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Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции на английском языке по мотивам рассказа В.М. Гаршина "Красный цветок"

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Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции по мотивам рассказа В.М. Гаршина "Красный цветок" на английском языке для учащихся 6-8 классов гимназии. Может использоваться во внеклассной работе в качестве способа повышения мотивации учащихся в изучении английского языка.

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«Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции на английском языке по мотивам рассказа В.М. Гаршина "Красный цветок"»

Литературно-музыкальная композиция

по мотивам рассказа В.М. Гаршина (1855-1888)

«Красный цветок»


Главный герой


1-й пациент


2-й пациент


3-й пациент








1-й цветок


2-й цветок


3-й цветок

Сцена первая. Встреча.

Пациенты: The cage…freedom…ties…Where is the Sun?…Where is the key?…We need to open the lock… I am a lion…Lions need freedom…Very cold.

Главный герой: On behalf of his Majesty, emperor Peter the Great, I announce the inspection in this insane hospital! I know, I know. I was here with you last year. We examined the hospital. I know everything, and it will be hard to deceive me. Holy great Martyr George! What have I done? What have I done? I didn`t mean to hurt anybody.

Сторож: Go to sleep, everybody go to sleep.

Сцена вторая. Сон. Ночь.

Медсестра: Ridiculous ideas were thriving in the mind of a new patient. He assured himself that it was a challenge. The patient understood that he was ill. He hasn`t slept for a fortnight. And now he is sleeping…it was an agonizing sound sleep. This one thinks that he is the envoy of Heaven, this patient is afraid of being frozen, and that poor thing assures everyone that he is a lion . sleep, my dears, we`ll have a new day tomorrow.

Сцена третья. Утро. Беседа.

Врач: how are you today?

Главный п.: Perfect!

Врач: Do you know where you are?

Главный п.: Certainly, doctor. I`m in a mental hospital. But that means absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why are you staring at me? You won`t read my soul. Why have you gathered that crowd here and detain them all? I don`t care (it makes no difference): I do understand everything; but do they? Why all these tortures? A person that has a great idea in his soul, a general idea, doesn’t care where to live of what to feel. Does he?

Врач: May be…

Главный п.: my brain functions so well like it never did. I perceive the world by intuition. I understand the ideas of the greatest philosophers. I experience great ideas, I’ve understood place and time are pure fiction. I live in all centuries. I live without place, everywhere and nowhere. That is why I don’t care whether you detain me here or let me go, whether I am free or bound.

Врач: you say , that you live beyond place and time. However you can’t but agree, that we are here in this room and that it’s half past ten and today is the 16th of March. What do you think?

Главный п.: absolutely nothing. It’s all the same for me, I’m everywhere and always.

Врач: such uncommon logic, perhaps you are right. Have a nice day.

Сцена четвертая. День.

1-й пациент: let’s go flying! The sky is gorgeous! Laugh, laugh, sing!

2-й пациент: bring more blankets, so cold, why don’t they turn up the heating?

3-й пациент: I am a terrible, tremendous lion, be afraid of me, why aren’t you afraid?

Главный п.: О, какая тяжесть в голове. Insane people surround me, people from all countries and all times. I am in a magic circle, that absorbed all the earth’s power, I am the centre of it. My mission is to root out all the evil on the earth. I hear the walls; I hear the thoughts of all people.

Сцена пятая. Прогулка. Первый цветок.

Сторож: everybody – go for a walk!

Медсестра: let’s go guys, let’s go.

1-й пациент: I planted this flower!

2-й пациент: let me water it.

1-й пациент: don’t dig out my plant! It’s my heavenly flower!

Главный п.: oh Lord, these flowers are the evil of the whole world, whole earth, don’t you understand it!

Сторож: don’t pick the flower! It is forbidden! Don’t walk onto the flower-bed! If everybody picks a flower, there will be none!

Главный п.: you are blind! Look! They are afraid of me! These are not flowers, they are the evil! They are speaking! I will pick them. And then everyone will be free, everyone will be happy! Poor people, you don’t understand, I am your savior!

Все: these are flowers, only flowers! Flowers can’t speak!

1-й цветок: pick me, pick me, you won’t be able! You are weak, I am strong! You can’t save the world!

Главный п.: I’ll pick you! I have picked! People, do no come up to me! The flower is poisonous!

Сцена шестая. Вечер.

1-й пациент: let’s go flying! The sky is gorgeous! Lough, lough, sing!

2-й пациент: bring more blankets, so cold, why don’t they turn up the heating?

3-й пациент: I am a terrible, tremendous lion, be afraid of me, why aren’t you afraid?


Главный п.: farewell, my friends, perhaps we won’t meet again.

Медсестра: it’s time to sleep, go to bed, go to bed. What is this? Give it to me!

Главный п.: no, don’t touch, you may die!.... I performed an exploit for all the mankind!

Медсестра: why are your thoughts so gloomy? Go to bed and sleep well. You should sleep more; if you sleep well, you will recover soon. Poor thing, he thinks he can save people from tears, by picking this tender flower!

Сцена седьмая. Ночь. Второй и третий цветок.

Главный п.: I have come to destroy you!

2-й цветок: you can’t, you are weak, let people cry, you won’t be able to save people!

Врач: what’s happening? Tie him up, quickly tie him up!

Сторож: why can’t you live peacefully, you are talking nonsense! Why are you picking up these flowers?

Главный п.: you don’t understand what you are doing! You are dying! I have seen the third flower! Let me finish my work! I must pick it up! Then it will be all over, people will be saved! I might send you to do it, but only I can do it. It’s my mission!

Сторож: Silence! Silence!

Медсестра: Try to fall asleep!

Главный п.: Set me free!

Медсестра: I can’t my deer, I can’t…

3-й цветок: ha-ha. You have your hand tied! You are weak!. You can’t save people from tears!

Главный п.: my friends, untie me, untie me, you will be free and happy then, I will set you free.

Пациенты: this is just a flower, it is a flower, don’t pick the flower, it is beautiful!

Главный п.: the last one! I win! I saved the world!

Сцена восьмая. Финал.

1-й пациент: look at the sky! The sky is so beautiful! It is divine!, it is gorgeous! Everybody look, everybody look!

2-й пациент: yes, it is wonderful, heaven, do you hear, you are gorgeous!!!

3-й пациент: oh Lord, it is a miracle. The sky… how beautiful. Can you see? Can you see it?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Автор: Шишова Мария Алексеевна

Дата: 29.08.2016

Номер свидетельства: 341359

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