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Автомобильные клубы и музей Америки

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Разработка урока "Автомобильныеклубы и музеи Америки"  представляет из себя подробный  план, содержание    и  ход урока.. Опеделены цели урока используются. В ходе   урока используются разнообразные методы активизации мыслительной деятельности, которые направлены на развитие навыков аудирования, пересказа, выделения основной мысли, чтение.Проводится познавательная игра, имеется презентация, разработано домашнее задание. Работа интересна для преподавателей английского языка.

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«Автомобильные клубы и музей Америки »

Методическая разработка урока

по предмету " Английский язык"

Кувшинова Елена Альбертовна

преподаватель английского языка Северо-Казахстанского профессионально-педагогического колледжа

г. Петропавловска, Республика Казахстан


Данный урок разработан для учащихся 10-11 классов.

Целевая установка: ориентация на совершенствование навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности учащихся (говорения, чтения и письма); ориентация на овладение учащимися лексикой и дальнейшее ее применение на практике; на развитие познавательной активности учащихся.

На уроке применяются приемы интерактивного обучения. Учащиеся самостоятельно подбирают материал по теме, а затем представляют отобранную информацию в виде презентаций в Power Point.

Познавательная игра "Экскурсия в музей Генри Форда" воспитывает интерес к данной теме, а также развивает навыки синхронного перевода.


Тема: Motor car clubs and museums.

Автомобильные клубы и музеи.

Тип: Урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.

Цели :

Образовательная: совершенствовать навыки учащихся через различные виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, разговорную и письменную речь. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме. Расширять кругозор учащихся.

Развивающая: развивать внимание, познавательный интерес и творческуюактивность учащихся.

Воспитывающая: воспитывать интерес к культуре англоязычных стран.

Методы обучения: устный/ письменный самоконтроль, творческие презентации Power Point, метод интерактивного обучения, беседа,

познавательная игра "Экскурсия в знаменитый музей Форда",

Виды самостоятельной работы на уроке: презентации,выполнение грамматических упражнений, работа в группах.

Материально-техническое оснащение урока: презентации в Power Point, интерактивная доска, карточки- задания по грамматике, карточки с тематическим текстом.

Содержание и ход урока

1.Организационная часть:

Приветствие. Проверка готовности учащихся к уроку.

II. Сообщение темы, цели и плана занятия.

III.Развитие навыков аудирования​.

Презентация 1

Презентация 2

IV.Развитие навыков пересказа и выделения основной мысли услышанного.

V. Активизация употребления лескики по теме.

VI. Развитие навыков чтения и перевода. Работа с текстом.

VII. Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

VIII. Познавательная игра: "In Ford's museum".

IX. Подведение итогов занятия и оценка деятельности учащихся.

X. Задание на дом:

1.Подготовить слова к словарному диктанту.

2.Выполнить карточки-задания по грамматическому материалу.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Warming up.

Good afternoon dear quests, good afternoon students. Glad to see you.

Who is absent? Let’s start our lesson.

II. The introduction.

The theme of our lesson is “Motor car clubs and museums”( Active board, flipchart1page 1.)

The aims of our lesson are: To know as much as possible about the history of famous motor car companies, clubs and museum.

Some words about the history of automobile.

It is known that car is one of the greatest human achievements. It is not the product of one single inventor. (Active board. Flipchart 1 page 2).

Cugnot created the first self-propelled vehicle in 1763. He was the French military engineer.

In 1784 Kulibin built a three wheeled carriage.

In 1825 a steam engine was built in Great Britain.

Everybody knows the famous English motor car company “Rolls-Royce”. Let’s see the presentations which were prepared by our students. They will speak us who the founder of this company was and when the company appeared.

III. The development of audio skills.

Class, listen to the presentations attentively. Your task will be to retell the information, expressing the main idea of the texts in Russian.

1) Presentation 1 Charles Rolls. (Presentation in Power Point ,

приложение 1)

Charles Rolls.

See the presentation (Power Point).

Charles Rolls was the son of a British family. He had a good education. He went to Cambridge University. He loved for speed and he became a racing cyclist. Later he introduced to the racing automobiles Moore-Brabazon. In 1896 Rolls helped to found the Aero Club. Then he entered an automobile sales company in London, where the expensive French cars were sold.

Later he introduced to Henry Royce. They became friends. In 1904 they agreed that Royce would build cars and Rolls would sell them. Thus Rolls-Royce was born.

The first car was built in 1904.

This car was the best car of the company Rolls-Royce.

In my presentation we can see the automobiles of the Rolls-Royce Company.

