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"Stress in our life " презентация к научному проекту

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Тема проекта « Стресс в нашей жизни» очень актуальная в настоящее время. Мы часто слышим от знакомых «  Я так утомлён. Сегодня был очень стрессовый день».  Статистические данные показывают что один из восьми  казахстанцев  в возрасте от 18 до 54 страдает от стресса ( как указывает автор проекта) и это составляет 11 миллионов людей. Но проблема заключается в том, что люди не всегда осознают последствия стресса и не знают, как преодолеть его. Автор проекта изучил  эту проблему и предложил некоторые мероприятия по преодолению стресса, опираясь на советы экспертов. Автор также обрисовал в общих чертах различные  виды беспокойства и приступы тревоги, от которых страдают много людей.

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«"Stress in our life " презентация к научному проекту »

Stress in our life

Stress in our life

Тема проекта: «Stress in our life». Обоснование проблемы: ухудшение состояния здоровья учащихся, не знание мер по предотвращению стресса  Актуальность проблемы: не знание мер по предотвращению стресса и его влияние на здоровье Цель проекта:  актуализировать и развивать знания сверстников о стрессе;  Задачи проекта:  «разговорить» одноклассников по данной проблеме;   выработать у них эмоциональное личностное отношение к проблемам здоровья;   воспитывать активную жизненную позицию и ответственное отношение к своему здоровью.

Тема проекта: «Stress in our life».

Обоснование проблемы: ухудшение состояния здоровья учащихся, не знание мер по предотвращению стресса

Актуальность проблемы: не знание мер по предотвращению стресса и его влияние на здоровье

Цель проекта:

актуализировать и развивать знания сверстников о стрессе;

Задачи проекта:

«разговорить» одноклассников по данной проблеме;

выработать у них эмоциональное личностное отношение к проблемам здоровья;

воспитывать активную жизненную позицию и ответственное отношение к своему здоровью.

Some facts

Some facts

  • pressures abound in this world today
  • one in every eight Kazaks age 18-54 suffers from an anxiety disorder. This totals over 11 million people!
  • women suffer from anxiety and stress almost twice as much as men
  • stress and anxiety go hand in hand
  • stress accounts for 80 percent of all illnesses either directly or indirectly
  • stress is more dangerous than we thought
  Doctors agree that during chronic stress, the functions of the body that are nonessential to survival, such as the digestive and immune systems, shut down.


Doctors agree that during chronic stress, the functions of the body that are nonessential to survival, such as the digestive and immune systems, shut down. "This is why people get sick," he says. "There are also many occurrences of psychosomatic illness, an illness with an emotional or psychological side to it."

  Stress often prompts people to respond in unhealthy ways such as smoking eating poorly drinking alcohol  bad habits becoming  physically inactive


Stress often prompts people to respond in unhealthy ways such as


eating poorly

drinking alcohol

bad habits

becoming physically inactive

Why are we so stressed out? We're living in very trying and difficult times and things don't seem to be getting any easier. Sometimes life can seem terribly painful and unfair, yet somehow we manage to struggle on, day after day, hoping and praying that things will soon get better. But day by day the world is becoming a crazier and more uncertain place to live in, not to mention stressful. Many people are losing their jobs, their homes, their health and sometimes even their sanity. Worry, depression and anxiety seem to have become a way of life for way too many people. We seem to have entered the Age of Anxiety.

Why are we so stressed out?

We're living in very trying and difficult times and things don't seem to be getting any easier. Sometimes life can seem terribly painful and unfair, yet somehow we manage to struggle on, day after day, hoping and praying that things will soon get better. But day by day the world is becoming a crazier and more uncertain place to live in, not to mention stressful. Many people are losing their jobs, their homes, their health and sometimes even their sanity. Worry, depression and anxiety seem to have become a way of life for way too many people. We seem to have entered the Age of Anxiety.

STRESSORS We are bombarded with disturbing images and stories. We begin to wonder if we are safe anywhere.  The economy is another stressor. Soaring gas prices, outrageous housing costs, even the cost of food has sent many Kazakhs to work in jobs that are unsatisfying  So many women feel the need to be everything to everyone and that includes a paycheck earner, house keeper, mom, wife, daughter. They just don’t make any time for themselves thus contributing to their stress levels being at an all-time high  Teenagers who want to go to college find themselves pushing themselves during their studies to try and obtain scholarships so they can attend schools that have ever increasing tuition costs.


We are bombarded with disturbing images and stories. We begin to wonder if we are safe anywhere.

The economy is another stressor. Soaring gas prices, outrageous housing costs, even the cost of food has sent many Kazakhs to work in jobs that are unsatisfying

So many women feel the need to be everything to everyone and that includes a paycheck earner, house keeper, mom, wife, daughter. They just don’t make any time for themselves thus contributing to their stress levels being at an all-time high

Teenagers who want to go to college find themselves pushing themselves during their studies to try and obtain scholarships so they can attend schools that have ever increasing tuition costs.

We feel pressure to do these things Because we think we HAVE to , not because we WANT to . All too often ,it’s difficult for people to say « NO » .

We feel pressure to do these things

Because we think we HAVE to ,

not because we WANT to .

All too often ,it’s difficult

for people to say « NO » .

Blocking behaviors When you are obsessively negative, it means that you have a tendency toward being

Blocking behaviors

When you are obsessively negative, it means that you have a tendency toward being "negative" about people, places, situations, and things in your life. Perhaps you find yourself saying things like "I can't do this!" or "No one understands!"

The first is obsessive negativity

When you engage in obsessive perfectionism, you are centered on trying to do everything "just so" to the point of driving yourself into an anxious state of being. You may find yourself making statements such as, "I have to do this right, or I'll be a failure!"

Then you have obsessive perfectionism .

