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Great Britain History

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E a r l y   B r i t a in.

 Prehistoric   Times.

The earliest inhabitants of Britain lived in caves.  They hunted animals  and gathered plants. They made tools and weapons out of flint  and  bone. From about 2500 BC a farming people began to cross to the British Isles from mainland  Europe. Farming Largely replaced hunting.

      Bronze  was in use from about 2000 BC. Bronze  was  made  by  mixing copper with tin. This discovery resulted in better utensils, weapons and tools with a sharp cutting edge.  During the Bronze age most people lived in small villages made up few families.  Archaeological evidence shows  that from about 1000 BC  fortified settlement were built.

     Iron  was brought  by the first of the Celts who began to invade  Britain around 700 Bc. During the Iron  Age  people belonged to tribes ruled by chiefs. Celtic  priests, known as druids, made human  and  animal sacrifices to their gods.  Druids also acted as teachers and judges. druidic rites were held in clearings in oak forests.

     The Celts developed a  system of Kingdoms  by the time  when  the  Romans under  Julius Caesar  first to Britain.

S t o n e h e n g e.

         Stonehenge   is a  prehistoric  monument  on Salisbury Plain. It dates  back tj about 2000 BC. Structure is a circle  of upright stones, some of which  are still  linked  by horizontal  lintels  on top. The stones  align with the position of  the  sun. perhaps  the circle  was  used  for  astronomical calculations  or sacred rites.

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«Great Britain History»

Британия тарихы (“British History”) тақырыбында ағылшын тілінен

жасаған таңдау курстың бағдарламасы.

Елімізде білім беру саласында демократияландыру, ізгілендіру іске асырылып жатқан кезеңде, мектепте өзге пәндермен бірге шетел тілін ана тілімен қоса оқып үйрену, оқушының сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастырып қана қоймайды, оны өзін қоршаған ортамен, айналасындағы адамдармен қарым-катынас мәдениетіне де үйретеді. Оқушының шетел тілінде сөйлеу қабілетін жетілдіру - сабақта берілетін бүкіл білім мазмұнының негізгі мақсаты болып табылады.

Шетел тілі пәндері, басқа да жалпы білім беретін пәндер сияқты, тәрбиелік, білімдік және жетілдіру сияқты адамзаттың басты байлықтарын беру міндетін атқарады. Оқушыларға шет тілінде оқуды, жазуды, сөйлеуді, бір тілден екінші тілге аударуды үйреткенде біз оларға басқа халықтың мәдениетін , әрі дүние жүзі мәдениетін білуге жол ашамыз, яғни басқа халықтармен қарым-қатынас жасауға мүмкіндік туады. Сөйтіп, орта мектептегі шетел тілі қазіргі кезде біздің қоғамымыздың әлеуметтік-эканомикалық, ғылыми-техникалық және жалпы мәдени прогрестің іс жүзіндегі факторына айналуда. Демек, қазіргі таңда шетел тілінің жалпы білім беретін пән ретінде орта мектепте атқарар қызметі, оқушыларды өздері үйреніп жатқан тілде сөйлейтін халықпен түсіністік, ортақ көз-карас орнатуға дайындап, тәрбие, білім беріп, әрі жеке басын, өмірге деген көз қарасын жан-жақты дамыту болып саналады.

Сол себепті оқушылармен жүргізілетін оку-тәрбие жұмыстарында әр түрлі оқыту бағдарламалары жаслуда..Осы үсынылып отырған бағдарламаның міндеті ағылшын тілін оқып үйреніп жатқан оқушылар арасында, осы тілдің негізін калыптастыру мен оқушының жазылған мәтіндерді түсініп оқуға, жаза білу және қоршаған ортаға(әлемге) байланысты әңгімеге араласу мүмкіндіктерін туғызу. Сондай - ақ окушыларды қолдай отырып, пікірталастарға, рөлдік ойындарға қатысуға ынталандыру және сөйлеу, тыңдау, оқу, жазу дағдыларын қалыптастыру, сонымен бірге өз ойын ортаға салып, еркін пікірлей білуге үйрету.

Бағдарлама жасау барысында, жалпы білім беретін орта мектеп бағдарламасының білім стандарты жүйесіне сүйене отырып қазақ тілі, тарих, география және басқада пәндермен байланыс жүзеге асырылды.

Қолданбалы және таңдау курстары аптасына бір сағатқа жоспарланған болса бұл бағдарлама ағылшын тілін дәстүрлі түрде үйрету тәсілдері граматиканы талдау мен түсіндіруді әр түрлі практикалық іс-әрекеттер арқылы қарастыруға, коммуникативті-функциональды тәсілдер арқылы оқушылар ережелерді өздері қорытындылап, кез келген мәселелерді шешуге өз пікірін жеткізе білуге бағытталған.

Бағдарламада жинақталған тақырыптар, мәтіндер мен жаттығулар оқушының өзін қоршаған ортаға ара қатынасына, этикалық-эстетикалық әдеттерді бойына жинап, патриот болып қалыптасуына және өзінің болашақ мамандық таңдауына ықпал етуі сөзсіз.

Бағдарлама 34 сағатқа жоспарланған.

Әр негізгі тақырыптан соң оқушының алған білімін тексеру мақсатында жаттығулар мен бақылау жұмыстары қойылған.

Бағдарламаның мазмұны

«Британия тарихы» бағдарламасы осы елдің өте ерте кезеңдерінен бастап қазіргі күндеріне дейінгі деректерді қамтыған. Жинақталған мәліметтер қысқа да ықшам түрде, баланың түсінігіне жеңіл болуы көзделген. Бұл бағдарлама бірнеше бөлімдерден тұрады.

Олар: -Early Britain - The Tudors

- Roman Britain -The Stuarts

- Anglo-Saxon Times -The 18th Century

- The Normans -The 19th Century

- The Plantagents - The 20th Century

Бұл бөлімдерді оқи отырып оқушы өзі тілін үиреніп жатқан елдің тарихымен танысады.

Сол елдің мәдениеті мен салт-дәстүрінен хабардар болады.Британияның өте ерте жылдарынан бастап қазіргі қазіргі кезеңге дейінгі деректер топтамасын оқиды. Оқушы бұл елдің өткені мен қазіргісін салыстыра отырып ой толғауға мүмкіндік алады.

Британия тарихында кездесетін кейбір тарихи эпизодтар баланың қызығушылығын арттырады. Мысалы үшін: “Titanic”, “Battle of Britain” тағы да басқа осы сияқты әңгімелер балалар қызығып оқитын тақырыптар. Сонымен бірге бұл ел, тарихи ескерткіштерге өте бай ел. Олардың пайда болу тарихына үңілсек көптеген қызықты деректерге кездесеміз. Сондай ақ тарихи тұлғалар жайлы оқып үйренеміз. Олардың өз заманында еткен ерліктері,өнегелі істері, халқына жасаған қызметі, артында қалған өшпес іздері туралы білеміз. Осы елдің әлеуметтік жағдайы, мәдениеті, әдет ғұрптары туралы оқып үйренеміз. Ең бастысы баланың сөздік қоры молайып, тілдік дағдысы ,патриоттық тәрбиесі қалыптасады.

. Бағдарламаны іске асырудан күтілетін нәтижелер.

- Шет тілін үйрену кезінде өзі тілін үйреніп жатқан елдің тарихын оқып білу , оқушының қызығушылығын арттырады.

- Тарихи деректерді оқи отырып өз бетінше тұжырым жасап ой түйіндеуге үйренеді.

- Тұлғалар мне құбылыстарды салыстырып өздерінің логикалық ойлау қабілеттерін шыңдайды.

- Өзі тілін үйреніп жатқан елмен қатар, өзінің туған өлкесімен салыстыра отырып жақсы мен жаманды , әділдік пен әділетсіздік туралы түсінікке ие болады.

- Бала патриоттыққа тәрбиеленеді.

- Түрлі байқауларда өз тұжырымын еркін жасауға үйренеді.

Оқушының білім біліктілігіне және дағдыларына қойылатын талаптар.

1. Оқушылар төмендегідей дағдыларды игеруі қажет.

- Оқушының тіл үйренуге деген қызығушылығының артуы.

- Баланың сөздік қоры молайып , тілдік дағды қалыптасуы.

- Кестелер , диаграммалармен жұмыс істей білуі.

- Өз білімдерін керек жерінде қолдана білуі.

- Берілген тапсырмалар бойынша баяндама, рефераттар , хабарламалар дайындай білуі.

2. Оқушылардың білімі мен біліктілігіне қойылатын талаптар.

- Өзі оқып білген тарихи деректерді ағылшын тілінде жеткізіп баяндап бере білуі.

- Оқу кезінде кездесетін тарихи тұлғалардың қай салада, қай заманда өмір сүргенін , олардың өмірлік мұратын, ерекшеліктерін білу.

- Осы тарихи деректерді оқып үйреніп, ағылшын тілінде хабарламалар жасап оны қорғай білу.

- Басқада көркем әдебиеттерді ағылшын тілінде оқып, саралай білуге үйрену.

- Ағылшын тілінде еркін сөйлеп ойын толық жеткізуге дағдылану.











Оқушының білімін тексеру





British History


Early Britain


-Prehistoric Times


-Brutus the Trojan



История Велико-


Санкт-Петербург 2004




Roman Britain


  • Roman names and Landmarks

  • Boudicca’s Revolt

  • The Roman Legacy

  • The Scots and Picts






Москва .2007






Anglo –Saxon Times


  • The Anglo-Saxons and the Juets

  • King Arthur

  • Christianity

  • Ring Alfred

  • Earl Godwine and Edward the confessor

  • Harold II, The Last Anglo -Saxon King





История Велико-


Санкт-Петербург 2004





Test 1




The Normans


  • William I and His Sons

  • The Normans

  • Tower of London






The Plantagenets


  • The Plantagenets

  • Richard I and King John

  • Edward I

  • William Wallace

  • The Principality of Wales

  • The British Peerage

  • Edward III and Richard II

  • The Hundred Years’ War

  • The Wars of the Roses





История Велико-


Санкт-Петербург 2004





Test 2



The Tudors


-The House of Tudor

-Thomas More

-Church of England



-Francis drake

-The Spanish Armada

-Mary Stuart






Москва .2007 .





