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Методическая разработка 9 класс УМК Биболетовой М.З

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Цель данной работы – 1. Закрепить активную лексику раздела.

                                       2. Используя словообразовательный потенциал данной лексики                         

готовить учащихся к выполнению заданий В10-В14 ГИА в новой    

форме.    В процессе подготовки учащихся к ГИА в новой форме я столкнулась с проблемой слабой подготовленности учащихся к выполнению заданий на словообразование ( В10-В14).  Словообразовательный потенциал лексики первого юнита позволяет сосредоточиться в основном на образовании существительных от глаголов при помощи суффиксов -tion, -er, -ment.

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«Enjoy English 9»

Enjoy English 9 / Unit 1

Exercise I. Substitute the underlined words using one of the words from the box. One word is the odd one.

ignore appreciate disappoint deserve envy observe betray avoid

  1. I keep away from many of the situations that used to stress me.

  2. After five hours on your feet you have a right to to have a break.

  3. She feels that her friends don’t really love and understand her.

  4. She realized that asking him for a divorce will make him feel unhappy.

  5. Rob stood in the hall, from where he could see the happenings on the street.

  6. Your friend may be jealous of your success with girls.

  7. The government shouldn’t neglect the advice it was given.

Exercise II. Use the words in CAPITAL letters in the appropriate forms.

1. She's shown little ……….for the effort you've made. APPRECIATE

2. To our great ……….., it started to rain.. DISAPPOINT

  1. He spent two nights under close … in hospital. OBSERVE

4. The town’s main … is a thermal lake. ATTRACT

5. These clubs provide nightly …….   ENTERTAIN

6. Thank you for your … . СOURAGE

7. Fans were very aggressive. But Barcelona … made SUPPORT

the most trouble for the police.

8. Excuse my … , but how does it actually work? IGNORE

9. She hardly ………… to lose her job. DESERVE

10. … are hated even by those whom they benefit. BETRAY

Exercise III. Fill in the gaps with the right word .

1. After the way he treated Millie, he … whatever happens to him.

a) observes

b) ignores

c) deserves

d) attracts

2. He … her the position she has achieved in her profession.

a) envies

b) attracts

c) betrays

d) ignores

3. … of the law is no excuse.

a) ignorance

b) observation

c) appointment

d) arrangement

4. I don’t really … of children wearing make-up.

a) deserve

b) attract

c) observe

d) approve

5. Marilyn Monroe’s life was extremely short to the great … of her fans .

a) appreciation

b) arrangement

c) disappointment

d) application

6. Alan doesn’t trust friends very much. He thinks that friends can … him .

a) betray

b) approve

c) entertain

d) amuse

7. Well, I don’t think it will work, but I … your advice and your wish to help.

a) support

b) ignore

c) deserve

d) appreciate

Exercise IV. Change the word in CAPITAL letters to form the missing NOUN.

  1. He expressed his ……… for the large amount of work done.


  1. He made an … to see me at two o’clock.


  1. A careless …….. accidentally started a fire in the woods.


  1. of religious customs and traditions is very strict among the native population.


  1. The Internet is the most useful … and I don’t see any danger in it.


  1. What is the most available kind of … ?


  1. is hated even by those whom he benefits.


Exercise V. Complete the sentences using the right word.

  1. She is very loyal and would never … a friend.

  2. In wartime … should be executed.

  3. She felt a great sense of …..… .




  1. The show may … some viewers.

  2. Jackson cancelled his concert to the great … of his fans.

  3. This year’s sails figures were very … .

disappoints disappointment


  1. He was a witty and cynical … of the social scene.

  2. Did he ………….. on your unusual appearance?

  3. He recorded his ………… in a notebook..




  1. I’ve made a … for you on the morning flight.

  2. Saturdays are busy, restaurants and cafes are crowded. Can we … the table in advance?

  3. He is a … man of a great ambition.




  1. The news from the doctors is very … .

  2. We … students participation in our classes.

  3. We would run up and down shouting … to the team.

encourage encouragement encouraging

  1. He was sincerely … of their support.

  2. The prize is given in … of his great contribution to Russian literature.

  3. I … this opportunity to put my point of view to the committee.




  1. 'He's a selfish, rude, ……… man!' 'Isn't he just!'  .

