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Человек – творец своего счастья! Man – the Seeker of Happiness!

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Man – the Seeker of Happiness! - Человек – творец своего счастья! 

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«Человек – творец своего счастья! Man – the Seeker of Happiness!»

План-конспект открытого урока английского языка в 10 классе

«Человектворец своего счастья!» (“Man – the Seeker of Happiness!”)

учителя английского языка МБОУ «Многопрофильная гимназия №38»

Цель урока: формирование у обучающихся целостного представления об изучаемом материале.


а) образовательная

  • актуализировать знания и представления учащихся о счастье;

  • развивать навыки логического высказывания по теме;

  • совершенствовать навыки чтения, восприятия речи на слух и умения говорить на основе прочитанного и услышанного

б) развивающая

  • продолжить расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие творческих способностей;

  • способствовать формированию и развитию ОУУН как основы для формирования ключевых компетентностей учащихся;

  • обосновывать суждения, владеть приемами краткого и развернутого ответа,

  • формировать социокультурную компетенцию

в) воспитательная

  • обеспечить условия для создания благоприятного, эмоционального психологического климата в учебном сообществе для формирования коммуникативной культуры учащихся;

  • формировать умения работать в команде;

  • способствовать развитию нравственных ценностей и идеалов у учащихся;

  • развивать познавательную и творческую активность, любознательность, самостоятельность учащихся

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: фронтальная, индивидуальная, работа в группах

Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор, ПК, выход в Интернет, презентация урока, раздаточный материал – тексты для чтения, доска.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент (объявление темы, целей и задач урока) 

  2. Фронтальная работа – опрос, как учащиеся понимают счастье для себя

  3. Просмотр видеоролика

  4. Беседа на основе просмотренного материала

  5. Сообщение учителя о философском понимании счастья

  6. Чтение текстов в группах

  7. Обсуждение прочитанного

  8. Формулировка выводов - как можно достичь счастье, является ли человек творцом счастья

  9. Объяснение домашнего задания

Ход урока

You know that happiness can be understood and interpreted in various ways.

There is no magic formula for happiness but some of the aspects are universal.

They are freedom, the sense of belonging, an interesting occupation and so on.

And what is happiness for you?

How is it possible to define happiness?

(учащиеся дают краткие ответы, учитель записывает на доске)

  1. Просмотр видеоролика (учитель английского языка)

You are going to watch a small video film. Be attentive and try to remember what happiness is for different people. Add some ideas to our list.

(видеофрагмент )

  1. Беседа на основе просмотренного материала

Учащиеся называют услышанные слова, учитель записывает на доске (возможные варианты: toys, money, expensive apartment, religion, shopping, I'm alive, children, girl friend, love, economical stability, lottery, million dollars).

3. Чтение текстов в группах (учитель английского языка)

Let’s try to follow the western philosophical school and answer the question how it is possible to achieve happiness. What do you need to do or have to become happy? Read the texts, discuss them in groups and answer the main question.

4.Обсуждение прочитанного (учитель английского языка)

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, обсуждают выданные им тексты в группах, выбирают выступающего. При обсуждении каждого текста учащиеся должны самостоятельно выделить основные положения – ключевые слова для ответа на главный вопрос.

Text 1. What Makes People Happy

(work on social skills; close interpersonal ties; social support)

Text 2. Oprah Winfrey. A Successful Story

(talent; earn the respect; love of acting; desire to bring quality; charitable work; philanthropist)

What other successful people in the world do you know? (учащиеся отвечают и объясняют, почему этих людей можно назвать успешными)

Text 3. Ways of Being Successful

(persistent hard work; great efforts; reinforce positive emotions; uses all his talent to improve the world; balance in life; helping other people)

What do you think about the formula for success:

Hard work + enthusiasm + love of your work = success

Text 4. Oscar Wilde “The Happy Prince”

(make others happy, kind heart)

По окончанию выступлений учащимся предлагается ещё раз посмотреть на ключевые слова (они записаны на доске) и сделать вывод.

5.Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений в формате ЕГЭ по теме урока (на экране слайд-презентации)

6.Объяснение домашнего задания (учитель английского языка)

At home you are going to write a small essay “What is happiness for me” (150-200 words). Don’t forget about the ideas and the key words from the lesson.



Read the text and discuss the following questions:

  1. Why doesn’t wealth, education, youth, marriage, sunny days, religion make the human heart sing? What about friends?

  2. What should we do to achieve happiness?

What Makes People Happy

So, what have scientists learned about what makes the human heart sing?

Take wealth, for instance, and all the delightful things that money can buy. Research by American psychologists has shown that once your basic needs are met, additional income does little to raise your sense of satisfaction with life.

A good education? Sorry, Mom and Dad, neither education nor a high IQ opens the road of happiness.

Youth? No, again. In fact, older people are more satisfied with their lives than the young. And they’re less prone to dark moods. A recent survey found that people aged 20 to 24 are sad for an average of 3.4 days a month and people aged 65 to 74 are sad just 2.3 days a month.

