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Comparison of Adjectives

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«Comparison of Adjectives»

КГУ « Средняя школа № 10 им. Н.К. Крупской»

Разработка открытого урока

по теме : «Comparison of Adjectives» в 6 классе

Учитель: Кадралина А. Г.

г. Петропавловск

Тема урока: Степени сравнения прилагательных

Цель: Закрепление изученного лексического и грамматического материала по теме

Задачи: 1. Выработка практических навыков образования степеней сравнения прилагательных

2. Формирование умения строить фразы и предложения с прилагательными

3. Расширение словарного запаса учащихся

4. Развитие навыка аудирования

5. Развитие познавательной и мыслительной деятельности

6. Формирование умения работать в парах и в группе

7. Развитие устойчивого интереса к предмету

Оснащение урока: УМК « English 6» Т. Аяповой и З. Абильдаевой, наглядные пособия, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись детских песен на английском языке, видеофильмы из учебной серии “Grammar Genius” (Comparison of Adjectives, Unit 15) и “Go! Animate” (“I’m taller than you”), ноутбук, проектор, экран, рабочая тетрадь.

Тип урока: Обобщение лексического и грамматического материала

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Greeting the pupils and guests.

  2. Warming-up: “Find something ……..in the classroom”.

  3. Introduction to the lesson.

  4. “Adjectives in the box”.

  5. Grammar revision.

  6. Phonetic Drills.

  7. “Grammar Tennis”.

  8. “I’m taller than you” (“A Boaster” game).

  9. Doing exercises (song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”).

  10. “Rhyming adjectives”.

  11. Watching a film (“Grammar Genius”).

  12. “The Guinness Book of Records”.

  13. Conclusion.

  1. Greeting the pupils and guests.

T: How do you do, kids?

P-s: How do you do?

T: I hope you are well kids.

P-s: We hope you are, too.

T: Pupils, we have guests today. Please, turn around and say “Good morning”.

P-s: Good morning!

T: Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson.

  1. Warming-up: “Find something…….. in the classroom”.

T: Our first activity is “Find something…….. in the classroom”. When I say “Find something…….. in the classroom” you’re to look around the classroom and find some particular object. E.g. I say “Find something white in the classroom”. You say “The door is white”.

  1. Introduction to the lesson.

T: We say “green, big, long, round, beautiful, small,…,….. ”What part of speech are all these words?

P-s: They are adjectives.

T: You’re right. Adjectives are the main words in our today’s lesson.

You’ll pronounce adjectives, make up phrases with adjectives, play games with adjectives, write a rhyme with adjectives , watch a video with adjectives and at the end of our lesson you’ll know about some interesting facts from “The Guinness Book of Records”.

Pupils, today we have another guest. Do you know him? What is his name?

P-s: His name is M-r Adjective.

T: M-r Adjective lives in the country which is called “English Grammar”. He is responsible for all the adjectives in the English language and he comes to our lessons to help you with your grammar.

  1. Adjectives in the Box”

T: M-r Adjective has prepared interesting tasks for you.

He has a box . There’re cards with different adjectives in the box. For this activity I need 3 pupils from each group. Come up to the board, please. You’re to choose any card you like, read the adjective, translate it into Russian and make up a phrase or a short sentence with the adjective. E. g., “big” – “большой” – “a big ball”/”I have a big ball”.

  1. Grammar Revision.

T: At our previous lesson M-r Adjective told you how to compare people and things. Let’s remember our rules. Answer my questions:

  1. Сколько степеней сравнения у английских прилагательных? Как они называются?

  2. Какие есть способы образования степеней сравнения?

  3. От каких прилагательных степени сравнения образуются при помощи суффиксов -er/ -est?

Образуйте степени сравнения от прилагательных “big, clean, pretty”. (Дети выполняют это упражнение в тетрадях. Затем зачитывают вслух.)

  1. От каких прилагательных степени сравнения образуются при помощи слов “more”/”most”? Образуйте степени сравнения от прилагательных “beautiful, boring, fantastic”.

(Упражнение выполняется в тетради.)

