Read the Text «Computer: harm or benefit» and complete the table
Computer: harm or benefit
There are many inventions. The computer is one of the most important. Nowadays people are discussing its usefulness. Some people say that computers are very useful, others don’t agree with it.
The computer is used in many spheres of human life. It operates technique, helps to project spaceships, transport, buildings… The role of the computer in our life is great. We can use it to get much information, contact with people living very far away. There are also many teaching programs. People read books, listen to music, play games, watch films, and take part in competitions with the help of the computer. Therefore, you can work and relax with its help.
An answer to virtually any question can be found on the Internet. You can write an e-mail, or call using Skype. A lot of people find extra income doing some work remotely. Some hobbies can also be done on a computer, for example, music composing or photography retouch.
Computers can be used for education and self-education. There are a lot of free and paid courses to choose from. You can also study with a teacher from a different country without leaving home.
Spending too much time on a computer is bad for your health. First of all, it makes your eyes tired. Sitting without changing your posture for many hours is also harmful. One should remember about it and try to minimize these harmful effects.
Many people spend hours on social networks and watching videos or movies. Children can also spend too much time playing computer games. One should remember about it and try to limit time spent on a computer.
Advantages of a computer
Disadvantages of a computer
Matchthewordsandpictures (подберите изображения к их значениям)
Перед выполнением данного задания посмотрите обучающие видео-файлы (ThePastSimple – простое прошедшее время для повторения и phrasalverbs – употребление фразовых глаголов)
Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the phrasal verbs in the box. (Дополнитепредложенияфразовымиглаголамивформе the past simple)