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Новый Год в Великобритании

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В презентации показано как в Великобритании празднуется Новый год.Учащиеся наглядно могут увидеть традиции празднования этого праздника и прочитать на английском языке интересную информацию .Отмечают Новый год британцы согласно национальным и местным традициям, а также личным предпочтениям. Например, молодежь обычно празднуют Новый год на вечеринках, начинающихся в 8 часов вечера и длящиеся до утра. Еще в Британии популярны новогодние танцевальные вечера. Некоторые любят встречать Новый год на улице, большое количество людей собирается на Трафальгарской площади или на площади Пикадилли.
На этот праздник люди дарят друг другу открытки и подарки. Но это не так распространено, как традиция дарить подарки на Рождество. Как и во всем мире люди в канун Нового года планируют важные перемены в жизни: например, бросить курить, пить, начать жить так, как хочется и т.д. Но их мечты также не всегда воплощаются в жизнь.

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«Новый Год в Великобритании »

New Year in Britain

New Year in Britain

New Year in Britain is celebrated on January 1, the first day of the first month as per the Gregorian Calendar. This day was officially declared as New Year’s Day in 1752. New Year is the much awaited celebration for the people of Britain. Many people hold or attend parties in the evening to say goodbye to the old year and to welcome the new year. The past year is also thoroughly reviewed in the media, including television and newspapers.

New Year in Britain is celebrated on January 1, the first day of the first month as per the Gregorian Calendar. This day was officially declared as New Year’s Day in 1752.

New Year is the much awaited celebration for the people of Britain. Many people hold or attend parties in the evening to say goodbye to the old year and to welcome the new year. The past year is also thoroughly reviewed in the media, including television and newspapers.

The custom of exchanging gifts on New Year has become widely popular in Britain. Although this custom of exchanging gifts was originally done at New Year it is now transferred to Christmas. In England the children rise early on New Year so that they can make rounds to neighbors and singing songs. The children are given sweets, coins, apples and mince pies for singing.

The custom of exchanging gifts on New Year has become widely popular in Britain. Although this custom of exchanging gifts was originally done at New Year it is now transferred to Christmas. In England the children rise early on New Year so that they can make rounds to neighbors and singing songs. The children are given sweets, coins, apples and mince pies for singing.

Another important part of New Year celebrations in Britain is the biggest New Year parade. The parade starts at noon walking down the streets via Whitehall, Pall Mall and finishing in Berkley square.

Another important part of New Year celebrations in Britain is the biggest New Year parade. The parade starts at noon walking down the streets via Whitehall, Pall Mall and finishing in Berkley square.

One of the most widely known symbols of New Year’s Eve is the image of the Clock Tower at the Palace of Westminster, in London, counting down the last minutes of the old year. The first chimes of Big Ben, the bell housed in the Clock Tower, in the new year are broadcast live on radio and television.

One of the most widely known symbols of New Year’s Eve is the image of the Clock Tower at the Palace of Westminster, in London, counting down the last minutes of the old year. The first chimes of Big Ben, the bell housed in the Clock Tower, in the new year are broadcast live on radio and television.

The end.

The end.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Новый Год в Великобритании

Автор: Ткаченко Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 15.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 156077

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