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Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему"Teenagers in our modern world”

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Цели и задачи урока: 1) Развитие: а) коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать. б) способностей к логическому изложению материала, к формированию выводов. в) умения инициировать и поддерживать беседу, умения задавать вопросы и отвечать на них. г) индивидуальных умений работы в творческом коллективе и культуры публичного выступления. 2) расширение общего кругозора учащихся.
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«конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему"Teenagers in our modern world” »

Открытый урок по теме: “Teenagers in our modern world”

Учебник New Millenium под. ред. Гроза 10 class

Цели и задачи урока:

1) Развитие:

а) коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать.

б) способностей к логическому изложению материала, к формированию выводов.

в) умения инициировать и поддерживать беседу, умения задавать вопросы и отвечать на них.

г) индивидуальных умений работы в творческом коллективе и культуры публичного выступления.

2) расширение общего кругозора учащихся.

The plan of the lesson.

  1. Introduction of the topic.

  2. The poem “Age and youth” by Shakespeare.

  3. The definition of the notion “teenagers of our days”.

  4. Hip-hop culture.

  5. Expressions about youth.

  6. Teenager’s problems.

  7. Revision of the words.

  8. Discussion of the problem in groups.

  9. Youth of our town (on the materials of the local newspaper “Zelenodolskaya Pravda”).

  10. Conclusion.

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Good afternoon!

Let’s start our lesson. At the previous lessons we were talking about factors playing an important role in the development of the human race. We saw that changes in climate, diet, and way of life influenced people’s height, build, heath. Several times during discussions we stressed that Russia is going through a period of dynamic changes. Political and economic shifts affect employment, personal incomes, social services, education. One of the inner struggles of economic and social shake-ups are teenagers and their relations with the adult world. And it is the theme of our lesson.

І. On the one hand the problem isn’t new. It was actual even in Shakespeare’s time.

I want you to read the poem.

Crabbed Age and Youth

Cannot live together:

Youth is full of pleasance,

Age is full of care;

Youth like summer morn,

Age like winter weather;

Youth like summer brave,

Age like winter bare;

Youth is full of sport,

Age’s breath is short;

Youth is nimble, Age is lame;

Youth is hot and bold,

Age is weak and cold;

Youth is wild and Age is tame,

Youth, I do adore thee!

W. Shakespeare

Look at the words from the poem which relate to different age categories. Do you agree with the author’s statement that they can’t live together?

Shakespeare uses antonyms describing youth and adults. According to his description their mutual existence is really impossible I don’t agree with it. I think each age group has some advantages and disadvantages. People must learn to understand each other.

I want to press the point that not all the people of crabbed age are the same as in the poem. Some go in for sports even at rather old age while some teens never do even morning exercises, but use drugs and alcohol.

To some extent you are right. But Shakespeare didn’t want to offend people of old age. He just gave a description of youth as a period of life, underlining its charm, beauty, liveliness. And his description is really vivid and excites admiration and desire to be young.

Which age group does the author prefer?

He prefers youth. He says: ‘Youth, I do adore thee!’

I asked you to translate the poem. Let’s listen to translation.

Так различны юность и года,

Ворчливая старость и юность-

Ведь молодость – приятная игра,

Союз невозможный:

А возраст – в нем и мудрость, и заботы.

Прелестей юность полна,

В лучах весенних молодые годы,

Ну а старость тревожна.

А зрелость – словно зимняя пора.

Юность - как летнее утро,

Нас юность накрывает как волна,

От старости холодом веет.

А в старости - покой и тишина.

Юность - как летняя радость,

Как юность вдохновения полна!

А старость зимой опустеет.

В ней пенье птиц заманчиво слышно

Юность наполнена наша движеньем,

А старость так хрупка и неподвижна…

Старости кратко, увы, дуновенье.

Увы, не избежать нам этих дней.

Юность проворна,

Мне юность золотая все ж милей…

Хромает же старость,

Юность - сила и жар,

Старость - холод и слабость.

Юность безудержна,

Старость - смиренный покой.

Юность - я очарован тобой!

ІІ. Let’s define teenagers of our days.

I asked you to carry out surveys and find out what teenagers of our days like to do, what they dislike, what their attitude to adults and to school is. I know you worked in groups. What are the results of your investigation? I want each group to take the floor.