  2. Don't ……….. the fog warning signs.

  3. Excuse my ………, but how does it actually work?  




Exercise VI. Say the following in one word.

1. A person who gives away your secrets.

a) an observer

b) a betrayer

c) a supporter

d) an entertainer

2. Something that you notice when watching something or someone.

a) appreciation

b) reservation

c) observation

d) application

3. Lack of knowledge or information about something.

a) ignorance

b) insistence

c) approval

d) betrayal

4. Performances that people enjoy.

a) disagreement

b) disappointment

c) improvement

d) entertainment

5. Someone who is unwilling to express his emotions or talk about his problems.

  1. deserved

  2. reserved

  3. observed

  4. incurved

6. To realize that someone has good qualities and that they are important.

a) to appreciate

b) to disappoint

c) to observe

d) to entertain

7. To pay no attention to something that you have been told or that you know about.

a) to betray

b) to deserve

c) to ignore

d) to approve


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Exercise I

  1. avoid

  2. deserve

  3. appreciate

  4. disappoint

  5. observe

  6. envy

  7. ignore

betray – is the odd word

Exercise IV

  1. appreciation

  2. arrangement

  3. camper

  4. observation

  5. invention

  6. entertainment

  7. betrayer

Exercise II

  1. appreciation

  2. disappointment

  3. observation

  4. attraction

  5. entertainment

  6. encouragement

  7. supporters

  8. ignorance

  9. deserved

  10. betrayers

Exercise V

    1. betray

    2. betrayer

    3. betrayal

    1. disappoints

    2. disappointing

    3. disappointment

1. observer



  1. reservation

  2. reserve

  3. reserved

  1. encouraging

  2. encourage

  3. encouragement

  1. appreciative

  2. appreciation

  3. appreciate

1. ignorant

2. ignore

3. ignorance

Exercise III

  1. c) deserves

  2. a) envies

  3. a) ignorance

  4. d) approve

  5. c) disappointment

  6. a) betray

  7. d) appreciate

Exercise VI

  1. b) a betrayer

  2. c) observation

  3. a) ignorance

  4. d) entertainment

  5. b) reserved

  6. a) to appreciate

  7. d) to ignore

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«Методическая разработка к учебнику»

Методическая разработка к учебнику

М.З. Биболетовой Enjoy English , 9 класс (Unit 1)

Выполнено учителем английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия № 8» г.Можги УР

Федотовой Еленой Валерьевной

Пояснительная записка

Цель методической разработки:

1. Закрепить активную лексику первого раздела.

2. Использовать словообразовательный потенциал данной лексики

в подготовке учащихся к выполнению заданий ГИА в новой форме.

В процессе подготовки учащихся к ГИА в новой форме я столкнулась с проблемой слабой подготовленности учащихся к выполнению заданий на словообразование ( В10-В14) . Словообразовательный потенциал лексики первого цикла позволяет сосредоточиться в основном на образовании существительных от глаголов при помощи суффиксов -tion, -er, -ment. Выполнение данных упражнений целесообразно после 19 урока ( section 4).

Данная работа может представлять интерес для учителей английского языка, работающих по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой Enjoy English, 9 класс.

При разработке данных упражнений использовались следующие ресурсы:

  1. Enjoy English – 9, Student’s Book

  2. Enjoy English – 9, Workbook

  3. Enjoy English – 9, Workbook 2

  4. Macmillan English Dictionary for advanced learners

  5. Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary

  6. Cambridge on-line dictionary

  7. Oxford on-line dictionary

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Методическая разработка 9 класс УМК Биболетовой М.З

Автор: Федотова Елена Валерьевна

Дата: 17.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 231495

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