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Тесты по аудированию в 5 классе

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Проверочная работа по теме "Животные", аудирование.

Проверочная работа по аудированию для 5-6 класса

  1. Listen to the text.

              A penguin is a bird. The penguins can’t fly. They swim very well. They live in the Antarctic. Penguins are fat and not tall. They can be 1,3 meters tall. The penguins are black and white. Feathers help them stay warm in cold water when they dive and swim. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. The penguins swim and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes. They live for twenty years.

II.Choose the right answer:

  1. A penguin is … a) a cat, b) a fish, c) a bird.
  2. They live… a) in Asia, b) in Antarctic, c) in Europe.
  3. They can be … a) short, b) 1,3 meters, c) very tall.
  4. They are … a) black and white, b) red, c) blue
  5. Penguins can … a) swim, b) climb, c) fly.
  6. They sleep … a) at night, b) in water, c) all day.
  7. Penguins  have  … a) fur, b) tail, c) feathers.
  8. Penguins eat … a) apples, b) small fish, c) vegetables.
  9.  They stay under water  for … a) one minute, b) ten minutes, c)  five minutes.
  10.  They live for … a) twenty years, b) eleven years, c) fifty years.
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«Тесты по аудированию в 5 классе»

Проверочная работа по аудированию для 5-6 класса

  1. Listen to the text.


A penguin is a bird. The penguins can’t fly. They swim very well. They live in the Antarctic. Penguins are fat and not tall. They can be 1,3 meters tall. The penguins are black and white. Feathers help them stay warm in cold water when they dive and swim. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. The penguins swim and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes. They live for twenty years.

  1. Choose the right answer:

  1. A penguin is … a) a cat, b) a fish, c) a bird.

  2. They live… a) in Asia, b) in Antarctic, c) in Europe.

  3. They can be … a) short, b) 1,3 meters, c) very tall.

  4. They are … a) black and white, b) red, c) blue

  5. Penguins can … a) swim, b) climb, c) fly.

  6. They sleep … a) at night, b) in water, c) all day.

  7. Penguins have … a) fur, b) tail, c) feathers.

  8. Penguins eat … a) apples, b) small fish, c) vegetables.

  9. They stay under water for … a) one minute, b) ten minutes, c) five minutes.

  10. They live for … a) twenty years, b) eleven years, c) fifty years.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Тесты по аудированию в 5 классе

Автор: Максимова Ольга Григорьевна

Дата: 20.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 371826

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