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Қызықты ағылшын тілі

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Қызықты ағылшын тілі. Оқушыларды топтарға бөліп жарыс сабағын өткізу.

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«Қызықты ағылшын тілі»

Задачи: введение страноведческого материала по теме “Праздники англоязычных стран” в форме “Урок – праздник”; контроль усвоения страноведческой темы; отработка навыков устной речи и чтения поэтических произведений; развитие навыков аудирования.

Цели: дать учащимся знания страноведческого характера; активизировать их интерес к изучению английского языка; способствовать расширению культурного кругозора; знакомить с песенным и поэтическим наследием англоязычных стран; использовать межпредметные связи на фоне практического овладения английским языком.

Оборудование:  “Happy Halloween to All and to All a Good Fright!” , настенные украшения костюмы выступающих, тыквы-декорации, музыкальные диски.

Место проведения украшается различными рисунками, плакатами на русском и английском языках (“Входи, если смелый”, “DANGER”, “Go away”, “Тебя сюда не звали”, “Happy Halloween to all and to all have a good fright” и т.д.).

Сцена украшена свечами, тыквой, которая является декорацией для сценки. На сцене нарисованный котел, в котором варится зелье, вокруг изображения черных котов, тыкв и ведьм. Над сценой к потолку на ниточках прикреплены нарисованные фигурки летучих мышей, паучка, луны.

Звучит таинственная и устрашающая мелодия, которая заканчивается с началом представления.

За участие в представлении и конкурсах, за приготовленные костюмы учащиеся награждаются призами.

Выступление начинается чтением стихотворения на английском языке:

It’s Halloween

By Jack Prelutsky
It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
And we shall see what can’t be seen

On any other night!
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,

Witches on their magic brooms.
In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,

For all tonight it’s Halloween!
(after that comes witch’s dancing)

После этого на сцене танец “ведьмочек”.

Presenter 1.

Good evening, dear guests. Welcome to our party!

In Europe the night of the ghosts and witches was combined with the Christian holiday. As that night fell on October 31, people called it Halloween. The word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31. The holiday was called Samhain (sow-en), the Celtic New year.

Presenter 2.

On Halloween, people often go to the parties at which fortunes are read and ghosts stories are told. Children may dress up in the costumes and masks of witches, goblins or skeletons and go trick – or – treating. They ring doorbells and ask for candy, apples, or coins. 
If they don’t receive a treat, they may play a trick.

Presenter 1.

At night on October 31 witches fly on their broomsticks, skeletons rattle their bones, ghosts frighten people, Jack – O’ – Lanterns walk around houses, black Halloween cats play tricks with us.

(Behind the speaker in the back of the stage there appears a “ghost”, listening to what she says, moves quietly and disappears.)

Presenter 2.

Halloween is one of the oldest celebrations in the world, dating back over 2000 years to the time of the Celts who lived in Britain

When Christianity came to England and the rest of Europe, 1 November became All Saints Day – a day dedicated to all those saints who didn't have a special day of their own

In Mexico, they celebrate El Dia de los Muertos or the Day of the Dead starting the evening of October 31.

It is thought that the colours orange and black became Halloween colours because orange is associated with harvests (Halloween marks the end of harvest) and black is associated with death.

Presenter 1.

Halloween customs today follow many of ancient practices. When children wear costumes, false faces, or witches’ hats, bob for apples or carry jack-o-lanterns they are carrying on ancient traditions.

Presenter 2.

Witches prepared different potions (снадобья) and told magic spells:

Student 1.

Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot
Add some bat wings and then what?
Mix and mix until you’ve got
A new monster ugly and hot.
Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot,
Turn a rat into a frog,
Turn a cat into a log,
Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot.

Presenter 1:

Well, now we know that witches fly on their brooms, and what about Jack – O’ – Lantern?

The jack-o-lantern, most typical of Halloween symbols, began with the Irish. According to legend a man named Jack was expelled from Hell for playing tricks on the devil. He was to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern to light his way waiting for Judgment Day.

Modern jack-o-lanterns are made from big orange pumpkins.

Look, here it is. (Jack – O’ – Lantern appears)



Presenter 1: Now I suggest that you should guess my riddles. If you give the right answer, you’ll get a little present.


She always flies on her magic broom,

She always flies around the moon

With a black hat on her head 

And what do you think, who is that?

(a witch)


Жертву по ночам он ищет,

Чтобы кровью насладиться.

Может стать летучей мышью.

Только чеснока боится!



In masks and gowns we haunt the street

And knock on doors for trick or treat

Tonight we are the king and queen

For all tonight is ………..



Их не видно никому – 

Не имеют тела.

И, наверное, потому

Всех пугают смело.


Разные бывают,

Говорят, летают.

Назойливы, как мухи,

Это злые....



I flight at night because I don’t like light. (Bat)

I’m scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? (Ghost)



Почему даже в XXI веке ведьмы по-прежнему используют метлы?

(Просто пылесосы слишком тяжелы для полета)

Почему скелеты ничего не боятся? 

(Им нечего терять, кроме своих костей)

Что сказала маленькая ведьмочка своей маме?

(можно я сегодня вечером возьму ключи от метлы)

Когда встреча с черной кошкой может привести к неудаче?

(когда вы-мышь!)


 Игра «Достань воду с ложкой». Наполнены две чаши с водой. Ребятам нужно достать яблоко без помощи рук.

A witch: Let’s play a game. It’s a traditional English game for Halloween “Bobbing for apples”. Apples are in the bowls with water. Let someone try to catch an apple with the teeth. Don’t use your hands. I need two persons for this game.  


 Танец кошек.  

A witch: Where is my black cat? Black cat!

Oh! I think I know where she is. She is with her friends. It’ a secret, but I’ll tell you. At Halloween night all black cats walk up and down the street and dance their funny dance!

Do you want to see it? Well, let’s watch it! “Halloween rules”. Enjoy!


Игра «Мумия». Для конкурса понадобится реквизит: два-три рулона туалетной бумаги. Первый игрок должен обернуть второго туалетной бумагой так, чтобы он стал похож на мумию. Сделать это нужно быстро и аккуратно.

A witch: Now let’s make another two monsters together. I’ve got three toilet rolls. And I need 6 persons. You are a mummy. You are a mummy maker. Do it as fast as you can. The audience will help us to name the winner. Ready! Steady! Go!

Подведение итогов.

A witch: Well, it’ time to say goodbye. And remember: everything can happen at Halloween. It’s a magic time!  I hope you liked this evening. It was really funny. Goodbye.

And now it is time for disco! Have a lot of fun! Goodbye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Қызықты ағылшын тілі

Автор: Алпысбаева Меруерт Абдикуловна

Дата: 06.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 375804

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