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Конспект урока по английскому языку 6 класс

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Открытый урок в 5 классе. По теме ""So many countries, so many customs".

Цели; актуализация по теме "So many countries, so many customs", умение представлять свою страну на английском языке. Закрепление употребления артиклей.

Образовательные задачи: Закрепление лексики по теме., научить переносить полученные знания вновую ситуацию общения, работа в группах.

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку 6 класс»

Открытый урок английского языка по теме

"So many countries, so many customs"

Доева Элина Валерьевна, учитель английского языка

Цель: Актуализация знаний по теме»So many countries, so many customs», и умение представлять свою страну на иностранном языке. Закрепление употребления артиклей ,



- закрепить лексику по теме «Сколько стран, столько и обычаев»

- научить переносить полученные знания в новую ситуацию общения


- способствовать развитию памяти и логического мышления.

- способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.


- воспитывать чувство патриотизма

- формировать чувство организованности

- формировать устойчивый интерес к изучению иностранного языка; чувство коллективизма и активную жизненную позицию.


компьютер, телевизор, презентация POWER POINT.

  1. Организационный момент и приветствие.

Good afternoon, children! Glad to see you. Today we have the final lesson on the topic “So many countries, so many customs”. You’ll work in groups and you’ll get a “star” for the each right answer. At the end of the lesson we shall count your stars and see which team has won the game.

At our previous lessons we were divided into 3 groups.(слайд2) Russia-The USA- Great Britain. We have chosen the captains of the teams -…….Each team has prepared a very interesting material about its country, its traditions and customs. It was your home task. So now let’s start

II. Лексико-фонетическая разминка.

  • Is anybody absent today?

  • What day is it today?

  • What day was it yesterday?

  • What day will it be tomorrow?

  • What date is it today.

  • What date was it yesterday?

  • What date will it be tomorrow?

  • What season is it now?

  • What is the warmest season of the year?

  • What is the coldest season?

  • Who is the strongest boy in your class?

  • Are you strong enough to fight with a wild animal?

III.Now children, Look at the blackboard there a lot of words .Lets read them (слайд3)

Birch, ocean, earth, to set, nation, to rise, an explorer, exploration, to continue, caviar, country, nationality, to separate, pancake, to hope, science, scientific…

  1. Read the words in the alphabetical order, please

  2. Read the nouns

  3. Read the adjectives

  4. Read the verbs

Well, thank you pupils. Look at the blackboard again. You can see some sentences on the blackboard. Now we’ll use the new words to complete these sentences слайд4

  1. What…England from France?

  2. You may…your story.

  3. What is your…,please? I am Russian.

  4. Each… has it’s own customs.

  5. If a child is …, he often asks a lot of questions.

  6. Has the sun…?

  7. Our cosmonauts… the space.

  8. Do you know any famous...?

It was well done, thank you. Let’s return to our topic(слайд5)

By the way, children, what’s the Russian for:

So many countries, so many customs

So many men, so many minds

Custom is a second nature


У каждой пташки свои замашки.

Сколько стран – столько и обычаев.

Сколько голов – столько умов.

Сколько людей, столько и мнений.

Привычка – втораянатура.

What’s the Russian for “country”?(слайд6)

Дети: страна, сельскаяместность.

Now look at your table and you will see a sheet of paper. There are many words on it. The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. Do it in groups!(cards)

на листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Команда, которая выполнит работу быстрее и правильнее, получает “звезду”.

IV.For today your home task was to learn the poem “A question” by Edith Segal by heart. (слайд 7)Let’s invite three pupils from each team and ask them to recite the poem. The captain who recites more impressive will get a star.

Well done! In this poem you can see a question “Where would you rather live?” What does it mean?.(слайд8)

Ученикиотвечают: It means: “Would you live in the city or in the village?” Express your opinion where you would rather liveusingthese words?

V.Учитель: Thank you for your answers. Now every group will receive one sheet of paper where the only word is written, it’s the word “country”. It’s a keyword. You have to do a word-web.(слайд9)

The team which do the task quicker will get a star.(слайд 10)

For today your home task was to prepare someinteresting material about your country.(flags, symbols,etc.)

VI Grammar Drill: Fill in articles where necessary. (cards)

Now children Imagine that you came to Russia for the first time and you want to get information about this country. Your task is ask them as many questions as you like using our word-web.NowБлицопрос ,Let’s start with Russia.

Russia(слайд 11)

  • 1. Where is Russia situated?( Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia.)
    2. What is the capital of Russia?

3. Who founded Moscow? (Yuri Dolgoruky founded the capital of Russia – Moscow – in 1147.)

4. What`s the heart of Moscow?

5. Can you tell us about the flag?( the Russian national flag has 3 wide stripes –white, blue and red, white-noble and sincere, blue-honest and devoted, red-love and bravery. )

6. What tree is a symbol of Russia?(The symbol of Russia isthe birch tree)

7.What river is the longest n Europe? (The Volga is the longest river in Europe. It flows into the Caspian Sea)

8. What old Russian towns on the Volga do you know?
(The old Russian towns on the Volga are: Volgograd, Astrakhan, Samara, Saratov)

Great Britain..Now let’s speak about GB. Ask them questions(слайд 12)

  1. When did England become a great country? (England became a great country at the beginning of the 11th century.)

  2. When did William the Conqueror become the King of England.( In 1066 William the Conqueror became the King of England.

  3. When was the Great Fire of London(was in 1666.)

  4. What is the capital of England?(London is )

  5. What is the heart of London?( the City is)

  6. What places of interests can you name (There are a lot of sights in London. For example, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, etc.)

