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Art Galleries

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  1. “?нер галлереялары” та?ырыбы бойынша о?ушыларды ?нерге деген с?йіспеншілігін арттыру, ?нер адамдары мен оларды? туындыларын ??рметтеуге т?рбиелеу.
  2. Берілген та?ырыпта о?ушылармен пікір алмасу, модальді етістікті? ?олданылуын ?айталау.
  3. М?тінді о?и отырып, оны? ма?ынасын т?сінуге, о?ушыларды? с?здік ?орын ж?не с?з м?нерін байыту?а, дамыту?а к?мектесу.
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«Art Galleries »

Class: 8 Date:





  1. “Өнер галлереялары” тақырыбы бойынша оқушыларды өнерге деген сүйіспеншілігін арттыру, өнер адамдары мен олардың туындыларын құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу.

  2. Берілген тақырыпта оқушылармен пікір алмасу, модальді етістіктің қолданылуын қайталау.

  3. Мәтінді оқи отырып, оның мағынасын тұсінуге,оқушылардың сөздік қорын және сөз мәнерін байытуға, дамытуға көмектесу.

Type of the lesson: traditional

Equipments of the lesson: cards

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

- Good morning, children!

- How are you?

- I’m fine. Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- Who is absent today?

II. Phonetic exercises:

III. Checking home task: Your home task was ex. III – to make up a list of advantages of your favourite TV programme.

IV. Follow up. Activity I: Explanation of new theme. Today at the lesson we’ll talk about art galleries. Can you give me the explanation of the word “gallery”?

Ex.I. Practise the following dialogue. Make up a similar one in pair work.

T.\Tell me, are there many art galleries in London? I should like to see some of the pictures!

G.\ Well, the place I like best is the Tate Gallery on Milbank -that's down near the Thames Embankment. All the moderns are there. But there's Burlington House in Piccadilly, the home of the Boyal Academy and the more conventional art.

T.\ And the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. Is that the same as the National Portrait Gallery?

G.\ Oh, no — the Portrait Gallery's in St Martin's Place. But the place I like best of all is the Victoria and Albert Museum (V & A) in Kensington. It's a very interesting place, with paintings, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, pottery, and so on, all beautifully arranged in historical periods.

T.\ That sounds wonderful. I must make a note to go there. And isn't there the Science Museum?

G.: Yes — a most exciting exhibition, if you are interested in engineering. That's very near to V & A.

Activity II: Ex: II. Do you know that? ... Express your opinion.

1. A lot of works of art are bought by private collectors. This is a real disaster for museums and picture gallaries which cannot pay as much money as the private collectors. This may be the reason why many works will be lost for the public forever if the owners do not decide to exhibit them.

2. The famous English painter Gainsborough was fond of music and filled his house with all kinds of musical instruments, which he could play rather well. He even wished sometimes he were a professional musician.

Activity III: Ex: III. Do you agree or disagree with this? Share your opinions.

— Great works of art seem to look different every time one stands before them.

— The best way to get understanding and greater enjoyment of art is to see (view) many paintings, looking at them thoughtfully.

Activity IV: Grammar Revision: Modal Verb “should”.

Modal Verb should. Should модальді етістігі біреуге ақыл-кеңес берген кезде қолданылады.

Activity V: Grammar: Should or should't? Let’s divide into 2 groups and do the exercise 1.

You are giving advice to a friend. Use should or shouldn’t. Example: Your friend is afraid he’ll miss the train. Advise him to take a taxi. — You should take a taxi.

Group 1.

a. Your friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to the den­tist.

b. Your friend complains that he is getting fat. Advise him to keep to the diet.

c. Your younger brother listens to Metallica all day long. Advise him to stop doing it.

Group 2.

d. Your sister complains that she can’t sleep at night. Advise her to stop drinking coffee before going to bed.

e. Your grandfather had a heart attack the previous week. Advise him to consult a doctor.

V. Round off. So, what have you got from the lesson? Can you use the modal verbin your practice?

VI. Homework. Write down your home task:

- Ex.III-2. Comment on the use of should in the following proverbs and sayings. Give their equivalents in your native language. Make up a few situations in which you could use them.

a. Books and friends should be few but good.

b. Children should be seen and not heard.

c. Law-makers should not be law-breakers.

Revise the grammar material.

VII. Marks and comments: You are clever boys and girls! You worked very well!

I put “5” for…; I put “4” for …; I put “3” for ….

Stand up, boys and girls!

Good-bye, see you later!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Art Galleries

Автор: Мухамеджанова Дина Мырзалиевна

Дата: 26.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 161828

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