  1. Our survey revealed that modern teenagers enjoy handing out with friends, listening to music, doing sports, watching TV, reading, internet surfing, shopping and sending messages to each other. They also like dancing, some are interested in fashion.

  1. We also conducted a survey and found out that teenagers hate getting up early, doing homework, household chores, doing tests, being too busy, some hate complaining, insincere people, friends who stab them in the back, hate some school subjects, others hate being interrupted.

  1. Our recent survey showed that teenagers are irritated when adults talk down to them, don’t take them seriously, place too many restrictions, care too much, don’t keep their promise, give orders and teach, when grown ups grumble and nag, think they are cleverer than teens, think too much about money, hate when adults shout.

  1. As far as school is concerned they realize its importance. Most teens named it a place to get a good education, a place where they get ready for a job, for an institute or a university. Some boys and girls say that school makes them a better person; it builds their minds, helps to solve problems, and gives order to their lives.

  1. I know about the existence of so called youth culture and that many teens of our school are interested in it. Do you know how the culture is called?

Read the questions on the screen and answer them.

  1. When did hip-hop culture appear? ( in the mid 1970)

  2. What are components of this culture? ( rap-music, break-dancing and graffiti art)

  3. What distinguishes rap music? (Rap music has heavy emphasis on beat, rhythm and lyrics that are often bases on realistic images of inner city life.)

  4. What can you say about clothes popular among young people who are interested in hip-hop culture? ( high-cost sneakers, sagging pants, hooded baggy sweatshirts, baseball caps)

  5. What about it’s slang? It is anything new? (Many neologism and rap vocabulary are very old slang and much of it, can be traced from Harlem jive, gangster’s slang of the 1930- or the war in Vitman.

  6. What is break-dancing? ( break-dancing consists of highly rehearsed acrobatic, stylized dancing, a form of street art or street theatre that was most often performed either on sidewalks for tips or organized competitions)

  7. What does the term ‘break’ mean? (it is an old jazz term meaning that the music and dancing continue within a song but the singer doesn’t. In the hip-hop culture a breaker is a dancer, breaking is dancing)

  8. What are the 3d components of hip-hop movement? ( it is graffiti, it is an Italian word which means scratching or scribbling and it was originally used by archeologists to describe drawing and inscriptions on walls)

  9. Can we see graffiti? ( Graffiti refers to writings or pictures, drawn with spray paint or fell-tip pens on walls in public places, such as buildings, parks, trains, on bridges and rocks along highways)

  10. Why do young people use graffiti? (it is a form of self-expression, but the technique and content of graffiti have influenced several contemporary artists)

  1. There are some expressions about youth and children. Look at the screen. The beginnings and endings are mixed up. Your task is to match them.

1. Youth means -missed opportunities

2. A child miseducated -has the future

3. The nation that has the school -but weak in judgement

4. Youth is the best time -is a child lost

5. Youth is a period of -to be rich and the best time to be poor

6. Youth is quick in feelings -love

Check yourself

1. Youth means -love

Robert Browning

2. A child miseducated -is a child lost

John F Kennedy

3. The nation that has the school -has the future


4. Youth is the best time -to be rich and the best time to be poor


5. Youth is a period of -missed opportunities

C Connolly

6. Youth is quick in feelings -but weak in judgement


V. I think you are quite aware of peculiarities of teenagers of our days. Now let’s turn to problems. What are these problems in your opinion? What troubles teenagers? What prevents them from that state of happiness about which Shakespeare wrote?

What are teen’s problems nowadays?

Teenagers’ problems.

  1. Changing relations with parents.

  2. Stressful life.

  3. Influence of pop-culture.

  4. Pressure around image and appearance.

  5. Problems caused by new technologies.

  6. Drugs, alcohol, homicide, Aids, smoking.

VI. I agree with you. Try to tell more sentences about each problem.

  1. Many teens’ lives are stressful, filled with social pressures, fears and worries. The pressures of a world with AIDs and drugs and violence are just too hard to bear. Some children feel overwhelmed by responsibilities. They spend hours doing their homework every night. Doing household chores takes more than 4 hours a week. Many took after their younger siblings in the afternoon. Sometimes teenagers are so tired that they are nearly asleep in early morning classes.

