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Презентация на английском языке "Похлебка в яичной скорлупке"-"THE EGG-SHELL POTTAGE"

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Данная презентация составлена  на основе английской народной сказке "Похлебка в яичной скорлупке" На уроках, где активно изучаются английские сказки,повышается мотивация  к  изучению предмета,легче проходит и запоминание новых лексических единиц.  Включение  элементов английской фольклорной и литературной сказки в программу изучения английского языка разнообразит работу учителя, поможет учащимся совершенствовать навыки в аудировании,чтении, говорении.

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«Презентация на английском языке "Похлебка в яичной скорлупке"-"THE EGG-SHELL POTTAGE" »




The inhabitants of the cottage were a wife and husband, they had born to them twins, whom they nursed with great care and tenderness

The inhabitants of the cottage were a wife and husband, they had born to them twins, whom they nursed with great care and tenderness

Some month after their birth, the wife was called out to the house of a neighbour; she had to leave the babies alone.

Some month after their birth, the wife was called out to the house of a neighbour; she had to leave the babies alone.

On the way back, however, she was not a little scared to see some of the old elves   of the blue petticoat, even though it was а  mid-day

On the way back, however, she was not a little scared to see some of the old elves of the blue petticoat, even though it was а mid-day

When she got back to her house she was relieved to find all was it was before

When she got back to her house she was relieved to find all was it was before

After some time had passed, the good people began to wonder why the twins did not seem to grow at all; they remained as little dwarfs

After some time had passed, the good people began to wonder why the twins did not seem to grow at all; they remained as little dwarfs

The  husband became quite angry and swore they could not be his children; the woman cried just as angrily that they were. And thus arose the great strife between them that gave name to the place.

The husband became quite angry and swore they could not be his children; the woman cried just as angrily that they were. And thus arose the great strife between them that gave name to the place.

One evening when the woman was very troubled she decided to go and consult a GwR Cyfarwyydd
  • One evening when the woman was very troubled she decided to go and consult a GwR

Cyfarwyydd , he knew all there, he was so wise.

Now there was to be a harvest soon of rye and oats; so the wise man said to her.

When you are preparing dinner for the reapers, empty the shell of a hen’s egg, and boil the shell full of pottagge; then take it out through the door as if you meant it for a dinner to the reapers and listen to the twins will say.

When you are preparing dinner for the reapers, empty the shell of a hen’s egg, and boil the shell full of pottagge; then take it out through the door as if you meant it for a dinner to the reapers and listen to the twins will say.

If you hear the children Speaking things above a child’s understanding, return into the house, take them up and throw them into waves of Liyn Ebyr, which is very near to you. But if you do not hear anything amiss, do them no harm .’

If you hear the children

Speaking things above a child’s

understanding, return into

the house, take them up and throw them into

waves of Liyn Ebyr, which is very near to you.

But if you do not hear anything amiss, do them no harm .’

Wgg When the day of reaping came, the woman did as the wise man said; she went outside the door to listen, she heard……


When the day of reaping came, the woman did as the wise man said; she went outside the door to listen, she heard……

A corns before oak I knew, An egg before a hen, Never one hen’s egg-shell stew Enough for harvest men! Gwelais vesen cyn gweled derwen,  gwelais wy cyn gweled iar,  erioed ni welais verwe bwyd  I vedel  Mewn plisgyn wy iar!

A corns before oak I knew,

An egg before a hen,

Never one hen’s egg-shell stew

Enough for harvest men!

Gwelais vesen cyn gweled derwen, gwelais wy cyn gweled iar, erioed ni welais verwe bwyd I vedel Mewn plisgyn wy iar!

The woman quickly took the two children; she threw them into the Lyn without another thought. Suddenly the goblins pulled dwarfs from the lake and ran off with them.

The woman quickly took the two children; she threw them into the Lyn without another thought. Suddenly the goblins pulled dwarfs from the lake and ran off with them.

When the woman got back home, she was overjoyed to find her own children in their cots alive and well.. Never again did the goblins try to trick the woman; and never more was there strife between the woman and her husband

When the woman got back home, she was overjoyed to find her own children in their cots alive and well..

Never again did the goblins try to trick the woman; and never more was there strife between the woman and her husband

T h i s  is  the  story  how  it  got  its  name ?

T h i s is the story how it got its name


  • Where did the story take place?
  • Who were the inhabitants of the cottage?
  • How many children did they have?
  • Did their Mother like to leave them alone?
  • Was their Mother called out to the house of a neighbour?
  • Were their many tales of goblins?
  • Did she see any of the old elves?
  • Was she scared ?
What did people begin tosee in children?

What did people begin tosee in children?

  • Did they remain as little dwarfs?
  • Why did the man become angry?
  • What gave the name to the place?
  • Where did the woman go to?-Whom did she consult?
  • What did the woman prepare?-Did she boil the shell full of pottage?
  • What must she listen to?
  • Why must she throw children into the Lake?
  • Who saved the dwarfs?
  • Did the goblins try to trick the woman?
Translate Сказка британских островов-  «Похлебка в яичной скорлупе The Place of Strife The cottage To nurse with great care and tenderness To leave twins alone A neighbour There were many tales of Goblins To be scared Become angry The strife Consult a wise man Prepare dinner for the reapers Boil the shell of a hen’s egg Throw into the lake  *Folk-tale of the British Isles-  Egg-Shell Pottage (презентация создана по книге Народные сказки Британских островов. Сборник /Сост. Дж. Риордан.- М. : Радуга, 1987.- На англ. яз.- 368с .


Сказка британских островов- «Похлебка в яичной скорлупе

  • The Place of Strife
  • The cottage
  • To nurse with great care and tenderness
  • To leave twins alone
  • A neighbour
  • There were many tales of Goblins
  • To be scared
  • Become angry
  • The strife
  • Consult a wise man
  • Prepare dinner for the reapers
  • Boil the shell of a hen’s egg
  • Throw into the lake

*Folk-tale of the British Isles-

Egg-Shell Pottage

(презентация создана по книге

Народные сказки Британских островов. Сборник /Сост. Дж. Риордан.- М. : Радуга, 1987.- На англ. яз.- 368с .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Презентация на английском языке "Похлебка в яичной скорлупке"-"THE EGG-SHELL POTTAGE"

Автор: Иванова Елена Александровна

Дата: 22.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 134050

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