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А?ылшын тілі п?нінен 6 сынып?а арнал?ан билет с?ра?тары

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Экзаменационный материал по английскому языку для 6 класса составлен согласно Государственного стандарта образования, программы по предмету и инструктивно-методического письма. при составлении экзаменационного материала также использована дополнительная литература, а именно учебник для 6 класса (автор Т.Аяпова).

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«А?ылшын тілі п?нінен 6 сынып?а арнал?ан билет с?ра?тары»

Түсінік хат

Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 6 сыныпқа арналған емтихан материалы 2013-жылғы оқу бағдарламасы сонымен қатар, 2016 оқу жылына арналған Әдістемелік нұсқау хат пен білім берудің Мемлекеттік стандартына сәйкес жүзеге асырылады.

Емтихан материалдарын дайындауда 6 сыныпқа арналған оқулық (авторы T.Aяпова) , және қосымша оқу-әдістемелік оқу құралы ретінде «ағылшын тілінде шығармалар » ( интернеттен алынды.) қосымша әдебиеттер пайдаланылды. Ауызша тақырыптар төмендегідей:

  1. Менің отбасым

  2. Менің мектебім

  3. Жазғы демалыс

  4. Лондон

  5. Астана

  6. Білім

  7. Саяхат

  8. Денсаулық

  9. Мерекелер

  10. Атақты адамдар

Оқушыларға қойылатын талаптар:

Әңгімелеу \сөйлеу\:

  • берілген тақырыпта естіген немесе білгенін әңгімелеу;

  • мәтін туралы өз ойын, көзқарасын айту;

  • оқыған білгенін баяндау;


  • қарапайым мәтіндерді түсініп оқумен қатар мазмұнын толық аудару;

  • сөздік пайдалануға болады.

  • Мәтін жарты бет көлемінде.

Грамматикалық ережелер:

Present and past simple.

Present and Past Perfect.

Present and Past Continuous.

To be.



Card 1

  1. Read the text “My friend” and translate it.

  2. “School uniform” (retelling).

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense.

My sister likes to read newspapers everyday.

Card 2

  1. Read the text “My flat” and translate it.

  2. “London” \retelling\.

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. I wrote a letter last night.

Card 3

  1. Read the text “My summer holiday” translate it.

  2. “Astana” \retelling\ .

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. Have you ever been to Astana?

Card 4

  1. Read the text “My school” translate it.

  2. “Shokan Ualikhanov” \ retelling \.

  3. Choose the correct form of to be. Are/is they your brothers?

Card 5

  1. Read the text “My family” translate it.

  2. “Walt Disney” \ retelling\.

  3. Choose the right pronoun. Those\This is my kitchen.

Card 6

  1. Read the text “My room” and translate it.

  2. “Kazakh traditional food” \ retelling \.

  3. Put the verb in Past Indefinite Tense. They \love\ going skiing.

Card 7

  1. Read the text “My favourite food” and translate it.

  2. “The school day in England” \ retelling\.

  3. Circle the correct verb. We worked /wokrs in Madrid last month.

Card 8

  1. Read the text “My Favourite Subject” and translate it.

  2. “My first day at school” (retelling).

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. We often go to the cinema.

Card 9

  1. Read the text “Spring Holidays” and translate it.

  2. “My school day” \retelling\.

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. In summer Colin visited his aunt.

Сard 10

  1. Read the text “Big Ben” and translate it.

  2. “Asel’s diary ” \retelling\ .

  3. Complete the sentences with “that”, “those”, “it” or “they”.

Look at ______ boys. _____are twins.

Card 11

  1. Read the text “The seasons of the year ” and translate it.

  2. “ Litter is a problem” \ retelling \.

  3. Circle the correct form of “to be”. She aren’t/ isn’t from Ireland.

Card 12

  1. Read the text “Countryside” and translate it.

  2. “A short history of the Statue of Liberty ” \ retelling\.

  3. Read the sentence and circle the correct verbs. Rice is\are good for you.

Card 13

  1. Read the text “A Doctor” and translate it.

  2. “Robert Midhurst ” \ retelling \.

  3. Complete the sentences with “this”,“these”, “it” or “they”.

________ book interesting.

Card 14

  1. Read the text “My weekend” and translate it.
  2. “Home Gardening in the USA” \ retelling\.

  3. Read the sentence and circle the correct verb. We worked /wokrs in Madrid last month.

Card 15

  1. Read the text “Places of interest in Great Britain” and translate it.

  2. “I want to visit Washington D.C.” (retelling).

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. My friend has met his mother at the airport.

Card 16

  1. Read the text “English speaking countries” and translate it.

  2. “Holidays in the USA” \retelling\.

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. I was writing a letter at 7 o clock last night.

Card 17

  1. Read the text “Travelling by car” and translate it.

  2. “George Washington’s early childhood” \retelling\ .

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. I have not taken any photographs.

Card 18

  1. Read the text “My Native City” and translate it.

  2. “William Shakespeare” \ retelling \.

  3. Circle the correct form of “to be”. Are/is they your brothers?

Card 19

  1. Read the text “My Working Day” and translate it.

  2. “Buying food” \ retelling\.

  3. Choose the right pronoun. Those\This is my kitchen.

Card 20

  1. Read the text “ Our Class ” and translate it.

  2. “Charles Dickens” \ retelling \.

  3. Put the verb in the Past Indefinite. They \love\ going skiing.

Card 21

  1. Read the text “My hobby” and translate it.

  2. “About Myself” \ retelling\.

  3. Use the adjective in a right form. Your car is \fast\ than mine.

Card 22

  1. Read the text “Travelling” and translate it.

  2. “Supermarkets and shops” (retelling).

  3. Complete the sentence with “many or “much. I don’t have English books.

Card 23

  1. Read the text “My free Time” and translate it.

  2. “Famous People of the USA” \retelling\.

  3. Read the sentence and name the tense. My mother will be sixty next week.

Card 24

  1. Read the text “Winter holidays” and translate it.

  2. “Places of interest in Washington ” \retelling\ .

  3. Put the correct preposition. My father was born ____May 20.

Card 25

  1. Read the text “Fruit” translate it.

  2. “Welcome to the USA” \ retelling \.

  3. Put “some” or “any” in the correct place in the sentence.

There are pens on the table.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

А?ылшын тілі п?нінен 6 сынып?а арнал?ан билет с?ра?тары

Автор: Майтах Алтай

Дата: 20.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 328839

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