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''Healthy Life'' - конспект урока

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Урок английского языка по теме «Healthy Life» разработан по учебнику Английский язык: учебное пособие для 7-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения\ Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г.Наумова. – Минск: Выш. шк., 2009.

Цель урока: создать условия для активизации лексического материала по теме “ Healthy Life ”, для совершенствования навыков говорения в условиях заданной речевой ситуации.

Структура урока соответствует  деятельностному подходу в обучении. На уроке используются разные формы контроля: контроль со стороны учителя, самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль, что является показателем развивающего урока;  формируется учебное сотрудничество в разных формах: парная работа, работа в группах, индивидуальный стиль.

На уроке использованы современные образовательные технологии: технология развивающего обучения для развития внимания, логического мышления, памяти, языковой догадки, а также для развития умений систематизировать, классифицировать сравнивать учебный материал; технология проблемного обучения для решения образовательных задач, а именно для поиска и выделения необходимой информации, технология здоровьесбережения для минутки релаксации и физкульминутки. Использование всех указанных технологий, форм проведения урока приводит к изменениям в воспитании и способствует повышения качества образования.

Рекомендован для учителей английского языка в 7 классе, имеются фрагменты фотосъёмки.


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«''Healthy Life'' - конспект урока »

Topic-problem: ‘Healthy Way of Life” ( «Здоровый образ жизни» )

Grammar: Present Simple ( 1st person singular and plural, 3rd person singular

adverbs of frequency )

Vocabulary: live, play, do sports, have a rest, eat, drink, go swimming, wash,


healthy / unhealthy, way of life, fruit, vegetables;

everyday, often, sometimes, seldom, never.

Reading: “Chimpo and Lucy “

Listening: “Two Champions”

By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to talk about what they need to do to stay healthy using Present Simple ( positive sentences)

Stages of the lesson




( warming up )

Eliciting the topic of the lesson

The teacher greets his pupils and asks how they are

Hello, everybody.

I `m fine today.

How are you?

I live at number ___ , Studencheskaya St. Where do you live?

We all live in __( town)__, in different streets. But how do we live?

Do you have a healthy way of life or unhealthy?

What do we need to do to be healthy?

(Ask the pupils to name what verbs we need to talk about healthy way of life in Russian and write them all on the board)

I `m fine, thank you.

I `m so and so today.

I live at number ____.

Pupils may not give the answer themselves

Eat, play, go,

do gymnastics, sleep,

have a rest

Introducing the new vocabulary

( board )

volleyball walking



juice tennis ……… swimming


gymnastics a rest

a shower


fish vegetables

nuts cereals


oranges apples

After the pupils have named the verbs, the teacher prompts them to say what they can do using the verbs adding a word after a word.

First practice

1) positive sentences

1) The teacher goes with the class through the list of words on the board to practise pronunciation

2) The teacher says what he does:

I eat fruit and vegetables.

I drink juice.

I go running.

I do gymnastics.

I have a shower.

3) So, what do you know about


1) Pupils repeat after the teacher.

2) Pupils listen to the teacher and try to remember what he says.

3) One by one pupils talk about the teacher:

You eat fruit.

You drink …

Further practice

( writing and speaking )

Ask pupils to write a few sentences using the words on the board about themselves.

The teacher listens to his pupils, praises them and concludes that everybody has a healthy way of life.

1) Pupils make up sentences.

2) Pupils read out their sentences.


further vocabulary

( adverbs of frequency )


Introducing Present Simple 3rd person singular ( -s/-es, has )

The teacher says that now he knows what they do to stay healthy but doesn`t know how often they do that.

So, the teacher introduces:

Everyday, often, sometimes, seldom, never by talking about himself once again.

I eat fruit everyday.

I often go cycling.

I sometimes

! Pay the pupils` attention to the position of the adverbs in a sentence.

The teacher makes comments about individual pupils:

Gena often plays basketball.

Tanya often eats apples.

Dima goes swimming.

Lena has a rest everyday.

The teacher shows the pupils how we add –s/-es on the board.

Pupils add the new words into their sentences.

Pupils read out the answers.


and practice

The teacher asks the pupils to stand up and says that now they are going to show by miming what sports they do to stay healthy.

Pupils look at each other and say:

Igor swims.

Irine plays tennis.

Andrew _eat –s.

…………. goes running.



( hand outs )

( See annex 1)

and speaking

The teacher introduces new characters – Chimpo and Lucy

( show a picture of a chimpanzee and a lazy girl )

and asks the pupils to find out if they have healthy ways of lives

by reading a story.

The teacher asks them to write down any new words they meet ( wash, watch TV, forget)

The teacher goes round and helps his pupils to deal with

the new words.

1) Read about Chimpo and Lucy.

2) Pupils try to say what each of them does.

He ………….. .

She ………… .

Pupils write down the words they don `t understand.


(See annex 2)

The teacher says that he is going to read a story about

two champions.

The teacher sets the task for his pupils on the board

1) what sports they do;

2) any further details.

Pre-teach any new vocabulary if necessary

Pupils listen to the story and try to give their answers.


The teacher makes a conclusion about what people do to stay healthy and asks pupils to talk about their ways of healthy life.

Pupils talk about themselves as well as about their desk-mates

*New ideas could be added to the development of the lesson at any stage.

1) Reading

Chimpo is very healthy. He never watches TV. He plays sport every day — he does gymnastics in the trees. He never eats chocolate, he always eats fruit and drinks banana juice. He washes his face every day, but he never cleans his teeth.

Lucy isn` t very healthy. She watches TV every day and she never plays sport.

She eats chocolate every day and she never eats fruit. She sometimes cleans her teeth but she often forgets. She never washes her face. She never goes cycling or running.

2) Listening

Once a famous boxes comes to a restaurant to have dinner. He takes off his coat at the door but he is afraid that somebody will take it. So he takes a piece of paper and writes on it that the coat belongs to Tom Brown, the famous boxer, and that he will come back in a few minutes. He fastens the paper to his coat and goes to have his dinner. When he returns, however, his coat isn` t there, but he finds a note in its place which says that his coat has been taken by a famous runner who will never come back.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

''Healthy Life'' - конспект урока

Автор: Березявка Татьяна Николаевна

Дата: 18.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 132139

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