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Конспект урока на тему "Внешность. Одежда."

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«Конспект урока на тему "Внешность. Одежда."»

Конспект открытого урока в 6 классе

Тема урока: «Внешность. Одежда.»

Тип урока: Обобщение лексико-грамматического материала. Подготовка к защите проекта по теме «Одежда моей мечты».


социокультурный аспект — знакомство с детской песней Looking Good;

развивающий аспект — развитие творческих способностей, воображения, умения разрабатывать краткосрочный проект и устно его представлять; воспитательный аспект — формирование стремления выражать себя в различных видах творческой деятельности, развитие умения участвовать в проектной деятельности, воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу, формирование потребности в коллективном творчестве, сотрудничестве, готовности оказывать взаимопомощь;

учебный аспект — развитие речевых умений;

сопутствующая задача: скрытый контроль сформированности речевых умений.

Речевой материал:

продуктивный: лексический и грамматический материал цикла.

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент (мотивационно-проблемный)

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you again. How are you today?

OK! I’m fine too. I see you are in a good mood, so let’s start our lesson!

2.Основная часть

-Look at the screen! Here you can see some pictures. What do you think, what we are going to talk about today?

P1: about appearance

P2: about clothes

P3: about fashion

Yes, you are right. We are going to talk about fashion, about clothes. Do you think that fashion is important?

T. What does it mean to be fashionable?

To be fashionable means....

P1: -to wear expensive clothes

P2:- to wear jewellery and other valuables

P3:- to use a lot of make-up

P4: to have a tattoo...,

T: And what do you think you are in or out of fashion?

P1: I'm in fashion.

P2:I'm out of fashion.

P3:I don't mind.

P4:I don't care...

Look, do you know these heroes? (Wash’em Clean, Cinderella, Fedora)

Song: Looking Good


I got dressed in a hurry,

I forgot to comb my hair.

People who see me Think that I don’t care.

I wear a wrinkled skirt and dirty clothes,

I’ve got holes in my shoes,

You can see my toes.


No, no, no, that’s no way to be.

If you’re not looking good, you’re not feeling free!

Looking good, looking good, looking good,

You know everybody should be Looking good, looking good, looking good.

The boy from Wash’em Clean

I climbed on the bus, I felt so shy.

I felt so sloppy, I wanted to hide.

No one sat near me.

My head hung to the ground.

I had on one blue sock,

And the other was brown.


No, no, no, that’s no way to be.

If you’re not looking good, you’re not feeling free!


Wash your clothes and your body.

Take a little time.

Dress sharp in the morning.

You feel so fine!

Oh, oh, oh, that’s the way to be.

When you’re looking good, you’re feeling free!

T: Are they good-looking? Do they care about their appearance?

Of ‘course NOT.

Show them what they should do everyday

Wake up!

This is the way I wash my face,

Wash my face, wash my face.

This is the way I wash my face,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I brush my teeth,

Brush my teeth, brush my teeth.

This is the way I brush my teeth,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I comb my hair,

Comb my hair, comb my hair.

This is the way I comb my hair,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I put on my clothes,

Put on my clothes, put on my clothes,

This is the way I put on my clothes,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I go to school,

Go to school, go to school.

This is the way I go to school,

So early in the morning.

Деятельностный этап:

Now, take your sheet of paper. Here you can see Clothes. Fill in the missing vowels for each of the following words.

Group work.

G1 Choose clothes for Cinderella

G2 Choose clothes for The boy from Wash’em Clean

G3 Choose clothes for Fedora

Контрольный этап:

OK! Let’s present your choice. Come to the blackboard and show your sentences.

Now we are going to do some exercises. Let’s compare the heroes.

(old, young, tall, short, slim…)

3. Заключительная часть (рефлексивный этап):

Now, I want you to evaluate your work today (карты самооценки). Be honest and give marks to yourself. In addition, I give you excellent marks for your work.

Look at the screen, now I’d like you to evaluate my work. You have smiles (It was

interesting! It was boring!). Take your smile and show it our guests and me. Be honest!


Your hometask is to make a project “My favourite clothes” p.19.

You have worked hard today and these sweets are for you (and I have some sweets for our guests. Help yourself!

So, our lesson is over. You have done good job. Stand up please, smile each other and say «Thank you».

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока на тему "Внешность. Одежда."

Автор: Монастырева Кристина Александровна и Власьянова Анастасия Анатольевна

Дата: 29.08.2020

Номер свидетельства: 556657

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