  1. Вспомните и назовите два неправильных прилагательных и степени сравнения от них (good-better-the best; bad-worse-the worst).

  2. Какое маленькое слово очень любят прилагательные в превосходной степени? (the).

  1. Phonetic Drills.

T: Practice your pronunciation. (Отработка произношения межзубного звука.)

Together, together,

Together every day.

Together, together

We work and play.

  1. Grammar Tennis”.

T: Let’s play “Grammar Tennis”. Do you remember the rule?

P1: big

P2: bigger

P1: the biggest

P2: beautiful

P1: more beautiful

P2: the most beautiful

P1: ……..

  1. A Boaster”

T: Our next game is “A Boaster”. But before playing this game let’s go to the Zoo and listen to what a giraffe and a zebra are talking about. (The pupils are watching a film “I’m taller than you”) Now, what has the giraffe said?.... OK. He has said: “I’m taller than you.”The giraffe is a boaster.

When we compare two people or things we say “THAN” : taller than… , bigger than…, more interesting than… . Let’s play “A Boaster” game.

T: I’m clever.

P1: I’m cleverer than you.

P2: I’m the cleverest.

P3: I’m tall.

P4: I’m taller.

P5: I’m the tallest.

  1. Doing exercises and singing a song ( “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”)

T and P-s :

Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

  1. Rhyming Adjectives”

T: The next activity that M-r Adjective has prepared for you is “Rhyming adjectives”. Now you are to write a short poem – a rhyme. I have 8 adjectives for each group. Read and translate them.

Gr.1 : bad, happy, high, good, slow, fast, sad, low.

Gr.2 : big, old, hot, small, young, tall, cold, short.

T: The first task is to match the opposites.

Gr.1 : bad - good, happy – sad, slow – fast, low – high.

Gr.2 : big – small, old – young, hot – cold, tall – short.

T: Now you are to put the pairs in some particular order to have lines that end with the same letters. Glue the adjectives to the paper , put “AND” between each pair. Your rhymes are ready. Read them out aloud.

Gr.1 : Good and Bad.

Happy and Sad.

High and Low.

Fast and Slow.

Gr.2 : Big and Small.

Short and Tall.

Young and Old.

Hot and Cold.

  1. Watching a film (“Grammar Genius”)

T: Now pupils, you are watching a film. Mark and Betty are going to the party. Listen to their dialogue. After that say what the dialogue is about and what adjectives you have heard. (prettier, better, nicer)

Grammar Genius (Comparison of adjectives, Unit 15)

Mark: Betty! Are you ready? The party starts at seven.

Betty: One minute, Mark… Mark, do you like this dress or that dress?

Mark: This dress is prettier than that dress.

Betty: Mark, do you like this bag or that bag?

Mark: This bag is better than that bag.

Betty: Mark, do like these glasses or those glasses?

Mark: These glasses are nicer than those glasses.

Betty: I’m ready. Let’s go!

Mark: Oh, Betty!

X II. “The Guinness Book of Records”

T: Look at the screen, please. Here you can see The Guinness

Book of Records”. Pupils, have you ever heard about this book?

What is the Book about? What adjectives can we read in this

Book? Give your examples. ( the superlative adjectives – the tall-

est, the longest, the biggest, the heaviest, …..) Now I’m telling you about some interesting facts from “The Guinness Book”. Listen to me and see the pictures on the screen. Try to remember the adjectives. (The pupils watch the slide show and then answer the teacher’s questions and match adjectives with nouns.)

man – the tallest table tennis player – the oldest

cucumber – the longest hamburger – the largest

lemon – the heaviest dog – the biggest

skis – the longest building – the highest

  1. Conclusion.

T: We have done a lot of different activities today. Do you like the lesson? Which activity do you like best? Which task is the most difficult for you? …..OK. The tasks are not very difficult for you because you are good and clever pupils. Today you get only good and excellent marks. Put down your home task. Now say “Thank you” to M-r Adjective for his help and “Good bye” to our dear guests. Thank you for the lesson. I wish you good luck. See you on Wednesday.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Comparison of Adjectives

Автор: Кадралина Айман Галимовна

Дата: 26.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 440837

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