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Конспект урока (Case Study). Подбор кандидата на замещение вакантной должности.

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Даннный урок предназначен для проведениея в системе СПО в группе старшего курса по дисциплине "Деловой иностранный язык" для студентов специальностей "Туризм", "Гостиничный сервис", "Гостиничное дело" 

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«Конспект урока (Case Study). Подбор кандидата на замещение вакантной должности.»

Урок английского языка (Case Study)

Дисциплина «Деловой иностранный язык»

Тема: Подбор кандидата на замещение вакантной должности.

Цель: подбор подходящей кандидатуры на замещение вакантной должности

Развивающие цели урока: развитие профессиональных навыков, развитие логического мышления, развитие критического мышления, развитие способности сравнивать, анализировать, аргументировать, обобщать, доказывать и обосновывать свою точку зрения

Воспитательные цели урока: совершенствование навыков сотрудничества, формирование потребности высказывания собственного мнения, уважительного отношения к мнению других

Задачи: активизация употребления профессиональной лексики, совершенствование навыков аудирования, совершенствование навыков чтения, совершенствование навыков устной речи (диалогической и монологической)

Оснащение урока: электронные словари, раздаточный материал (карточки c заданиями, с текстами для чтения), CD проигрыватель, CD с записью текстов для адирования (к учебнику Market Leader, Intermediate)

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент


Сообщение целей и задач урока.

II. Снятие трудностей

A. Активизация лексического материала

T: a) At our previous classes we discussed how to select the best candidates for a job and how to avoid the worst. What words do you remember to characterize both types? Which adjectives can describe

  • Intelligence and ability

  • Emotional stability

  • Conscientiousness

B. Работа с электронными словарями

T: We are going to find out the meaning of the words that may be unfamiliar to you. Find the following words in the dictionary and explain/translate them.

negotiable, forceful,

flair for ideas, determined,

liaising with clients, numerate,

revenue, decorations for bravery,

aptitude test, assertive,

attendance record, family reunion

III. Представление кейса (ситуации). Студенты читают текст и знакомятся с ситуацией.

Студенты получают раздаточный материал с текстами “Background”, the advertisement», “Task” .

General Manager

Required for our chain of

Health and Leisure Clubs

  • Salary negotiable

  • Excellent benefits package

Apply to:

88 Harvey Place 11-C

New York

NY 10003-1324


  • Developing a customer-oriented culture in the organization in the clubs

  • Increasing the revenue and profits of the six clubs in Manhattan

  • Exploiting new business opportunities

  • Liaising with and motivating our team of managers and their stuff

  • Contributing to marketing plans and strategies


  • Dynamic, enthusiastic, flexible

  • A strong interest in health and fitness

  • A good track record in previous jobs

  • The ability to work with people from different cultural backgrounds

  • Outstanding communication skills

  • A flair for new ideas and sound organizational skills


SLIM GYMS owns and operates six health and fitness clubs in Manhattan, New-York. The clubs aim to appeal to people of all ages and income groups.

All the clubs have a large gymnasium, with the latest equipment, an aerobics studio, a solarium, a swimming pool, sun decks, a café, bar and clubroom. There are always several fitness instructors on hand to advise people and provide them with personalised fitness programmes. A wide range of aerobic and relaxation classes run throughout the day and during the evening. The clubs try to create a friendly atmosphere, organising numerous social activities to bring members together. Three of the clubs are located in areas where large numbers of Spanish, Chinese and Italians live.

Slim Gyms recently advertised for a General Manager.

Студенты работают самостоятельно. Читают текст, описывающий ситуацию, рекламное объявление. Преподаватель оказывает необходимую помощь индивидуально.

T.: So, what is the situation like?

What kind of advertisement have you read? And now this is your task:


You are directors of Slim Gyms. Study the file cards on the four short-listed candidates. Hold a meeting to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each person. Try to agree on who seems to be the best candidate for the job.

IV. Работа в группах.

- Преподаватель формирует группы (по три-четыре человека) с учетом индивидуальных способностей студентов.

Каждая группа получает тексты с резюме 4-х кандидатов.

Name: Isabella Rosetti

Age: 35

Marital Status: Single

Education: Princeton University – Master`s degree in Business Administration (MBA)

Experience: Advertising agency for the last eight years. Important position liaising with clients and managing a team of 10 people. Previously worked as Sales Manager in a department store (Chinatown area).

Skills: Fluent Italian, judo expert, paints.

Personality/appearance: Well dressed and self-confident. Says she is usually successful when she wants to be. Thinks women are better managers than men: “They listen more and use their intuition to solve problems”.

Comments: Positive reference, but employer suggested she sometimes took days off work with no good reason. Several good ideas for increasing revenue, e.g. by setting up beauty centres in our clubs. Didn`t mention the cost of doing this! Above average score on our aptitude test.