2) Presentation 2 Henry Royce. (Presentation in Power Point, приложение 2)

Henry Royce


Henry Royce was a co-founder of Rolls-Royce Company. He was born on the 27 th of March in 1863 in England. His parents died when he was a boy. He had to work.

He started his own business, which developed into Royce Ltd, manufactures of electrically driven cranes, dynamos and motors. Noted for their high quality, the Royce products sold well and the company grew.

He built several experimental cars to his own design, which come to the attention of a motor dealer called Charles Rolls, who agreed to buy whatever Royce could produce and the companies merged in 1906 as Rolls-Royce Ltd. In 1907 they produced the Silver Ghost, which became known as the greatest car in the world.

Royce designed and built the Eagle, a 20 liter engine producing 225 hp.

Royce lived at West Wittering with his family. In 130 he was made a baronet.

In 1933 he died.

IV. The developing of SS skills in retelling and choosing the main idea of the text.

Students give the main idea of the presentation in Russian language.

V. Pre-reading.

1) (Active board, flipchart 1, page 3,4)

Let’s read the words aloud. Repeat after me.

2) Find the Russian equivalents of these words.

Students work at the blackboard.

3) (flipchart 1, page 5)

Read the words combination and try to translate them.

VI. Reading.

1) Listen to the text. (Teacher read the text). (Приложение 3)

2) Read the text.

Motor car clubs and museums.

There are 3,000 Americans who like to collect antique cars. They have several clubs and museums as Antique Automobile Club and Veteran Motor Car Club, which specialize in rare models. The clubs practice meetings where members can exhibit their cars. Collectors can also advertise in magazines published by their clubs. Some magazines specialize in a single type of car such as glorious Model "T". In England there is the famous Beaulieu Motor Museum-the home for veteran cars. There is a car called "The Knight" in this museum. It is the first British petrol-driven car. Its top speed was only 8 mph. The founder of museum is Lord Montagu, the son of one of England's motoring pioneers, who opened it in 1952 in memory of his father. Lord Montagu's father was the first person in England to be fined by the police for speeding. He was fined 5 pounds for going faster than 12 miles per hour. In the museum's collection there is a car called the "Silver Ghost". It was built by Rolls-Royce Company in 1907 and called the "Silver Ghost" because it ran so silently and painted silver. Charles Rolls was born in 2882 in Great Britain. He was an aristocrat and businessman. He was interested in cars. Once he met another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce. He was a famous car engineer. They decide to design the most comfortable and reliable car. At the beginning of the 20 th century it seemed to be a fantasy. But they worked hard and at last in 1907 they created the world famous Rolls-Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars "Silver Ghost" hadn't changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

3) Translate the text.

General understanding. (Flipchart1, page 6) 1). Answer the questions:

2) The next task is “True or False.”

Read the sentences and say “true or false”. Correct the false statements. (Flipchart1, page 7.)

3) Fill the gaps. (Flipchart1, page 8).

Look through the text and write the necessary words and words combination.

a) Antique Automobile Clubs and Veteran Motor Club specialize in rare models.

b) In England there is the famous Beaulieu Motor Museum.

c) It is the first British petrol-driven car.

d) It’s top speed was only 8 mph.

e) “Silver Ghost” was painted silver.

f)It was the most comfortable and reliable car.

g) Henry Royce was a famous car engineer.

VII. Revising the grammar material.

1) Read the sentences. (Flipchart1, page 9).

What are these words? They are prepositions. What is the Russian for “prepositions”?

Предлоги это служебные слова, которые показывают отношение существительного к другим словам в предложении.

1) Try to translate all these prepositions. (Flipchart 1, page 10,11, 12).

2) Grammar exercise. (Flipchart1, page 13). Write the necessary prepositions, read the sentence and translate it.

3) Grammar cards for each person. Students do grammar cards themselves. 10 minutes.

VIII. The game “Go to the museum” Ford Motor Car Company.

Dear quests, we invite you to visit the famous American Museum of automobiles and airplanes. I’ll be your guide and students will be my interpreter. They will help you to understand what I’ll speak about. (Presentation “Henry Ford”).

Приложение 5.

Ford Motor car museum

Henry Ford was the American founder of the Ford Motor company. He also was a father of the conveyor belt which produced low priced cars. Ford was born on the 30th of July in 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan. He was the eldest of 6 children. He was a poor student at school. Henry preferred to work with mechanical objects. Ford worked at the Detroit Edison Company. He worked hard as a worker, then as a chief engineer. In 1899 he formed the Detroit Automobile Company.

The Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903. You can see the first logotype of the company. This emblem was made in1903. The last emblem was made in 2003.