  2. New technologies and the entertainment industry have more deeply isolated grown- ups from teenagers. The net, videogames and music are creating new world almost a virtual reality without adults. With the computer often in the teen’s bedroom kids are unsupervised looking at whatever they please. They have more access to any information online which they are not able to evaluate. A lot of teenagers have got hooked on violent video games. Another problem is lack of sleep. The usually get from 2 up to 5 hours less sleep than they need. They face difficulties at school because they are irritable, impatient and can’t concentrate and follow directions.

  3. Teenage girls speak of the pressure that they felt around «image and appearance» they are anxious about measuring up to beauty stereotypes. Society imposes on them ideals of bodily perfection, they get messages to be a certain shape and size and weight through media, beauty contests. If do not measure up, they feel unhappy and worthless.

  4. I want to stress the point, that teenagers are influenced by the pop culture industry, ads on MTV and the Internet. That is why the biggest thing for them is wearing definite clothes. Dressing alike is a refuge, a way of hiding in a group. The majority wants body piercing, keep extreme diets and wear similar clothes. Peers opinions matter a lot. Looks are very important too.

  5. Teens begin to move away from their families. They find support and comfort among their peers. Some get engages in high- risk behaviors including drinking, smoking, drug use, stealing, and violence. Boys often hurt themselves or others because they are bullied by their peers and feel excluded or humiliated. They want revenge; they need to feel strong and powerful. Many teens are eager to keep up with the others and follow their example.

  1. You are quite right by pointing out these problems, but it is impossible to discuss everything at 1 lesson. So, we’ll continue to discuss them at our future lessons. Our topic today is teenagers and the relations with the adult world. Now I want you to revise words you’ll need.

Let’s revise the words

I. II.

  1. to feel overwhelmed 1. to appreciate smth

  2. to skip school 2. to impose smth on smb

  3. loneliness 3. to keep a diet

  4. out of curiosity 4. to bully

  5. lack of sleep 5. to be unsupervised

  6. to evaluate 6. to aggravate

  7. Internet surfing 7. measure up

  8. offspring 8. to do household chores

  9. to get bored 9. to gossip about smb

  10. to be influenced by 10.clique

  1. одиночество a. Запугивать, грубо обращаться

  2. отпрыск, потомок b. Ухудшать, усугубляться

  3. пользоваться Интернетом c. Ценить, оценивать (по достоинству)

  4. Скучать d. Выполнять работу по дому

  5. оценивать, определять e. Без контроля, без наблюдения

  6. прогуливать уроки f. Сплетничать

  7. недостаток сна g. Соблюдать диету

  8. из любопытства h. Группировка

  9. быть переполненным i. Возложить что-то на кого-то

каким-то чувством j. Соответствовать (требованиям)

  1. находиться под



  1. peer

  2. to bicker

  3. to live through

  4. to assess danger

  5. strict parents

  6. to encourage

  7. to have more access

  8. permissive parents

  9. hardship

  10. survey

  1. трудность, неприятность

  2. определять, оценивать опасность

  3. пережить что-то

  4. строгие родители

  5. опрос общественного мнения

  6. иметь больший доступ

  7. пререкаться, препираться

  8. нестрогие родители

  9. ободрять, поддерживать

  10. ровесник, сверстник

Check yourself

I. II.

  1. i 1. c

  2. f 2. i

  3. a 3. g

  4. h 4. a

  5. g 5. e

  6. e 6. b

  7. c 7. j

  8. b 8. d

  9. d 9. f

  10. j 10.h


  1. j

  2. g

  3. c

  4. b

  5. d

  6. i

  7. f

  8. h

  9. a

  10. e

  1. I asked you to think over the problem and perhaps to find some ways out. So exchange your opinions and information.

Let’s listen to your discussion.


- The problem is very old. Many works by Russian and foreign authors are dedicated to the problems of “fathers and sons”.

- I full agree that the generation gap is a problem of all times. Nobody has solved it yet, try what they may.

- I think it is still impossible to solve the problem, because it’s not a problem of a particular family, but the problem of generation.

- That’s just it, but the older generation keeps thinking that the representatives of today’s youth are the worst offspring’s of their brightest fathers.

- What do old people expect us to be? We don’t know. We crossed out everything! Our past, our history and nobody can guarantee that everything will change for the better. We struggle in our own way to survive in this cruel world.

