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Разработка урока по теме "Планирование поездки в Британию"

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Разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме: «Планирование поездки в Великобританию»

(УМК В.П. Кузовлева )

Цели урока

1)учебный аспект – развитие речевых  умений учащихся;

2)познавательный аспект – расширить знания учащихся о стране изучаемого языка;

3)развивающий аспект – развивать коммуникативные способности учащихся,  вовлекая их в разные формы работы на уроке;

4)воспитательный аспект – развивать у учащихся интерес к особенностям страны изучаемого языка, способствовать осуществлению диалога культур..

Ход урока

I.Организационный момент.

II.Введение учащихся в ситуацию урока.

T: Dear boys and girls! I have a very good news for you. You have won a regional     competition under the title “Why is it necessary to learn English nowadays?”

Pupils: Oh, it’s great! It’s very good! Wow! How wonderful!

T: So we have a chance to visit the English-speaking country – Great Britain. The main aim of our lesson is to plan a trip to Great Britain.

III. Основная часть урока.

  1. T: Great Britain is considered to be a very interesting country. What attracts people to Britain to your mind? (Brainstorm).

P1: I think that people visit Great Britain because it has got very interesting traditions.

P2: They want to practice their English.

P3: Some of them want to take part in different art festivals.

P4: And to my mind many people are interested in historical places.

P5: I suppose tennis and football matches attract a lot of people.

     2. T: Boys and girls! I am of the same opinion. Look at the scheme and read the answers to the question “Why travel to the UK?” You see you were quite right. (Cлайд №2 презентации “Planning a trip to Great Britain”).

    3. T: Read the opinions of some teenagers about Great Britain  Учащиеся читают мнения некоторых подростков о Британии. (Слайд №3).

    4. Обучение учащихся восприятию на слух короткого разговора двух британцев Эли и Тода.

England (Script)
Eli talks about her country.

Todd: So, Eli, can you talk a little about England and maybe about it's climate and it's weather, it's leaders, what people eat?

Eli: Well, I'm not going to talk about leaders right now because that's a bit of a sore point but England weather, hmm, that is a bit of a sore point to. It's not the greatest weather in the world, especially compared to Japan where I am now, which the weather I just love. England is always cold, almost always cold even through the summer it's quite cold I hear. This summer it's been sort of jacket weather all summer with only a few days of sunshine and it rains a lot, so it's pretty miserable as far as weather's concerned.

Todd: Now, you're from Bristol right. What's your hometown like?

Eli: Bristol's a great town. I used to live in London which is the capital of England and it's very gray and big and unfriendly but when I moved to Bristol it was just great. It is a city but it's a very small city so you can always bump into your friends, um, always meet people. It's got big green areas. It's got a place called the downs which is a big park, and it's the architecture of the city is very old. It's very near Bath, which is a very famous old Roman town, where the Roman baths were, so all the sort of architecture of the city
the houses, all of it's very pretty.

Todd: OK. What are the Downs like? You said the downs. Is that a park?

Eli: The downs. It's, it's a big area of green basically. It's not a park as in lots of trees and trees and sort of shrubbery and stuff. It's just a big wide spread of greenery where you can play football. I mean there's
football matches sort of every week. You can go fly your kites. You can take your kids there. And that joins on to the Avon-gorge, which is where the Bristol suspension bridge is, which is very famous as being I think the first ever suspension bridge built, and from standing on the bridge and looking out into the gorge, I mean you'd think you're in the middle of the mountains, not in the middle of the city. It's a really pretty area.

Todd: Sounds like a nice place.                   

Перед прослушиванием учащимся предоставляется возможность познакомиться с заданием типа “quiz”. Прослушав диалог, учащиеся выбирают к каждому вопросу ответ. Правильность выбранных ими ответов проверяется по предъявленному ключу. (Слайд №4).


1)  Which country’s weather does she prefer?

 a) England
b) Japan
c) Neither
2)  How was the summer weather in England this year?
a) Hot
b) Rainy and wet
c) Perfect
3)  Which city does she prefer ?
a) London
b) Bristol
c) Neither
4)  What does she like about Bristol?
a) The architecture
b) It's very modern
c) Nothing at all
5)  What are the downs?
a) A big shopping area
b) A big green area
c) A set of villages

5. Обучение коротким монологическим высказываниям:

     T: Boys and girls! What do you imagine when you think of Britain and its people?

     (Слайд №5).

6. . Организация групповой работы учащихся. Ознакомление их с таблицей, состоящей из 3х колонок: Know, Want, Learnt.  (Слайд №6). Учащиеся заполняют 1 колонку той информацией, которая им известна о Британии, затем обсуждают в группах то, что они хотели бы узнать об этой стране и заполняют 2 колонку. (Можно заслушать их желания). 3я колонка пока не заполняется.

7. Предъявление учащимся информации о стране, ее символах, флагах, типичных британских вещах, королеве. Учащиеся слушают также песню “Yesterday” в исполнении группы “The Beatles” (Слайды №7 – №14).

8.  Обсуждение способов поездки в Британию в группах.

