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Презентация урока на тему Sunny spring

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The lesson theme: “SUNNY SPRING”


Good morning my dearest guests!

Good morning children

Good morning

For a start, we must do a physical exercise.

Children stand up!

Hello hello  hello  How are you? (2рет)  хэлоу хэлоу хэлоу хау а ю?

I am good                                             ай эм гуд

I am great                                              ай эм грэйт

I am wonderful                                      ай эм уандефул

I am good

I am great

I am wonderful

Hello hello  hello  How are you?(2рет)    хэлоу хэлоу хэлоу хау а ю?

I am tired                                                  ай эм тайред

I am hungry                                             ай эм хангри

I am not so good                                      ай эм нот соу гуд

I am tired

I am hungry

I am not so good

Hello hello  hello  How are you?(2рет)    хэлоу хэлоу хэлоу хау а ю?

Hello hello  hello  How are you?(2рет)    хэлоу хэлоу хэлоу хау а ю?

Thank you children, sit down please!

II. Today we will have a very interesting lesson

Question: Children, now what time of year?

Answer: Spring

Question: What happens in the spring?

Answer: The sunshine, snow is melting, sky is blue

Very good, thank you.

And  listen to poems about the spring.

  1. The winter’s gone.                                                  

           It is springtime now.

          Boys and girls,

          Let’s go out and have some fun!

  1. Spring makes the world a happy place.   

           You see a smile on every face.

  1.  It is springtime.

          Leaves are growing on the trees.

          All the grass is turning green…

          See the birds build their nests…

          Watch the flowers start to grow…

  1. Spring will bring rain.

           Spring will bring sun.

           Spring will bring fun for everyone!

  1. I love the spring.

           For every day

           There’s something new

           That’s come to stay.

           Another bird,

          Another flower

          That comes from the earth.

  1. Spring is here,

           In the air,

          You can smell it coming,

          On the trees,

          Leaves are green,

          Caterpillars sunning.

Thank you children, very good!

Question: Children you noticed here a lot of  beautiful flowers?

Answer: Yes!

Question: And would you like to play the game?

Answer: Yes!

Teacher:  The game called “Collect chamomile”.

In the middle of the flower there are emotion smiles. And we need to collect chamomile petals. Who is it? What is color mouse, frog, bear, cat, fox, fish, and hare?

Children answer all questions correctly.

Here is our beautiful flower. The game was funny.

Meet our girls dance “FLOWER”

And now we have a fairy tale. The fairy tale called “THE LITLLIE HOUSE”


  1. Mouse
  2. Frog
  3. Hare
  4. Wolf
  5. Fox
  6. Bear


Narrator: There stood a small wooden house (teremok) in the open field. A mouse ran by: Стоит в поле теремок. Бежит мимо мышка:

Mouse: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?.  - Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет?

Narrator: Nobody answered. Никто не отзывается. The mouse went into the house and began to live there. Вошла мышка в теремок и стала в нем жить. 

Narrator: A frog hopped by:.  Прискакала лягушка:

frog: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет?

mouse: -I am a mouse. And who are you? - Я мышка. А ты кто?

frog: - I am a frog. Let's live together. А я лягушка. Давай вместе жить!

Narrator: So the mouse and the frog began living together - Стали мышка с лягушкой вдвоем жить.

 Narrator: A hare ran by. He saw the house and asked: Бежит мимо зайчик. Увидал теремок и спрашивает:

hare:- Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет? 

mouse:-I am a mouse. Я мышка.

frog: - I am a frog. And who are you? Я лягушка. А ты кто?

hare: - I am a hare. А я заяц. Let's live together.

Narrator: The hare jumped into the house and all of them began living together. Заяц запрыгнул в теремок и стали они жить вместе.

Then there came a fox.Затем пришла лисичка. Постучала в окошко:

She knocked on the window:

fox: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

mouse: -I am a mouse. Я мышка.

frog: - I am a frog. Я лягушка

hare:- I am a hare. And who are you? Я заячик. А кто ты?

fox: - I am a fox. А я лисичка. Let's live together

Narrator: The fox climbed into the house too.  Забралась лисичка в теремок.  Автор: A wolf ran by: Прибежал волчок:

- Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет

mouse: -I am a mouse. Я мышка

frog: -I am a frog. Я лягушка

hare: - I am a hare. А я зайчик

fox: -I am a fox. And who are you? А я лисичка. А ты кто?

wolf: - I am a wolf. А я волчок. Let's live together

Narrator: The wolf climbed into the house too, and they all started living together.  -? Волк влез в теремок, стали они впятером жить. 