- I think that if people were kinder and not so indifferent to others, we would solve half of our problems.

- That’s just what I was going to say. Unfortunately mistrust, misunderstanding and selfishness are typical for families in our time and it’s the fault of our parents. I mean they don’t pay much attention to upbringing of their children sometimes. Parents should follow the proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

- We can’t blame only our parents. The mentality of today’s youth differs a lot from their parents’ way of thinking and this causes problems in relationship between grown-ups and youth.

- But parents are to take care of us and teach us how to understand people. However rather many grown-ups want their children to be good boys and girls without any efforts.

- When children understand that they are not lonely in the world, then they can rely on their parents, can trust them and obey.

- As for as I am concerned I think the main problem today is that youth has lost ideals and aims in life.

- I don’t agree. To my mind young people today are much stronger than their parents in their battle for life. For many of young people high education is still a goal. Many of us think about careers and jobs, are interested in careers of economists and businessmen – rather new for our society professions.

- It’s interesting to note that good advice from parents is seldom welcome and those teenagers who need it most, like in the least.

- And children escape from home thinking that their friends can understand them better than parents and they often find something different.

- It is rather important to consider this aspect to my mind, the surrounding situation influence children’s character greatly. What really matters is that youth is corrupted by spirits, smoking and drugs today. The source of these problems is society. Often children become victims of these problems.

- Well, understanding and respect between fathers and sons will come sooner if they both try to be patient and attentive to each often and if the whole society improves the social situation and conditions of life.

So your main idea is that people must understand, respect and be attentive to each other.


- Well, the problem of children as a certain group of people is vital for any society and in any epoch.

- As a matter a fact there are different approaches to the problem from proclaiming obedience as the first priority to allowing children to do anything they like.

- I think most parents treat their children as small kids, they restrict their freedom to great extent, they can not understand that teenagers can solve some of their problems themselves.

- But parents act so because the society keeps many dangers for us. These are violence, AIDs, drugs and alcohol. And teenagers themselves do not feel safe - they prefer to walk in groups, leave valuables at home.

- Of course in the teenage years parents should discuss these important issues and encourage young people to distinguish between healthy and dangerous risks. But often parents are too hard on their kids. They set strict rules and expect much or press too hard for good grades and perfection.

- Once John Kennedy said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”. I do not really think that Kennedy meant family relations, but it can be applied to such.

- I think parents should not be strict. If parents are strict the child will be afraid of them. He won’t be able to ask his parents for some advice; he won’t be able to trust his parents.

- On the other hand some adults think that children are too young to be taken seriously. This misunderstanding produces many problems too.

- A lot of children have parents that let them do anything they want and are quite indifferent to their problems, some parents buy their children everything they like.

- Do you think it is good? Usually such children don’t appreciate anything they have, they are not grateful at all, and often they are not disciplined.

- I think if parents are permissive, it is not good, because children grow up and can’t ask their parents for advice as well, because they get used to do all the things themselves.

- Well, I agree that sometimes parents must show their character. In some difficult situations parents should stick to their opinion, because they have more experience.

- In fact I think even if parents are strict or permissive there must be understanding between people, especially in the teenage years, because it is a time when kids bicker a lot and parents are caught by surprise.

- Beyond all doubt parent’s love for the children must be obvious. They must try to show their love. It is very important for teenagers to know that their parents need them.

- But in order to create such relations parents and children must spend much time together and I think it is impossible in our days.

- Why not? When there is a will, there is a way. If children spend much time with their parents they understand each other better. They will not become malicious, nervous and selfish if their parents love them. Children are a mirror where parents see themselves, their merits and demerits.

- I agree with you, because I think that a family is a school of life.


- What can you say about modern families?

- Nothing special. Most teenagers describe their relationship with parents as being excellent, better than with classmates or siblings. The majority describe their parents as being very involved in their lives and knowing just about everything that goes on.

- On the surface of it you are right. The family supposed to be a unit of friendly and loving people. But nowadays parents work more and the teenage children are often left unsupervised.

- As far as I know. A lot of kids have lived through their parents divorce and do feel lonely. Of all the issues that trouble teenager’s loneliness ranks at the top. They even write poems about it.

I am alone through the crowd’s scream,

I am alone through darkest sin

I stand alone in someone’s heart

I was alone right from the start.

