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План урока-презентации по теме "People We Admire"

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План к уроку-презентации по теме “People We Admire”, который был проведен в группе 2 курса (уровень Intermediate) после изучения темы «Внешность и характер человека. Урок комбинированный, состоит из различных видов деятельности, включая активизацию лексики, изученной в рамках темы, чтение, аудирование, устную речь. В процессе урока студенты работают в группах по 3-4 человека, в парах, представляют подготовленные дома мультимедийные презентации. 

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«План урока-презентации по теме "People We Admire" »

Урок английского языка для студентов 2 курса,

ГБОУ СПО «Петровский колледж», г. Санкт-Петербург

Преподаватель: Овсянкина Ольга Ивановна

Тема: People We Admire

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: развитие речевых умений в условиях коммуникативно-направленного обучения

Развивающие цели: развитие навыков публичного выступления, развитие логического мышления, развитие творческих способностей студентов

Воспитательные цели урока: развитие личных качеств обучающихся на примере жизни и достижений неординарных личностей, совершенствование навыков сотрудничества, формирование личного мнения, воспитание толерантности

Задачи: активизация лексического материала по теме «Описание внешности и характера, активизация грамматического материала (вопросительные предложения), развитие навыков аудирования, навыков диалогической речи, устной и письменной монологической речи по теме «Мой идеал»

Оснащение урока: мультимедийное оборудование, презентация в Power Point, раздаточный материал ( текст для чтения), CD проигрыватель, аудиозапись текста для аудирования (Cutting Edge, Intermediate)

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.


Сообщение целей и задач урока.(Слайд 1)

We have learnt how to describe people, their appearances and personalities, their interests. We read some descriptions of celebrities. Today we are going to speak about people worth admiring.

  1. Активизация лексики.

А. (Слайд 2) T.: Make a list of the adjectives you will need to describe a personality. You have two minutes.

Студенты индивидуально составляют список прилагательных.

How many can you remember? Work in the groups of three or four to see who knows the most.

Студенты в мини группах поочередно зачитывают прилагательные. Победителем оказывается тот, кто назвал большее количество слов.

B. (Cлайд 3) T.: Give the definitions to the adjectives.

C. (Слайд 4) T.: Make the opposite of the adjectives.

D. (Слайд 5) T.: Describe the people from your environment using the adjectives.
Justify your statement.

E. Слайд 6) T.: What qualities should a person have to be a good

- sportsman

- teacher

- firefighter

- businessman

- writer

- scientist?

  1. Аудирование.

А. (Слайд 7) Снятие трудностей.

T.: We are going to listen to a girl speaking about the person she admires.

Read and pronounce the words which will help you understand the text we are going to listen to. Translate them into Russian.

- be made redundant=be dismissed from work

- face a situation = deal with it

- flexible = smb who can change easily

B. T.: Take notes about the person’s life while listening. What does the girl say

about her father? Why is she proud of him?

Студенты слушают аудио запись на диске.

Okay, the person I admire is my father actually… and um… he was a civil engineer for thirty-three years and he was very successful in his job. And after thirty-three years of working quite happily, he was suddenly made redundant. And at the age of 52 it was actually very, very difficult for him to get another job. So he started thinking about what he could do, and he remembered that he he’d actually been very good at um… teaching me maths when I was younger, and I’d a lot of problems with maths and he’d got me through my exams. So what he did was he went back to university, and he trained as a maths teacher. And now I have to say that whenever I go back to my town to visit my dad, I bump into a lot of people in our road who he teaches and they say he is one of the best teachers that they’ve ever had, so that’s great!

The reason I admire him so much is because, you know, faced with that kind of situation it would be very easy to get depressed and feel sorry for yourself, and my dad showed just how strong he was and how flexible and creative he can be and that makes me very proud. C. Студенты отвечают на вопросы слайда 7.

  1. Проверка выполнения домашнего задания.

А. (Слайд 8) T.: What people do you admire? Show your presentations and share with us.

Студенты представляют подготовленные дома электронные презентации.

В. T.: (to the group) What do you like in the presentation? What would you recommend to improve it? –Обсуждение в группе после выступления каждого студента.

С. (слайд 9) T.: Do these people have anything in common? What is it?

  1. Чтение.

А. (слайд 10). T.: Look at these pictures. Do you know these people? A lot of people all over the world admire them. Read the short texts and match them to the photos on the slide.

