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A/R Guide Природные Катастрофы

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«A/R Guide Природные Катастрофы»

Работа с новой темой проходит по структуре A/R Guide (anticipation/reaction guide), позволяющей глубже и полнее изучить новую тему, развить навыки работы с текстом, критическое мышление и креативность.

Шаг 1. Перед раздачей материала, учитель демонстрирует на доске, а учащиеся чертят в тетрадях таблицу:




В среднем столбце, content, учитель формулирует вопросы репродуктивного плана и генеративные. Учитель проговаривает вопрос и просит одного из учеников перевести, помогает с переводом. Ученики сначала просто записывают вопросы в том же порядке. Например




What natural disasters are happening more frequently nowadays?

What is a tornado?

When do earthquakes happen?

What are the effects of draught?

What are the consequences of natural disasters?

What can we do to reduce the damage caused by the natural disasters?

Шаг2. Учитель дает время, например, 3 минуты, в течение которого ученики, не читая текст, должны записать свои ответы в столбик Before. Учитель проговаривает, что ученики должны написать хоть что-то, если ученик совсем ничего не знает – ставит прочерк. Ответы в столбце Before не оцениваются. Это знания учеников, которыми они обладали ДО урока. По истечение установленного времени, учитель просит всех учеников по очереди прочитать, что они написали. В этот момент проверяется только грамотность составления предложения и написания, ошибки – исправляются. Содержание ответа не оценивается.

Вот так может выглядеть ответ ученика:




Fires, tsunamis, epidemics.

What natural disasters are happening more frequently nowadays?

A fast, strong wind.

What is a tornado?

When there is tectonic activity

When do earthquakes happen?

No water

What are the effects of draught?

People die, homes destroyed.

What are the consequences of natural disasters?

Run and hide.

What can we do to reduce the damage caused by the natural disasters?

Шаг3. Отметив для себя точные, грамотные, а также необычные ответы, учитель раздает текст. Дальше, в зависимости от уровня учеников, либо читает и переводит предложение за предложением, либо просто устанавливает время для ознакомления с текстом.

Topic Nature

Mother Nature can act rather scary sometimes. Almost every day TV channels, radio and newspapers report on natural disasters striking different parts of the world. Scientists say that earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides and hurricanes are happening more frequently nowadays. Global warming, pollution and growing industrialization lead to an imbalance in our eco-system.  

A natural disaster can be defined as an uncontrollable extreme disruption, which causes ecological and financial damage and victims. Sometimes the events can be predicted by special meteorological warning systems and they often happen in the same geographical area because they are related to climate and physical characteristics of the region. For example, Florida is constantly suffering from tornadoes and hurricanes, and Japan – from earthquakes.

An earthquake happens when tectonic plates of the earth move and they make the area shake violently. According to the Richter scale, the magnitude of earthquakes is measured from 1 to 10 points. The most powerful earthquake was recorded in 1960 in Chile, its magnitude was 9.5.

Volcanic eruptions occur when hot red magma erupts from the earth’s crust and flows from the top of the volcano. It also throws volcano ashes into the air that are harmful to inhale for human beings and animals.

A tsunami is a series of dangerous huge ocean waves, usually caused by underwater earthquakes. This natural disaster attacks the shore all of a sudden and often results in thousands of deaths. The height of the waves can reach 30 meters.

Flooding is another natural disaster. Floods happen when the water level in rivers and seas becomes too high. Sometimes flash floods can even wash away whole villages.

During extremely hot dry summers our world usually suffers from vast forest fires and severe droughts. Wildfires are especially dangerous in windy weather when they spread very easily. Droughts may result in famine because the land becomes dry and people can’t grow any plants and vegetables on it.

A tornado is an enormous column of twisting wind that moves very fast and destroys houses, raises in the air and throws people, animals and heavy things. Hurricanes and tornados are very common in America and the Atlantic Ocean.

Landslides happen when earth and rocks on slopes become loose or water-laden and they fall down the hills or mountains.

People face great problems after disasters: the water is usually infected, the communication lines (electricity, telephone) are often damaged, most of the buildings and property are destroyed, agricultural crops are also damaged. Natural disasters are great tragedies to many countries and nations. They take many people’s lives. Thousands of people become homeless, unemployed. They need medical and psychological help.

Шаг 4. После прочтения с переводом, или по истечении времени, данного на ознакомление с текстом, ученики приступают к индивидуальной письменной работе – заполнению столбца After. Вариант таблицы.




Fires, tsunamis, epidemics.

What natural disasters are happening more frequently nowadays?

earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides and hurricanes

A fast, strong wind.

What is a tornado?

An enormous column of twisting wind

When there is tectonic activity

When do earthquakes happen?

when tectonic plates of the earth move and they make the area shake

No water

What are the effects of draught?

people can’t grow any plants and vegetables because the land becomes dry

People die, homes destroyed.

What are the consequences of natural disasters?

the water is infected, the communication lines are damaged, most of the buildings and property are destroyed, people become homeless, unemployed

Run and hide.

What can we do to reduce the damage caused by the natural disasters?

We can improve warning systems and use the help of the government, stop building usual structures in dangerous areas.

Преподаватель может сам изменять вопросы, предполагая, какой ответ дадут ученики. Таким образом, у учеников развиваются навыки работы с текстом, критическое мышление и креативность.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

A/R Guide Природные Катастрофы

Автор: Шувараков Алексей Сергеевич

Дата: 10.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546041

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