Test 3




The Stuarts


-The house of Stuarts

-Gunpowder Plot

-Charles I

-Duke of Buckingham

-Oliver Cromwell

-Christopher Wren

-St Paul’s Cathedral

-Monument for Great Fire of London


-Queen Anne





История Велико-


Санкт-Петербург 2004





Test 4




The 18th Century


-The Royal Society

-The War of the Austrian Succession

- The battle of Culloden

-Black Hole of Calcutta

-The Royal Academy of Arts

-James Cook

-The War of American Independence






История Велико-



бург 2004






The 19thy Century


  • Horatio Nelson

  • “Victory”

  • Peninsular War

  • William IV

  • Queen Victoria

  • National Gallery

  • Trafalgar Square

  • Great Exhibition

  • Crimean War

  • The house of Windsor

  • George V






Москва .2007

Бақылау жұмысы




Test 5




The 20th Century


  • Herbert Asquith

  • Armistice Day

  • Labor Party

  • Ramsay MacDonald

  • House of Commons

  • Winston Churchill

  • Elizabeth II

  • Westminster Abbey

  • Oxford University

  • British Library

  • Beatles

  • Margaret Thatcher





История Велико-



бург 2004



Москва .2007



Test 6



E a r l y B r i t a in.

Prehistoric Times.

The earliest inhabitants of Britain lived in caves. They hunted animals and gathered plants. They made tools and weapons out of flint and bone. From about 2500 BC a farming people began to cross to the British Isles from mainland Europe. Farming Largely replaced hunting.

Bronze was in use from about 2000 BC. Bronze was made by mixing copper with tin. This discovery resulted in better utensils, weapons and tools with a sharp cutting edge. During the Bronze age most people lived in small villages made up few families. Archaeological evidence shows that from about 1000 BC fortified settlement were built.

Iron was brought by the first of the Celts who began to invade Britain around 700 Bc. During the Iron Age people belonged to tribes ruled by chiefs. Celtic priests , known as druids, made human and animal sacrifices to their gods. Druids also acted as teachers and judges . druidic rites were held in clearings in oak forests.

The Celts developed a system of Kingdoms by the time when the Romans under Julius Caesar first to Britain.

S t o n e h e n g e.

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain. It dates back tj about 2000 BC. Structure is a circle of upright stones, some of which are still linked by horizontal lintels on top. The stones align with the position of the sun. perhaps the circle was used for astronomical calculations or sacred rites.

B r u t u s t h e T r o j a n.

Brutus the Trojan was the legendary founder of London. Tradition has it that he arrived in Britain from Troy and destroyed the race of giants inhabiting it. The only surviving giants , Gog and Magog, were brought by Brutus to London and porters at the gate of his palace.

R o m a n B r i t a i n .

Roman Names and Landmarks.

The ancient times of Britain was Albion . first mentioned in the 4th century BC, it was probably of Celtic origin. The Romans assumed that Albion was derived from albus (white) and referred it to the chalk cliffs at Dover.

Britain comes from the roman Britannia, which in its turn derived from the Celtic Britto, the name of one of the Celtic tribes living in the British Isles. Today the name indicates England, Scotland and Wales.

Hadrian’s Wall was the biggest Roman fortification in Britain. It was built in AD 122-126. It marked the northern boundary of Roman Britain and was a defensive barrier against the Picts and Scots, warlike tribes of the north. The Wall extended from the River Tyne in the east to the Solway Firth in the west for at least 74 miles. The Wall was named after Hadrian the roman emperor who authorized the construction. It was abandoned in about 383. Parts of Hadrian’s Wall still exist.

B o u d I c c a ’ s R e v o l t .

Boudicca was the queen of a British tribe. Her husband had been a tributary of the Romans. After his death the territory of the tribe was annexed.

Boudicca raised her people in revolt, burning several Roman towns. Her troops were annihilated by the regular Roman army and she poisoned herself not to be taken prisoner. Boudicca is also known in history by the Latin form of her name Boudicea.

T h e R o m a n L e g a n c y .

The Romans brought writing into Britain. They introduced their alphabet which is still in use. Almost half the words in modern English derive from Latin, the language of the Romans. Britain enjoyed the Roman sophisticated legal system. Roman towns were fortified settlements with houses that had a drainage and a form of central heating. Their roads, built of stone, were long and straight and they linked London with all parts of Britain.

At the beginning of the 5th century the Emperor Constantine III withdrew the Roman forces to mainland Europe. He needed troops to defend Rome from barbarian invasion. After the departure of the army Roman civilization in the British Isles gradually fell into decay.

T h e S c o t s a n d P I c t s .

Originally, Scotia denoted Ireland, whose inhabitants were Scotti.

Fron the 2nd century AD waves of migrant Scots crossed the North Channel and settled in northwestern Britain. In the 5th century they formed a kingdom known as Dalriada. The Scots subjugated the Picts and in the 11th century they established their rule over the territory roughly corresponding to that of modern mainland Scotland came to be the name for the whole land and since that time all its inhabitants have been called Scots.

The Picts were an ancient people of pre-Celtic times, living in what is now eastern Scotland. They were first Mentioned in AD 297, when a Roman writer spoke of the m attacking Hadrian’s Wall. Their warfare with the Romans was almost continual. They developed two kingdoms, which merged in the 7th century. In 843 , Kenneth Mac Alpin, King of the Scots , spread his rule over the Pictish territory and united the Picts with the Celtic Scots in a new kingdom of Alba, which evolved into Scotland.


The Anglo –Saxons and Juts.

Anglo – Saxons were North German invaders who with the Jutes conquered Britain between the 5th and 7th centuries. After the conquest seven kingdoms were set up: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Wessex. The Kingdoms were united in the early 9th century under the overlordship of Wessex.The Angles gave England its name.

The Jutes were a German tribe that invaded the southeastern part of Britain in the 5th century. The Jutes established a kingdom in Kent making Canterbury their capital.

King Arthur.

Arthur, the legendary Celtic warrior , was first mentioned in a 9th century chronicle speaks of his 12 victories over the invading Anglo-Saxons. The story of the Round Table first appeared in 1155. In medieval times Arthur’s legend was retold by many authors and Thomas Malory gave his account in prose, Known as “death of Arthur”.


Christianity was introduced into Britain by the Romans in the 3rd century. The first Christian martyr of England was St Alban.According to tradition, Alban served in the Roman army at Verulamium. Converted to Christianity, he was beheaded for his faith in 303. In the 8th century an abbey was founded on the site of Alban' s execution. Round this abbey the city of St Albans grew up.

St George, patron saint of England, is believed to have been martyred by the Emperor Diocletian in Palestine. The cult of St George was introduced into Western Europe by the crusaders and he was proclaimed patron saint of England in the reign of Edward ।।।. It is thought that the execution took place on the 23rd of April, 303, and this date was made the feast day of St George.

King Alfred.

Alfred became king of Wessex in 871. Ht repelled several Danish attacks on Wessex and after years of effort he defeated the Danes at the battle of Edington (878). This victory helped to bring about peace with the Danes . In 886, Alfred captured London and was accepted king in all England except the north and east that were held by Danes.

Alfred established a strong army , he constructed fortresses along the south coast and built a fleet of ships. An able administrator, he also promoted education and his own translations from Latin are part of the earliest English literature.

Earl Godwin and Edward the Confessor

Godwin became a favorite of the Danish king, Canute the Great, who made him Earl of Wessex about 1018. When Edward came to the throne , Godwin dominated him and was the most powerful man in England during the first years of Edward's reign.

In 1045 Earl Godwin married his daughter to the king. Godwin's son Harold succeeded to Edward's throne in 1066 as Harold ।।.

Edward became king of England in 1042 when the Danish royal line died out. During the first years of his reign he was influenced by Godwin and then by his Norman favourites who were granted high positions in his government.

When dying in 1066, King Edward on his deathbed named Godwin’s son, Harold , as his successor. However William, duke of Normandy, claimed that the crown had already been promised to him . William led an invasion and killed Harold at the Battle of Hastings.

Edward was canonized in 1161. Ht was nicknamed the Confessor because of his piety.

Harold II, the Last Anglo-Saxon King.

The last Anglo – Saxon king of England was Harold II ( 1020-66). Son of Godwin, he inherited his father’s earldom in 1053. In 1063, Harold and his brother subjugated Wales.

On his deathbed Edward the Confessor left the throne to Harold.

A strong ruler and a skilled general, Harold held the crown for only nine months. William Duke of Normandy , claimed the English throne insisting that Edward had promised it to him.

William crossed the English Channel with his Norman troops and landed in England in September 1066. Harold attacked him near Hastings and was killed in battle.

Test paper 1.

1 . Put in the missing prepositions.

1. The Celts migrated … the British Isles … the Continent.

2. Druidic rites were held … clearings … oak forests .

3. Hadrian’s Wall extended … at least 74 miles.

4. The wall was a defensive measure … the Scots and Picts.

5. The wall was named … the Emperor Hadrian.

6. St Alban suffered … the Emperor Diocletian.

7. Offa founded an abbey … the site of Alban’s execution.

8. The city of St Albans grew up … the abbey.

9. The chronicle speaks … Arthur’s victories … the Saxons.

10. Alfred repelled several Danish attacks … Wessex.

2. Make nouns from the verbs using the suffixes -al, -ance, -ant, -ion, -ment.

1. achieve 2 arrive 3. calculate 4. civilize

5. crucify 6. dominate 7. educate 8. excavate,

9. execute. 10. fortify. 11. found. 12. inhabit.

13. introduce. 14. invade. 15. migrate. 16. move.