Text for Reading:

Biographies in short

Nelson Mandela

African National Congress Leader

and South African President,

born Transkeu, 1918-2013

Mandela trained to be a lawyer before joing the ANC in 1944. For the next twenty years he played a leading part in their campaign against apartheid, until he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964. He was not freed until 1990. In the years following his release he worked with President de Klerk to end apartheid, and in 1993 the two men were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1994 he became president of the new South Africa.

Stephen Hawking


Born Oxford, England, 1942

Considered the most brilliant cosmologist of the time, he is an advocate of the ‘Big Bang’ theory about the origin of the Universe. He is a Cambridge professor and the author of many scientific boos, including the best-selling A Brief History of Time (1988). His achievements are especially remarkable because for over thirty years he has suffered from a neuromotor disease, which has meant he is confined to a wheelchair and can only speak with the help of a computer.

Mother Teresa


Born Albania, 1910-1977

The daughter of peasants, she became a nun in 1927 and was sent first to Ireland and then to Calcutta, where she taught in a girls’ school for nearly twenty years, before deciding to devote herself to working with the people living in the slums of Calcutta. After a short medical training, she and two other nuns took to the streets, caring for the sick and dying. In 1950 she founded the Missionary Sisters of Charity, which now has 775 homes in 120 countries. In 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Bill Gates

Born Seattle, USA, 1955

While at school, he finished among the top ten in the country in a maths aptitude test – despite never taking a book home to study or attending maths classes. He went to Harvard, but left without getting a degree to start up his computer company Microsoft. By the age of forty-one, he was one of the world’s richest men – he is believed to be worth about $18 billion. Unlike some millionaires, he is not shy about spending his money: he owns twenty Ferraris, each worth more than $150,000, and a high-tech mansion overlooking Lake Washington.

Muhammad Ali


Born Kentucky, USA, 1942

To his fans he was ‘The Greatest’ but his real name was Cassius Marcellus Clay. He came from a very poor family and started boxing when he was just twelve years old. As a boxer, he was incredibly fast on his feet – he almost ‘danced’.

He won the world championship for the first time in 1964 but he lost his title a few years later because he refused to fight in the Vietnamese War. After that he became a Muslim and changed his name to Muhammad Ali. I the 1970s, he became world champion again. Ali got Parkinson disease in the 1980s and stopped fighting. He began to raise money for poor people around the world. In 2000, The United Nations named him a ‘Messenger of Peace’.



Born Michigan, USA, 1958

Her real name is Madonna Louse Ciccone. Originally a dancer, she had her first record ‘Holiday’ in 1983. In 1985 she began her film career and also married actor Sean Penn, but the marriage lasted less than four years. Her ‘Blond Ambition Tour’ in 1990 – complete with outrageous costumes designed by Jean Paul Gaultier – her book Sex (1993) caused much controversy. Her career took a more respectable direction, however, with the birth of her first child, Lourdes, in 1997, and her performance in the title role of Evita.

Alexander Solzhenitsin

Novelist, historian

Born Kislovodsk, Russia, 1918 – 2008

He graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics at Rostov University in 1941 and was sent to an artillery school. In 1942 he served in the front line until he was arrested in 1945 because of disrespectful remarks about Stalin and sentenced to eight years in a detention camp. A year later, as a mathematician, he was transferred to the group of scientific research institutes of MVD. He had to change several camps until 1953, working as a miner, a bricklayer, and a foundry man, and then was ‘exiled for life.’ He taught mathematics and physics in a primary school and he wrote prose in secret. He exposed Stalin’s prison system and became a non-person. 1970, he was awarded the Nobel Prize but could receive it after he had been deported from the Soviet Union. He returned to Russia in 1994.

B. Reading comprehension.

(Слайд 11) T.: Choose a famous person who …

  1. Устная речь.

A. Работа в группах.

( слайд 12) T.: You are on the committee to decide who to put on the new website of famous people.

Work in groups. First decide on the title of the website.

B. T.: Work on your own. Decide which four people you want to put on the website. Think how you will justify your choice to the other students.

C. (слайд 13) T.: Work in the groups again. Present and explain your suggestions to the rest of the group. Listen to other students and decide together on the best four people.

  1. Заключительный этап урока.

А. Домашнее задание. (cлайд 14)

Make a poster/bulletin with pictures and brief information about the people you have chosen for your website


Make a poster with pictures and brief information about Russian heroes (they may not be celebrities)

В. Подведение итогов урока.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План урока-презентации по теме "People We Admire"

Автор: Овсянкина Ольга Ивановна

Дата: 05.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 116560

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