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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Мода

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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Мода"

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Мода»

Конспект урок

английского языка

по теме «Мода. Одежда.»


познавательный аспект - знакомство с мнениями сверстников о значимости одежды в их жизни, о трудностях работы в модельном бизнесе;

воспитательный аспект – формирование личного отношения к обсуждаемой теме наряду с толерантным принятием иных мнений, воспитание чувства ответственности за принимаемые решения;

развивающий аспект - совершенствование следующих умений: пользоваться языковой и контекстуальной догадкой при чтении и аудировании; прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку, использовать текстовые опоры различного рода (подзаголовки, фотографии); игнорировать лексические и смысловые трудности, не влияющие на понимание основного содержания текста, развитие способности к обобщению, логичности и доказательности;

учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых умений (говорение, аудирование, чтение и употребление языка).

Речевой материал: лексика - «Одежда».


  • CD проигрыватель.

  • Электронная презентация по теме.

  • Компьютер, видеопроектор, интерактивная доска.

  • Раздаточный материал.

  • Постер «Одежда».

План открытого урока

Task1. Look at the poster /screen and name as many items of clothing and accessories as you can. Work in pairs for 2minutes and make a list of words.

Now let’s check what you’ve got. I will point to an item and you will identify what it is. (Appendix1)

Pair work

Task2. Look at the questions on the screen (Slide 4) and answer them in small groups of 3-4 people. You will have 2minutes.

What clothes do you wear when you:

  • Go to school?

  • Spend a lazy day at home?

  • Go out in the evening?

  • Play your favourite sport?

  • Have a family celebration?

  • Do physical work (cleaning, gardening, fixing smth)

Use the adjectives in the box to help you to explain your choice

Task3. Put the correct form of the appropriate verb in each space. (Appendix 4)

A Personally, I don’t think those shoes (1) ____________ that dress. I mean red and blue just don’t (2) ____________, do they? And as for those earrings, well they don’t (3) ____________ her – someone with short hair should not be wearing long ones like that. He looks alright though, except perhaps trousers. Do you think they (4) ____________him properly? They look a little tight on him to me.

As it was Sunday I got up and had breakfast in my dressing gown. I didn’t (5) ____________ until well after 11 o’ clock. I (6) ____________ a long-sleeved jumper at first, but immediately changed my mind. It was far too hot outside and I spent the whole day (7) ____________ just a short-sleeved cotton shirt and boots.

Group work

4.1 Pre-listening

4.2 Listening

4.3.Post-listening (Speaking)

Get students involved in the topic

Practice listening for gist

Encourage oral exchange of opinions

What sort of clothes do you like best? / least?

What does your choice depend on?

Do you always follow the fashion?

Task4. Listen to five people talking about their attitudes to the clothes they wear. Write the number of each speaker (1-5) in the correct gap. There is one gap you do not need to use. (Appendix 2)

I don’t care what I wear



It’s important to feel comfortable



I love spending money on nice clothes



My taste in clothing has changed



Looking smart is very important



Different situations need different clothes

Key answer:1D 2E 3F4A 5B

Task5. In pairs discuss which of the attitudes you agree/disagree with most? Why?

Think of at least three reasons why people wear different clothes.

Whole class

Individual work

Pair work

5.1 Pre-reading


5.2 Reading

5.3 Post-reading


Arise interest to the article

Practice skimming (1-st reading)

Reading for detailed comprehension(2-nd reading)

Improve oral fluency

Task6. You are going to read a text written by a woman whose job it once was to “care for and protect” teenage models.

  • What do you imagine the lifestyle of teenage models is like?

  • How do you think they spend a typical weekend?

  • What do they need protection from?

Read the article quickly. Do you think the writer would recommend this lifestyle to teenagers? (Appendix 3)

Eight sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each space (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Answer: 1-d, 2-b, 3-h, 4-f, 5-a, 6-c, 7-e.

Answer the following questions:

Do you think that children who are encouraged to step into adult roles, such as catwalk modeling, are being exploited? Why?

At what age do you think teenagers should be allowed to work for adult agencies? Why?

Do you think that models should be so highly paid? Why?

Whole class

Individual work

Individual/ pair work

Group work

6 Home task

(speaking C3)

Prepare a two-minute talk on the following:

  • How the weather affects what we wear

  • How our lifestyle influence our choice in clothes

  • What you like/dislike wearing

  • How important being in fashion is for you

7 The ending of the lesson


Think of the following:

  • How much have you achieved?

  • What was the most difficult?

  • What would you like to improve (how?)

Appendix 2


  1. Up until a few years ago, I never wore dresses and skirts. I hated them, and felt much more comfortable in trousers- usually jeans, to be honest. Now, though – I suppose it’s nice I started my new job – I actually wear skirts quite often and I must say I really like them! I think they suit me, and they’re a lot cooler than trousers in the summer!