17. proclaim. 18. profess. 19. promote. 20. Reject.

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the passive voice.

1. Iron ( introduce) around 700 BC.

2. The giants (put) at the gate of Brutus’ palace.

3. The wooden effigies can (see) in the Guildhall , London.

4. Some uprights still (link) by horizontal lintels on top.

5. The stones (arrange) in a circle.

6. Stonehenge could (use) for astronomical calculations.

7. Druidic rites (hold) in clearings in oak forests.

8. St George (proclaim) patron saint of England.

9. It (think) that the execution took place in AD 303.

10. St George (believe, martyr) under Diocletian.

4. Select the correct answer.

1. Boudicca’s army was defeated and she … .

a) was beheaded

b) was crucified.

c) poisoned herself

2. The Jutes established a Kingdom in … .

a) Central Britain

b) Kent

c) Scotland

3. The Synod of Whitby rejected … .

a) Celtic Christianity

b) Roan Rule

c) Viking overlordship

4. The seven Anglo –Saxon Kingdoms were united under the

overlordship of … .

  1. Mercia

  2. Essex

  3. Britons

5. Alfred defeated the … at the Battle of Edington.

a) Picts

b) Danes

c) Britons

6. The last Anglo-Saxon king of England was … .

a) Edward the Confessor

b) Harold II

c) Godwin

7. England was Largely Christianized by … .

a) St Augustine

b) St George

c) St Patrick

A n s w e r K e y .

Test paper I.

1. 1. to, from. 2. in, in. 3. for. 4. against 5. after. 6. under. 7. on. 8. round.

9. of. over. 10. on.

2. 1. achievement. 2. arrival. 3. calculation. 4. civilization. 5. crucifixion.

6. dominance. 7. education. 8. excavation. 9. execution. 10. fortification.

11. foundation. 12. inhabitant. 13 introduction. 14. invasion. 15. migration.

16. movement. 17. proclamation. 18. profession. 19. promotion. 20 rejection.

3. 1. was introduced. 2. were put. 3. can be seen. 4. are still linked.

5. are arranged. 6. could have been used. 7. were held. 8. was proclaimed .

9. is thought. 10. is believed to have been martyred.

  1. 1.c. 2. b. 3. a. 4. c. 5 . b. 6. b. 7. a

T H E N O R M A N S .

William I and His Sons.

On the death of Edward the Confessor in 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, claimed the English throne. He led an invasion and defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings. Crowned as King William I of England, he crushed the Saxon resistance and transferred most of the land to his Norman followers. He introduced into England a new social system , feudalism , and organized a strong central government.

William became known in history as the Conquer. Born in 1027, William died in France in 1087 after a fall from his horse.

William II (1056-1100) , the 3-d son of William I, inherited England in 1087. He spent much of his reign trying to conquer Normandy from his brother Robert. He crushed a few baronial revolts. William was killed, perhaps by design, while hunting.

Henry I (1068-1135), the youngest son of William I, succeeded his brother William II in 1100. Henry was a skillful administrator and intelligent monarch who brought about order and progress.

The Normans.

The Normans or Norsemen, were descended from Vikings who had settled in northern France. In 911, they accepted the French king as their overlord and were granted the area known as Normandy. The Normans converted to Christianity and adopted the French language and culture.

In 1066, the Normans, led by William, duke of Normandy , crossed the English Channel, landed in the south and defeated the army of Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. They conquered England and then made raids on Scotland . By 1100 the Normans controlled most of Wales.

Hastings: Holiday resort in Sussex on the English Channel . The Battle of Hastings between the invading Normans and the English under Harold II took place 6 miles inland. It was fought on 14 October, 1066.

Domesday Book: Survey of the land holiday in England . King William I sent commissioners into each shire, or county , to make a survey of all the estates. They made elaborate accounts fro which r\the King’s clerks compiled, in 1086, a summary in two large volumes. The survey, known officially as the “description of England” , received the popular name Domesday Book, that is , the book of the last judgement . The survey enable d the king to demand taxes from each shire in proportion to how rich it was.

Tower of London

Royal fortress and London landmark on the north bank of the river Thames. The central keep , known as the White Tower , was begun in 1078 on the site of British And Roan fortifications. It was one of the earliest Norman castles. The White tower is surrounded by two strong walls. The inner wall has 13 towers , of which the best known are the Bloody tower , the Beauchamp tower and the Wakefield tower. The outer wall, with six towers and two bastions, is surrounded by a moat , now dry. The main entrance is nicknamed traitors’ Gate because numerous prisoners were brought through it to the tower , which was used as a state prison. Any prisoners were murdered or executed there, either on Tower Green or outside the castle on tower Hill. Among them were Thomas More, Walter Raleigh, Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Lady Jane Grey, Essex, Strafford and Monmouth. The Tower was Royal residence until the 17th century. It has also housed the Royal Mint , the Royal Observatory, the Public Records and the Royal Menagerie. The British Crown jewels and regalia are on display in the jewel House. The Tower’s museum of armoury is a fine collections of arms and armour from the early Middle Ages to modern times. There is a Resident Governor , who lives in the Queen’s House on Tower Green. The Governor is in charge of the Yeomen Warders, or beefeaters , as they are popularly called. The Yeomen Warders have a number of ceremonial duties which include a daily pared and the ritual ceremony of locking the tower for the night at 10 pm.

The Plantagenets

Henry II (1133-89) was the first of the Plantagenet Kings. Plantagenet comes from the Latin planta genista (broom Plant) , the emblem of Henry’s father , Geoffery Planta genet, count of Anjou. King Henry curbed the power of the barons changed the legal system introducing hearings in proper courts. Henry wanted priests to be tried in civil courts instead of Church courts, but was opposed by Thomas Becket , Archbishop of Canterbury. The King’s conflict with the Church brought about the murder of the Archbishop: four of Henry’s knights killed Becket in 1170.

Richard I and King John

Richard I (1157-99) , the third son of Henry II, twice rebelled against his father. He succeeded to the crown of England in 1189. Richard joined the 3rd crusade (1191-92) and was nicknamed the Lionheart (Арыстанжүрек) for courage. On his way to back to England, he was captured by the Duke of Austria and was held as a prisoner until a large ransom was raised . His later years were spent in warfare in France where he died while besieging a French fortress.

John (1167-1216) the youngest son of Henry II, came to the throne in 1199 after Richard’s death. He lost almost all English possessions in France hence his nickname Lackland ( Жерсіз). John clashed with the Pope over the choice of a new archbishop and the Pope excommunicated him in 1208. He angered the barons who rebelled and made him sing Magna Carta in 1215.

Edward I

Edward I (1239-1307), the eldest son of Henry III, commanded the royal forces that defeated Simon de Montfort in 1265. Edward succeeded to the throne in 1272. He established English rule in Wales and attempted to extend it to Scotland , but the Scots under the leadership of Wallace and Bruce resisted fiercely the English invasion.

Edward’s reign the English Parliament acquired roughly the form which it has today. From 1295 each town and country sent two spokesmen to a meeting called a parliament; the word Parliament comes from the French parler which means to speak.

The Principality of Wales

The principality of Wales is a component country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Wales occupies a peninsula jutting westwards from England into the Irish Sea. The administrative boundary with England was established in 1536 as part of the act of Union that linked England with Wales . The Native language, welsh, is spoken today by less than one-fifth of the population. The capital city is Cardiff.

The title of Prince of Wales was first granted to Prince Edward in 1301. Since that time it has been normally conferred on the monarch’s eldest son. Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth’s son , was invested as the 21st Prince of Wales at Caernarvon Castle in 1969.

The Hundred Years’ War

The Hundred years’ war was a series of military actions between England and France which lasted from 1337 to 1328. In 1328 the French king died without an heir and Edward III claimed the French crown. War broke out in 1337 and at first the English were victorious at the Battles of Crecy (1346 ), Calais (1347) and Poitiers (1356). After 1369 the French prevailed and when Edward III died in 1377, only Calais, Bordeaux and Bayonne were in English hands.

Henry V renewed the struggle. He invaded France in 1415 and routed the French at the battle of Agincourt : after 3 hours of fighting about 1,500 French knights and 4,500 men-at-arms were killed. The French heroine Joan of Arc raised the siege of Orleans in 1429 and French continued their successful counter-offensive until 1453 when the war ended and Calais remained The only English possession in France.

The Wars of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses were the civil wars, fought in 1455-85 between the rival houses of York and Lancaster for the possession of the English throne. The Lancastrians used the red rose as the badge and the Yorkists’ emblem was the white rose.

The strife began in the reign of Henry VI of house of Lancaster. The first battle was fought at St Albans in 1455 and the Yorkists, led by Richard of York , defeated their rivals.

The Lancastrians were crushed again in 1461 at Towton and the Yorkist claimant acceded to the throne as Edward IV. A temporary Lancastrian restoration took place in 1470-71 when Henry VI regained the crown .

The Yorkist rule ended in 1485 with the death of Richard II . Henry Tudor , a Lancastrian , defeated Richard at the Battle of Bosworth and became Henry VII. He married the Princess Elizabeth of York, thus uniting the two Houses.

Test paper 2

  1. Put in the missing prepositions.

1. William transferred most of the land … his followers.

2. Henry II tried to establish his control … the church.

3. Their long quarrel ended … Becket’s murder.

4. Richard I was nicknamed the Lionheart … his courage.

5. He was captured … his way back to England.

6. Richard was held prisoner … a large ransom was paid.

7. His Later years were spent … warfare in France.

8. The French regained control … the English Dominions.

9. The Scots … Bruce defeated the English in 1314.

10. Cade led a rebellion … the government of Henry VI.

  1. Make appropriate nouns from the verbs in brackets.

  1. William led an (invade).

  2. He crashed the Saxon (resist).

  3. He gave most of the land to his Norman (follow).

  4. His reign marked the (establish) of feudalism in England.

  5. The (compile) of the Domesday Book took place in 1086.

  6. It was a (describe) of English land holdings.

  7. After Wallace’s (execute) Robert the Bruce rose again.

  8. The Scots Under his (lead) defeated the English in 1314.

  9. The (arrive) of fresh troops decided the battle.

  10. A temporary Lancastrian (restore) took place in 1470.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past using the active or passive voice.