Name: Michael Bolen Age: 36

Marital Status: Married with three children

Education: Columbia University - Master`s degree in Business Administration (MBA)

Experience: Four years with international sports goods manufacturer – Marketing Director. Previous experience with a variety of firms (sales, administration). Wants to work for a smaller organisation.

Outstanding achievement: Successful product launch previous job.

Skills: Numerate and good with computers. Only a few words of Spanish.

Personality/appearance: Forceful, determined, with strong views. Likes to ‘keep his distance’ from people until he knows them well. According to the letter of reference, ‘Some women find him too assertive and cold’.

Comments: Unhappy in present position. He has often changed jobs. Aptitude test – average score.

Name: Stephanie Grant

Age: 30

Marital Status: married, no children

Education: New-York University -

BSc in Business Administration

Experience: Former swimming champion. Competed at Olympic Games. For last six years, highly successful presenter (children and sports programmes).

Outstanding achievement: Voted Top Sports Personality on a cable TV channel four years ago.

Skills: Exceptional sportswoman

Personality/appearance: Beautiful, clever and successful. Good sense of humor. On television handles people well. Presents an image of a caring, sympathetic person.

Comments: ‘She`ll do anything to get what she wants’, wrote one journalist. At 24, she gave up competitive swimming, following rumours of drug-taking. Aptitude test – above average.

Name: Bob Wills Age: 40

Marital Status: Single

Education: Park High School

Experience: Twenty years in US army – Physical Fitness Instructor. Travelled all over the world. Left army three years ago. Has taken courses in marketing, management and computing. Over the last two years has run a fitness centre in Lower Manhattan very successfully.

Outstanding achievement: Two decorations for bravery

Skills: Speaks Spanish fluently (his girlfriend is Puerto Rican). Is a successful disc jockey in a downtown club.

Personality/appearance: Correctly dressed in a dark suit, but has tattoos. Sociable, with a lot of friends. Enjoys parties and dancing.

Comments: Believes you should always stick to the rules. Values honesty and reliability. Can be quick-tempered if people are not doing their best. Very enthusiastic with many good ideas. High score on aptitude test.

А) Студенты читают тексты. Внутри групп пересказывают каждый текст друг другу. Затем обсуждают слабые и сильные стороны каждого кандидата, предлагая, аргументируя свою точку зрения.

Преподаватель осуществляет индивидуальную помощь группам, следит за тем, чтобы студенты вели обсуждение на английском языке. В помощь группам преподаватель раздает карточки с разговорными выражениями.

Useful Languagе

Аsking for opinion.

What’s your opinion on...?

How do you feel about....?

What do you think about....?

What’s your view on...?

Expressing opinion.

My point of view is that...

Well, as far as I’m concerned...

Well, if you ask me...

It seems\ appears to me that...

I think\ believe...\ must...\

In my opinion\ view...

To me...\ may\ might

From my point of view...

To my mind/ way of thinking...

As far as I am concerned...

I am totally against...

I (do not) agree that \ with...

I (completely) agree \ disagree that \ with...

Making Suggestions.

If I were ... I would...

Perhaps they should....

Why don’t we/ they...

How/ what about...?

A good idea would be...

If they..., then...

They can/ should...

I think we/ you should...

You could always...


Have you thought about...

It would be a great idea to...

We can/ could...

A useful suggestion would be to...

It would help/ It would be a good idea if...

The situation would be improved if/ by...

Another way to... is / would be to...


I think you are right...

That’s true...

I quite agree with you...

You’re right.

I couldn’t agree more.

That’s a great / good/ fantastic idea.

Sure, why not.

That sounds interesting / great.


I’m not sure I agree with you.

That’s true, but...

Do you really think so?

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

No, I really can’t agree with you.

I don’t really feel like it.

That sounds boring.

Presenting results and consequences.

This would .../ In this way...; you /it /etc would....

By doing this, you/we/ etc, would...

The effect / consequence / result of... would be...


As a result,..

В) Студенты принимают решение внутри группы, планируют свое представление подходящего кандидата. Принимают решение о выступающем от имени группы.

V. Представление результатов работы в группе.

Все группы представляют свои варианты. После каждого представления происходит общее обсуждение.

VI. Совместное обсуждение.

Все студенты обсуждают достоинства и недостатки предложенной каждой группой кандидатуры.

T.: Express your agreement or disagreement with the ideas of your group mates. Give your arguments.

VII. Аудирование.

Студенты слушают текст 1, пересказывают, что они узнали о кандидате во время его собеседования. Затем аналогично происходит работа над аудированием других текстов.

T.: Listen to the interview extracts with each of the candidates and come to a final decision on who should get the job:

1. Isabella Rosetti, 2. Michael Bolen, 3. Bob Wills, 4. Stephanie Grant.

Listening texts

1. (I – Interviewer, IR – Isabella Rosetti)

I: Now let me ask you a question we ask all our candidates. Why should we hire you?