Narrator: A bear walked by. He saw the house and roared: Идет мимо медведь. Увидал теремок да как заревет:

bear: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? Терем-теремок! Кто в тереме живет

mouse: -I am a mouse. - Я мышка

frog: -I am a frog. Я лягушка

hare: - I am a hare. А я зайчик.

fox: -  I am a fox. - Я лисичка

wolf: - I am a wolf. Who are you? А я волчок. А ты кто?

bear: - I am a bear! А я медведь косолапый! Let's live together

animals : No, you are too big! You cannot live in this house

bear:  yes, I can

Narrator: The bear started climbing onto the roof and crushed the whole house! He breaks the house down. Poor animals! Now they have no house.   Влез медведь на крышу и Бах! - раздавил теремок.

Animals: What happened? What do we do?

mouse: Let’ s build a new house!

Narrator: And they do that. The new house in nice and big! Even the bear can live in it.

Играет мелодия «The more we are together», все встают в круг и водят хоровод под песню. Дети поют:

The more we are together, together, together,

The more we are together, the happier we are!

 For your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends.

The more we are together, the happier we are!


III. Next concert program

  1. Meet our children dance “LITTLE ANIMALS”
  2. Meet our girls Kazakh tradition dance “SHANYRAK”
  3. Meet our children orchestra  Kazakh kuiy  “ALKISSA”
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«Презентация урока на тему Sunny spring»

КГКП ясли сад «АНАШЫМ»  SUNNY SPRING  Teacher: Konasheva Arailym Armankyzy

КГКП ясли сад «АНАШЫМ»


Teacher: Konasheva Arailym Armankyzy

Program Dear__________________ We invite you to the seminar which will take place in the kindergarten “Anashym” 09:00-09:15 Meet our guests on the theme “Sunny spring”.    09:15-09:30 The lesson theme “SUNNY SRPING’ Time: 19th May 2017, 9 a.m. 09:30-10:00   Location: 164, M. Tankybaev street The fairy-tale “THE LITTLE HOUSE”   10:00-10:15 Concert program 10:15-10:30 The guests opinion 10:30-10:45 Buffet table 10:45-11:00 Closing of the seminar  



We invite you to the seminar which will take place in the kindergarten “Anashym”


Meet our guests

on the theme “Sunny spring”.



The lesson theme “SUNNY SRPING’

Time: 19th May 2017, 9 a.m.



Location: 164, M. Tankybaev street

The fairy-tale “THE LITTLE HOUSE”



Concert program


The guests opinion


Buffet table


Closing of the seminar


Physical exercise “ HELLO!”  Hello hello hello How are you? I am good   I am great   I am wonderful   I am good I am great I am wonderful Hello hello hello How are you? I am tired   I am hungry   I am not so good  I am tired I am hungry I am not so good Hello hello hello How are you? Hello hello hello How are you?  

Physical exercise “ HELLO!”

Hello hello hello How are you?

I am good

I am great

I am wonderful

I am good

I am great

I am wonderful

Hello hello hello How are you?

I am tired

I am hungry

I am not so good

I am tired

I am hungry

I am not so good

Hello hello hello How are you?

Hello hello hello How are you?


What time of year?

What time of year?

What happens in the spring?

What happens in the spring?

The winter’s gone.    It is springtime now.  Boys and girls,  Let’s go out and have some fun!     Spring will bring rain.  Spring will bring sun.  Spring will bring fun for everyone!      It is springtime.  Leaves are growing on the trees.  All the grass is turning green…  See the birds build their nests…  Watch the flowers start to grow…             

The winter’s gone.

It is springtime now.

Boys and girls,

Let’s go out and have some fun!


Spring will bring rain.

Spring will bring sun.

Spring will bring fun for everyone!



It is springtime.

Leaves are growing on the trees.

All the grass is turning green…

See the birds build their nests…

Watch the flowers start to grow…






The game called “Collect chamomile”

The game called “Collect chamomile”

The fairy tale “ THE LITTLE HOUSE”

The fairy tale “ THE LITTLE HOUSE”

Concert program Kazakh tradition dance “Shanyrak” Orchestra “Alhissa”

Concert program

Kazakh tradition dance “Shanyrak”

Orchestra “Alhissa”

Photo for memory with Mr. Can

Photo for memory with Mr. Can

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Дошкольникам.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация урока на тему Sunny spring

Автор: Конашева Арайлым Армановна

Дата: 17.07.2017

Номер свидетельства: 424152

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