. We are proud of our classmates who made some bird-feeders this winter and filled them with food. Children, take care of birds and animals!

P7: Every spring I see rubbish near our town. I think that our people do it. They drop old things, paper, clothes, toys, bottles and plastic bags. May be they don`t know three rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. It`s a pity! People, take litter at home!

III. TOh, I see you are clever. Thank you. Children, let`s play.

(Проводится игра "Орфографическая игра Crossword." Дети заполняют пропущенные буквы.)

Can you fill the missing letters to find the English words?

  1. :i:m: It means simply what is around us (environment).

  2. e:.g. The study of how living things interact with each other (ecology).

  3. :.u..o. When the land, sea or air becomes dirty or poisonous (pollution).

  4. ..a.. You grow it (plant).

  5. g:.h:. e:.t The Earth is becoming warmer because there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (greenhouse effect).

IV. T: Thank you. Boys and girls let me introduce Mr Galiakberov, The President of the Clean up the Countryside Society in Sterlitamakski district. He gives you some information and some important rules to protect environment. Listen to him and fill in the answers to the questions.

Mr Galiakberov: I'm Mr Galiakberov, The President of the Clean up the Countryside Society in Sterlitamakski district. You know that polluted water, air and land are harmful to plants, animals and people. As a result of our investigations we have found out that our homeland is polluted. I think litter is the most complicated problem. Although forests and woods in our republic cover more than 50 per cent (%) of the territory, it is necessary to protect and conserve them. рисунок 2 All of you know that forests are called "the lungs" of the planet because trees can transform carbon dioxide into oxygen to breathe. 60 % of air pollution is caused by different means of transport: cars, buses and trucks. рисунок 3,4

The local industries pour their waste into the Belaya. рисунок 5 Modern lifestyle, in which people do little exercise, use cars instead of walking, watch television for many hours and work with computers, is leading us to catastrophe. рисунок 6

We have to do something about this!

T: Thank you, Mr Galiakberov. Boys and girls, fill in the answers to the questions.

(Работа по карточкам. Дети отвечают на вопросы.)

  1. What pollution do we have in our district? (Air pollution, water, land pollution are harmful.)

  2. What is a result of people investigations? (Our homeland is polluted.)

  3. What is leading us to catastrophe? (Modern lifestyle, watch television for many hours and work with computers, is leading us to catastrophe.)

  4. Does our river suffer from pollution? (No, it doesn`t.)

V. T: Look at this picture and answer the questions. 

(обращаю внимание детей на мультимедийный экран с картиной, на которой дети играют и плавают на реке.)

Is this a beautiful place? Do you think that the children are enjoying the nature? Describe the picture, please.

P: It is summer. The weather is hot. We can see a beautiful place in this picture. Children are enjoying the nature. Some of them are swimming in the river, others are playing football, some of them are picking up mushrooms, and some of them are singing a song. The children are having a lot of fun.

T: Now look at these pictures. What can you see at these pictures? (Показываю картины на мультимедийном экране.) 


  1. the men are cutting down the trees.

  2. The men are killing the fish with dynamite.

  3. The men are washing their car in the river.

  4. The men didn`t pick up their litter and left campfire, that`s why fire was started.

T: We see what happens when children break rules. Litter is left. The trees are cut down. Fires are started. The fish are killed. So, what shouldn`t the men do?

P: - I think they shouldn`t leave litter after resting.

They cut down trees. It`s wrong. We must protect plants. Trees are home for birds and animals.

The men drop their litter into the river. In such a way they pollute water. We mustn`t drop litter into the river, we must pick up it.

VI. 1. T: Boys and girls, listen to the song. Number the words in the order you hear them (дети прослушивают песню "Save the environment! " и пронумеровывают слова в том порядке, в котором их слышат.)

