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Комплект лексических упражнений по теме "Профессии"

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Данный комплект упражнений можно использовать при введении и первичной активизации лексического материала по теме «Профессии». Предложены 5 заданий на соотнесение профессии и её описания, английского и русского слова, на завершение предложения. 

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«Комплект лексических упражнений по теме "Профессии"»

Описание дидактического материала

Название и характеристика дидактического материала

Данный комплект упражнений можно использовать при введении и первичной активизации лексического материала по теме «Профессии». Предложены 5 заданий на соотнесение профессии и её описания, английского и русского слова, на завершение предложения. Уровень сложности заданий нарастает к последнему. Материал может быть использован при обучении английскому языку в 6, 7, 8, 9 классах. Функционален при реализации дифференцирующего обучения.

Требования к УМК

Материал носит универсальный характер и не зависит от особенностей УМК

Цель использования дидактического материала

введение и первичная активизация лексического материала по теме «Профессии»

Реализация образовательных задач учебного процесса

стимулирование учащихся к чтению

Реализация развивающих задач учебного процесса

Обеспечивает тренировку операций логического мышления, способствует формированию языковой догадки

Реализация обучающих задач учебного процесса

Совершенствуется навык чтения с пониманием основного содержания, чтения с извлечением выборочной информации

Необходимое техническое обеспечение



1) Match the words and their translations:

Job библиотекарь

Nurse работа

Librarian зубной врач

Lawyer адвокат, юрист

Dentist медсестра

Engineer программист

Computer programmer инженер

Farmer водитель

Housewife писатель

Driver домохозяйка

Actor спортсмен

Writer фермер

Sportsman актер

Actress актриса

Artist художник

Doctor повар

Waiter доктор

Cooker продавец

Politician переводчик

Shop-assistant политик

Translator певец

Coach официант

Singer тренер

2) Match the professions and their definitions:

1) an architect a) works with the computer
2) a teacher b) designs buildings
3) a dentist c) plays football
4) a vet d) teaches children at school
5) a doctor e) looks after peoples teeth
6) a photographer f) looks after sick people
7) a secretary g) plays a musical instrument
8) a lawyer h) takes photos
i) looks after sick animals
j) doеs projects
k) knows laws
l) works with papers

3) Try to choose an appropriate profession:

Possibilities: doctor, driver, artist, stewardess, director, singer

1. She speaks foreign languages. She works very long hours, but she doesn't work every day. She likes people and travel, and she travels а lot in her work.. She is а ...

2. She doesn't work in an office. She is not а teacher. She works very lоng hours, and she often works at night – it's а hard job. She likes people and she helps them. She loves her job. She is а ...

3. Не gets up at half past seven every day, has breakfast at eight o'clock, and starts work at half past nine. Не works in an office. Не has two secretaries and two telephones. Не does not work оn Sundays. Не likes people. Не is а ...

4. Не usually gets up at eleven o'clock, and has breakfast at 12. Не works at home. Sometimes he mау work outside. Не works in the afternoons, but not every day. Sometimes he works long hours, sometimes he does not work at аll. Не loves his job. Не is an ...

5. She lives in а big city. She gets up late and has а late breakfast. She works late in the еvеning. She goes to and from work bу taxi. People like to listеn to her аnd sometimes they send her flowers. She is а ...

6. Не gets up at five o'clock in the mоrning. Не has breakfast and lunch in motorway restaurants. Не works sitting dоwn аnd travels а lot in his work. Не likes his job. Не is а ...

4) Name the profession:

1) I work outside and I love flowers. I’m a …….. .
2) I look after sick people in a hospital, but I’m not a doctor. I’m a ……… .
3) I work in a small restaurant. I prepare food for out quests. I’m a ……. .
4) I love animals. Some people call me an animal doctor. I’m a ……… .
5) I’m an artist and my job is taking photographs. I’m a ……. .
6) I’m interested in fashion. I make clothes for women. I’m a …….. .

5) Match the professions and their definitions (unknown words are given before the exercise)

plans new buildings – планирует новые здания

one of the fine arts – одно из искусств

wooden objects – изделия из дерева

cooks food – готовит еду

treat the teeth – лечит зубы

roads, bridges – дороги, мосты

language - язык

advise people a – даёт советы относительно законаbout laws

mine - шахта

ship - корабль

repairs shoes – чинит туфли

a ship or plane – корабль или самолёт

garments - мужская одежда

changes writing from one language into another – меняет письменную речь с одного языка на другой

weave cloth - шьёт одежду

shoemaker - обувщик

artist - художник

tailor - портной

physician - врач

smith - кузнец

interpreter – устный переводчик

Task: choose the suitable words.

1. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accounts of business or people is called …

2. A person who plans new buildings and sees that they are built properly is called … .

3. A person who practices or works in one of the fine arts is called … .

4. A person who is skilled at making and repairing wooden objects is called … .

5. A scientist who specializes in chemistry is called … .

6. A person who prepares and cooks food is called … .

7. A person professionally trained to treat the teeth is called … .

8. A person who works at a dock is called … .

9. A person who drives a car is called … .

10. A person who plans and understands the making of machines, roads, bridges is called … .

11. A person who owns or plans the work on a farm is called … .

12. A person who changes speech from one language into another is called … .

13. A person whose profession journalism is called … .

14. A person whose business is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court is called … .

15. A worker in a mine is called … .

16. A person who performs on a musical instrument, or who writes music is called … .

17. A person qualified to practise both medicine and surgery is called … .

18. A person who studies physics is called … .

19. A person who flies an aircraft is called … .

20. A member of a navy, or sailor on a ship, who is not an officer is called … .

21. A person who makes or repairs shoes is called … .

22. A worker in iron or other metals is called … .

23. A man who serves passengers on a ship or plane is called … .

24. A person who makes garments (одежда) for men is called … .

25. A person who changes writing from one language into another is called … .

26. A person whose job is to weave cloth is called … .

For help:

a) dentist, b) shoemaker, c) artist, d) tailor, e) accountant, f) driver, g) seaman, h) architect, I)

physician, j) chemist, k) smith, l) docker, m) translator, n) farmer, o) carpenter, p) lawyer, g)

steward, r) weaver, s) journalist, t) cook, u) physicist, v) interpreter, w) pilot, x) miner, y)

musician, z) engineer.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Комплект лексических упражнений по теме "Профессии"

Автор: Рябова Анна Юрьевна

Дата: 28.10.2017

Номер свидетельства: 435047

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