  7. What can you say about St.Paul”s Cathedral (It is the greatest English churches not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century. It took him 35 years.

The USA Now let`s have a talk about the USA.(слайд 13)

    • Who discovered America?( Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

    • What was the name of the ship that sailed from England to America?(The name of the ship that sailed from England to America was “Mayflower”)

    • Can you give me a full name of the USA?

    • Who was the first president of the USA?( George Washington.)

  • 4. How many states are there in the United States?(There are 50 states in the United States.)

5. What is the capital of the USA (The capital of the USA is Washington DC.)

6. What places of interests can you name?(There are many places of interests in the city. They are: the White House, the Capitol, the Statue of Liberty, etc.)

7. What can you say about the flag (The flag is often called The stars and stripes, there are 3 colours on the flag-red, white and blue. As there are 50 states, there are 50 stars on the American flag- one star for each state)

Учитель: Thank you, children, for your interesting information

.Let’s talk about holidays celebrating in Russia, in America and in Britain.(слайд 14)

Captains, go to my table and get the boxes for your teams. There are some names of different holidays in the box. Look at the blackboard! Here you can see the names of the countries. (Russia, the USA, Great Britain)

Your task is to find in the holidays celebrating in “your” country.Команда, выполнившая задание быстрее всех получает “звезду”.

Примерная таблица праздников:





St. Valentine’sDay



St. Patrick’sDay





The 8thofMarch



The 1stofApril












Учитель: Are there any common festivals celebrating in these 3 countries?

Дети находят по получившейся таблице общие праздники, отмечаемые в этих странах.

Команда, выполнившая задание, получает “звезду”.

Now let’s play, Each team prepared a holiday-puzzle for you. Listen to them very attentively and guess what holiday it is.

Task: You have to match the beginning of the sentence in the left-hand column with the ending of it in the right-hand column to make sentences.

Left-hand column

1. The British museum is ...
2. The Tower was ...
3. A monument to Admiral Nelson is ...
4. Sir Christopher Wren built ...
5. The heart of London is ...
6. Londinium is ...
7. London stands ...

Right-hand column

a. on the river Thames.
b. St Paul`s Cathedral after the Great Fire.
c. the old name of London.
d. the largest museum in Great Britain.
e. the first prison in Great Britain.
f. in the middle of Trafalgar Square.
g. the City.

Task: Listen to the description and think what word is.

1. It`s a small group of houses in the country.
2. It`s systematic knowledge.
3. This is food. I like eating it during Maslenitsa week.
4. It`s a ship which travels in space.
5. It`s very expensive food. We can get it from fish.
6. It`s food. It`s very sweet. Only bees can give us.
7. This is a person who knows a lot of about science.
8. This is a building where students study after school.

1. V_ _ _ _ _ _ (village)
2. S _ _ _ _ _ _ (science)
3. P _ _ _ _ _ _ (pancake )
4. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (spaceship)
5. C _ _ _ _ _ ( caviar)
6. H _ _ _ _ (honey)
7. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (scientist)
8. U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (university)

После того, как учащиеся отгадали зашифрованные слова, учитель предлагает ответить на следующие вопросы ( для использования, отработки их в речи).

V. Заключение.

Учитель: Today at the lesson we’ve talked a lot about Russia, Great Britain, the USA. We have talked about festivals celebrating in these countries. We are different and we can say: “So many countries, so many customs”.

What else have you known today?

Затем учитель предлагает подсчитать количество набранных “звезд”, поздравляет победителей и благодарит всех за участие.

Your task is to find the holidays celebrating in “your” country





The New Year


Mother’s Day



The 8thofMarch


The 1stofApril








    • 2) The 8th of March, The New Year, St. Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Guy Fawkes Day, Boxing Day, Fool’s Day, Maslenitsa

Your task is to find the holidays celebrating in “your” country




St. Valentine’sDay


St. Patrick’sDay










Guy Fawkes Day




      1. Christmas , Boxing Day ,The New Year, Maslenitsa, The 8th of March ,The 1st of April, Victory Day, Independence Day,1st of September, St. Patrick’s Day,

Your task is to find the holidays celebrating in “your” country



3.The USA


St. Valentine’sDay


St. Patrick’sDay



The 8thofMarch


The 1stofApril





Guy Fawkes Day



    • 3) The New Year ,Independence Day, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving Day,Christmas, Memorial Day(May),The 8th of March, Maslenitsa

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country.

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, quiet, healthy, expensive,

Dirty, dangerous, noisy, interesting, boring,

City Country

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country.

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, quiet, healthy, expensive,

Dirty, dangerous, noisy, interesting, boring,

City Country

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country.

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, quiet, healthy, expensive,

Dirty, dangerous, noisy, interesting, boring,

City Country

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку 6 класс

Автор: Доева Элина Валерьевна

Дата: 12.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 252353

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