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Конспект урока «Подготовка к ОГЭ».

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Конспект урока

«Подготовка к ОГЭ».

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«Конспект урока «Подготовка к ОГЭ».»

МКОУ «Ирганайская СОШ им. М. А. Заргалаева»

Конспект урока

«Подготовка к ОГЭ».

Класс: 9

Учитель: Дибирмагомедова А. Г.

№ п/п



Учебный предмет

 Английский язык

Ступень обучения и класс

 Основная школа, 9 класс

Тема урока

Ecological Problems

Цель и задачи урока

Цель: научить давать полный ответ на поставленный вопрос по заданной теме, создать условия для проявления творческой активности и индивидуальности ученика.

Задачи: - научить представлять, информацию в устной форме;

- выделять запрашиваемую информацию;

- понимать лексическое значение слов по теме и уметь их использовать в собственных высказываниях;

- пользоваться грамматическим материалом

- высказывать свое мнение и аргументировать его; работать самостоятельно, в парах и группах;

Ожидаемые учебные результаты (личностные, метапредметные, предметные)


- формирование осознанного, уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к другому человеку, его мнению; готовности и способности вести диалог с другими людьми и достигать в нём взаимопонимания; развивать чувство коллективизма: умение работать в паре, команде;

- формирование взаимосвязей между изучаемой темой и реальной жизнью и самоанализа собственных способностей и интереса к этой теме;


- формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками;

- формирование навыка использования личного опыта для аргументации

- формирование умений выделять ключевую информацию в процессе диалога

– формирование целеполагания;

– формирование навыка планирования и регуляции своей деятельности;

-формирование умений анализа и обобщения (высказывание своего мнения и его аргументирование).


- развитие коммуникативных умений в диалогической речевой деятельности по теме;

– расширение словарного запаса и совершенствование произношения;

- развитие грамматических навыков;

–знакомство с актуальностью знания иностранных языков в современном мире и формирование социокультурных речевых умений

Место проведения урока

 МКОУ «Ирганайская СОШ имени М.А.Заргалаева», 9 класс

  1. Ход урока


(Организационный момент)

Slide No.1 Hello dear students, The main aim of our lesson is the preparation for the Russian State Exam

Introduction into the topic (Введение в тему урока) :

Today we are going to practise the activity which is very important nowadays.

Slide No.2 - Have a look at the Active Board and try to guess what it is.

  • The ability to answer the questions


Addressing to the personal student’s experience (Обращение к субъектному опыту учащихся)

In what life situations do we need the ability to answer the questions?

  • TV and online surveys are rather popular nowadays and if you want to take part in any of them you have to know how to react to the questions.

By the way, Have you ever wanted to take part in a survey?- Yes, of course

Now I see how important it is for you. Today you’ll have such opportunity

You know the question can be rather difficult to answer immediately

What gives you some time to think a bit before answering? – Linking words


it is a really important aspect for students learning English.

We teach pronunciation at the same time as we teach grammar, vocabulary, useful phrases and expressions.

Linking Words and Expressions

(Активизация лексики Введение линкеров, работа над произношением, закрепление слов и конкретное применение лексики в фразах и выражениях в контексте этой темы)

Slide No.3

Let’s warm up with repeating some useful connecting words

Also, pay your special attention to the pronunciation

Remember! Misunderstandings can easily happen when people use the wrong intonation or incorrect stress pattern.

First reaction to the question:

Oh, what an incredibly interesting question!

Well, it’s rather difficult to answer immediately but as for me…

That’s just what I was thinking about…

To start

First of all, …

Actually, I think…

Speaking for myself…

To my mind…

In my opinion…

To continue and give examples

In addition…


I’m not completely sure but I believe…

Let me give you a couple of beautiful examples…

As well as ...

To finish


In short…

As you can see…

These expressions are your helpers to make your speech logical but what do people appreciate most of all? –interesting ideas, the ability to express them clearly and fluently,

How much you know the topic you are talking about

Now try to guess what are we going to talk about?

Slide No 4 Environmental problems

What are the most urgent environmental problems nowadays?

Water pollution? Air pollution, exhaust fumes during the traffic jams desertification deforestation the extinction of species

After we have collected some ideas about problems

Are there any possible ways to solve them?

Slide No 5 Come up with ideas

Now I see you are ready to take an active part in our survey

Slide No 6 Read the task

Cast roles/parts

Распределение ролей

As our aim is answering the questions, we need to decide who will ask the questions and who among you will answer them:

I’ve got shreds of paper each pair takes shreds of different colours “Take one”

Those students who have blue stripes are going to play the part of the examiner and will ask the questions

Those ones who have yellow stripes are more risky people and will answer the questions.

Dialogue Speech in pairs: (Закрепление знаний: Диалогическая речь. Учащиеся работают в парах)

In pairs practice asking and answering the questions

This task will help you develop your speaking skills as it requires you to express yourself clearly, to listen and react.

Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are also tested in speaking skills.

At this level, you have to express your own opinion as well as to give information and show your personal interest; briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.


Actively take part in the speaking activities

Speak! Examiners can only assess what they hear. If you do not speak, then the examiner has nothing to assess.

Keep to the task set. Task completion is often one of the criteria for assessment, so you should answer what the examiner asks you.

You have 40 seconds to answer the question

(Pair work helps students become more confident and creative with different aspects.

This activity gives students more practice with the key language in the spread: grammar, vocabulary and skills.

The task involves speaking and students use the language in a communicative way.

Sharing ideas and experiences is one of the most valuable and enjoyable ways of learning.)

Your time is up. I have to interrupt you to get the feedback.

Feedback (Обратная связь и рефлексия. Проводится проверка понимания изученного в виде пресс-конференции)

Today we’ll organise a special press- conference:

6 students take their seats at the presidium and get ready to answer the questions.

You are welcome

The rest of the class will ask them different questions and at the same time get ready to fill in the forms analyzing their answers.

To make you feel as real examiners I have prepared you special assessment table to fill in

After the conference be ready to analyze the speech.

Pay your attention to the linking words, Which are used during the speech, Communicative skills, organization of the speech, logic, grammar and vocabulary

The teacher monitors their work.

7)Lesson analysis /əʹnæləsɪs/: (Подведение итогов урока: оценивание, выводы по уроку (чему научились)

Are there any volunteers to appreciate the answers

This lesson we worked on dialogue speech.

Thank you for your work and I hope this experience will help you to pass your exams successfully

And remember the promises you gave several years ago which could make our planet a better place to live


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конспект урока «Подготовка к ОГЭ».

Автор: Дибирмагомедова Азима Гаджимурадовна

Дата: 07.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 526121

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