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Культура и история-прошлое и настоящее

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Тип работы: материал к уроку или внеурочной деятельности для 7-8 классов Цель: создание условий для формирования интереса к культуре и традициям изучаемого языка.
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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Around the world»

Сычева Марина Васильевна

МАОУ СШ №1 г.Михайловска Свердловской области,

учитель английского языка



Тип работы: материал к уроку или внеурочной деятельности для 8-11 классов

Цель: создание условий для формирования интереса к культуре и традициям изучаемого языка.


1.активизировать лексику

2.совершенствовать коммуникативные умения диалогической речи

3.расширить лингвистический кругозор обучающихся

4.воспитывать уважение к традициям других народов


Question: What qualifications do you have to become a beefeater?

Answer: You must be in the military for 22 years, have the rank of

sergeant major. You must have a spotless record, never have done

anything wrong or been caught doing anything wrong. (laughs)

Question: What tasks do you perform on a normal working day?

Answer: On a normal working day we normally start at about half past

eight in the morning, and we deal with the public all day until we

close at half past six. But we have a coffee break in the morning,

and have an hour for our lunch. This morning I started earlier, at

7 o’clock, and now I’m finished (at 1 pm). When I’ve done this

interview, I’ll be changing out of my uniform and going out. Some

people work late as well. They don’t start till the afternoon and they

work till 10 o’clock at night.

Question: How do you spend your free time?

Answer: How do I spend my free time? Well, I wander around London.

We have two grandchildren visiting to look after. We take them out.

We always get away from the Tower when we can.

Question: How many people live in the Tower of London and how

many of them are Beefeaters?

Answer: In the Tower of London, there are about 150 people living inside.

Thirty six are beefeaters. Then there are their wives and children

and there is a doctor and a priest. So we all live inside.

Question: Is the Queen always aware of new Beefeaters in the Tower

of London?

Answer: Is the Queen aware? Yes, she is aware, but I mean we are just

a small part in everything else, but we have parades and the Queen

inspects us.

Question: Have you ever met the Queen?

Answer: This year, I was at Buckingham Palace and met the Queen in

my uniform. So she knows we are here.

Question: What was the last time the Queen visited the Tower of London?

Answer: The Queen visited the Tower last year.

Intervier: Thank you so much for your interesting story.

Tom Trent: You are welcome.

Task 1 Learn vocabulary.

Read the dialogue and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences

1.Sometimes I help my mom ____________my younger sister.

2. Friends go clubbing when they have _______. 3. They were very tired at the party and they decided to ____________ . 4 What do you usually plan___________? 5._________are exam results which prove you have reached a certain level. 6. Jeffrey visited Buckingham Palace last year , he was lucky, he saw _____ in front of it. 7. There was a lot of_______ at the theatre because the new performance was on. 8. I think Helen has been working for hours she should do_______. 9.His farther has worked _______in the Tower of London for a long time. 10. Last summer we invited our relatives and ________them ___ to the national park to admire the beauty of nature.

Task 2 Choose the correct word.

1. What qualifications /job would you like to get? 2. How did you begin your morning/ usual working day ? 3.We have twenty minute interval/ coffee break in the morning . 4. In summer children spend leisure activity/ free time near the river or at the seaside. 5. Parents must look after/take care of their children and give them support and love. 6. There are a lot of people/public at the bus stop, that’s why I go home on foot. 7. Visitors want to go out/get away from the museum because the guide tells boring things.

Task 3 Put facts in the logical order.

1. A lot of people live inside the Tower. 2. Tom liked to walk around London. 3. His working day begins early morning, after eight o’clock. 4. He should have the rank of sergeant. 5. Tom has a snack in the morning. 6. The Queen visited the Tower last year. 7.Beefeaters take part in parades and the Queen rules them.

By Marina Sycheva, School №1, Mikhaylovsk, Sverdlovsk region

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Культура и история-прошлое и настоящее

Автор: Сычева Марина Васильевна

Дата: 17.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 350073

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