  • to drop shower leaves bath litter

  • nature rivers to drink air to breathe

2. T: Give it a name. Choose from:

  1. Today and tomorrow.

  2. Save the environment!

  3. Oceans, forests and animals.

  4. Please, stop!

3. T: Answer the question and discuss: "What does the word "environment" mean to you?"

  1. Oceans, rivers, seas, forests and animals.

  2. Oceans, rivers, seas, forests, animals, cars, plants and cities.

  3. Oceans, rivers, seas and forests, animals, cars, plants, cities and people.

  4. Oceans, rivers, seas and forests, animals, cars, plants, cities, people and YOU.

4. T: When we say the Earth is in danger, what exactly (конкретно) is in danger?

  1. The planet

  2. The climate

  3. The oceans

  4. The forests

  5. The animals

  6. All of these- все вышеназванное

  7. All of these and you.

VII. T: You see the rubbish problem is very important now. Look at this poster "Litter lasts:" (Показываю на мультимедийном экране.)

"Litter lasts:"

You can see a traffic ticket lasts 1 month.

A banana peel lasts up to 3 months.

A wool sock - 1 year.

A wax paper cup- 5 years. Wooden stakes - 4 years.

Tin cans- 100 years.

Aluminum cans- up to 500 years.

Glass containers- they never decay.

Painted wooden stakes - 13 years.

In 2003 each person in Sterlitamak threw away about 2-3 kilograms of trash every day. Put all together and it will be about 60-66 thousand kilograms of trash daily.

Ecology is one of the global problems nowadays. What should we do? We should protect our planet, our nature. Everyone should look at what they throw away. Many things can be reused and recycled.

VIII. Making a mini-project "The tree of good deeds."

T: What can you personally do to help the environment nowadays? Tell about one thing you do to help the environment.

(Students work in 2 groups. One group generates ideas that we should do and other group that we shouldn`t do to keep our planet clean. Time is limited up to 5-7 minutes. Then pupils write their good ideas on the green leaves and pin them to the tree. Other pupils write their bad ideas on the yellow leaves and pin them under the tree.)

IX. T: We`ve already spoken about ecology and the importance of keeping the environment clean. Pollution is getting worse and worse. But there is always hope.

Boys and girls, suggest some important rules to protect the environment.

(Ученики называют важные правила к экологическим знакам.)

  1. Do not pick wild flowers.

  2. Do not litter the ground with cans, paper and bottles.

  3. Do not frighten animals.

  4. Do not harm plants.

  5. Feed birds and help them.

  6. Plant trees and flowers.

  7. Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper.

  8. Clean rivers and springs.

T: You are clever, thank you. Boys and girls, do you think that nature is a church?

P: Yes, I do. How I help the World. The problem of ecology is important in our country. There are a lot of children who take care of the environment.

Our family is responsible for nature. We think that our environment is a church. We ought to behave ourselves properly and believe in God. God created the world we live in. We must protect it as we are part of our beautiful nature.

In winter my father and I build bird's houses. Every day I feed bird. In spring we plant trees and flowers. My mother grows beautiful tulips and daffodils, roses and poppies. I hate people who destroy the beauty of our nature, break baby plants and pull out flowers. I want to be the kid who saves the world.

X. T: Now, pupils, let`s make the Code of Ecological Rules for all people of our town. I think these rules should be placed all over the forest.

The Code of Ecological Rules.

  1. Don`t break trees.

  2. Don`t leave litter.

  3. Keep the town tidy.

  4. Respect the life and work of the countryside.

  5. Keep dogs under the control.

  6. Put litter away.

  7. Grow trees and flowers.

  8. Don`t frighten birds and animals.

  9. Don`t cut wild flowers.

  10. Don`t burn fires.

XI. T: Well, pupils. You were great. It`s our duty to help the planet. I want you to write down homework.

Homework: Write a letter to your pen-friend and ask him (her) what he (she) does to help our planet.

XII. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

T: Our lesson is over. The famous English writer John Galsworthy said: "If you don`t think about the future you will not have it."

Let`s think about the future. Let`s keep our planet tidy and make it better place to live in. Let`s save the Earth for ourselves and it`s important to save for all forms of life.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Урок английского языка по теме "Экологические проблемы"

Автор: Булкебаева Асел Аскаровна

Дата: 03.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 196541

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