T: Before we go to the UK we should decide what kind of transport is the most suitable for us. Look at the pictures. (Слайд №15). These are different kinds of modern transport: a plane, a train, a bus, a car and a ship. Work in groups. Take the cards with the necessary words. (Ответ учащихся 1 группы: We decided to go to Britain by plane. It is the quickest way of travelling. It is not so cheap to go by plane but it is so comfortable. To go by train is comfortable too but this kind of transport is not so quick. And we’d like to see as much as possible in Britain and don’t want to waste our time.)

(Ответ учащихся 2 группы: As for us we have chosen a train and a ship to go to the UK. We know Great Britain is an island state, it is washed by seas, so we are going to reach the country by ship at first and then by train. It is our first opportunity to go there by ship. Modern ships are so cosy, so we can sleep there, watch TV and do everything we want.

T: I share the opinion of the 1st group and advise you to go to Britain by plane.

9. . Беседа учащихся с учителем о том, что можно посмотреть в Лондоне, столице   Британии.

P1: By the way! Have you ever been to London?

T: Yes, I have.

P2: Is it possible to see anything in London in one or two days?

T: Well, yes, but of course, not half enough.

P3: What do you think we ought to see first?

T: If you are interested in historical places you should go to Westminster Abbey, the  Houses , St. Paul Cathedral and the Tower. (Слайд №17). Do you like art galleries?

P4: Rather.

T: Then why not go to the National Gallery and the Tate?

P5: We are told we ought to see the British Museum. Do you think we shall have time for that?

T: Well, you might, but it’s much too big to be seen in an hour or so.

P6: We suppose it is. What about going to the Zoo?

T: That’s not a bad idea. You cold spend a couple of hours there watching the wild animals and birds.

P7: We’ll do that then. Thank you for your tips.

T: You’re welcome.

Выполнение учащимися задания  “Matching Russian and English equivalents” (Слайд  №18).

10.. Обсуждение в группах вещей, которые путешественники хотели бы взять с собой в поездку. (Слайд №19). T: Boys and girls! Don’t forget about things you’ll need during your trip. Take cards and fill in the gaps:

We’ll need … by all means. We also need … .  … not necessary. T: And now name all things you should take with. (Слайды № 20 - № 21).

11. Вывод о том, что учащиеся готовы к поездке. T: I see you are ready to make a trip to Great Britain. С целью проверки их новых знаний о стране изучаемого языка, им предлагается ответить на вопросы викторины. “Do you know Britain well?”

12. T: Being in this country you’ll be asked questions about your native country, Russia, by all means. Let’s remember some information about it.Учащимся предлагается вспомнить некоторые факты о России. В данном случае используются фрагменты мультимедийной обучающей  программы “Click on Russia” (Edited by Verginia Evans, Olga Afanasyeva, Irina Mikheeva , Express Publishing, CenterCOm).

IV.Заключительный этап урока. Рефлексия. Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения и впечатления об уроке.

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«Разработка урока по теме "Планирование поездки в Британию" »

To visit British places of interest To practise English To take part in festivals Why travel to the UK? To learn British traditions To watch tennis and football competitions

To visit British

places of interest

To practise


To take part in festivals

Why travel to the UK?

To learn British


To watch tennis and football


When I think of Britain, I think of two main areas, Scotland and England. I picture British people as hard-working.  Marni Duncan When people think of Britain they usually only think of London. British people to their mind are kind, relaxed and helpful. Another idea of Britain is that the weather is always cold and wet.  Rob Wilson The only big city that I can picture is London. I imagine the rest of the country as small towns.  Dan Kerman Often when I think of the British, a voice with a British accent comes into my mind. It says, “ Would you like a cup of tea?”  Sarah Wood

When I think of Britain, I think of two main areas, Scotland and England. I picture British people as hard-working.

Marni Duncan

When people think of Britain they usually only think of London.

British people to their mind are kind, relaxed and helpful. Another idea of Britain is that the weather is always cold and wet.

Rob Wilson

The only big city that I can picture is London. I imagine the rest of the country as small towns.

Dan Kerman

Often when I think of the British, a voice with a British accent comes into my mind. It says, “ Would you like a cup of tea?”

Sarah Wood

When I think of Britain I imagine…  I picture in my mind …  It’s not easy to imagine something. First of all I think of…
  • When I think of Britain I imagine…
  • I picture in my mind …
  • It’s not easy to imagine something. First of all I think of…

A Red Rose

A Red Rose

A Thistle

A Thistle

A Daffodil

A Daffodil

A Shamrock

A Shamrock

Elizabeth ІІ

Elizabeth ІІ

6. 1. 4. 3. 2.   7 5.








Собор Святого Павла Westminster Abbey Национальная галерея The Houses of Parliament Лондонский Тауэр St. Paul’s Cathedral Британский музей London Tower Картинная галерея Тейт The National Gallery Вестминстерское аббатство The Tate Здание парламента The British Museum

Собор Святого Павла

Westminster Abbey

Национальная галерея

The Houses of Parliament

Лондонский Тауэр

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Британский музей

London Tower

Картинная галерея Тейт

The National Gallery

Вестминстерское аббатство

The Tate

Здание парламента

The British Museum

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Разработка урока по теме "Планирование поездки в Британию"

Автор: Веретенникова Валентина Нестеровна

Дата: 24.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 147720

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