Alone among a hundred faces,

Alone when no one sees my traces,

In my room-square I’m alone

My nightmare is I’m alone.

I meet my darkness every night

I’m still alone- though even and despite

For you to be here and to stay

My loneliness is not fair.

- But parents love their children. An increasing number of teens are obsessed with devices like digital music players, mobile phones, digital cameras and hand-held organizers.

- As for as I am concerned I think home is too narrow place for youngsters to grow up. I think they also need ‘street upbringing’. It means they must mix with other people. They must be allowed to involve themselves in their own society and work out their problems.

- Don’t you know each year as many as 13 million teenagers run away from home? Social workers are finding that the numbers are going up and the kids are getting younger.

- How do they survive?

- Well, they sleep in abandoned buildings. Afternoons are spent panhandling and handing out downtown. They survive on food from the tables at fast-food restaurants, they steal and rob.

- Perhaps the parents are too strict and demand too much.

- On the contrary. One researcher asked an audience of 1250 parents how many of their kids did regular chores. Only about 50 parents raised their hands then he asked how many parents did chores as children themselves. Almost every hand went up.

- Well, home and family must be the most things for children. It is good when a family is friendly. In a loving family people share joys and sorrows, take care of each other. It is very important to be on good terms with parents.

- I think the luckiest are the only children.

- By the way I have read an article where the question was asked: if only children are different.

- On the one hand, only children have a very different experience in childhood. They are always the centre of attention. One modern day child expect believes they may be more dependent, they may be less willing to share things and so on.

- But on the other hand statistics show that only children are ‘achievers’: people who become very successful in their careers.

- But first born children in general (not just only children) tend to be ‘achievers’.

- I think that the phrase ‘an only child doesn’t necessary mean a lonely child’. One of expects said: ‘There is one great advantage for an only child. He or she receives all the love parents have to offer. A loved child usually grows up into a loving adult’.

- We have just come to the conclusion. Only families with tenderness, warm- heartedness, respect and understanding help a child become not only a human being, but a Man.

The conclusion of the 3d group may be considered to be our main conclusion: tenderness, warm- heartedness, respect and understanding must play an essential role in human’s relations. And it is not only your parent’s duty to exercise them, but you must cultivate these qualities and be active in creating relations where these qualities prevail.

IX. I think our topic won’t be completed if we don’t tell some words about the young people of our town. What can you tell about it?

1) I` d place the problem of health in the first place. Before joining the army young people are usually examined by medical commissions. After having examined one school of our town the commission declared that only 5 out of 44 boys were healthy. What is the reason of it? Ecology? Parental irresponsibility? Unhealthy diet? The answer must be found.

2) I’d like to mention the criminal statistics. 334 crimes were committed during 9 months. It is more than last year. Cases of murder and cases when people are crippled became more often. Burglary, robbery makes 69 %. Most crimes are committed by teenagers who neither study nor work.

3) As a matter of fact there are many young people who are very enthusiastic and eager to improve our Motherland. Recently some competitions were held in Moscow. One of them was “My country is my Russia”. The aim of the competition was to attract young people to solving the problems of their regions. There were 350 works from all republics. Denis Shishkin’s project awarded a Diploma at this competition.

4) At the 3 All Russia youth festival in Moscow “I shall be appreciated in the 21 century” Svetlana Berestneva had become the laureate of the festival. These young people represented out town and had done it worthy of praise.

5) Recently while reading our local newspaper, “Zelenodolskaya Pravda”. I felt pride for our youth. The names of 10 pupils of our schools, mostly from lyceums № 9, 14 and gymnasium № 3 were included in the encyclopedia “Gifted children are the future of Russia”. Some of them are best at science like George Kornilov, some at literature as Kseniya Yagunova and Aisulu Gimranova. Their works are known not only in our republic. Some are winners of different sports competitions.

6) The vice - president of our school Maxim Pasternak tries to make our life more interesting: he was the initiator of the charity week, the organizer of our disco at “Dzhumbo”. While there are such young people there is hope that our future will be bright.

X. So the youth of our town is mosaic. Let` s hope that your understanding of problems, your parents’ love and realization of natural projects which aim at improving conditions of life will help to solve many problems and make life happier.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему"Teenagers in our modern world”

Автор: Дитковская Римма Михайловна

Дата: 27.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 148423

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