  1. The Duke of Normandy claim) the English throne.

  2. The English (defeat) at the Battle of Hastings.

  3. William (crown) as King William I of England.

  4. The Domesday Book ( compile) in 1086.

  5. William II (kill) while Hunting.

  6. Richard I ( capture) on his return Journey.

  7. John (oblige) to accept and sing Magna Carta.

  8. Becket (murder) in Canterbury Cathedral.

  9. The battle (fight) near Towton on 29 March , 1461.

  10. Edward and his brother (shut up) in the Tower.

  1. Select the correct answer.

1. King John sealed … .

a. the doesday Book

b. Magna Carta

c. a peace treaty with France

2. John lost almost all English possessions in France hence his

nickname … .

a. the Lionheart

b. Lackland

c. the Black Prince

3. Henry V defeated the French at the Battle of … .

a. Crecy

b. Poitiers

c. Agincourt

4. The Lancastrian badge was the … .

a. shamrock

b. red rose

c. white rose

5. Jack Cade’s Insurgents rebelled against … .

a. high taxes and prices

b. the roll tax

c. Henry III’s misrule

6. The Battle of Towton was Fought … .

a. north of London

b. in Yorkshire

c. near Eton

7 they reserve scholarships for some … at Cambridge University.

a. Edwardians

b. Edonians

c. Lancastrians

Answer Key

I 1. to 2. over .3. with. 4. for. 5.on. 6. until . 7. in 8. over. 9. under

10. against.

II. 1. invasion. 2. resistance. 3. followers. 4. establishment 5. compilation.

6. description 7. execution. 8. leadership. 9. arrival. 10. restoration.

III 1. claimed. 2. were defeated 3. was crowned. 4. was compiled.

5. was killed. 6. was captured . 7 was obliged . 8. was murdered.

9. was fought. 10. were shut up.

IV. 1.b. 2. b. 3. c. 4. b 5. a. 6. b. 7. b.


The House of Tudor

The reign of the royal dynasty of Tudor extended from 1485 to 1603. Henry VII was the first Tudor monarch. He was succeeded by Henry VIII and then followed Henry VIII’s children by different wives: Edward VI;

Mary I and Elizabeth I, the last of the line.

Henry VII (1457-1509) , the first king of the Tudor dynasty, lived in France until 1485 , when he landed in England , raised a rebellion and defeated and killed Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth. To secure his hold on the throne , he married Edward IV’s daughter Elizabeth of York.. He put down two rebellions and restored order after the wars of the Roses by means of the Star Chamber. He imposed heavy fines and accumulated a large fortune. Henry avoided foreign wars. He made Peace treaties with Spain , France and Scotland.

Henry VIII (1491-1547) succeeded his father Henry VII in 1509 and married Catherine of Aragon, the widow of his elder brother Arthur. During the first years of his reign he was active in foreign policy, largely under the guidance of Cardinal Wolsey. Henry disgraced him, however, in 1529, when Wolsey had failed to persuade the Pope to grant Henry a divorce from Catherine.

With Parliament's approval Henry renounced the papal supremacy, proclaimed himself Head of the Church and dissolved the monasteries. Henry had six wives. Catherine of Aragon, the mother of the future Queen Mary I, was divorced in 1533 and the king married Anne Boleyn who was executed in 1536 for alleged adultery. Henry's third wife, Jane Seymour, died in 1537 in childbirth. Then the king married and quickly divorced Anne of Cleves, beheading Thomas Cromwell, his chief assis­tant, who had found him the bride.

Henry's fifth wife, Catherine Howard, was executed in 1542 and the following year Henry married Catherine Parr, who outlived him.

Thomas More

Томас Mop

Thomas More (1478-1535), a writer and statesman, was favoured by Henry VIII who employed him on foreign embassies. In 1523, More became Speaker of the House of Commons and in 1529 he succeeded Wolsey as Lord Chancellor. A devout Catholic, More refused to recognize Henry VIII as Head of the Church and the king had him imprisoned in the Tower of London and executed. More's "Utopia", written in Latin in 1516, describes an ideal state. Thomas More was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1935 Thomas

Church of England Also called the Anglican Church, it originated during the Roman occupation in the 2nd century AD. The Celtic Christian church fused later with the missionary church of St Augustine who founded the See of Canterbury in 597. At the Reforma­tion, Henry VIII replaced the Pope, assuming the right to appoint arch­bishops and bishops. In England, the Church is organized into 2 ecclesi­astical provinces, Canterbury and York. The provinces are headed By the Archbishops. Each province is divided respectively into 29 and 14 bishoprics. Rus: Англиканская церковь.

Reformation The movement which ended the religious unity of Western Europe and resulted in the establishment of the Prot­estant churches. The Reformation began in Germany in 1517 with Mar­tin Luther's protest against the sale of indulgencies. The English Refor­mation was begun during the reign of King Henry VIII. Henry repudi­ated the authority of the Popes in 1534 and dissolved the monasteries. Protestantism was established under Edward VI. After a reaction during Mary's reign, the process was completed by Elizabeth I. The Scottish Reformation triumphed in 1560. Rus: Реформация

Elizabeth I

Елизавета I

Elizabeth (1533-1603) was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She lived in retirement in the reign of her half-sister Mary, whom she succeeded in 1558. Elizabeth enforced the Reformation and in 1570 Pope Pius V excommunicated her. Elizabeth confronted Catho­lic Spain, encouraging English seamen to raid Spanish colonies in America and intercept Spanish treasure-fleets. •

The Dutch rebelled against Spanish rule in 1585 and Elizabeth sent an army to help them. Philip II of Spain retaliated by supporting Catho­lic conspiracies in England. Mary, Queen of Scots, became involved in one of the plots and Elizabeth had her tried and beheaded in 1587. Philip's Armada, sent in 1588 "to punish the English heretics", was annihilated by the English off the coast of France.

The arts flourished under Elizabeth's patronage and her long reign, called the Elizabethan Age, is considered to be the high point of the English Renaissance.

Francis Drake (1540-96)

Most renowned seaman of the Elizabethan Age, the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. I le made a few voyages to the West Indies and in 1572 obtained from the Queen a commission, which allowed him to plunder in the Spanish American colonies. He returned to England with a considerable booty. In 1577, Drake sailed in the "Golden Hind" round the world, plunder­ing Spanish ships on his way, and completed the circumnavigation in about 3 years. When the Spanish ambassador demanded Drake's pun­ishment, Queen Elizabeth knighted him on the deck of the "Golden Hind". He made a raid on the Spanish naval base at Cadiz in 1587. This attack delayed the sailing of the Armada for a year. During the fight with the Armada in the English Channel (1588) he served as a vice-admiral in the "Revenge". Drake sailed on his last expedition to the West Indies in I 595 and died at sea, off Puerto Bello, Panama. Rus: Фрэнсис Дрейк

The Spanish Armada

Испанская Армада

Philip II of Spain built a vast fleet, called the Armada , in order to invade England. It comprised 129 ships which were manned by 8,000 sailors and carried 19,000 soldiers and 2,000 cannon. In July 1588, the Armada was sighted off the coast of Cornwall: the ships were sailing in a crescent seven miles long from horn to horn. The English fleet awaited it off Plymouth. A general battle took place off the French coast. The celebrated seamen Drake, Hawkins and Frobisher took part in the fight­ing. The English sent fire-ships and set many Spanish ships on fire. A gale from the northeast helped to scatter the Armada. What remained of the Spanish fleet escaped round the north of Scotland and west of Ireland, suffering many losses on the way by storm and shipwreck.

Mary Stuart

Мария Стюарт

Mary Stuart (1542-87) was the only child of King James V of Scotland and his French wife. Mary inherited the Scottish crown on her lather's death when she was only six days old. At the age of five she was sent to France, where she married the dauphin, later Francis II. After his

death Mary returned to Scotland.

Her marriage to the Earl of Darnley in 1565 did not last long and ended dramatically. Darnley instigated the murder of Mary's secretary Rizzio, and in 1567 he was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy formed by the Earl of Bothwell. It provoked a rebellion among the Scottish nobles.

Mary abdicated and fled to England. Elizabeth I held her a prisoner, while the Roman Catholics formed several plots to place her on the English throne. Mary's involvement in the conspiracies led to her trial and execution. She is usually called Mary, Queen of Scots.