  2. Yeah, I do follow fashion a bit and I’d never wear something that I thought was really out of fashion. I mean, if you do that, you just end up looking stupid, and certainly want people to think I’m well dressed. Other people judge you by what you wear, don’t they, so I try to keep up with the latest changes.

  3. If I know I’m going to be at home all day, I’ll just put on an old pair of jeans and a T-shirt, but I’d never wear something like that to work – or if I was going out in the evening. You’ve got to think what’s suitable for what you’re going to do, haven’t you? You wouldn’t wear a swimming costume to a wedding!

  4. Well, I hate shopping for clothes- I can’t stand it- so most of my cloths are a few years old, at least! When I get up, I just put on the first thing I find that’s clean. I don’t really think about how fashionable it looks like on me. I’m just not that interested in my appearance, really.

  5. What you wear can really affect how you feel about yourself, so I’m a bit careful, yes. For example, if you’ve got an important job interview or something like that, you’ve got to wear something that’s smart obviously, but more importantly, you’ve got to wear something you feel good in. you don’t want to be sitting there thinking: “This jacket doesn’t fit me properly.”

Appendix 3 (Text for reading)


After recent news of drug-taking amongst teenage models in the care of their model agencies, the catwalk world has once again come under public scrutiny. Jess Hallett used to be a booker, taking booking for models, organizing their itineraries and generally running their lives. She talks about what she had to do in order to protect her girls.

Wh ile bad behavior in the modeling world evidently exists, there are many people in the modeling industry who work very hard to try and make sure it doesn’t. With all my experience I should know.

I left because I didn’t have the energy to be a kind of substitute mother to yet another beautiful teenager. Bookers care for and protect these young models to such a point that they often too tired at the end of the day even to go home.

We did all kinds of things for our girls. Sometimes we have to talk to them and cheer them up even when they did get the job they wanted; such as the cover of Italian ‘Vogue’ or the Chanel show in Paris. They were terrified they were going to do it badly and the booker would reassure them they looked fantastic.

Th e trend of using girls as young as 14 or 15 means a lot of responsibility. The consequences of not taking good care of them are too huge for any agency to consider.

Backstage at any show in New York, Paris or Milan, you see bookers from all over the world, there to support their girls and make sure that another agency doesn’t try to attract them with a better contract.

I ’ll never forget the time when Charles de Gaulle was closed down because of the strike and Kate Moss had to get to Paris for a very important job. The Channel Tunnel hadn’t been built then, so I flew with her to Brussels with the idea of getting the train from there. The whole journey took 12 hours, but with a studio full of people waiting for her at the other end, we had no choice.

On e danger we protect our models from was their parents. It was quite clear that she was humiliated by his behavior and wasn’t at all interested in being a model.

Th ere were some parents who would let their daughter go alone to fashion shoots if it meant fame and fortune. At the model agency where I worked, parents were usually encouraged to get involved in their daughters’ careers and travelled with them whenever they could.

Th e fact is that the majority of girls love their lifestyle. The Russian model Lida Egorova told me recently how happy she was, working with creative and talented people. She was wealthy and living in Paris; and the night before she had met Madonna at a party. What more could any girl want?

One father insisted that his daughter was better-looking than anyone in ‘Vogue’ and complained about me to my boss because I wouldn’t employ her.

If you don’t look after them properly, then someone else will.

Others never allow them to go anywhere accompanied.

Whether it was because they were having a hard time at school, had split up with their boyfriend, or hadn’t got a job they really wanted, their booker was the one they talked to.

And considering how many of them there are nowadays, you don’t hear many complaints.

However, it seemed that the rest of Europe had the same idea, so we had to persuade a taxi driver to take us all the way to Paris.

She said she was having a wonderful time and couldn’t imagine doing any other job.

Models tend to travel a lot and whenever necessary a booker will accompany them on a trip.

I spent almost ten years as a booker and become emotionally involved with almost every girl in my care.

Appendix 4

fit suit match go with wear put on get dressed

A Personally, I don’t think those shoes (1) ____________ that dress. I mean red and blue just don’t (2) ____________, do they? And as for those earrings, well they don’t (3) ____________ her – someone with short hair should not be wearing long ones like that. He looks alright though, except perhaps trousers. Do you think they (4) ____________him properly? They look a little tight on him to me.

As it was Sunday I got up and had breakfast in my dressing gown. I didn’t (5) ____________ until well after 11 o’ clock. I (6) ____________ a long-sleeved jumper at first, but immediately changed my mind. It was far too hot outside and I spent the whole day (7) ____________ just a short-sleeved cotton shirt and boots.

Appendix 2 (индивидуальная карточка обучающегося для выполнения задания)


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Мода

Автор: Чехонадских Юлия Сергеевна

Дата: 05.04.2021

Номер свидетельства: 577498

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