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Lessons with Luaghter

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C an you complete these jokes? Try first without
looking at the answers. Each answer depends
on  a  common  English  idiom.  Do  you  understand
each one?
1-  Why can't you play jokes on snakes?
2-  When is an actor happy to become a thief? 
3-  "My  mother  made  a  terrible  mistake  today.
She  gave  my  father  soap  flakes  instead  of
cornflakes for breakfast." "Was he angry?"
4-  Two flies flew onto a coffee cup and argued
about who arrived first and who should get to
drink  the  cold  coffee.  Which  one  got  angry
and left?
5-  Why is it impossible to play tennis quietly?
6-  How could you help a starving cannibal?
7-  When does a patient find an operation funny?
8-  Why did the tired man put his bed in the fire-
9-  When are mosquitoes annoying?
A-  When he steals the show.
B-  He wanted to sleep like a log.
C-  Only foaming at the mouth.
D-  Give him a hand.
E-  Because you can never pull their legs.
F-  The one that flew off the handle.
G-  When it leaves him in stitches.
H-  When they get under your skin.
I-  Because you can't play it without raising
a racket.
C omplete  each  joke  with  a  verb.  Try  to  do  it
without looking at the list of verbs below. Each
verb makes up a phrasal verb. Underline them all.
see, put, drop, pick, hold, let, drive, fall, step
1-  "Doctor,  Doctor,  I  can't  sleep  at  night,"
"Sleep  on  the  edge  of  the  bed  and  you'll
2-  "Why are ghosts bad at telling lies?"
"Because  you  can  always  .  through
3-  "Why do birds in a nest always agree?"
"Because they don't want to. out"
4-  "When is a deep-sea diver disappointed with
his colleagues?"
"When they  . him down."
5-  "What training do you need to become a rub-
bish collector?"
"None, you  . it up as you go along."
6-  "Waiter, I asked you to bring my order quick-
ly  but  why  is  the  food  on  my  plate  all
"Well  sir,  when  you  ordered  your  food,  you
did tell me to.on it."
7 -  "Why do taxi-drivers always go bankrupt?"
"Because they. their customers away."
8 -  Witt: "Did you. the cat out, dear?"
Sarcastic Husband: "No. Was it on fire?"
9-  "When are the traffic police strong?"
"When they. up cars with one hand"

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Lessons with Luaghter

Автор: Зейтуллаев Осман Люманович

Дата: 16.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266843

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