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Using pictures and exhibitions during the English lessons

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We may use pictures and exhibitions during every English lessons

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«Using pictures and exhibitions during the English lessons»

Importance of psycho-linguistic features of teaching English language learners of middle-aged students in language learning process.

Kadirova Muattar Jakbaralievna,

Ergasheva Matluba Muhammadsoli kizi

The English teachers of the school number 1, Uchkurgan district,

Namangan region, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Teaching vocabulary is the basis of language teaching. It is impossible to learn or teach vocabulary without mastering the vocabulary perfectly. it is used as material for speech activities. Material for speech is very necessary. Without the material there would be no speech. By listening to English speech, you can understand its meaning based on the words learned. If the student does not know the words or does not know the information, the content of the speech remains unclear. When working on lexical aspects of listening comprehension, listening and listening skills are widely used, and presentations are also difficult. A student and a pupil cannot speak unless they know it, but they should be able to put it in place.

The lexical side of reading is also a problem. The reader will see and accept in reading. Based on this, they should be able to read and receive information, to recognize words, to read, to know and to understand the meaning of the words. It is necessary to work separately on the lexical side of the written statement. Learners must be able to write and spell out words so that they can write meaningful, accurate information. From above it seems that everyone needs vocabulary. For this reason, vocabulary plays an important role in teaching students speech activities. Teaching vocabulary is tailored to the purpose and content of the school and responds to it. This is reflected in the foreign language programs issued for students, pupils and educational institutions.

When studying and learning English vocabulary, its psychological influence greatly influences. Every student should take this into account, rely on it, and use it. From a psychological point of view, word or vocabulary is complex, and it is provocative in understanding speech.

There are 2 parts of listening and seeing as a stimulant in the word. When we hear or see the word, they can response in a difficult way. And the answer of man is the third part of the word - the action part. It has its own writing and pronunciation aspects. The pronunciation or expression of words is accomplished by movement. Therefore, mastering the word is that the cerebral hemispheres acquire temporal nerve connections in the areas of sight, hearing and movement. As the word is complex, it is not only accepted but also imagined. In both of them the image of the word is formed in the mind of the person. So, the essence of the psychological structure of a word is that it involves listening, seeing, speaking and writing.

The linguistic features of the English vocabulary influence learning intend to teach. When a teacher uses these traits in a positive, efficient way, it becomes easier for them to achieve their goals. The linguistic features of the English vocabulary can be divided into 3 groups.

1. The linguistic features of the English vocabulary.

2. Linguistic features that arise when a student or pupil compares English vocabulary to the native language.

3. The linguistic features of the student, comparing the English, Russian and Uzbek vocabulary.

The first group includes:

1. Failure to read some letters in the words. For example lake gale

2. The meaning of the words . For example: floor- qavat, zamin, pol.

3. Conversion Availability.

4. In some words, the letters are not usually read.

5. Complexity of pronunciation of English words and phrases.

6. There are 4 different forms of verbs.

The second group vocabulary also has its features. The meanings of the words in both languages, the meanings in the two languages ​​do not coincide with their meanings, in both languages ​​the basic and additional meanings may be correct. Comparing English lexicon to Uzbek vocabulary comes the following features.

1. Different meaning of the word in two languages. Width of meaning in one language width in another. For example: afternoon - from 12 noon to 6 pm. The meaning here is broad in English. Express it in Uzbek in one word is difficult.

2. Partial matching of the English meaning to the native word. For example: chopon-a robe, do'ppi-scullcap. In Uzbek these words are partly in English, the English partly close to the meaning is that the English do not have such clothes. Therefore, it is preferable that the cloak be given a word close to the livery which the English men hold at home.

3. There are 2 words in English that have the same meaning as the native word. For example: ko'p-many , much.

4. Words not found in Uzbek. It is very difficult to give them one word in Uzbek: double-decker

5. The pronunciation of the English word coincides with the pronunciation of the Uzbek word. For example: magazine. At the same time, when the listener hears this word, they understand the Uzbek word "magazine".

but it is translated as a paper.

Group 3 vocabulary also has its own characteristics.

1. The presence of words in the three languages ​​that have the same meaning and meaning. For example: volleyball, tennis.

2. In English and Russian words have the meanings, but in Uzbek they are given one word : hand- локоть-tirsak

3. Availability of prepositions in English and Russian. in Uzbek, they disappear and are transmitted to Uzbek through consonants and auxiliary words: on-ga to -uchun

When a teacher teaches the English vocabulary, it is important that he or she develops and implements them into three groups. In teaching English grammar, it is important to consider student and pupils translations from Uzbek and Russian. At first, the student will learn to speak, write, read, understand, speak and speak Uzbek words. As a result, the student will gain the skills and experience of verbal writing in Uzbek. They have similar sounds, words, pronunciation, reading, writing, speaking, language skills, proficiency skills.


1. Azmi, N. (2017). The Benefits of Using ICT in the EFL Classroom: From Perceived Utility to Potential Challenges. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 7 (1), 111.

2. Farr, F., & Murray, L. (2016). Introduction: Language learning and technology. In F. Farr & L. Murray (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language learning and technology (pp. 1-7). Third Avenue, New York: Routledge.

3. Gleason, J. (2013). Dilemmas of blended language learning: Learner and teacher experiences. CALICO Journal, 30 (3), 323.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
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Using pictures and exhibitions during the English lessons

Автор: Kadirova Muattar Jakbaraliyevna

Дата: 11.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546130

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