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Презентация на тему "Великобритания"

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МОУ « Гимназия №1 г. Волоколамска»

Методическая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе

«Мир англоязычной культуры»

Учитель: Воронкова В.Е.

Открытый урок в 6 классе
Тема: «Мир англоязычной культуры»
Цель: развитие навыков чтения с использованием страноведческого материала.
- обучающая: познакомить учащихся со странами Соединённого Королевства Великобритании;
- развивающая: развивать навыки поискового чтения и чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного;
- воспитывающая: развитие культурной компетенции: традиции, символы, география, достопримечательности Соединённого Королевства.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
- стратегия «обучения сообща», с целью изучения  и систематизации большого по объёму материала;
- использование ИКТ для наглядности и обучающего контроля;
-работа с технологическими картами;
- оформление открытки с целью подведения итогов.

Формы организации деятельности учащихся:
- фронтальная работа;
- индивидуальная работа;
- групповая работа.

Виды речевой деятельности:
- монологическая подготовленная речь;
- аудирование;
- поисковое чтение;
- чтение с целью получения новых знаний.

Организация общения:
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент и приветствие.
T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you! Sit down, please. Today we are going to prepare us for a trip  to Great Britain.

II.Объявление цели урока.


T: Today we shall have an unusual lesson. We shall listen to the texts, answer different questions, read about countries of Great Britain, listen to the text and do a lot of exercises. So the topic of our lesson is: “England, Scotland and Wales”.

III. Тренировка навыков монологической речи.
T: Please, take your cards. Find exercise 1, read the task. You will listen to the short texts about Great Britain, answer the questions and then write the names of the countries and the capitals.
Идет работа с первым файлом презентации. Сначала учащиеся знакомятся с первым заданием технологической карты. Затем их внимание обращено к экрану. Учащиеся слушают сообщения своих одноклассников с одновременным просмотром картинок, отвечают на вопросы учителя с целью проверки понимания услышанного и выполняют задание 1 на технологической карте.
Text 1
The UK is very small compared with many other countries of the world. Some people call this country “Britain”, others call it “England”, and there is another name “ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.
Text 2
The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an Ireland state. It occupies the territory of the British Isles and is composed of more than 5,500 islands, small and large. The two main islands are GB and Ireland. The UK consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Text 3
The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the northwest and the North Sea in the east. The English Channel and the Strait of Dover in the south separate the UK from Europe. Two islands (GB and Ireland) are separated by the Irish Sea.

Text 4
The UK is one of the world’s smallest countries and has the territory of more than 200,000 sq. km. The population of the country is 57 million people. The highest mountains are found in Scotland (Ben Nevis) and Wales (Snowdon).  There are no long rivers (the longest are the Severn and the Themes).
The largest cities of the UK are London (the capital city), Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Glasgow and some others.

Text 6
Everybody knows the proverb: “ When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather”. The weather in the country is changeable.

T: Now answer my questions.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя. Данное задание выполняется для проверки понимания  услышанного. На экране после каждого ответа ученика появляется нужное слово.
1.    What is the name of this country? (England).
2.    What is the name of this country? (Scotland).
3. What is the name of this country? (Wales).
4. What is the name of this country? (Northern Ireland).
5. What is the capital of this country? (London).
6. What is the capital of this country? (Edinburgh).
7. What is the capital of this country? (Cardiff).
8. What is the capital of this country? (Belfast).


Затем учащиеся работают с технологической картой, выполняя задание 1, где они подписывают названия стран и столиц страны изучаемого языка.  После выполнения задания идет проверка с помощью экрана, на котором высвечивается карта с надписями.


IV. Знакомство со страноведческой информацией.
T: The task is to read the texts and to translate them to know some new information about the UK.
Следующее задание направлено на то, чтобы дети прочитали тексты и перевели их на русский язык с целью получения новой информации о стране изучаемого языка. Но сначала учащиеся проговаривают новые и трудные для произношения слова за учителем. После прочтения и перевода каждого текста учитель даёт пояснения к исторической информации.
У: Война Алой и Белой розы – серия вооружённых династических конфликтов между группировками английской знати в 1455-1487 в борьбе за власть между сторонниками двух ветвей династии – Ланкастеров и Йорков. Война завершилась победой Генриха Тюдора из дома Ланкастеров – победой Белой розы.
Св. Георгий – имя связано с легендой, которая гласит, что он убил огнедышащего дракона. Это событие относится к 6-му веку.

 У: Св. Андрей – был одним из 12 апостолов Христа.
Чертополох – был взят как символ защиты в 15 веке.

У: Св. Давид – был основателем и первым епископом Меневии на юге Уэльса. Нарцисс и лук-порей считаются эмблемой Уэльса.  
 У: Св. Патрик – сыграл важную роль в распространении Христианства в Ирландии.
Трилистник – связан с учением Св. Троицы.