I. Put in the missing prepositions.

  1. Henry Tudor landed... England.

  2. He defeated Richard III ...the Battle of Bosworth.

  3. Henry restored order... means of the Star Chamber.

  4. Henry VIII had a few children ... different wives.

  5. Enemies plotted ... the new Tudor dynasty.

  6. Henry VIII was active... foreign policy.

  7. He acted largely... the guidance of Cardinal Wolsey.

  8. The Pope did not grant him a divorce ... Catherine.

9. James IV unified Scotland ... royal control.
10, His reign was disturbed ... wars with England.

II. Put in the missing prepositions,

  1. Relations... England and Scotland were stabilized.

  2. James IV came... conflict with Henry VIII.

  3. Edward VI succeeded his father ... the age often.

  4. He wanted to prevent his sister Mary... becoming queen.

  5. Lady Jane Grey was accused... high treason.

  6. There was a plot to place her... the throne.

  7. An insurrection broke out... the leadership of Wyatt.

  8. Mary revived the laws ... heresy.

9. Many Protestants were burned ... the stake.
10. The Bible was translated ... Latin ... English.

III. Make appropriate nouns from the verbs in brackets.

  1. At first Henry acted under the (guide) of Wolsey.

  2. Tyndale was a religious (reform) and (translate).

  3. Wolsey had a rapid (advance) under Henry VIII.

  4. The Anglican Church dates from the Roman (occupy).

  5. The youth was a (support) of the Reformation.

  6. Edward yielded to Northumberland's (persuade).

  7. He named Lady Jane Grey his (succeed).

  8. Wyatt's (intend) was to crown Lady Jane Grey.

  9. Cranmer was an (advise) to Henry VIII and Edward VI.
    10. The Reformation ended the religious (unite) of Europe.

IV. Select the correct answer.

1. Henry VII restored order after the ...

a. Hundred Years' War

b. Wars of the Roses

c. Peasants' Revolt

2. Perkin Warbeck was a ... to the English throne.

a. successor

b. pretender

c. contender

3. The Anglican Church originated during the....

a. Roman occupation

b. Middle Ages

c. Reformation

4.Henry VIII dissolved ....

a. the Star Chamber

b. monasteries

c. Parliament

5. Drake was the first Englishman to ....

a. visit Japan

b. circumnavigate the globe

c. sail in the Caribbean

6. The Lord Chancellor is ....

a. an ecclesiastic

b. the Speaker of the House of Lords

c. the head of the Cabinet

. 7. Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed for ....

a. murdering her secretary

b. involvement in a conspiracy '

c. killing her husband

The Stuarts

The House of Stuart

Дом Стюартов

The House of Stuart was the royal dynasty of Scotland from 1371 шні of England from 1603. James VI, King of Scots, inherited the Eng­lish throne through his great-grandmother Margaret Tudor, daughter of Henry VII. In 1603, after the death of Elizabeth I, he was crowned as King James I of England.

James's son, Charles I, was deposed and after his execution in 1649 the Stuarts were excluded from the throne until the restoration of Charles

II in 1660.

Charles II was succeeded in 1685 by his brother James II. James, a Ionian Catholic, alienated Parliament and the nation, and in 1688 William, Prince of Orange, was invited to come "to the rescue of the laws «lid religion of England". James II fled and spent the rest of his life in « чііс. The Act of Settlement, passed in 1701, denied the crown to any Roman Catholic, and James's descendants were excluded from the throne.

But the Stuarts still ruled in England and Scotland, as William was the son of Charles II's sister, and his wife Mary was James II's elder daughter. They became joint sovereigns as William III and Mary II. They left no issue and the Act of Settlement secured the succession to Mary's sister Anne. The Stuart line ended in 1714 with Queen Anne's death. She had no children and according to the Act of Settlement the crown passed to George of the House of Hanover.

The first of the Stuarts on the English throne was James I (1566-1625), the only son of Mary, Queen of Scots, and Lord Darnley. He was proclimed King of Scotland as James VI on his mother's abdication in I567.He succeeded to the English throne in 1603 on the death of Eliza­beth I, His reign saw the Gunpowder Plot (1605) and the publication of the Authorized Version of the Bible (1611). James was a strong advocate of royal absolutism and his conflicts with Parliament resulted later in the dethronement of his successor, Charles I.

Gunpowder Plot

Пороховой заговор

The Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill James I. Robert Catesby, a zealous Roman Catholic, and the other conspirators were angered by James's refusal to grant more religious toleration to Catholics in England. They rented a cellar that extended under Westminster Palace. Guy Fawkes concealed 20 barrels of gunpowder in the cellar. The explosion was planned for 5 November, 1605. The government learnt about the plot and Fawkes was discovered in the cellar on the night of 4 November. He revealed the names of his accomplices under torture. Catesby and three others were killed while resisting arrest. The rest were tried and executed. In January 1606, Par­liament established 5 November as a day of public thanksgiving. Guy Fawkes Day is still celebrated with bonfires and fireworks. "Guys", effi­gies of Guy Fawkes, are carried through the streets and burned.

Charles I (1600-49). He succeeded James I, his father, in 1625. He attempted to rule without Parliament, dissolving it in 1625 and 1626, and finally arresting its leaders in 1638. The nation was alien­ated by his taxation and the activities of the Star Chamber, which sup­pressed opposition. The Long Parliament, which met on 3 November, 1640, abolished the Star Chamber and voted that Parliament could not be dissolved without its own consent. Charles withdrew from London in 1642 and declared war on Parliament. His army was defeated at Naseby in June 1645 and Charles surrendered, in May 1646, to the Scots, who handed him over, the following year, to Parliament. In 1649, the House of Commons set up a high court of justice, which tried Charles I and condemned him to death. He was beheaded on 30 Junuary, 1649, in front of the Banqueting Hall in Whitehall. Rus: Чарльз I.

Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628) Royal favourite and statesman who virtually ruled England during the last years of King James I and the opening years of the reign of Charles I. Buckingham persuaded James to go to war with Spain, but the expedition he sent against the port of Cadiz in 1625 was so poorly organized that it disinte­grated before it could storm the city. In June 1627, Buckingham person­ally took command of an English force sent to relieve La Rochelle, a Protestant stronghold in France. After 4 months of fighting with French government troops his shattered army was compelled to withdraw. Par­liament tried to force Charles to dismiss the favourite, but the king was loyal to his friend. Buckingham was assassinated at Portsmouth while he was organizing another expedition to La Rochelle. Buckingham's aggres­sive foreign policy and quarrels with Parliament increased the tensions that led to the Civil War. Rus: герцог Бакингем.

Oliver Cromwell

Оливер Кромвель

Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was a military leader and statesman of outstanding gifts. He was one of the leading generals on the parliamentary side in the Civil War. He defeated the royalists at Marston Moor (1644) with his well-disciplined cavalry troops, which were called "Ironsides" by Cromwell's rivals. The Ironsides formed the core of the New Model Army and they inflicted a decisive defeat on the royal forces at Naseby (1645).

Oliver Cromwell was a member of the commission, which tried King Charles I and condemned him to death. Under a constitution, drawn up by the army leaders, Cromwell assumed the title of Protector, with al­most royal powers. He ruled the republican Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1653 to 1658. Cromwell raised England's sta­tus to that of a leading European power. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, but his body was removed in 1661 after the Restoration

Christopher Wren (1632-1723). Eminent architect. He studied mathematics and later taught astronomy at Oxford. His opportunity as an architect came after the Great Fire of London. Wren pre pared a plan for rebuilding the City, but had to satisfy himself with re building dozens of London's churches. His main achievement was S Paul's Cathedral erected in 1675-1720. The most noteworthy of his City churches are St Michael's, St Bride's and St Mary-le-Bow. His other buildings include the Royal Exchange, Marlborough House and the Chelsea Hospital. Wren's works outside London are the Sheldonian Theatre and Queen's College library at Oxford.

Rus: Кристофер Рен.

St Paul's Cathedral

Biggest cathedral of the Church of England. Designed by Christopher Wren, it was constructed between 1675 and 1710. The building replaced Old St Paul's, completely destroyed in the Great Fire of London. The church is 111.3 m high and dome is 34 m in diameter. Many eminent people are buried in St Maul's, including Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Christopher Wren himself. Rus: собор Св. Павла.

Great Fire of London Worst fire in London's history. It broke out accidentally in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane near t London Bridge. It started on 2 September, 1666, and raged for 4 days.

The fire destroyed a large part of the City of London, including old St i 'dill's Cathedral. About 100,000 people were made homeless before the fire was finally mastered.

Rus: Великий лондонский пожар

Monument Column 202 feet high, designed by Christopher Wren and constructed in 1671-77 to commemorate the Great fire of London. When the Monument was erected, the inscription on the column ascribed the Fire to "the treachery and malice of the popish

faction." The inscription stood until 1831, when the words were erased as objectionable.

Rus: Памятник.

Greenwich Borough of Greater London. It became famous because of the Royal Observatory founded there in 1675. The first Nau­tical Almanac, published by the Astronomer Royal in 1767 for the use of navigators and astronomers, was based on the meridian that passes through Greenwich. In 1884, the Greenwich meridian was accepted a the prime meridian of the world: its longitude is marked as 0°. The "Cutty Sark", the celebrated tea clipper, is moored at Greenwich and preserved as a museum of sail. Rus: Гринвич.

Queen Anne

Королева Анна

Queen Anne [am] (1665-1714) succeeded William III in 1702. She was influenced by Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborough, who persuaded Anne to desert her father, James II, for her brother-in-law, William of Orange, during the revolution of 1688.

One of the outstanding events of her reign was the War of the Spanish Succession, fought for the Spanish crown. The chief claimant was Louis XIV of France, who wanted to place his son on the Spanish throne An anti-French alliance, formed in 1701, included England, the Dutch Republic, Prussia, Hanover and Portugal. The Duke of Marlborough won a few victories from 1704 to 1709 and the Battle of Blenheim was his greatest success. The army of 52,000 English and Austrian troop defeated the French and Bavarians numbered 60,000. The Franco-Bavarian army suffered heavy losses with about 18,000 killed and wounded

Another historic event of Anne's reign was the union of the English and Scottish parliaments in 1707.