Marriage? A complicated picture. Married people are generally happier than singles, but that may be because they were happy to begin with.

Sunny days? Nope, although a 1998 study showed that Midwesterners think folks living in sunny California are happier and that Californians incorrectly believe this about themselves too.

On the positive side, religious faith seems to genuinely lift the spirit, though it’s tough to tell whether it’s the God part or the community aspect that does the heavy lifting.

Friends? A giant yes. A 2002 study conducted at the University of Illinois found that the most salient characteristics shared by the 10% of students with the highest levels of happiness and the fewest signs of depression were their strong ties to friends and family and commitment to spending time with them.

Words need to be spread – we should conclude. It is important to work on social skills, close interpersonal ties and social support in order to be happy.


Read the text and discuss the following questions:

  1. What makes Oprah Winfrey one of America’s most popular celebrities?

  2. What has she done to achieve such a great success?

Oprah Winfrey. A success story

Oprah Winfrey is the multiple-award-winning American host of The Oprah Winfrey Show, the highest-rated talk show in TV history. She’s also a billionaire and one of America’s most popular celebrities. Some people consider her the most influential woman in the world. So how did she become so successful?

Born in 1954, in Mississippi, Oprah Winfrey had an unhappy adolescence in a small farming community. When she was 13, she moved to Nashville to live with her father, and in 1971, studied Speech Communications and Performing Arts at Tennessee State University. She began her career in broadcasting in Nashville, then moved to Baltimore, where she hosted the TV chat show People Are Talking. It was here, when the show became a hit, that she discovered her talent as a chat show host.

After eight years, Oprah moved to a Chicago TV station to host the morning show, A.M. Chicago. People loved her open, warm-hearted style and the show shot to the top of the ratings. In 1985, the show was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show. With its placement on 120 channels and an audience of 10 million people, the show made &125 million by the end of its first year, and it also won three awards.

Oprah’s success led to nationwide fame and a role in Steven Spielberg’s film version of Alice Walker’s book The Color Purple. Her performance resulted in nominations for an Oscar and Golden Globe Award in the category of Best Supporting Actress. Critics again praised her performance in Native Son, a film adaptation of Richard Wright’s classic 1940 novel.

In the 1990s, when chat shows were becoming poor quality and exploitative, Oprah refused to let her own show go the same way. Although ratings initially fell, she earned the respect of her viewers and was soon rewarded with an increase in popularity. Her love of acting and her desire to bring quality entertainment projects into production prompted her to form her own production company in 1986 – named HARPO Productions which is “Oprah” spelled backwards!

Oprah’s achievements as a chat show host, an actress and a business-woman haven’t stopped her having a happy home life. She’s been with her partner for over twenty years and although she’s never had children, has referred to the girls who attend her charity academy in South Africa as her “daughters”. However, her charitable work doesn’t stop in South Africa. Oprah is generally considered to be one of the greatest philanthropists in American history, having raised more than 50 million for different causes.


Read the text and discuss the following questions:

  1. Why doesn’t everybody manage to succeed in life? What are the negative sides of success?

  2. How can people achieve success?

Ways of Being Successful

Of course not everybody manages to succeed in life. All successful businessmen, actors or musicians face a number of challenges at the beginning of their career. They have hard times overcoming many difficulties but they don’t give up. At last their persistence leads to success. One must be hard-working, patient, strong-willed, persevering and self-confident if one wants to be successful. Success always goes hand in hand with hard work and great efforts and very often one faces a lot of obstacles, troubles, disappointment and failure on the way to success.

Some people forget about integrity and honour striving for success, wealth and glory. When they achieve their goal, it doesn’t make them happy. On the contrary, they feel disillusioned and dissatisfied. Having climbed the ladder of success they find nothing worthwhile on the top. A person shouldn’t use any means and take any risks achieving success. Many people today are under so much pressure to succeed that some admit they will lie, cheat, do something morally wrong and even sacrifice their private life and health if it helps them to get on. Many ambitious people who want success at any cost move their families, friends and hobbies to the background. People who work too much trying to achieve their goals or to be promoted don’t go in for sports, sit up very late, skip meals, smoke excessively and feel stressed.

But can a person be successful if he isn’t happy? The link between happiness and success was investigated by a team from the University of California Riverside. According to their research “happiness, rather than working hard, is the key to success”. Psychologists say that “cheerful people are more likely to try new things and challenge themselves, which reinforces positive emotion and leads to success in work, good relationships and strong health”. So happiness is essential to people’s wellbeing. Prof Diener said, “We define success as obtaining the things that culture or society values, whether it be friends, close family, money and income, or longevity.”

Let’s try to deduce a formula for a success.

Hard work + enthusiasm + love of your work = success

A person is successful if he uses all his talents to improve the world and leaves it a bit better, whether by bringing up a healthy child, planting a tree or building a house. Success is not only a good career. It is also having a balance in life and helping other people. As somebody has rightly said, “Success is the completion of anything intended”.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Человек – творец своего счастья! Man – the Seeker of Happiness!

Автор: Курбанмагомедова Луиза Магомедовна

Дата: 02.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 529914

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