V. Физкультминутка.
T: Now let’s have a rest. Please, stand up. Listen to the music and do exercises.
Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips, Sit down.
Hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend right.
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop!
Stand still.

С учащимися проводится физминутка. Под музыку волынки дети делают зарядку.

VI.Развитие навыка поискового чтения.
T: Please, take your cards and find task number 2.Your task is to read the texts and find the answers to the questions.
Поисковое чтение. Необходимо прочитать небольшие по содержанию тексты и найти ответы на вопросы.
Windsor Castle is a famous home of Queen Elizabeth II of England. It is the largest castle in the world where people still live.
In Wales there are old wishing wells. People throw money into the wells. They think wishing wells can help them in their life.
Madame Tussaud’s has one of the largest collections of wax models of famous people in the world. You can see famous people of the past and famous people of today there.
Scotland’s national instrument is the bagpiper. The bagpipers make a very loud sound. They say Scotish soldiers played them before a battle and the noise frightend the soldiers on the other side.
T: Please, answer the questions.
1.    Why do people throw money into wishing wells?
2.    Can you make a very loud sound with a bagpipe?
3.    Why did Scottish soldiers play the bagpipes before a battle?
4.    Whose home is Windsor Castle?
5.    What collection is there at Madame Tussaud’s? Is the collection large?
VII. Развитие навыков аудирования.
T:  Listen and complete the diagram. But first take your card and find task 3. After listening of the text write the names of languages in your card. You will listen to the text twice.
Учащиеся слушают текст дважды. Затем учащиеся заполняют технологическую карту, куда записывают названия трёх языков наиболее распространённых в интернете.
Today’s programme is about languages used on the Internet. What are the languages? This diagram shows you the Top Ten On-line Languages. According to Global Internet Statistics in 2002 there were about 228 million people who used the Internet. Ninety per cent of them were native speakers of one of just 10 languages.
This diagram shows the top ten languages of the Internet users. As you see, English is the most popular language on the web. It has 91,656,000 users. Second comes Chinese, and it has 22,344,000 users. Japanese has about 20,976,000 users and comes third. Spanish has 16,416,000 and is in fourth place.
The rest of the top on-line languages are German, Korean, French, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. At present 45 per cent of Internet users in the world are English speakers. But by the year 2007 Chinese is going to become the most popular language on the web.
VIII. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
T: And now the last task of our lesson. We shall make  postcards for our friends in Great Britain and send them to them.
Учащиеся делают красочные открытки для своих иностранных друзей. У них есть открытки с видами Соединённого Королевства, лист бумаги, клей. Потом ребята ведут полилог, задавая друг другу вопросы и отвечая на них.


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«Презентация на тему "Великобритания" »

ТЕМА УРОКА: АНГЛИЯ, ШОТЛАНДИЯ, УЭЛЬС,… ЦЕЛИ: Учиться читать и переводить тексты Слушать и понимать речь своих одноклассников Познакомиться со столицами, флагами, символами и достопримечательностями стран Великобритании       МОУ «Гимназия №1 г.Волоколамск» 2012    Воронкова В.Е. ©  Гугль мап в UK



  • Учиться читать и переводить тексты
  • Слушать и понимать речь своих одноклассников
  • Познакомиться со столицами, флагами, символами и достопримечательностями стран Великобритании

МОУ «Гимназия №1 г.Волоколамск» 2012 Воронкова В.Е. ©

Гугль мап в UK

The Atlantic Ocean The North Sea The English Channel The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Edinburgh  Belfast LIVERPOOL BIRMINGHAM London Cardiff THE SEVERN THE THAMES GLASGOW MANCHESTER

The Atlantic Ocean

The North Sea

The English Channel

The United Kingdom

of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland












Answer the questions










Check up









Wales England Scotland London Cardiff Edinburgh







ENGLAND George Георгий the patron saint святой покровитель national национальный The capital of England is London. People from England are the English. They speak English. England’s national day is St. George’s Day. It is on the 23 rd of April. St. George is the patron saint of England . The national flower of England is the rose.




the patron saint

святой покровитель



The capital of England is London. People from England are the English. They speak English. England’s national day is St. George’s Day. It is on the 23 rd of April. St. George is the patron saint of England . The national flower of England is the rose.

SCOTLAND Edinburgh Эдинбург a thistle чертополох prickly колючий The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh . People from Scotland are Scotts. They speak Scottish or English. Scotland’s national day is St. Andrew’s Day. It is on the 30 th of November. St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. The Scottish national flower is the thistle . It is a prickly -leaved purple flower.




a thistle




The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh . People from Scotland are Scotts. They speak Scottish or English. Scotland’s national day is St. Andrew’s Day. It is on the 30 th of November. St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. The Scottish national flower is the thistle . It is a prickly -leaved purple flower.

