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Anniversary of victory in the Second World War

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Лу?жский оборони?тельный рубе?ж (Лужская укреплённая пози?ция) — система советских укреплений (оборонительный рубеж) протяжённостью около 300 километров, построенная в июне — августе 1941 года на территории Ленинградской области[коммент. 2], от Нарвского залива, по рекам Луге, Мшаге, Шелонидо озера Ильмень с целью не допустить прорыва войск немецкой группы армий «Север» на северо-восток в направлении Ленинграда. 27 июня военные строители приступили к работам. Для обороны рубежа 6 июля была создана Лужская оперативная группа во главе с генерал-лейтенантомК. П. Пядышевым. Через 15 дней после начала строительства, 12 июля 4-я немецкая танковая группавступила в бой с частями прикрытия Лужской оперативной группы в районе реки Плюссы. Хотя работы по созданию рубежа завершены не были, упорная оборона советских войск заставила командованиевермахта остановить наступление на Ленинград. Успешный контрудар под Сольцами, оборона Таллинаи Смоленское сражение оказали серьёзное влияние на ход боевых действий на Лужском рубеже, позволив советским войскам ещё в течение месяца сдерживать наступление немецких частей, укреплять оборону и формировать новые соединения.

В период 8—13 августа рубеж был прорван по флангам, в районе Новгорода и Кингисеппа.Контрудар под Старой Руссой и оборона Красногвардейского укреплённого района отвлекли значительные силы группы армий «Север» и замедлили развитие наступления на Ленинград. 26 августа 43 тысячи советских солдат, оборонявших Лужский участок, были окружены, но продолжали сражаться до середины сентября. В окружении в плен попало около 20 тысяч бойцов.

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«Anniversary of victory in the Second World War »

The 70th anniversary of victory in the Second World War in Luga

The 70th anniversary of victory in the Second World War in Luga

This year our country celebrates the 70th anniversary of victory in the Second World War, which lasted 4 years, in the period from 1941 to 1945.
  • This year our country celebrates the 70th anniversary of victory in the Second World War, which lasted 4 years, in the period from 1941 to 1945.
From the first days of invasion at the turn of the Luga’s region, the citizens and the soldiers of Leningrad began quickly to build fortifications, stretching over 230 kilometers.
  • From the first days of invasion at the turn of the Luga’s region, the citizens and the soldiers of Leningrad began quickly to build fortifications, stretching over 230 kilometers.
In these works employed over half of million people, their works, and the courage and bravery of the red army and the volunteer, was a success - the enemy since July 10, 1941, within 45 days could not break down a well organized defense of Luga .
  • In these works employed over half of million people, their works, and the courage and bravery of the red army and the volunteer, was a success - the enemy since July 10, 1941, within 45 days could not break down a well organized defense of Luga .
After breaking the fascists defense line from the flanks, undefeated defenders Luga, not to get surrounded, undercover operations teams, who continued to fight, began to depart in the direction of Leningrad. This allowed all citizens to be better prepared and stand 900 - day enemy blockade.
  • After breaking the fascists defense line from the flanks, undefeated defenders Luga, not to get surrounded, undercover operations teams, who continued to fight, began to depart in the direction of Leningrad. This allowed all citizens to be better prepared and stand 900 - day enemy blockade.
By the end of August 1941 in the territory of the Luga area, there were already 19 guerrilla groups; among them was a detachment of Spanish anti-fascists. During the war Luga’s region has given 24 Homeland of Hero of the Soviet Union, among the first this title posthumously awarded the member of the Komsomol - partisan Antonina Petrova.
  • By the end of August 1941 in the territory of the Luga area, there were already 19 guerrilla groups; among them was a detachment of Spanish anti-fascists. During the war Luga’s region has given 24 Homeland of Hero of the Soviet Union, among the first this title posthumously awarded the member of the Komsomol - partisan Antonina Petrova.
By the end of August 1941 in the territory of the Luga area there were already 19 guerrilla groups; among them was a detachment of Spanish anti-fascists. During the war Luga’s region has given 24 Homeland of Hero of the Soviet Union, among the first this title posthumously awarded the member of the Komsomol - partisan Antonina Petrova.
  • By the end of August 1941 in the territory of the Luga area there were already 19 guerrilla groups; among them was a detachment of Spanish anti-fascists. During the war Luga’s region has given 24 Homeland of Hero of the Soviet Union, among the first this title posthumously awarded the member of the Komsomol - partisan Antonina Petrova.
Residents Luga, for the first years of the occupation breathed a breath of fresh air. People finally saw strangers instead of the hated fascists flags again their native Red banner of Soviet Socialist homeland, set in 21 hours scout division 123 Ivan Kononenko on the building of the music school named after N. A. Rimsky - Korsakov.
  • Residents Luga, for the first years of the occupation breathed a breath of fresh air. People finally saw strangers instead of the hated fascists flags again their native Red banner of Soviet Socialist homeland, set in 21 hours scout division 123 Ivan Kononenko on the building of the music school named after N. A. Rimsky - Korsakov.
The next day in honor of the liberation of the city of Luga, Moscow, is the capital of our Motherland - the USSR, saluted twelve artillery volleys from 124 guns. In the same 1944, in the summer, through Luga along the street named after S. M. Kirov in Leningrad, there was
  • The next day in honor of the liberation of the city of Luga, Moscow, is the capital of our Motherland - the USSR, saluted twelve artillery volleys from 124 guns. In the same 1944, in the summer, through Luga along the street named after S. M. Kirov in Leningrad, there was

a great tank column. The inhabitants of the city, from small to large, with gratitude met their winners, pelted them with flowers and, of course, scream “УРА-А-А-А…”!. It was a really our- Luga Victory parade.

After the liberation of Luga, in the city there are only about 4 thousand people there, before the war in Luga lives 30 thousand inhabitants, 1130 houses of 2028 were burned and looted. During the years of occupation in fascist prisons were killed 1,600 people and over 1,500 were enslaved, tortured 12 thousand prisoners of war.
  • After the liberation of Luga, in the city there are only about 4 thousand people there, before the war in Luga lives 30 thousand inhabitants, 1130 houses of 2028 were burned and looted. During the years of occupation in fascist prisons were killed 1,600 people and over 1,500 were enslaved, tortured 12 thousand prisoners of war.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Anniversary of victory in the Second World War

Автор: Силютина Светлана Николаевна

Дата: 27.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 206161

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