I. Put in the missing prepositions.

  1. James Stuart was proclaimed king... his mother's abdication.

  2. His policy resulted... the fall of his successor, Charles I.

  3. Thousands of settlers were introduced ... Ulster from Britain.

  4. Bacon was accused of taking presents ...suitors.

  5. According to the Act, the crown passed... George.

  6. A king cannot abdicate... the consent of Parliament.

  7. He revealed the names of his accomplices ...torture.

  8. Fairfax retired... politics.

9. He did not serve... the commission that tried Charles.
10. The term Puritan came... use after 1564.

. Put the verbs in the simple past using the active or passive voice

  1. James (inherit) the English throne.

  2. In 1603, he (crown) as King James I of England.

  3. The Stuarts (exclude) from the throne.

  4. James (alienate) Parliament and the nation.

  5. The Prince of Orange (invite) to replace him.

  6. James (flee) and (spend) the rest of his life in exile.

  7. The fire (break) out accidentally in a bakery.

  8. The fire (destroy) a large part of the City of London.

9. Many people (make) homeless before the fire (master).
10. The Monument (erect) in 1671-77.

111. Make appropriate nouns from the verbs in brackets.

  1. The (inscribe) on the column was later erased.

  2. The (disappear) of plague was attributed to the Great Fire.

  3. The Whig (oppose) wanted Monmouth to succeed.

  4. Greenwich is famous because of the Royal (observe).

  5. It was transferred as London's smoke obscured (observe).

  6. Dampier accomplished a third (circumnavigate) in 1707.

  7. The chief (claim) to the throne was Louis XIV.

  8. An anti-French (ally) was formed in 1701.

  9. At the (revolve) of 1688 he deserted James II.

10. He was granted an estate in (recognize) of his services.

IV. Select the correct answer.

1. Cromwell's cavalry troops were called the...

a. Roundheads *'

b. Cavaliers

c. Ironsides

2. The post of the Chancellor of the Exchequer corresponds to the...

-•i other countries.

a. Minister of Finance

b. Prime Minister

c. Secretary of State

3. The "Mayflower" sailed from ..., England.

a. London

b. Plymouth 1

c. Southhampton

4. The Act of Settlement assigned the crown to the House of... in . «• Queen Anne died without issue.



c. Hanover

5. The highest point in the British Isles is ....

a. Ben Nevis

b.Big Ben

6. The... is included in the Union Flag of the United Kingdom.

c. Castle Rock

The 18th Century

The House of Hanover

Ганноверская династия

The House of Hanover is a royal British dynasty of Ger man origin. It is descended from George Louis, elector of Hanover, who came to the British throne in 1714 as George I.

The Hanoverian [,һагпоиМәгіәп] dynasty provided six monarchs George I (reigned 1714-27), George II (1727-60), George III (1760-1820) George IV (1820-30), William IV (1830-37) and Victoria (1837-1901) It was succeeded by the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was re named the House of Windsor in 1917.

The first two Georges were considered foreigners, especially by man Scots, and the Stuart claimants twice tried to return to power. The Jacobite rising of 1715 was headed by James Edward, the Old Pretender, and of 1745 his son, Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, led an abortive re- bellion. The electorate of Hanover, the home country of the dynasty was joined to the British crown until 1837.

The Royal Society

Королевское общество

The Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowl­edge was founded in 1660 and it is one of the oldest scientific societies in Europe. Among the eminent members of the Society were the math­ematician John Wallis, the physicist Robert Hooke, the architect Chris­topher Wren. Isaac Newton was elected to the Society in 1671 and Edmond Halley, the astronomer, in 1678. In 1768, the Society spon­sored the first scientific expedition to the Pacific, under James Cook, and in 1919 it sent an expedition to photograph the solar eclipse of 29 May from Principe Island in the Gulf of Guinea, which verified Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. Five medals are awarded by the Society every year. One of them is the Copley Medal, the most honoured scientific award in Great Britain. The membership in the Royal Society includes more than 1,000 fellows and 90 foreign members.

The War of the Austrian Succession

Война за австрийскую корону

The War of the Austrian Succession broke out in 1740 when Prussia invaded Silesia, one of Austria's provinces. The invasion was supported by France. At the same time Austria was at war with Spain over control of northern Italy.

In 1741, Britain joined the War by allying with Austria against France in order to protect the balance of power. A British army was sent in support of Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria. The army won a major victory over the French at Dettingen in Bavaria. It was led by George II and it the last time that a British king commanded on the battlefield.

The War ended in 1748. Britain had prevented the domination of
France in Europe.

The Battle of Culloden

Каллоденское сражение

Culloden is a stretch of moorland in the county of Inver­ness, Scotland. The last battle of the Jacobite rebellion, led by Charles Edward Stuart, was fought there on 16 April, 1746. His army of 5,000 Highlanders was defeated by the British troops under the command of the Duke of Cumberland. About 1,000 of the Young Pretender's army were killed. Prince Charles fled and wandered over Scotland for 5 months, | hunted by troops and spies, before escaping to France and final exile.

British Museum One of the most famous museums ­ in the world, it has vast collections of sculptures, antiquities, prints and drawings, coins and medals. It also has a colossal library of books and manuscripts. The museum was created by an Act of Parliament in 1753, when the art collection and library of Hans Sloane were acquired by the government for £20,000. The museum and library were opened to the public in 1759. The present building was built in 1823-52. Rus: Британский музей.

The Royal Academy of Arts

Королевская академия искусств

The Academy is a self-governing society founded in London in 1768 by George III to encourage the fine arts (painting, sculpture and archi­tecture). The first president of the Academy was Joshua Reynolds. The membership of the Academy is limited to 80 Royal Academicians, all of I hem painters, sculptors, architects or engravers. There are annual Royal Academy exhibitions for the works of contemporary artists

James Cook ['d3eimz'kuk] (1728-79) Navigator and explorer. He Joined the Royal Navy in 1755 and in 1768 was given command of an expedition to the South Pacific to observe the transit of the planet Venus across the Sun. He reached Tahiti in 1769, then sailed round New Zealand charting its coasts. He made a detailed survey of the east coast of Australia, naming Botany Bay because of the interesting plants found on its shores. In 1772, Cook set out on his second voyage, revisiting New Caledon and discovering, among others, New Caledonia and Norfolk Inland. The object of his third expedition (1776) with the "Resolution" and "Discovery" was to find the northwest passage from the Pacific end. I le reached as far as the Bering Strait, when the way was blocked by ice. Cook was murdered at Hawaii, where his ships anchored early in 1779. One of the boats was stolen by the natives and Cook was clubbed in a scuffle on the beach when trying to recover it. Rus: Джеймс Кук.

The War of American Independence

Война североамериканских колоний за независимость

During the 17th century England founded 13 colonies along the east­ern coast of North America. By the end of the 18th century the colonists grew to resent British control and this led to the War of Independence and resulted in the establishment of the USA.

The first shots of the revolt were fired on 19 April, 1775, at Lexing­ton, where British troops, sent to seize illegal military stores, were at­tacked by the local militia. The first battle was fought later that year at Bunker Hill. George Washington was appointed to command the Ameri­can forces and on 4 July, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued. An American assault on Quebec was repulsed, but a British force surrendered to the Americans at Saratoga.

In the summer of 1778, France and Spain entered the war as America's allies. Peace negotiations opened in 1782 and Britain recognized Ameri­can independence in September 1783.

The 19th Century

Horatio Nelson

Горацио Нельсон

Horatio Nelson (1758-1805) was an admiral and the naval commander in the wars with France. He entered the Navy in 1770 and from 1793 to 1800 was almost continuously on active service in the Mediterranean.

•* Nelson lost his right eye in 1794, leading an attack on a French fort, and he had his right arm amputated in 1797. He was awarded the rank of rear-admiral in 1797 for his share in the victory over a Spanish fleet off Cape St Vincent, where he served under Admiral John Jervis. In 1798, he tracked the French fleet to Aboukir Bay, Egypt, and destroyed most of it at the Battle of the Nile.

* Nelson was promoted to the rank of vice-admiral on his return to England and created a viscount after he defeated the Danish fleet at the Battle of Copenhagen. In 1803, he received the Mediterranean command and for nearly 2 years blockaded the French port of Toulon.

On 21 October, 1805, Nelson totally defeated the combined Spanish and French fleets off Cape Trafalgar, where he was killed by enemy fire on board the "Victory". His body was brought to London and buried in St Paul's Cathedral.

Nelson is also known for his love affair with Emma, Lady Hamilton, while they both were married. Emma Hamilton (Эмма Хамильтон) was born in 1765. A beauty of humble birth, she became a courtesan and after several liaisons was married, in 1791, to William Hamilton, the British envoy at Naples.

y She met Nelson in 1798, when he returned to Naples from the Nile and their love affair became the talk of the contemporaries and poster­ity. After the death of her husband and lover, Lady Hamilton was im­prisoned for debt, but later escaped to France, where she died in 1815 in poor circumstances.

"Victory" Flagship of Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar. Launched at Chatham in 1765, HMS "Victory" was a ship of the line with a length of 186 ft and a displacement of 2,162 tons. Armed with 100 guns, she had a crew of 850 men. She saw action during the War of American Independence and French Revolutionary wars. In 1782, she flew the flag of Admiral Richard Howe in the Mediterranean against France and its allies. In 1793, she served under Admiral Samuel Hood. In 1797, the "Victory" was the flagship of Admiral John Jervis at the Battle of Cape Saint Vincent. At the Battle of Trafalgar the "Victory" was Lord Nelson's flagship and she led one of the two columns that cut the larger enemy fleet into three. Her signalman hoisted Nelson's fa­mous signal "England expects that every man will do his duty." Nelson's last signal to the fleet was "Engage the enemy more closely" and the "Victory" herself attacked two French ships. A sharpshooter from the topmast of one of them fired the shot that mortally wounded Nelson. The admiral was carried below and put in the ship's cockpit among the wounded. He heard the news of the victory before dying. The "Victory" carried Nelson's body to London, where he was buried in St Paul's Ca­thedral. She continued to serve until the 1830s, when she was withdrawn from service and moored at Portsmouth. In 1922, the ship was placed in a dry dock and restored to the condition she had under Nelson. Now she lies in the dock as a museum. Rus: "Победа".

Peninsular War That part of the Napoleonic Wars, which was fought in the Iberian Peninsula. In 1807, Napoleon invaded Portugal and Spain and placed his brother on the Spanish throne. Armed revolts followed all over the Peninsula and a British force under Arthur Wellesley landed in Portugal and defeated the French at the Battle of Vimeiro. Then John Moore took command. He advanced into Spain, but was forced to retreat and evacuate his army. Wellesley took a new army to Portugal in 1809 and advanced on Madrid. During 1810-11, Wellesley, now Viscount Wellington, stood on the defensive. In 1812, he occupied Madrid and forced the French forces to leave southern Spain. In 1814, Wellington's army entered France. The war was ended by Napoleon's abdication. Rus: Иберийская война.