WALES  a founder основатель language язык a daffodil нарцисс a leek лук-порей The capital of Wales is Cardiff. People from Wales are the Welsh. Their national language is Welsh. St. David’s Day is the national day of Wales. It is on the 1 st of March. St. David is patron saint of Wales. The national flower of Wales is the daffodil . The leek is a traditional emblem of Wales too.


a founder




a daffodil


a leek


The capital of Wales is Cardiff. People from Wales are the Welsh. Their national language is Welsh. St. David’s Day is the national day of Wales. It is on the 1 st of March. St. David is patron saint of Wales. The national flower of Wales is the daffodil . The leek is a traditional emblem of Wales too.

NORTHERN IRELAND Irish Ирландский Christianity Христианство clothes одежда a shamrock трилистник doctrine вера Holy Trinity Святая троица The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The Irish speak Irish or English. St. Patrick’s Day is an official holiday in Northern Ireland. It is on the 17 th of March. The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock . Shamrock is a three-leaved plant. It was used by St. Patrick to illustrate the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.








a shamrock




Holy Trinity

Святая троица

The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The Irish speak Irish or English. St. Patrick’s Day is an official holiday in Northern Ireland. It is on the 17 th of March. The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock . Shamrock is a three-leaved plant. It was used by St. Patrick to illustrate the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

Check up your answer on the questions!    1. Why do people throw money into wishing wells? 2. Does the bagpipe make a very loud sound? 3. Why did Scottish soldiers play the bagpipes before a battle? 1. They think wishing wells can help them in their life. 3. The noise frightened the soldiers on the other side. 2. The bagpipes make a very loud sound. 4. Whose home is Windsor Castle? 5. What collection is there at Madame Tussaud’s? 6. Is the collection large?

Check up your answer on the questions!

1. Why do people throw money into wishing wells?

2. Does the bagpipe make a very loud sound?

3. Why did Scottish soldiers play the bagpipes before a battle?

1. They think wishing wells can help them in their life.

3. The noise frightened the soldiers on the other side.

2. The bagpipes make a very loud sound.

4. Whose home is Windsor Castle?

5. What collection is there at Madame Tussaud’s?

6. Is the collection large?

Check up your answers on the questions!    4. Whose home is Windsor Castle? 5. What collection is there at Madame Tussaud’s? Is the collection large? 5. Madame Tussaud’s has one of the largest collections of wax models 4. Windsor Castle is a famous home of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

Check up your answers on the questions!

4. Whose home is Windsor Castle?

5. What collection is there at Madame Tussaud’s?

Is the collection large?

5. Madame Tussaud’s has one of the largest collections of wax models

4. Windsor Castle is a famous home of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

Look at the right answers  AmE BrE apartment flat stores shops French fries chips candy sweets movies film vacation holiday

Look at the right answers







French fries








Look at the right answers  1. East or West a) is his castle. 2. There is no place 3. The Englishman’s home b) knows much. 4.He who travels far c) like home. 5.Travelling d) home is best. 6.So many countries e) by its traditions. 7. Every country is strong f) broadens the mind. g) so many customs. TRAVELLING BROADENS THE MIND

Look at the right answers

1. East or West

a) is his castle.

2. There is no place

3. The Englishman’s home

b) knows much.

4.He who travels far

c) like home.


d) home is best.

6.So many countries

e) by its traditions.

7. Every country is strong

f) broadens the mind.

g) so many customs.



Look and check up  It is very cold on the moon at night, minus one hundred and sixty-nine 169 degrees. 2. At the North Pole (полюс) the polar day is one hundred and eighty-nine 189 days and the polar night is one hundred and seventy-six 176 days. 3. Some trees are more than a thousand 1000 years old. The oldest tree is in Nevada, in the USA. This pine (сосна) is four thousand nine hundred 4900 years old. 4. The smallest dog was one hundred and three 103 grams and the heaviest dog was one hundred and forty-three 143 kilograms.

Look and check up

  • It is very cold on the moon at night, minus one hundred and sixty-nine 169 degrees.

2. At the North Pole (полюс) the polar day is one hundred and eighty-nine 189 days and the polar night is one hundred and seventy-six 176 days.

3. Some trees are more than a thousand 1000 years old. The oldest tree is in Nevada, in the USA. This pine (сосна) is four thousand nine hundred 4900 years old.

4. The smallest dog was one hundred and three 103 grams and the heaviest dog was one hundred and forty-three 143 kilograms.

Look and check up  English 91 656 000 91 656 000 91 656 000 Chinese 22 344 000 22 344 000 22 344 000 Japanese 20 976 000 20 976 000 20 976 000

Look and check up


91 656 000

91 656 000

91 656 000


22 344 000

22 344 000

22 344 000


20 976 000

20 976 000

20 976 000




Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация на тему "Великобритания"

Автор: Воронкова Валентина Евгеньевна

Дата: 31.07.2015

Номер свидетельства: 224013

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