His car Ford T was the greatest car of 20th century. It was the cheapest car in the world.

Picture 1. This is the Greenfield village. Here we can see the house where Henry Ford was born, his first plant etc. The glorious collection of cars is situated here.

Picture 2. Lincoln K was built for President Roosevelt in 1939. This car is for Truman.

It's name is Lincoln Cosmopolitan. Lincoln Continental was built in 1961. Kennedy was shoot in this automobile. This car was ordered by Nicson.

Picture 3. Ford GT-40 was the first American supercar.

Picture 4. Continental MkII was built in 1955. It was one of the most expensive automobile in America. It was as luxury as Rolls-Royce. This model was the symbol of Ford's prestige. Among the owners of this automobile was Elvis Presley, Nelson Rockefeller, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the shah of Iran.

Picture 5. Cadillac 1959 was a present pop idol of American technique.

Picture 6. Survival Car was a car for survive. It had special windows, straps of safety. To the moment of the creation of this project there were like nothing in the world.

Picture 7. "Thinking is the hardest work there is".

Henry Ford

Of course there were many other comfortable and luxury cars which were produced by this company. But our excursion comes to end. Thanks for your attention.

Thank you very much.

IX. General understanding of the theme. (Flipchart1, page 14)

Answer the questions:

1) When was the first self propelled vehicle created? (In 1763)

2) Who was the founder of the English Motor Car Company “Rolls-Royce”.

( Ch. Rolls and H. Royce)

3) What the famous cars did they produce? (The Silver Ghost, the Eagle).

4) When and where Henry Ford was born? (On the 30th of July in 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan).

5) When the Ford Motor Car company was founded? (In 1903).

6) What car was the cheapest in the world? (Ford T).

7) What car was the most expensive? (Continental Mk-II).

8) Who was the owners of this automobile? (Presley, Rockefeller, Mohammed Pahlavi).

X. Do you know…..

I think you know Motor Car Companies, clubs and museum, which are situated in many other countries. Let’s divide into two groups. I’ll give you some information about two motor car companies Opel and Nissan. Make a short story about these companies putting the sentences in a logical order. 5-6 minutes. Приложение 6, 7

XI. Reading.

Students read the information about the companies “Opel” and “Nissan”.

Opel Company

Opel company was founded on the 21st of January in 1863 by Adam Opel. Adam Opel is a German automaker. Adam Opel began to build and sell sewing-machines in 1862.The company made household goods and became a major producer of sewing-machines. The founder died in 1895.

The company became the leader in European sewing machines sales and producing over two hundred bicycles yearly. The first cars were produced in 1898.It was Opel-Lutzmann. Two years later Opel’s son signed a licensing agreement with the French Automobiles Company “Darracq.”

They began to produce vehicles under the brand name “Opel-Darracq”.

The vehicles were Opel bodies mounted on a Darracq chassis, powered by a 2-cylinder engine. In 1906 they started to make cars to their own design, which they had first shown in 1902 at Hamburg Motor Show.

From 1907 they stopped making the Opel-Darracqs.

In 19011 the factory was destroyed by fire and a new one was built.

The manufacture of sewing-machines dropped. They produced bicycles, cars, and motorcycles. By 1913 they were the largest car maker in Germany.

In March 1929 General Motors bought eighty per cent of the company increasing this to one hundred per cent in 1913.The Opel family gained thirty three million dollars from the transaction.

Nissan Company

Jidosha Seizo was the founder of Nissan Motor Company Limited.

The company was established in Yokohama in nineteen thirty three.

After a year in nineteen thirty four, Japan based Nissan Motor Company Limited changed its name from Datsum. The company manufactures and designs various other products as boats, machinery and communication satellites. The head of this company is based in Tokyo. When Nissan entered the world market in 1960, its production and sales increased phenomenally.

The company is engaged in joint ventures abroad. Nissan has established assembly plants in several foreign countries, including Australia, Peru, Mexico, the United States and Germany. Nissan Motors started capturing Indian automobile market with the introduction of Nissan X-TRAIL and compact Sports Vehicles. During the war years from 1938 the company converted entirely to production of trucks and military vehicles.

Nissan X-TRAIL is very comfortable and elegance car.

XII. Relaxation.

Students, I suggest you to watch a film about modern automobiles. You may choose any car and I hope you will buy it in the nearest future.

See the film.

XIII. Home task: 1. To prepare the words for the words dictation.

2. To revise the grammar material. Prepositions.

XIV. Conclusion.

Our lesson is over. Your marks:

Thank you very much. Good bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Автомобильные клубы и музей Америки


Дата: 29.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 163802

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