William IV

Уильям IV

William (1765-1837) was the third son of George III. He ascended the throne in 1830, succeeding his brother George IV.

William entered the Royal Navy at the age of 13, fought in the Ameri­can Revolution, and, while serving in the West Indies, formed a close friendship with the future naval hero Horatio Nelson; all of which led to his being nicknamed the "Sailor King".

In 1832, he accepted the Reform Act, which transferred representa­tion from depopulated "rotten boroughs" to industrialized districts, thus reducing the power of the British crown and the landowning aristocracy over the House of Commons.

William had ten illegitimate children by an actress. His marriage in 1818 to Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen produced two daughters, both of whom died in infancy, so on his death the British crown passed to his niece, Princess Victoria, who succeeded him in 1837 as Queen Victoria.

Queen Victoria

Королева Виктория

Victoria (1819-1901) acceded to the throne in 1837 on the death of her uncle William IV. In 1840, she married prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg, her cousin, and had four sons and five daughters by him. Prince Albert died in 1861 and for many years Victoria was in retirement, staying a good deal of time at Balmoral Castle in the Scottish Highlands and at Osborne House in the Isle of Wight, her favourite places, both designed

by Prince Albert.

She was proclaimed Empress of India in 1876 by Disraeli. During . her reign Britain's colonial expansion reached its zenith, though the older dominions, such as Canada and Australia, were granted independence (1867 and 1901, respectively).

Her Diamond Jubilee in 1897 became a historical event in Britain.

Victoria died at Osborne House and was buried at Windsor.

National Gallery Art gallery housing the British na­tional collection of European paintings. It was founded in 1824, when Parliament voted £57,000 for the purchase of a private collection of 38 paintings. The new museum initially occupied a house in Pall Mall. The present building on the north side of Trafalgar Square, designed by Wil­liam Wilkins, was opened in 1838. The gallery has the biggest collection of Italian Renaissance paintings outside Italy and various painters from the 15th to the 19th century. Rus: Национальная галерея.

National Gallery Art gallery housing the British na­tional collection of European paintings. It was founded in 1824, when Parliament voted £57,000 for the purchase of a private collection of 38 paintings. The new museum initially occupied a house in Pall Mall. The present building on the north side of Trafalgar Square, designed by Wil­liam Wilkins, was opened in 1838. The gallery has the biggest collection of Italian Renaissance paintings outside Italy and various painters from the 15th to the 19th century. Rus: Национальная галерея.

Trafalgar Square The site was conceived originally as a square by John Nash and it was to be named after King William IV.

The more popular name Trafalgar Square was suggested later. The square & is dominated by Nelson's Column erected in 1840-43. It stands 56 m

high and includes the statue of Nelson 5 m high. At the base of the f column there are 4 identical lions sculptured by Edwin Landseer. The

National Gallery lies along the north side of the square. Trafalgar Square 4 is associated with pigeons, political rallies and a large Christmas tree

sent each December from Norway. Rus: Трафальгарская пяощадь.

- U

Great Exhibition The Great Exhibition of 1851 in London symbolized the economic supremacy of Britain called "the work-shop of the world". The exhibition was housed in a huge glass and iron building nicknamed the Crystal Palace. The objects on display came from all parts of the world, including India and the countries with recent white settlements, such as Australia and New Zealand, that constituted the British Empire. Rus: Всемирная выставка.

Crimean War . War of 1853-55 between Russia and the allied powers of Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia. It was fought mainly on the Crimean Peninsula where the allies landed in September 1854. They began a siege of Sevastopol, which lasted about a year. Major engagements were fought at the Alma, Balaclava and Inkerman. On 11 September, 1855, the Russians blew up the forts, sank the ships of the Black Sea fleet and evacuated Sevastopol. Secondary operations of the war were conducted in the Caucasus and in the Baltic Sea. The British lost 19,600 men, most of them by disease. Rus: Крымская война.

The House of Windsor

Виндзорская династия

The royal dynasty of Windsor succeeded the House of Hanover on the death of its last representative, Queen Victoria, in 1901. From that year till 1917 it was known under the name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was the dynastic name of Prince Albert, Victoria's German husband.

During the anti-German atmosphere of World War I, George V de­clared by royal proclamation that all descendants of Queen Victoria in Britain would adopt the surname of Windsor.

The dynasty has included Edward VII (reigned 1901-10), George V (1910-36), Edward VIII (1936), George VI (1936-52) and the present queen, Elizabeth II, who was crowned in 1953.

George V .(1865-1936) Second son of Edward VII, he became heir to the English throne on the death of his elder brother in 1892. In 1893 he married Princess Mary and had 5 sons and a daughter. He succeeded his father in 1910. During World War I he visited the front in France several times and the public reaction was that of affec­tion and admiration. In 1917 he changed the official name of the reign­ing dynasty from the House of Saxe-Coburg to the House of Windsor. Besides the World War his reign saw the emergence of the Irish Free State and the first Labour government. Rus: Джордж V.


I. Put in the missing prepositions.

  1. Walpole remained ... power for twenty years.

  2. George relied... Robert Walpole's judgement.

  3. The king died ... a stroke on a trip to Hanover.

  4. Newton busied himself... optics.

  5. It was the last time a king commanded... the battlefield.

  6. Flora was staying in the Hebrides... some friends.

  7. Wolfe took part in an expedition ... the French.

  8. In 1772, Cook set out... his second voyage.

9. The square was to be named ... King William IV.
10. Florence Nightingale was born ... wealthy parents.

II. Put the verbs in the past using the active or passive voice.

  1. The Jacobite rising of 1715 easily (suppress).

  2. The shuttle (pass) through the threads by hand.

  3. The attackers (force) the defenders to flee.

  4. The weavers (riot) as the machinery (displace) them.

  5. Moore (advance) into Spain, but (force) to retreat.

  6. The bridge (open) in 1817 and (name) after Waterloo.

  7. Victoria (proclaim) Empress of India in 1876.

  8. It was in his government that the Mutiny (suppress).

9. Livingstone (choose) to lead an expedition to East Africa.
10. The "Titanic" (collide) with an iceberg.

III. Make appropriate nouns from the words in brackets.

  1. The Victoria Cross is the highest decoration for (brave).

  2. The (receive) add the letters VC after their names.

  3. Britain's colonial (expand) reached its zenith.

  4. Her (manage) reduced the deathrate in the hospitals.

  5. The book did not agree with the biblical story of (create).

  6. Many soldiers died because of inefficient (treat).

  7. "The Black Hole" was used for petty (offend).

  8. Irish peasants refused to have (deal) with Boycott.

9. The Exhibition showed the economic (supreme) of Britain.
10. At the (collide) five compartments were ruptured.

IV. Select the correct answer.

1. The Victoria Falls were discovered by....

a. David Livingstone

b. James Cook

c. Samuel Baker

2. Nelson's last signal to the fleet was ....

a. "England expects that every man will do his duty"

b. "Rule, Britannia"

c. "Engage the enemy more closely"

3. The steam locomotive, built'for the world's first public railway,
was called the....

a. "Victory"

b. "Locomotion"

c. "Rocket"

4. Peel reformed the Tory party under the name of....

a. Labour

b. Liberal

c. Conservative

5. Darwin sailed round the world as naturalist on the....

a. "Discovery" f

b. "Beagle"

c. "Terror"

6. The Victoria Cross is made of....

a. bronze

b. gold

c. silver

7. ...was nicknamed the Lady of the Lamp.

a. Grace Darling

b. Florence Nightingale

c. Emmeline Pankhurst

The 20th Century

Herbert Asquith (1852-1928). Liberal statesman and Prime Minister in 1908-16. Elected member of Parliament in 1886, he was Home Secretary in Gladstone's cabinet. His governments enacted social reforms, including old-age pensions (1908), and limited the power of the House of Lords by the Parliament Act of 1911. Asquith led Britain during the first 2 years of World War I, but he had to give way to Lloyd George in 1916. At the 1918 election Asquith and his followers were heavily defeated and he lost his seat in Parliament. He resigned the lead­ership of the Liberals in 1926, following dissensions over the general strike. Asquith was created Earl of Oxford and Asquith in 1925. Rus: Херберт Асквит.

George Curzon ['d3o:d3fka:zn] (1859-1925) Conservative statesman and administrator. He was Viceroy of India in 1899-1905, a member of Lloyd George's war cabinet in 1916-18, and Foreign Secretary in 1919-24. Rus: Джордж Керзон.

David Lloyd George ['deivid'loidfd3o:d3] (1863-1945) Liberal states­man. He was member of Parliament from 1890 to 1944 and as Chancel­lor of the Exchequer (1908-11) he introduced social insurance. The First World War obliged him to head a coalition government and he domi­nated the British political scene in the latter part of the war. He was subsequently one of the main figures at the Versailles peace conference. Lloyd George led a policy of intervention in Soviet Russia. He began negotiations with Irish nationalist parties and they culminated in Irish independence in December 1921. Rus: Дэвид Ллойд Джордж.

Labour Party Socialist political party that has strong links with the trade unions. It made its first appearance in the general election of 1892 as the Independent Labour Party. In 1900 it cooperated with the Trades Union Congress and the Fabian Society to establish the Labour Representation Committee, which took the name Labour Party in 1906. The party gained strength rapidly and joined in the coalition govern­ments of World War I. The general election of 1918 showed it to be the second largest party in the House of Commons, and by 1922 it was rec­ognized as the official Opposition. Rus: Лейбористская партия.

House of Commons The House of Commons was beginning to appear by the end of Edward Ill's reign. The first known Speaker was elected in 1377. Proceedings are public, except on extremely rare occasions. By the Parliament Act of 1911, the maximum duration of both Houses is 5 years. The members of the House of Commons are elected by universal adult suffrage. The United Kingdom is divided into

: constituencies and in each constituency the candidate who obtains the largest number of votes is elected to the Commons. Of the present 651 seats, there are 524 for England, 38 for Wales, 72 for Scotland and 17 for Northern Ireland. Rus: Палата общин.

