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Экологические проблемы

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Экологические проблемы»

Тема: Ecological Problems.

Практическая цель: развитие навыков устной речи.

Развивающая цель: способствовать развитию логического мышления учащихся, умения анализировать, высказывать свои мысли, аргументировать и т.д.

Воспитательная цель: создание условий для воспитания бережного отношения к природе, к миру вокруг.

Методическая тема: обучение английскому языку с использованием элементов проектной методики.

Оборудование: наглядности по теме "Air Pollution", "Water Pollution", "Deforestation"; аудиокассета с текстом "The Penans"; выставка литературы, раздаточный материал, постеры, ученические проекты.

Ход урока.

1. Начало урока. Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

Good morning, my friends. I'm glad to see you again. I hope you are fine. Well, I see that you are ready to start our lesson. And at the very beginning of it I invite you to look at the blackboard. Can you say what things we are going to talk about? Right you are. And the main question is: "Is It Too Late To Save Our World?" By the end of the lesson you'll have discussed the most important ecological problems that endanger people's lives and I hope we'll be able to give the answer to this alarming question.

2. Речевая зарядка. Стихотворение "A Better World" записано на доске. В нём пропущены некоторые слова. Учащимся предлагается заполнить пропуски словами, подходящими по смыслу (см. приложение №1)

This poem is closely connected with our topic. You can notice that some words have been missed. Look attentively and try to fill in the gaps with the suitable words… OK. You've done this quite well. Now I shall read the poem for you. Do you like it? Let's read it all together… Thanks.

3. Закрепление ранее изученной лексики по теме урока. Учащиеся работают с раздаточным материалом в группах сменного состава. Использование идеи обучения в сотрудничестве (см. приложение №2)

You know it's not an easy topic to discuss and, of course, it is necessary to revise some particular words. I shall give you the cards that are written in different colours. First join the group of pupils who have the cards of the same the word… Now check your ideas with the help of this test-card… And now join another group. Each group of pupils should have cards that are written in different colours, your group-mates name the word according to your definition.

4. Обучение устной речи на основе аудирования иноязычного текста.

а) учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и выполняют задания

Now we are going to listen to the text. You will hear that people care about different problems of our world and they would like to change something. Look at the list of problems below the chart and say which of them people mention.

б) учащиеся заполняют предложенную им таблицу, письменно используя опору (см. приложение №3)

в) учащиеся выбирают любую из данных проблем, приводят примеры и предлагают пути её решения.

...I'm sure you are not indifferent to these problems. Chose any of them, try to express your own point of view on the problem and way what people should do to solve it... Thank you so much. I see that you are very concerned about all of these problems. It is very important as the future of our planet is in your hands, and you'll be able to save our planet.

с) Теперь мы все примем участие в работе международной конференции. Я знаю, что вы изучили четыре самые важные экологические проблемы в небольших группах и сейчас можете обменяться своими мнениями. Я вижу здесь представителей разных стран. Я прошу руководителей делегаций представить свои группы. Расскажите о теме своего доклада...

d) Обсуждение основных вопросов всеми участниками конференции по следующим направлениям: Беларусь – радиоактивное загрязнение, Англия – загрязнение воздуха в больших промышленных городах, Шотландия – проблемы мирового океана, Уэльс – уничтожение тропических лесов.

Ok. All the participants have known each other and we can start our work. Please listen to the speakers, ask them questions and that will make the work of the conference more interesting.

5. Заключительная часть работы конференции. Самостоятельная работа учащихся в группах по выработке предложений

(см. приложение №4)

I'm very thankful to everybody who has taken an active part in this serious discussion. To sum up our work I would like each group to take into account everything you've heard today and offer some simple advice or appeals about practical steps you could take to protect or improve the environment in the following directions. Put down your appeals on these sheets of paper and then stick them to the poster.

6. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия

(см. приложение №5)

. Домашнее задание.

Somebody may think one person acting alone can't do much, but if we all do something there will be a big impact. And if we don't, - some problems will get worse. So, is it too late to save our world?

Well, remember everything you did at the lesson today. What do you think of your work? Chose and complete any of these statements...

I hope the lesson was really interesting for you. I'm very pleased with your work. I offer you to answer the following questionnaire at home. We'll discuss it tomorrow. I think you'll enjoy it. Thanks to everybody. You may be free. Goodbye.

Приложение №1

A Better World.

I woke up one day

And I saw that things were not OK.

I heard the cars making noise

I saw the streets are no place for toys.

The children try to find a place

Better for them to play.

Where are the fields and gardens?

Oh, God! People are killing the planet.

I pray but changes don't come,

We are still alive, it's not fun.

We have to try to find a way,

A better world for us to stay.

I made a plea, do something with me,

Because it's not a simple thing.

Our lives are in danger

And we want a better world to live in.

Приложение №2

Card №1 (red)

  1. natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment;

  2. to make the water, air dirty and dangerous to live in;

  3. a place where rubbish is left;

  4. a situation where there is not enough of something.

Card №2 (blue)

  1. power to effect people's actions;

  2. the problem of temperature rise in the Earth's atmosphere;

  3. to cause someone to be in dangerous situations in which they might be harmed;

  4. a species of animals that no longer has any living members;.

Card №3(yellow)

  1. air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live;

  2. something that is used to kill or hurt people in a fight or a war;

  3. making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in;

  4. not hurt, not in danger, not dangerous.

Приложение №3


What problems do the people care about?

  1. Copy this chart:












Cruelty to animals


The destruction of the ozone layer


Some people have a lot of money and some are very poor.

We keep ani-mals in cages in Zoos on farms. It's wrong to kill animals.

We are de - stroying the planet. We are polluting the air in the cities. We are polluting the seas too.

The ozone layer protects us from radiation, but if there are holes in the ozone layer the radiation gets to the air.

What should we do?

Rich people should give money to help the poor. Rich countries should help poor countries.

We should leave animals alone. We should make them free.

We all should use less energy. And if we less used cars, for example, we wouldn't have so much pollution in the cities.

We should have good filters at nuclear power stations, at factories.

  1. Listen. Which of these problems do the people mention? Put them in your chart:


global warming

cruelty to animals

destruction of the ozone layer

nuclear power



  1. Listen again and complete your chart.

Приложение №4


    • don't break trees and other wild plants;

    • plant more trees if you have room

On the road:

    • use unleaded petrol if your car can take it;

    • encourage your friends and relatives to use good filters in their cars and buses;

    • use transport as less as possible.


    • don't drop litter;

    • help voluntary groups in your area with clean up projects.


    • chose goods that can be recycled;

    • encourage your school to recycle its wastes;

    • avoid products with unnecessary or wasteful packaging.

Приложение №5

Chose and complete any of statements:

  1. It was difficult for me...

  2. I enjoyed...

  3. It was interesting...

  4. I have learnt...

  5. I would like to...

  6. I am (not) satisfied with...

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Экологические проблемы

Автор: Герасименко Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 12.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 456888

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