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Использование дискуссии на занятиях иностранного языка в рамках проблемного обучения

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Данную разработку вы можете использовать при подготовке к уроку по теме "Россия". Цели урока:

- формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками;

- развитие умения работать индивидуально и в группе: находить общее решение и разрешать конфликты, слушать партнера, формулировать, аргументировать и отстаивать свое мнение;

- воспитание патриотизма, любви и уважения к Отечеству, чувства гордости за свою Родину.

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«Использование дискуссии на занятиях иностранного языка в рамках проблемного обучения »

Тема: Использование дискуссии на занятиях иностранного языка в рамках проблемного обучения.

(Учеб. для VII кл. шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз., лицеев и гимназий/ О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева; урок по теме «Россия»)


- формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками;

- развитие умения работать индивидуально и в группе: находить общее решение и разрешать конфликты, слушать партнера, формулировать, аргументировать и отстаивать свое мнение;

- воспитание патриотизма, любви и уважения к Отечеству, чувства гордости за свою Родину.

Ход урока:

- Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you today?


- Watch the video and guess what the topic of our lesson is today.

(смотрят видео (Приложение №1) 30 секунд)

Possible answers: Moscow, Sights of Moscow, Red Square

- Now watch the video up to the end and tell me what people can do and see in Moscow.

(смотрят до конца и отвечают на вопрос)

Possible answers: enjoy the view of Red Square, visit the Lenin Mausoleum and The State History Museum, do the shopping in the State Department Store etc)


(Разделить учащихся на четыре группы. Когда делишь на группы можно взять слова более трудные для произношения.)

- Work in groups. On the walls you can see different cards. One by one you run to the wall and take the card of your colour and then match the description with the place. (Учащиеся получают список с названиями достопримечательностей Москвы (на Красной площади) и клей. У каждой группы свой цвет. На стенах развешаны разноцветные карточки с описаниями этих достопримечательностей, они по очереди подбегают и срывают карточку своего цвета. Затем возвращаются в группу и решают куда ее приклеить. Выигрывает та команда, которая быстро и правильно выполнила задание. Пока они работают можно включить негромко музыку). Приложение №2

Фронтальная проверка:

-What do you know about St Basil Cathedral?

-What interesting facts have you learned about the Spasskaya Tower?

-What about the Lenin Mausoleum?

- What can you find in the State History Museum?

- What were Minin and Pozharsky famous for?

- Where can you buy almost everything?

-Read the text ex.10p.10 and say if Elizabeth liked Moscow. You have three minutes.

(Yes, she did)

-Work in pairs. Look through the text again and say if you agree or disagree with the statements and explain why. Discuss in pairs. Приложение №3

(Каждая пара получает карточку с утверждениями, с которыми им надо согласиться или не согласиться. Затем можно объединить две пары в группу)

- Check your answers in groups.

(Учащиеся обсуждают утверждения, в качестве проверки можно дать карточки Agree/ Disagree и быстро проверить)


Разделить учащихся на группы по 3-4 человека и попросить приготовить небольшую экскурсию по Красной площади.

- Imagine that a group of British teenagers has come to Moscow and wants to see Red Square. Choose the three most interesting places and tell them why they should be seen. You have 3 minutes.

(Выступают по одному человеку от группы)

-Thank you for your work!

-What new information have you learnt today?

-Would you like to see Moscow? What would you like to see?

Homework: Write the composition on the topic "Moscow is a city where a lot can be seen and much can be done".

-The lesson is over. Good bye!

Приложение 2

St. Basil’s/ Pokrovsky Cathedral

It was built in 1551-1561 after the victory over the Kazan Kingdom. It has unusual architecture: eight churches placed around the tallest ninth church; nine beautifully painted cupolas [ ]; thick walls. It could be used as a fort [ ]


The Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

It was built in 1818. It was the first monument put up in Moscow. Minin and Pozharsky were heroes of the people’s struggle in the war against Poland.

Lobnoe Mesto

It is a platform of white stone constructed in the 16th century. The tsar’s orders were read from it. It was also used as a place for execution [ ] (казнь).

The Spasskaya Tower

It is the tallest tower of the Kremlin. It is 67.3 metres tall. The Kremlin clock strikes on the hour, the half hour and the quarter. The minute hand is 3.28 metres long.

The Lenin Mausoleum [ ]

It is in the centre of Moscow by the Kremlin Wall. It was built in 1924. It was designed by A.V. Shchussev. It was rebuilt in 1930. At first it was made of wood. Now it’s built from stone, brick, and marble [ ] and granite [ ].

The State History Museum

It was opened in 1883. It has a rich collection of documents, pictures, maps showing the country’s past; materials about Russia’s great people.

The State Department Store (GUM)

It is one of the largest department stores in the country. It is an impressive building with a glass roof and hundreds of shops inside.

St. Basil’s/ Pokrovsky Cathedral

The Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

Lobnoe Mesto

The Spasskaya Tower

The Lenin Mausoleum [ ]

The State History Museum

The State Department Store (GUM)

It was built in 1551-1561 after the victory over the Kazan Kingdom. It has unusual architecture: eight churches placed around the tallest ninth church; nine beautifully painted cupolas [ ]; thick walls. It could be used as a fort [ ]


It was built in 1818. It was the first monument put up in Moscow. Minin and Pozharsky were heroes of the people’s struggle in the war against Poland.

It is a platform of white stone constructed in the 16th century. The tsar’s orders were read from it. It was also used as a place for execution [ ] (казнь).

It is the tallest tower of the Kremlin. It is 67.3 metres tall. The Kremlin clock strikes on the hour, the half hour and the quarter. The minute hand is 3.28 metres long.

It is in the centre of Moscow by the Kremlin Wall. It was built in 1924. It was designed by A.V. Shchussev. It was rebuilt in 1930. At first it was made of wood. Now it’s built from stone, brick, and marble [ ] and granite [ ].

It was opened in 1883. It has a rich collection of documents, pictures, maps showing the country’s past; materials about Russia’s great people.

It is one of the largest department stores in the country. It is an impressive building with a glass roof and hundreds of shops inside.

Приложение 3

Prove your opinion


Agree or disagree

  1. Moscow is definitely the city of contrasts.

  1. Religion is still at the heart of the Russian culture.

  1. There are few fantastic buildings in Moscow.

  1. All churches are used for services.

  1. The Moscow Metro looks grey and dark.

  1. People read a lot on the Metro.

  1. Russia has produced a lot of very creative and talented people.

  1. Moscow is the city that must be seen.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Использование дискуссии на занятиях иностранного языка в рамках проблемного обучения

Автор: Полякова Ксения Андреевна

Дата: 11.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171035

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