When you are obsessed about analyzing things, you find yourself wanting to re-hash a task or an issue over and over again. For instance, you might find yourself making statements such as, "I need to look this over, study it, and know it inside and out...or else I can't relax!"

Finally there is obsessive analysis

  STRESS OR ANXIETY There is a difference between stress and anxiety. Stress comes from the pressures we feel in life, as we are pushed by work or any other task that puts under pressure on our minds and body. One of these negative effects is anxiety. Anxiety is stress that continues after that stressor is gone. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or even anxious.      



There is a difference between stress and anxiety. Stress comes from the pressures we feel in life, as we are pushed by work or any other task that puts under pressure on our minds and body.

One of these negative effects is anxiety.

Anxiety is stress that continues after that stressor is gone. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or even anxious.  



Common indicators of excessive anxiety include: • Diarrhea • Dry mouth • Rapid heartbeat • Insomnia • Irritability or anger • Inability to concentrate • Fear of being “crazy” • Feeling unreal and not in control of your actions which is called depersonalization

Common indicators of excessive anxiety include:

• Diarrhea

• Dry mouth

• Rapid heartbeat

• Insomnia

• Irritability or anger

• Inability to concentrate

• Fear of being “crazy”

• Feeling unreal and not in control of your actions which is called depersonalization

USING MUSIC TO BEAT STRESS Listening to music does wonder to alleviate stress. Everyone has different tastes in music. We should listen to the music that makes us feel comfortable. Sitting down and forcing yourself to listen to relaxation music that you don't like may create stress, not alleviate it.


Listening to music does wonder to alleviate stress. Everyone has different tastes in music. We should listen to the music that makes us feel comfortable. Sitting down and forcing yourself to listen to relaxation music that you don't like may create stress, not alleviate it.

There are some general  guidelines to follow when using music to de-stress:

There are some general guidelines to follow when using music to de-stress:

  • Put some relaxing music on your stereo, and then lie in a comfortable position on a couch or on the floor near the speakers.
  • Choose music with a slow rhythm
  • As the music plays, allow it to wash over you, rinsing off the stress from the day.
  • If you need stimulation after a day of work, go for a faster music rather than slow calming music. Turn up the volume and DANCE!
  • Take walks with your favorite music playing on the walkman.
  • Listening to the sounds of nature, such as ocean waves or the calm of a deep forest
Here are some quick steps you can  take toward relieving stress:   1 Don’t just sit there. Move! 2. Smell the roses 3.Stress is contagious 4. Copy good stress managers 5. Use heavy breathing. 6.Stop stress thought trains 7.Eat, drink, sleep and be merry! 8.Go outside and enjoy Mother Nature. 9.Give yourself permission to be a 'kid' again. 10.Learn it is OK to say 'no' occasionally. 11.You do not have to do everything your family, friends, and others ask.   12.Make time for yourself, your number one priority; once your own needs are met you will find you have more time for others. 13.I really love this thought and have used it many times myself! 14.Sing. 15.Take up a new hobby like knitting. 16.Start a garden 17.Play with a dog or cat. 18.Look at the stars and the moon. 19.Treat yourself to some comfort food. 20.Take a candle lit bubble bath.  

Here are some quick steps you can take toward relieving stress:

1 Don’t just sit there. Move!

2. Smell the roses

3.Stress is contagious

4. Copy good stress managers

5. Use heavy breathing.

6.Stop stress thought trains

7.Eat, drink, sleep and be merry!

8.Go outside and enjoy Mother Nature.

9.Give yourself permission to be a 'kid' again.

10.Learn it is OK to say 'no' occasionally.

11.You do not have to do everything your family, friends, and others ask.


12.Make time for yourself, your number one priority; once your own needs are met you will find you have more time for others.

13.I really love this thought and have used it many times myself!


15.Take up a new hobby like knitting.

16.Start a garden

17.Play with a dog or cat.

18.Look at the stars and the moon.

19.Treat yourself to some comfort food.

20.Take a candle lit bubble bath.


  Just say «NO» One huge problem people who are overly stressed out have no the ability to say “No” when they need to. Maybe your mother wants you to take Grandma to the store, but you’re in the middle of a big work project. People pleasers think of other people’s needs before their own. They worry about what other people want, think, or need, and spend a lot of time doing things for others. They rarely do things for themselves, and feel guilty when they do. It’s hard being a people pleaser. Stop saying YES all the time. Try to pause or take a breath before responding to someone’s request. You may want to answer requests with


Just say «NO»

One huge problem people who are overly stressed out have no the ability to say “No” when they need to. Maybe your mother wants you to take Grandma to the store, but you’re in the middle of a big work project.

People pleasers think of other people’s needs before their own. They worry about what other people want, think, or need, and spend a lot of time doing things for others. They rarely do things for themselves, and feel guilty when they do. It’s hard being a people pleaser.

Stop saying YES all the time. Try to pause or take a breath before responding to someone’s request. You may want to answer requests with "I need to think about it first, I’ll get back to you" or "Let me check my schedule and call you back".

What do you do when you have stress ?

What do you do when you have stress ?

What causes it ?

What causes it ?

Stress is a normal part of life. In small quantities, stress is good -- it can motivate you and help you be more productive. However, too much stress, or a strong response to stress, is harmful. It can set you up for general poor health as well as specific physical or psychological illnesses like infection, heart disease, or depression

Stress is a normal part of life. In small quantities, stress is good -- it can motivate you and help you be more productive. However, too much stress, or a strong response to stress, is harmful. It can set you up for general poor health as well as specific physical or psychological illnesses like infection, heart disease, or depression

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

"Stress in our life " презентация к научному проекту

Автор: Ливадина Ирина Борисовна

Дата: 28.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 163463

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