Ramsay MacDonald (1866-1937) . First Labour Prime Minister of Great Britain. He joined the Fabian Society and in 1894 he enrolled in the newly founded Independent Labour Party. He became the first secretary of the Labour Representation Committee, which transformed itself into the Labour Party in 1906. In 1922, MacDonald was chosen to lead the Labour opposition and he became Prime Minister and also Foreign Secretary. Under his leadership, Great Britain granted recognition to the Soviet regime in Russia and agreed to cancel the debt owed by the Irish Free State. Rus: Рамсей Макдональд.

Battle of Britain Series of air battles over Britain, which lasted from 10 July to 31 October 1940. The raids of the German air force after the fall of France were intended to prepare the way for a Ger­man invasion of Britain, called "Operation Sea Lion". At first the at­tacks were directed against British ports and other coastal targets. Be­ginning in August, the Germans mostly attacked airfields and other in­stallations of the Royal Air Force. In September they began daylight at­tacks on London and other cities, chiefly by heavy bombers. Although the Royal Air Force was greatly outnumbered, it succeeded in repulsing the attacks, destroying 1,733 German planes. Rus: Битва за Британию

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) . Statesman. A descendant of John Churchill, the great Duke of Marlborough, he saw ac­tive service in some minor campaigns and worked as a war correspon­dent for the "Morning Post" during the Boer War in South Africa. In 1910, he became Home Secretary and in 1911 Asquith appointed him First Lord of the Admiralty. Churchill ordered naval mobilization on i. the eve of war without waiting for a Cabinet approval. He was Minister of Munitions under Lloyd George in 1917. In the post-war years he held the posts of Secretary for War and Chancellor of the Exchequer. On the 1st day of World War II he went back to his old post at the Admiralty and in May 1940 he was chosen to head a coalition government. One of Churchill's decisive steps during the war was his broadcast announce­ment on 22 June, 1941, that Britain allied herself with the Soviet Union. In February 1945, Churchill met Stalin and Roosevelt in the Crimea, and agreed on the final plans for victory. On 8 May, 1945, he announced the unconditional surrender of Germany. In July the Conservatives were defeated in the general election and Churchill resigned office. The gen­eral election of 1951 brought him back to power as Prime Minister. Also an outstanding writer, Churchill won the Nobel prize for literature in 1953. Rus: Уинстон Черчилль.

Elizabeth II

Елизавета Вторая

* Elizabeth II, the elder daughter of George VI, was born in 1926 and came to the throne in 1952 after her father's death.

Princess Elizabeth served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service during «he Second World War. In 1947 she married Prince Philip, and they have four children: Charles, Prince of Wales (1948), Princess Anne (1950), Prince Andrew (1960) and Prince Edward (1964). Her coronation took ! lace on 2 June, 1953, and her official title is Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith...

Westminster Abbey

The present magnificent cathedral replaces a very old church and a more recent Benedictine mon­astery. Edward the Confessor built a new church on the site in his reign (1042-66) and it was later rebuilt, enlarged and redecorated under many monarchs. In 1560, it was proclaimed the Church of St Peter in West­minster by Queen Elizabeth I, The western towers were the last addition to the building (completed in 1745). Since William the Conqueror every British sovereign has been crowned in the Abbey, except Edward V and Edward VIII (who were not crowned at all). Kings and queens were also buried there till 1760; since then they have been buried at Windsor. Westminster Abbey is crowded with the tombs and memorials of fa­mous British people. Part of the south transept is known as Poets' Cor­ner, while the north transept has many memorials to British statesmen. The grave of the Unknown Warrior, whose remains were brought from Flanders in 1920, is in the centre of the nave near the west door. Rus: Вестминстерское аббатство.

Oxford University

Oldest of the British univer­sities, an autonomous institution of higher learning at Oxford. It was established during the 12th century with initial faculties of theology, law, medicine and the liberal arts. In 1571, the university was granted a charter by an Act of Parliament. The first women's college, Lady Marga­ret Hall, was founded in 1878, and women were first admitted to full membership in the university in 1920. The University is governed by the Congregation. There are about 10,000 students who are usually called undergraduates. Members and graduates of the University are often re­ferred to as Oxonians. Rus: Оксфордский университет.

Northern Ireland

Self-governing country within the United Kingdom, established in 1920, with the capital in Belfast. It oc­cupies an area of 14,120 sq km, the estimated population for 1992 is 1,610,000. The recent history of Northern Ireland dates from the early 17th century when Protestant Scottish and English settlers occupied the north of Ireland and formed a society with an outlook very different from the rest of the island where the Roman Catholic tradition strongly prevailed. Separation came and since 1920 Northern Ireland has had its own parliament - the House of Commons which elects the Senate, the upper chamber. There is a governor, representing the British sovereign, and a cabinet, consisting of a prime minister and 9 ministers. The Ulster Unionist party has been in power since 1920, ruling in the interests of the Protestant majority. In the mid-1960s, civil-rights protests of the Roman Catholic minority sparked violent conflicts between the two groups. In the early 1970s the British government had to send troops to keep peace and the constitution was suspended. The terrorist Irish Re- -publican Army (IRA) reacted with a campaign of bombings and shootings. In 1994 formal talks began between the British government and the IRA in an effort to find a political solution to this sectarian state. The country is often referred to as the province of Ulster, though it in­cludes only part of the historic Ulster. Rus: Северная Ирландия. '

Margaret Thatcher

Маргарет Тэтчер

Margaret Thatcher was born in 1925. A Conservative politi­cian, she became Britain's first woman Prime Minister in 1979.

She entered Parliament in 1959 and held the post of Secretary for Education under Prime Minister Edward Heath (1970-74). Thatcher suc­ceeded Heath as Conservative leader in 1975. The Conservatives' deci­sive victory in the general elections of 1979 elevated her to the prime ministry.

Thatcher became leader of the right wing of the Conservative Party, advocating greater independence of private business. In 1982, Britain recaptured the Falkland Islands following Argentine occupation and Thatcher's decisive leadership during the Falklands crisis helped her to win a landslide victory in the general election of 1983.

Margaret Thatcher pursued the policies that earned her the nick­name of "Iron Lady". She was in office for 11 years, resigning her post in 1990. In the same year she received the Order of Merit and in 1992 she was created a baroness.

Windsor Castle Famous British royal residence on the Thames in the county of Berkshire. A Saxon royal home at Windsor was rebuilt, enlarged and redesigned by William I, Henry II, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and Charles II. Edward III built St George's Chapel for the Order of the Garter, established by him in 1348. In his reign some for­tress buildings were converted to residential apartments for the monarchs. St George's chapel, besides keeping the insignia of the Order, be­came a royal mausoleum and contains the bodies of Henry VI, Edward IV, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, Charles I, Edward VII and George V. The Albert Memorial Chapel, built by Henry VII and restored by Queen Victoria, is also a mausoleum: George III, George IV and William IV are buried there. The tomb of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert is in Home Park by the Castle. The library of Windsor Castle contains a collection of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Hans Holbein the Younger and other old masters. In November 1992 a fire broke out destroying a part of the Castle, but most of the paintings, furniture and other movable treasures were saved. Rus: Виндзорский замок.


I. Put in the missing prepositions.

  1. Britain declared war ... Germany on 4 August, 1914.

  2. The Liberals had dissensions ... the general strike.

  3. The negotiations culminated... Irish independence.

  4. The "Lusitania" was sunk... the south coast of Ireland.

  5. The George Cross can be bestowed... military personnel.

  6. Chamberlain went to Germany... three occasions.

  7. George VI died after an operation ... lung cancer.

  8. The Allies crossed from Sicily... the Italian mainland.

  9. Churchill ordered naval mobilization ... the eve of war.
    10. The Abbey is crowded ... the tombs of famous people.

II. Put the verbs in the past active or passive.

  1. Covent Garden (lay out) to the design of Inigo Jones.

  2. Prince Philip (raise) and (educate) in England.

  3. He (adopt) the surname Mountbatten.

  4. English miners (strike) against pit closures.

  5. The market (move) to a more spacious site.

  6. The invasion troops (surrender) to the British command.

  7. The Beatles (enjoy) worldwide popularity.

  8. In November 1992 a fire (break out) in the Castle.

9. The Saxon palace at Windsor (rebuild) and (enlarge).
10. The submarine link officially (open) by the Queen.

III. Make appropriate nouns from the words in brackets..

  1. Queen Elizabeth's (crown) took place in June 1953.

  2. The (disturb) in Ulster began in October 1968.

  3. The party rules in the interests of the Protestant (major).

  4. In 1986, corporal (punish) in schools was banned.

  5. The two (explode) in Belfast killed several people.

  6. The Beatles stayed at the top of (popular) charts.

  7. Their public (perform) ended in 1966.

  8. Football (rule) were set up by the Football Association.

9. The library contains some (draw) by Leonardo da Vinci.
10. The Tunnel is a submarine transport (connect).

IV. Select the correct answer.

1. The Cenotaph is the national war memorial in ... .

a. Westminster Abbey

b. St Paul's Cathedral

c. Whitehall

2. The British Prime Minister's residence is in ... .

a. Downing Street

b. Whitehall

c. Trafalgar Square

3.... was the first Labour Prime Minister of Great Britain.

a. Churchill

b. MacDonald

c. Lloyd George

4. The maximum duration of the House of Commons and the House
of Lords is ... years.

a. four

b. five

c. seven

5. Churchill worked as a war correspondent for the ... during the Boer War.

a. "Times"

b. "Morning Post"

c. "Guardian"

6. Chaplin first appeared ...at the age of 5.

a. on television

b. in a silent film

c. on stage

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Great Britain History

Автор: Mussakova Gaziza Serikovna

Дата: 08.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 273878

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