IR: Why hire me? Simple, I get along well with people. I`m used to dealing with people from all walks of life. That`s vital for this job. And I`ve got a lots of ideas for making Slim Gyms more profitable. Want to hear them?

I: Not just now, if you don`t mind. We`ll come back to that later. Um, about your attendance record. Could you tell me why you`ve had quite a bit of time off?

IR: Hmm, you`ve been talking to my boss, I see. Let`s get this clear. I`ve taken a day off now and then, true, but it`s always to go to some family celebration – a marriage, a christening, a family reunion sometimes.

I: Uh huh.

IR: Anyway, I`ve got a great assistant at work – she looks after things if I`m away. It`s no problem at all if I have a day off now and then.

I: Right. Can we look into the future now. I`m interested to know where you see yourself in a few years.

IR: In a few years I suppose I see myself… um, working for your organisation, running the whole business.

I: I hope you achieve that objective.

2. (I – Interviewer, MB – Michael Bolen)

I: Right, a question now about your managerial skills. You`re currently with a sporting goods firm. Do you enjoy working on a team – with other managers?

MB: I enjoy working with colleagues a lot, especially when developing a project, let`s say, working long hours sometimes, but everyone`s working together, to make a success of things.

I: So would you say you`re a good team player?

MB: Definitely. But, let me say this, I like to be on my own from time to time. Especially if there`s some problem to be worked out. I guess some people would say I keep to myself too much, but it`s not true really.

I: OK, let me follow that up. Um, I`d like to know what your colleagues would say about you. How would they describe you?

MB: Huh, that`s a difficult one. Mmm… I think they`d say I know my own mind, I`m a decisive person. Sometimes, you have to do things that you don`t like, for example, fire an employee. Well, if I have to do it, I do it, and then forget about it.

I: What else would your colleagues say?

MB: They`d say that I`m a friendly person, when I get to know people. Some of them think I`m too friendly.

I: Really?

MB: Well, you know, a few of the women in the company, they get a little jealous because I take out my administrative assistant, Sue, from time to time, give her a nice lunch, you know, say thanks for all her hard work. Nothing wrong in that, is there?

3. (I – Interviewer, BW – Bob Wills)

I: You`re obviously eager to get this job. Could you tell me what your strengths are? What do you think you`re good at?

BW: Main strengths? Good at managing people, I`d say. I suppose it`s my army training. I know how to set goals for people. Objectives. And I make sure they meet them.

I: Hmm, don`t you think some people might get upset, you know, lose their motivation if they don`t achieve the goals you set?

BW: Not at all. You don`t get anywhere in this life if you`re too easy on people. You`ve got to make an effort to get anywhere. Like your health club customers. If they want to get fit, they`ve got to have discipline. Do all the exercises, eat properly, give up alcohol and smoking. Change their lifestyle – that`s what it`s all about.

I: Mmm, interesting! A final question. Maybe a difficult one. Could you tell me how you`ve changed in the last… oh… five years, let`s say.

BW: Sure. I think I`m more realistic now than I used to be. I know it`ll be difficult for me to get a good job – being in the army most of my life. So, I`m trying to learn new skills, update my knowledge. Like in marketing and finance. So, I`ll have more to offer an employer. I`m not going to sit around waiting for the big job to come to me – it`s not my style.

4. (I – Interviewer, SG – Stephanie Grant)

I: Right. Can you tell me why you want to leave your present job. TV announcer. Well paid. Everyone knows you. Admires you. You`ve got everything you want, don`t you?

SG: Huh, I guess it does look like that. I do love the job. But I`m thirty now. I know the management is looking for younger talent. It wants sparky, glamorous twenty-year-olds in the job. To increase the ratings. I`m on the way out, I know that. So… I`m going before I`m pushed.

I: Oh surely not. Someone with your reputation.

SG: People come and go in my profession. Think of all the stars of ten years ago. Where are they now?

I: Mmm, I take your point. Um, looking at your CV, your earlier career. You gave up competitive swimming when you were… er… twenty-four. Rather early to do that, wasn`t it? I mean, don`t swimmers go on competing… ?

SG: Look, I`m sure you read the papers. You must know, when I won the big races, some of the swimmers accused me of taking drugs. You know, to improve my performance. It was horrible. All a bunch of lies. I got really upset, I thought, oh, I don`t need this nonsense. I just gave it all up. I`d had enough.

VIII. Выбор единого кандидата.

Студенты высказываются в пользу одного из 4-х кандидатов, объясняя свой выбор.

IX. Заключительный этап урока.

А. Подведение итогов урока.

В. Домашнее задание:

T.: Write a letter of about 100-120 words, offering the job to the successful candidate.

Если кто-то из студентов не согласен с мнением группы, он может написать письмо тому кандидату, которого он считает наиболее подходящим.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Конспект урока (Case Study). Подбор кандидата на замещение вакантной должности.

Автор: Овсянкина Ольга Ивановна

Дата: 21.09.2019

Номер свидетельства: 520419

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