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"Озеро Сут-хол".Страноведение.

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Данный материал предназначен для старшеклассников.В работе описывается об уникальном озере Pеспублики Тыва.Презентации множество красочных фотоматериалов, раскрывающие красоты голубого озера.А также в ней рассказываются исторические легенды об озере. Такие как "Кок буга","Эне хол" итд.

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«"Озеро Сут-хол".Страноведение. »

Создание буклета «Озеро Сут-Холь» на английском языке

Создание буклета «Озеро Сут-Холь» на английском языке

Задачи:  1.  Из средств массовой информации, энциклопедий, словарей найти наиболее точные информации об озере Сут-Холь.  2.  Воссоздать фоторепортажи .  3.  Сделать перевод текстов с русского на английский язык.  4.  И основываясь по данным источникам создать буклет об озере Сут-Холь на английском языке.

Задачи: 1. Из средств массовой информации, энциклопедий, словарей найти наиболее точные информации об озере Сут-Холь. 2. Воссоздать фоторепортажи . 3. Сделать перевод текстов с русского на английский язык. 4. И основываясь по данным источникам создать буклет об озере Сут-Холь на английском языке.

Отсутствие специальной литературы об озере Сут-Холь на английском языке позволяет говорить об актуальности нашего исследования.

Отсутствие специальной литературы об озере Сут-Холь на английском языке позволяет говорить об актуальности нашего исследования.

The district is located in the West of the Republic.   The district is located in the West of the Republic.

The district is located in the West of the Republic.

The district is located in the West of the Republic.

Major rivers - Khemchik, Alash, Ak-Sug.

Major rivers - Khemchik, Alash, Ak-Sug.

The main information about Sut-Khol lake.   Over mount Kyzyl-Taiga height of 240 m above sea level is a unique freshwater mountain lake Sut-Khol . The height of the lake above the sea level is 1814 m, length 7 km, width-2 to 4 km, the depth is more than 50 m.

The main information about Sut-Khol lake. Over mount Kyzyl-Taiga height of 240 m above sea level is a unique freshwater mountain lake Sut-Khol . The height of the lake above the sea level is 1814 m, length 7 km, width-2 to 4 km, the depth is more than 50 m.

Since ancient times Sut-Khol is considered sacred, and the name of the lake means

Since ancient times Sut-Khol is considered sacred, and the name of the lake means "milk lake", and milk for Tuvinians symbolizes purity. The lake is still considered sacred, there's no one to swim, if someone disturb the quiet of the lake, then immediately run over the clouds begins deg. Maybe that's why, the purity of the water in it is comparable only to lake Baikal. Sut-Khol is the birthplace of the most famous storytellers and strongest of fighters, and it is also considered the influence of the sacred lake. And the uniqueness of the Sut-Khol, first of all, in its original perfection, untouched nature.

The population is of 8 thousand people.  Part of the district consists of 7 villages: Sug-Aksy, Khor-Taiga, Ak-Dash, Aldan-Madyr, Bora-Taiga, Kara-Chyraa, Kyzyl-Taiga,  Economics Sug-Aksy connected by road with Chadan, Aldan-Maadyr - Ak-Dovurak.

The population is of 8 thousand people. Part of the district consists of 7 villages: Sug-Aksy, Khor-Taiga, Ak-Dash, Aldan-Madyr, Bora-Taiga, Kara-Chyraa, Kyzyl-Taiga, Economics Sug-Aksy connected by road with Chadan, Aldan-Maadyr - Ak-Dovurak.

The main occupation of the population is of sheep in the South-West district - the cultivation of grain.  In the village Aldan-Maadyr - the same branch of the Republican Museum of local lore. Here in 1883-1885, occurred the so-called

The main occupation of the population is of sheep in the South-West district - the cultivation of grain. In the village Aldan-Maadyr - the same branch of the Republican Museum of local lore. Here in 1883-1885, occurred the so-called "revolt of the 60 heroes" (TUV. Aldan madyr) against the oppression of the Manchu Qing dynasty, under whose protectorate Tuva was in the late nineteenth century. The uprising was brutally suppressed. It is believed that it helped to unite the Tuvan people, the growth of national consciousness.

The lake is really no one disturbs the peace of this sacred place. There is a legend that once lived in the lake owner lake’s Blue Bull. We tell all them the legend of the sacred bull , which came out of the lake to share his blood with people and to save them from terrible diseases. When the bull began to leave the lake, the thunder, the lightning flashed, and the lake began to walk wave height higher than a man, and with the force was divided on rocky shores. The lake is very clean and absolutely silence.

The lake is really no one disturbs the peace of this sacred place. There is a legend that once lived in the lake owner lake’s Blue Bull. We tell all them the legend of the sacred bull , which came out of the lake to share his blood with people and to save them from terrible diseases. When the bull began to leave the lake, the thunder, the lightning flashed, and the lake began to walk wave height higher than a man, and with the force was divided on rocky shores. The lake is very clean and absolutely silence.

The other legend lives on people. In ancient times settled by the lake the old woman was a witch. She was making healing teas of the Sut-Khol herbs, and repeated the spell was cast by a storm on taiga. But her grumpy and unsociable conquered the shepherds of his generous soul. One evening the witch came ashore, Sut-Khol threw him in a big cup of milk. They woke up in the morning, people didn't recognize the lake. It was white like milk filled to the brim. They ran to the shore and saw that it was not the milk, and the white fog over water covered. Since then people began to notice that on a day pastures cows give a lot of thick as cream, milk. Sut-Khol is translated and means from Russian to English as

The other legend lives on people. In ancient times settled by the lake the old woman was a witch. She was making healing teas of the Sut-Khol herbs, and repeated the spell was cast by a storm on taiga. But her grumpy and unsociable conquered the shepherds of his generous soul. One evening the witch came ashore, Sut-Khol threw him in a big cup of milk. They woke up in the morning, people didn't recognize the lake. It was white like milk filled to the brim. They ran to the shore and saw that it was not the milk, and the white fog over water covered. Since then people began to notice that on a day pastures cows give a lot of thick as cream, milk. Sut-Khol is translated and means from Russian to English as "Milk Lake".

Mountain Lake is waiting for you!  You wait in a tent-yurt village. Vacationers can we offer any kind of cuisine, national, European. Tourists from big cities will be very interesting to dive into a totally different culture, to milk goats, cows, learn how to do skins, sewing traditional clothing. Men will learn to lasso the horses, to teach the national games. That is, people are it possible to take that definitely will not be bored. A rest worth it in a beautiful place well.

Mountain Lake is waiting for you! You wait in a tent-yurt village. Vacationers can we offer any kind of cuisine, national, European. Tourists from big cities will be very interesting to dive into a totally different culture, to milk goats, cows, learn how to do skins, sewing traditional clothing. Men will learn to lasso the horses, to teach the national games. That is, people are it possible to take that definitely will not be bored. A rest worth it in a beautiful place well.

Welcome to our lake Sut-Khol!

Welcome to our lake Sut-Khol!

Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Озеро Сут-хол".Страноведение.

Автор: Седип-оол Чечена Владимировна

Дата: 13.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 239346

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