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Степени сравнения прилагательных, наречий. Времена: настоящее совершенное и прошедшее простое.

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Контрольная работа состоит из двух вариантов. Упражнения на темы: Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Употребление настоящего совершенного и прошедшего простого времен.

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«Степени сравнения прилагательных, наречий. Времена: настоящее совершенное и прошедшее простое.»

  1. Откройте скобки, используя прилагательные и наречия в нужной форме:

1    I like living in the country. It's a lot ...more peaceful.. (peaceful) than the city
2    I felt very  ill last week, but I'm slightly.......(good) now.
3    I can't hear you. Could you speak a little..... (loud) please?    
4    Steven is.....(tall) boy in the basketball team.

2. Поставить глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1.I (know)  _______ her for six years. 2.I (know) _______  him when I was at school. 3.He (live) _______  in Paris from 1997 to 2000.4. He (live) _______  in New York since 2001.5. I  (change) ______ my job three times this year. 6. You (ever work) ______ in a shop? 7. I (work) ______ at my uncle’s shop when I was younger. 8.  It’s the first time I (be) ______ on a ship. 9.  Ann is looking for her key. She can’t find it. She (lose) ______ her key. 10She (change) ______  a lot since she left school. 11. I  (see) ______ this film and I don’t want to see it again. 12.  Jazz (originate) ______  in the United States around 1900. 13.  Tom Hanks  (win) ______  an Oscar several times already. 14.  Long ago, they (build) ______  most houses out of wood.

Control work 7 Grade 7. V-1

1. Откройте скобки, используя прилагательные и наречия в нужной форме:

 1.This computer is very old. I need something ..... (modern).    
2.   The new library is far ..... (close) to my house than the old one.
3.    Jane's new haircut makes her look ..... (attractive).    
4.   This jacket was by far ....... (expensive) in the shop.

2. Поставить глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1.Where's Pete? I (not see) _______  him for ages.2. I (not see) _______  Pete last night. 3.We (be) _______  at primary school from 1993 to 1998. 4.We (be) _______ in this class since September. 5.I  (change) ______  my job three times last year.  6.You (see) ______ any good films recently? 7. He (have, not) ______ any problems since he (come ) ______ here. 8. Scientists still (not/find) ______  a cure for cancer. 9.  Sean (eat, never) ______  Chinese food before. 10.  In my first job, I (be) ______  responsible for marketing. 11.  The last job I (apply) ______ for required applicants to speak some Japanese. 12.  The first modern Olympics  (take) ______  place in Athens more than a hundred years ago. 13. I am writing in connection with the advertisement which (appear) ______  in December.14 I  (feed) ______ birds at the park yesterday.
Control work 7 Grade 7. V-2

1.Откройте скобки, используя прилагательные и наречия в нужной форме:

1    I like living in the country. It's a lot ...more peaceful.. (peaceful) than the city
2    I felt very  ill last week, but I'm slightly.......(good) now.
3    I can't hear you. Could you speak a little..... (loud) please?    
4    Steven is.....(tall) boy in the basketball team.

2. Поставить глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1.I (know)  _______ her for six years. 2.I (know) _______  him when I was at school. 3.He (live) _______  in Paris from 1997 to 2000.4. He (live) _______  in New York since 2001.5. I  (change) ______ my job three times this year. 6. You (ever work) ______ in a shop? 7. I (work) ______ at my uncle’s shop when I was younger. 8.  It’s the first time I (be) ______ on a ship. 9.  Ann is looking for her key. She can’t find it. She (lose) ______ her key. 10She (change) ______  a lot since she left school. 11. I  (see) ______ this film and I don’t want to see it again. 12.  Jazz (originate) ______  in the United States around 1900. 13.  Tom Hanks  (win) ______  an Oscar several times already. 14.  Long ago, they (build) ______  most houses out of wood.

