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Discussion of the values of life. Games and group work

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Unit: Values

LESSON: What we value



Teacher name

Grade 5

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Lesson objectives

All students will be able to

  • Discuss the meaning of values

  • Learn topical vocabulary

  • Write the description of a good person

  • Make a card

Most students will be able to

  • Discuss the meaning of values and create their own list of values

  • Learn topical vocabulary with opposites

  • Write the description of a good person using at least 3 new words

  • Make a card and give feedback to his partner

Some students will be able to

  • Discuss the meaning of values and create their own list of values

  • Learn topical vocabulary and use them in their speech

  • Write the description of a good person using at least 5 new words

  • Make a card, express his/her feelings and give feedback to his partner

Success criteria

Writing task:

Learners achieve if they will write:

  • 50 words

  • with grammar accuracy (allowed to make 2 mistakes)

  • with spelling accuracy (allowed to make 2 mistakes)

  • using at least 5 new words

Cross curricular


Psychology, Art, Technology, Society and Environment

Previous learning


Intercultural awareness

Students will understand that values are common for people all around the world

Pastoral care

Assure you met all learners’ needs

Give learners choice and voice

Create a learner-centered classroom with learner friendly atmosphere

Make sure that you contribute to learners’ social, emotional, physical and moral wellbeing

Health and safety

Make sure learners have been advised about good practice when using computers and similar equipment

Everyday classroom precautions


Planned timings

Planned activities


Lesson 1

10 min

20 min

10 min

Ценность-То, что для вас важно в определенном контексте. Ваши ценности (критерии) это то, что мотивирует вас в жизни.


Pass around a box filled with questions connected to the topic of the lesson. Play music, when the music stops, the child with the box must pick out a question, read it and answer. Suggested questions: Do you love your family? Do you have a best friend? What is money? What is health? What is happiness? How often do you help your mother? etc.

Activity 1

The main idea behind this section is to allow students to realize what is “value”, that they do have values and to identify what some of these values are:
1. Begin the class by stating: "There are some things in life that are very important. I believe that education is very important. What are some things that you believe are very important?" List all the ideas that the students suggest.
They may suggest such things as "having a nice house" to "owning a new car." These may be tied in later with a work, education, or wealth value. Students often tend to be oriented to concrete concepts, and they may not suggest more abstract ideas such as "beauty" as something of real value.
If you feel that they do not offer many choices, you could list additional values from the list below: (Explain new words if necessary)









being honest










2. After students have verbalized as many "important things" as they can think of, explain that many of these "things" can be called "values." Hand out and read the beginning sentences of "What Is a Value?"
3. From the list of values on the chalkboard and on their handout, ask the students to consider which four are the most important to them. Let them explain which four they have chosen and why.

Activity 2: Discussion

Divide students into pairs, let them tell each other about their best friend at school, and out of school. Is it the same person? Then let them discuss these sayings. Do they agree with them?

  • Love me, love my friends Люби меня, люби моих друзей

  • Противоположности притягиваются

  • Друг в беде познается

  • Восток или Запад дома лучше

  • Opposites attract

  • A friend in need is a friend indeed

  • East or West home is best

Ask if there are any similar sayings in Kazakh or Russian.

Handout 1



Lesson 2

20 min

15 min

Activity 1: Vocabulary

Draw on board two large flowers with 6 large petals. Draw in one a happy face in centre and the other a sad face in centre.

Discuss with learners what are good actions we value and what are not good actions. Give an example of each. Make sure learners know the difference between behaviour we value and behaviour that isn’t good. Use ‘not good’ rather than ‘bad’.

Learners brainstorm good things a friend did for them. Encourage learners to use past simple verbs e.g.helped, made, gave, visited, watched, met, said

Record actions we value on happy flower petals and not good actions on sad flower petals.

If learners are unsure, suggest some of the following and they write them into the correct flower petals:

good = helps a friend; takes turns when playing a game; is a good loser; helps family at home; keeps bedroom tidy; doesn’t take people’s things without permission; puts rubbish in a bin

not good = not speaking to a friend; fights when playing; gets angry when loses; doesn’t help at home; takes people’s things; throws rubbish on floor

They record six good and six not good ideas in the petals on worksheet.

Activity 2: Writing

Write a "Good person Recipe" telling someone else how to be a good person. Include the "ingredients" of good values and the steps for being a good person.


Handout 2

5 min


Learners give feedback about what they have learned today.

Lesson 3

10 min

20 min

10 min

Cards from the heart

It is the Project work to revise the topic “What we value” in a more entertaining way.

Getting started

Activity 1: Let’s talk about cards!

Before the class, prepare cards for different occasions or ask students to bring in cards from home. Students discuss cards. What are they? When do we give them? How do we feel when we give and receive them? Use the cards students have brought in and any you have brought in to discuss the different occasions when cards are given: Thank You, Birthdays, Anniversary, Religious Events, New Year, Invitations, Valentine’s Day, Missing You, Friendship, Bon Voyage, Graduation. Students identify what the different cards are used for and when they are given. Which cards have students given and received? How did this make them or the other person feel? Ask students to brainstorm why you might send someone a Thank You card. Discuss which values are reflected in sending such a card, for example, showing you appreciate someone’s kindness, being thoughtful.

Activity 2: Let’s make cards!

Show students step by step how to make them. Guidelines can be obtained from the following website: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Handmade-Greeting-Cards

Some basic steps to make a card are:

Step 1: Fold the piece of paper or cardboard in half to make the inside of the card.

Step 2: Plan a design (draw or stick a picture)

Step 3: Inside the card write what you value in the person you give it.

NB: Safe work practices need to be agreed upon such as not running, being responsible and passing scissors correctly and not pointing scissors at anyone, using glue carefully, sharing resources and working cooperatively together. Invite students to use tools such as pencils and crayons, scissors, rulers, glue and sticky tape to join and shape the materials provided. Encourage students to be as creative as possible using the resources.

Activity 4: Reflection

Students give their card to each other. Discuss the process of card making, giving and receiving and how it fits in with values. Ask questions such as:

• How does your card show you care for someone?

• How does your card show your true feelings?

• Why did you choose the colours, materials and words on your card?

• What do you like about other students’ cards? Why?

• How are you going to give this card to your special person?

•After you have given this card to your special person, think about what happened. How did they react? What did they say to you? How did you feel?

•What have you learned about values?


Additional information:

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

  • Differentiation by support for all the activities

  • Learners express their own opinion

  • Giving the feedback

  • By observing

  • Health promoting techniques


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Babenko Lidiya Sergeevna

Дата: 08.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 437649

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