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Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Семейные ценности"

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Цель урока: способствование выработке бережного отношения к семейным ценностям.

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«Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Семейные ценности"»

Урок в 9 классе. Семейные ценности.

Цель урока: способствование выработке бережного отношения к семейным ценностям.

Задачи урока:

1) учебные: способствование развитию навыка монологической и диалогической речи; актуализация изученного лексического материала по теме: "Family Matters";

2) развивающая: способствование развитию коммуникабельности;

3) воспитательные: способствование воспитанию культуры общения, выработке бережного отношения к семейным ценностям.

УМК: «Английский язык» для 9 класса для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева (учебник, аудиозаписи к учебнику).

Ход урока:

I. Вводный этап. Организационный момент. Речевая разминка.

- Good morning, students, I'm glad to see you. Take your seats. What's the date today? Who's absent today? Thank you.

- It's bitter cold today, isn't it? So frosty and windy! Are you warm? Did your parents give you warm clothes so that you wouldn't be cold? Did your mums get up early today to make breakfast for you? Did they kiss you goodbye before leaving for work? Why do they do all of these? Sure, because they love you so much! So, what are we going to talk about today? Yes, about our families.

- Look at the blackboard. What's written there? (Надпись на доске: The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.) Comment on it in a few words, please. Thank you.

II. Основная часть.

- Open your books at p.118, ex.4. Listen to the text "Too many tests and too much stress" and say "true", "false" or "not mentioned in the text". You'll listen to the text twice. Are you ready? Let's start then. And now let's check your answers.

- It's not easy to study well, isn't it? You have to work hard every day. How do your parents help you with your homework? (Some students' answers: print reports, search for necessary information through the Internet, etc.) Do you not forget to thank them for help?

- You all love your parents, it's obvious. But what is a perfect parent? Let's make a cluster. (Каждый учащийся получает карточку, в центре которой надпись: Perfect Parent. От нее идут пять стрелочек с "облачками", куда должны быть вписаны пять слов или словосочетаний, описывающих идеального родителя. Возможные варианты: kind, caring, loving; welcoming his/her child's friends; interested in his/her child's problems, wishes, affairs; respects his/her child.)

- Let's see what you've done. Fine. And now make a cluster about a perfect child. (Такое же задание на карточках, только надписью "Perfect Child" в центре.) Let's check. Great!

- For today you were to study Topical Vocabulary. Now make up dialogues using words and phrases from it (pp.214-216). One of you is a mother/father who forbids the child to go to a disco. The other is a teenager who is willing to get there. Act out their conversation. You've got 5 minutes to complete the task.

- Time's out. Let's listen to your dialogues. Who's going to begin?

- Thank you. You were great! Now let's discuss your dialogues. Try to explain the teenager's desire to get to that disco. All right. But what about the parent? Why do you think he/she doesn't want to let the child go there? What compromise can be made here? (Возможные ответы: to come home not very late, to be seen off by friends, to call home from time to time и т.д.)

- Thank you. To draw a conclusion to what we talked about today, comment on the following quotation (цитата записана на доске): "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family." (Anthony Brandt)

III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов урока.

- Fine. So, did you like today's lesson? What do you find most interesting? What do you consider not very useful or interesting?

- Now write down your hometask for the next lesson (написано на доске): ex.5 (p.214). Here's a list of things that usually bring families together. Add some items to it and put the items in the order of importance. Explain your choice of the most important things. Thank you for your work, your marks are: ... . The lesson's over, good-bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Семейные ценности"

Автор: Вавенкова Светлана Рафаиловна

Дата: 15.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 225438

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