Control work 7 Grade 7. V-1

1. Откройте скобки, используя прилагательные и наречия в нужной форме:

 1.This computer is very old. I need something ..... (modern).    
2.   The new library is far ..... (close) to my house than the old one.
3.    Jane's new haircut makes her look ..... (attractive).    
4.   This jacket was by far ....... (expensive) in the shop.

2. Поставить глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1.Where's Pete? I (not see) _______  him for ages.2. I (not see) _______  Pete last night. 3.We (be) _______  at primary school from 1993 to 1998. 4.We (be) _______ in this class since September. 5.I  (change) ______  my job three times last year.  6.You (see) ______ any good films recently? 7. He (have, not) ______ any problems since he (come ) ______ here. 8. Scientists still (not/find) ______  a cure for cancer. 9.  Sean (eat, never) ______  Chinese food before. 10.  In my first job, I (be) ______  responsible for marketing. 11.  The last job I (apply) ______ for required applicants to speak some Japanese. 12.  The first modern Olympics  (take) ______  place in Athens more than a hundred years ago. 13. I am writing in connection with the advertisement which (appear) ______  in December.14 I  (feed) ______ birds at the park yesterday. (Control work 7 Grade 7. V-2)
Control work 7 Grade 7.

Ответы к упражнению:

1. 1. more peaceful

2. better

3. louder

4. the tallest

5. more modern

6. closer

7. more attractive

8. the most expensive

Exercise 1. 1 have known / knew, 2 lived / has lived, 3 haven’t seen / didn’t see, 4 were / have been, 5 haven’t watched / didn’t watch Exercise 2. 1 have never been / wanted, 2 has lived, 3 came back, 4 wrote, 5 sent, 6 have just bought Exercise 3. 1. Nick’s uncle went to Russia 3 years ago. 2.  Mr. Rambler has just come back from Belarus. 3.  Nick has always wanted to visit Belarus. 4.  Mr. Rambler saw Yan last night. 5.  They haven’t visited this old castle yet. 6. Have you ever been to England. Exercise 4. 1 ‘s had, 2 took, 3 played, 4 haven’t eaten, visited Exercise 5. 1 got / has been / got, 2 started, have been / was, 3 have changed, 4 changed, 5 rained, 6 broke / has been / broke, 7 have already finished / finished Exercise 6. 1 have just had, 2 haven’t seen, 3 have known /was, 4 has had / came, 5 went, 6 jumped, 7 haven’t read, 8  has already eaten / ate, 9 started /have completed, 10 have never been Exercise 7. 1 have you ever worked, 2 worked, 3 have been, 4 has lost, 5 did Beethoven compose, 6 has spilt, 7 have you had, 8 have you seen, 9 hasn’t had / came Exercise 8 1 cut / have cut, 2 haven’t seen, 3 drew / has drawn, 4 fed / have fed /lost, 5 woke up / missed, 6 forgot / have forgotten, 7 hid / have hidden / discovered, 8 hit / has hit / joined, 9 met / have known Exercise 9. 1 has changed, 2 have seen, 3 originated, 4 has won, 5 built, 7 has never eaten, 8 was, 9 applied, 10 took, 11 appeared Exercise 10. Moved, have lived, met, have known, haven’t seen, have been, didn’t like, didn’t have. Exercise 11. 1 lived - have lived, 2 since - for, 3 do you know - have you known, 4 has seen - saw, 5 We've finished our homework just. - We've just finished our homework, 6 wrote - written Возможны и другие варианты ответов. Exercise 12. Have had, haven’t played, bought, did you go, went, stayed, have had, came, didn’t meet, were Exercise 13. 1 went, 2 ‘ve finished, 3 was, 4 Have you been, 5 I’ve caught, 6 was, 7 played, 8 I’ve already seen, 9 has been, 10 haven’t seen, 11 stayed, 12 went, 13 ‘ve had, 14 waited Возможно, Вам также нужны:

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Карасева Людмила Геннадьевна

Дата: 12.08.2024

Номер свидетельства: 654843

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