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Ролевой театрализованный проект в 5 классе «Alice in Wonderland»

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Данное мероприятие рассчитано на учащихся 5-го класса, которые уже обладают первичными знаниями об изучаемом языке и основой коммуникативной компетенции, позволяющей им осуществлять устное иноязычное общение на элементарном уровне в отдельных, наиболее типичных ситуациях («Еда», «Семья», «Прилагательные», «Животные», «Английские пословицы и поговорки», «Города и страны», «Времена года»). Самостоятельная работа детей по подготовке к данному мероприятию способствует воспитанию любознательности, настойчивости в работе, умению преодолевать трудности, доводить начатое дело до конца, ценить свободное время.
Что касается роли педагога при подготовке данного мероприятия, он выступает в качестве его организатора, составителя сценария, оформителя кабинета, ведущего мероприятия.

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«Ролевой театрализованный проект в 5 классе «Alice in Wonderland»»

Ролевой театрализованный проект в 5 классе
«Alice in Wonderland»


а) образовательная

  • обобщение и углубление изученного материала;

  • развитие познавательного интереса, повышение творческой активности учащихся;

б) воспитательная

  • воспитание социокультурной компетенции, чувства толерантности, умения работать в команде.


  1. Музыкальный центр

  2. Декорации к сказке:

а) пейзаж с изображением фермы

б) осенний пейзаж

в) зимний пейзаж

  1. Костюмы героев сказки

Ход мероприятия:

Author: this is the story of a little girl called Alice. Alice wanted to go to a place called Wonderland.

Sister: Wonderland is not a real place. But Alice still wanted to go there.

Author: One day Alice and her sister went for a walk in the forest. When they were tired, they sat down under a tree.

Alice: Will you tell me a story?

Author: Her sister opened the book and started to read. But Alice knew the story and she was bored Suddenly, Alice saw a strange rabbit. The rabbit had clothes and a watch. The rabbit looked at his watch.

Rabbit: I’m going to be late! I’m going to be late!

Author: And the rabbit ran away.

Alice was very surprised. She got up and ran after it

Alice: Hey! Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Rabbit wait for me, wait!!!

Author: The rabbit went into a hole in a tree and disappeared. Alice looked into the hole.

Alice: It’s very dark in there!

Author: Suddenly, she slipped and fell down and down and down. Chairs, books, and strange things fell down too.

Alice: Г m falling! I’m falling! I wonder if the fall’s ever come to the end. How many miles I’ve fallen. I think I somewhere in the centre of the Earth.

Author: Then Bump !!!! She fell onto something soft.

She was in a very small room. Everything in the room was very small too.

Alice: Where am I?

Author: she found a small bottle a small table Alice: There is a note on the bottle - drink me

Author: Alice drank and she started to get smaller and smaller and smaller. Now the table was huge! Alice climbed onto the table and found a plate of biscuits.

Alice: A note says eat me.

Author: Alice ate a biscuit and she started to get bigger and bigger and bigger. Alice was very frightened and she started to cry. A huge tears fell down her face and started to make a lake on the floor. The lake got bigger and Alice got smaller. The water pushed Alice through the keyhole Now Alice on a beautiful field She saw a strange goose there.

Alice: What a strange day! I must get out of the water.

Author: A rabbit arrived

Rabbit: Alice go to my house Bring me my gloves!

Author:Alice ran to the strange rabbit's house. She opened the door and went in. There was a table in the house. She saw some sweets on the table. Alice ate a sweet and she started to get bigger and bigger and bigger! She was enormous again! She was too big for the house!

Suddenly, the rabbit arrived. He was angry with Alice and he shouted at her Rabbit: Alice!!!!

Author: Alice got smaller and smaller again! She ran out of the house and away from the angry rabbit.

She came to a forest. In the forest, Alice saw a strange caterpillar on a mushroom.'

Caterpillar :Hello, Alice,' said the caterpillar. 'Eat this side of the mushroom and you will get bigger. Eat that side of the mushroom and you will get smaller.'

Author: Alice didn't know what to do. She ate from the two sides. Her neck got longer and her legs got shorter! Suddenly, Alice heard laughter from a tree. She saw an enormous cat in the tree.

CatGo to the March Hare's house. You will like the March Hare,' said the cat.

Author: So Alice went to the March Hare's house. The March Hare was with the Mad Hatter in the garden. There were biscuits, bread and jam on the table.

Alice: 'What time is it?'.

Man: 'It's Monday!'.

Alice: 'Your clock is wrong,'

Author: The March Hare and the Mad Hatter were crazy! Alice didn't like them so she ran away again.

Alice came to a big field. It was full of white roses. She saw three cards with heads, feet and hands! They were near the roses.

Alice: 'What are you doing?

Cards : ‘The Queen hates white roses. We must paint them red,’ said the cards. Author: Suddenly, Alice heard some trumpets. It was the Queen of Hearts. There were lots of guards behind her. They were all cards too! the Queen : 'Who are you?'

Alice: 'I 'm Alice;

the Queen : Oh. Can you play croquet?’

Alice : No, I can't,’

Author: But the Queen didn't listen.

The Queen: 'You must play croquet with me,'

Author: The game was very strange. The balls were hedgehogs and the sticks were flamingoes!

Alice: 'I won't play!'

Cat: 'Don't make the Queen angry!' But it was too late! The Queen got very angry.

The Queen: 'Guards, take her away!'

Author: The guards took Alice to court. The room was full of animals.

Alice: 'Why am I here?' 'What did I do?'

The Queen: 'You didn't play croquet!'

Author: Now Alice was angry!

Alice: 'You're crazy!' 'I wanted to come to Wonderland. I wanted to see what it is like. But I don't like it. You're all crazy!’

Author: The Queen was very angry. Her face was very red.

The Queen: 'Don't shout at me! You are a bad girl!'

Alice: 'And you are a bad Queen. You paint roses red and you play croquet with flamingoes and hedgehogs!'

Author: All the animals in the room looked at the Queen. They were very frightened.

The Queen: 'Guards, take her to prison!'. The guards took Alice away.

Alice: 'Help me! Help me!'

Author: She wanted to leave Wonderland. She wanted to leave the Queen. She wanted to leave the strange rabbit and the crazy March Hare. She didn't like Wonderland. She wanted to go home.

Suddenly Alice saw a big hole and she jumped in. She fell down and down and down.

Alice: 'Help! Help!'

Cat: 'Goodbye, goodbye,'

Author: A hand touched Alice's face. She opened her eyes and there was her sister. They were under the tree.

Sister: Where was Wonderland? Was it a dream?

Alice: I went to sleep,I think I went to Wonderland.'

Author: Her sister smiled ... and somebody else smiled. A strange rabbit was in a hole in a tree. He had clothes and a watch ...

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Ролевой театрализованный проект в 5 классе «Alice in Wonderland»

Автор: Ефимова Татьяна Юрьевна

Дата: 12.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 292675

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